PART 2 January 3-month Challenge, to start on 1/7/2011 from



  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Why, oh WHY does mfp have freaking Dominos ads on the top of the pages. Couldn't they find a healthier alternative for an advertiser? Is Dominos preying on us, willing us to fall off the wagon and order a delivery? lol

    I wondered this too! I did some research and actually MFP doesn't have ads. I mean they do, but they are derived from your own personal computer. Mine was always Groupons, Jillian Michaels ads and for random things I had googled! Try deleting the cookies and internet files from your internet. (If you don't know how to do this, message me) and maybe it'll help! It did for me!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Hey guys, i'm choosing not to weigh in this week because things quickly got out of hand towards the end and i don't want to be discouraged. THe past two days for me have been the worst i've ever had since joining mfp. I'm pretty sure it was hormonal (because it's that TOTM) but wow, i went crazy and ate way too much :( I couldn't even log it in. But i'm back on track today and i'm feeling a bit better. It's just scary because i let myself go so far and i realised that i can't get rid of this emotional problem i have with food by myself so i'm going to look into counselling to help.
    And Kerri, i can't believe CarthagoDelendaEst deactivated her account :( i was wondering where she went. She's the only other college student i know on here. I hope she'll come back soon, she was doing so so well. Do you know if i send her a message she'll still be able to get it???
    Here's to the last week girls :D We've done so well for staying with it (despite the ups and downs). I'm off to the gym now because i need those endorphines to kick in so i'll have a smile on my face once again.

    I understand girl! I'll put you down as a maintain! I don't think if you messaage her she can get it =( =(
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Here is our week 11 spreadsheet! =) We lost a few more people. We lost just under 13 pounds as a group. Of course, the gains were factored in. This is our LAST week! EEEEEk. I'm not ready for it to be done. I hope everyone has an awesome final week! Continue with the mini-challenges, please!


    Top losers were:
    1. kerribb37
    2. mamunroe
    3. barbaralee


    Here's to a better week next week!! We are at 328# total.. Let's aim for 350# for the group, for the entire challenge! we can do it!!!
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    I have had such a great couple of weeks and then this past week....only 0.2 lbs! GRRRR! And I seriously worked my booty off all week! Getting up at 4am to workout and then working out again at night. We did go out to eat a couple times, but I was VERY good. Sometimes I just don't get it! I have only lost 4.2 lbs through this entire challenge. But I am determined to make it at least 5 lbs lost by the end! So this week I gotta do it! My goal is to be 140 by Friday morning!!

    Kerri are you going to do another Challenge?
  • glitterballv
    glitterballv Posts: 133 Member
    I'm laughing at the advert comments... my adverts are Walt Disney World!!! lol

    On the weight note, I am not at all happy this week but choosing to ignore the scale as according to it on Friday morning I had put on about 4lb which is ridiculous given what I ate, drank and exercised!! Anyway, I am feeling really bloated and water retaining around my tummy. No idea why, haven't changed what I have been eating but I def haven't been drinking as much water so maybe thats it.

    Onwards and upwards, I tried on my shorts from last June when I was about 10lb heavier (and felt skinny so how does that work!!?!) and the legs are beginning to be a bit bigger around the thighs as opposed to just mega baggy in the waist. The running and spinning must be doing something for my legs!!! Woo! Uk sz 10 shorts here I come!!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I REALLY want to start up another challenge! It's been really helpful for me and I know others as well. I have a few requests though, for those that want to participate.
    1. Send me your weights the day they are due. I spend lots and lots of time finding out people that don't weigh in and message them. I feel bad for having to track people down but if you don't put a weight in the spreadsheet it completely messes everything up.
    2. Participate in the mini challenges and/or post on the forum occasionally.. What are you up to? What's working for you? WHAT ARE YOUR STRUGGLES? This is all about helping people. I don't want to track numbers, that is no fun. I already have job. I want this interactive and for everyone to help and learn about one another.
    3. Be supportive - no negativity. No one in our challenge has been but I've been apart of some smaller challenges that I didn't like. People think they know everything and I don't like that!

    We started this 3MonthChallenge with almost 80 participants and now there are 36. I think the next group should be smaller, maybe no more than 30.

    We also need a new name!

    I was going to post this criteria and ideas next week when I posted the final results (maybe I still will) but we can def talk about it now! I think if the really eager girls from this group want to continue and each of us pick a friend who wasn't in the original challenge but know would be a good team member then that might be a good way to expand to others. I know a few ladies that are AWESOME and supportive and on every day that want to be a part of this! =)
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Today concludes my Insanity challenge! I did my final fit test this morning but forgot to weigh in and check measurements first thing this morning so I'll share my final results sometime tomorrow...I was super happy with the changes from the Fit Test totals!

    I can't wait to start up a new routine which will include JM's Ripped in 30 and running for the net 30 days...then round 2 of Insanity!

    have a great weekend everybody and kick butt next week for the final weigh in ;))
  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264
    I'm game for another challenge, and I just thought of a name. "Summer Hotties!" I have been doing really well since I started, especially considering that I haven't been exercising since January. We had our elliptical delivered on Wednesday, but it's still in the box because my husband has had a ridiculous work schedule the last few days. I am hoping we'll have it done and I can start fresh on Monday morning.

    Maybe for a challenge, we could all try to lose a certain % of body weight in 3 months? Like 5% or 10%? Or maybe 7.5% - right in between. It's all relative.

    Anyway, thanks for all the hard work you put in each week, tracking all the weights and keeping tabs on everyone. We appreciate it!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    I am definitely up for another challenge. This group has really helped me stay on track and made me much more accountable. I think the criteria posted sounds reasonable. Kerri- you have done an awesome job keeping this going. If there is anything I can do to help you in the next challenge let me know.

    Saturday Mini challenge results: 1) 0 cals burned (2175/2000 for the week) 2) Way OVER on sodium 3) way OVER on calories 4) 40 oz of water.

    Ate out 3 meals today which is never good when you are watching. Went to a tattoo convention so my hubby could get a tattoo and couldn't bring water in so didn't really get much water today. Too sore to exercise. Hopefully I will wake up with a better attitude tomorrow.
  • glitterballv
    glitterballv Posts: 133 Member
    I'm game for another challenge, and I just thought of a name. "Summer Hotties!"

    Anyway, thanks for all the hard work you put in each week, tracking all the weights and keeping tabs on everyone. We appreciate it!

    Summer hotties!! I like it!

    Yeah, I agree you have done an awesome job Kerri!
  • jjeckels
    jjeckels Posts: 57
    This is the last week of our 3-month challenge....we have done so well. Congratulations to everyone who has pushed themselves to get coser to their goals. Lets make this last week count!!!

    My Mini-Challenge this week:
    1. Burn 350 calories daily
    2. Minimum Fat Burn of 20 min daily (zone measured on HRM)
    3. Minimum Fitness of 20 minuted daily (also from HRM)
    4. Always make good chioces, and listen to my body when I've had the 'magic bite'

    So excited about the next's a thought for a name..."The Fabulous Friday Finishers"

    I just like the word Fabulous...hahaha! :laugh:
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Ok everybody...I said I'd share my Insanity results today so here they are:

    Fit Test Results

    Exercise Fit Test 1 (1/10/11) Fit Test 5 (3/19/11)
    Switch Kicks 52 71
    Power Jacks 53 74
    Power Knees 91 118
    Power Jumps 30 56
    Globe Jumps 7 11
    Suicide Jumps 17 19
    Push-up Jacks 22 38
    Low Plank Oblique 47 84

    Weight/Measurement Results

    1/10/11 3/20/11 Difference
    Weight 136.4 128.8 -7.6
    Bust 34 32.75 -1.25
    Ribcage 31 29.5 -1.5
    Waist 28.5 26.5 -2
    Hips (high/low) 33/34.25 31/33.25 -2/-1
    L/R Bicep 10.75/11 10.25/10.5 -.5/-.5
    L/R Thigh 23.5/23.75 23/22.75 -.5/-1
    L/R Calf 14/14 13.75/13.75 -.25/-.25

    TOTAL inches lost; I know I have a TON of different measurements so that helps but the total is 10.75 inches lost!
    and a 7.6 pound loss. Hoping I can see a little more by next Friday's weigh in :))

    Can't wait for the next challenge!!! Need to make sure I stay on top of things....have a goal...gotta meet it!!!!!!!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Ok everybody...I said I'd share my Insanity results today so here they are:

    Fit Test Results

    Exercise Fit Test 1 (1/10/11) Fit Test 5 (3/19/11)
    Switch Kicks 52 71
    Power Jacks 53 74
    Power Knees 91 118
    Power Jumps 30 56
    Globe Jumps 7 11
    Suicide Jumps 17 19
    Push-up Jacks 22 38
    Low Plank Oblique 47 84

    Weight/Measurement Results

    1/10/11 3/20/11 Difference
    Weight 136.4 128.8 -7.6
    Bust 34 32.75 -1.25
    Ribcage 31 29.5 -1.5
    Waist 28.5 26.5 -2
    Hips (high/low) 33/34.25 31/33.25 -2/-1
    L/R Bicep 10.75/11 10.25/10.5 -.5/-.5
    L/R Thigh 23.5/23.75 23/22.75 -.5/-1
    L/R Calf 14/14 13.75/13.75 -.25/-.25

    TOTAL inches lost; I know I have a TON of different measurements so that helps but the total is 10.75 inches lost!
    and a 7.6 pound loss. Hoping I can see a little more by next Friday's weigh in :))

    Can't wait for the next challenge!!! Need to make sure I stay on top of things....have a goal...gotta meet it!!!!!!!

    Sorry the results look like crap but I didn't feel like making a table and trying to figure out how to input again...I apologize for everything being all mushed together....hopefully you can still disect it!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hiked at Beamer Conservation area today ... so beautiful ... gotta love it.

  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    TOTAL inches lost; I know I have a TON of different measurements so that helps but the total is 10.75 inches lost!
    and a 7.6 pound loss. Hoping I can see a little more by next Friday's weigh in :))

    Can't wait for the next challenge!!! Need to make sure I stay on top of things....have a goal...gotta meet it!!!!!!!

    That is AMAZING! Great job, your hard work has obviously paid off.

    Magglett - That is a gorgeous view. What a great way to get in some exercise!

    I'm pumped about starting a new challenge, this group of ladies has been so supportive and such an inspiration for me. I've lost 13 lbs since the day I signed up for this challenge and I'm looking forward to losing atleast that in the next one!

    I think 30 or 40 people is a good limit Kerri and I don't think you should have to track people down so if they don't get weights in on Friday then just leave them at a maintain or take them off the chart. It sounds harsh but I know it's a lot of work to do the chart each week, especially without having to hunt people down, and everyone should recognize that and try to make it as easy for you as possible.

    How long do we want the next challenge to be? Another 3 months, say to June 22nd (the first day of summer)? Or to the next big holiday, like July 4th (which also happens to be my bday :wink: )?
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Mini challenge results for Sunday 1) 0 cals burned (2175/2000 for the week) 2) under on sodium 3) over on overall cals by 150 4) at 64 oz of water

    Didn't feel well today so needless to say I didn't work out. I was hoping to get a walk or a run in but I decided to take a much needed nap.

    Mini challenge for Mon-Thu next week (Flying to TX on Friday so I have to finish up this challenge a day early as I won't have access on friday)
    1) Burn 1600 cals
    2) Under 2500 mg on sodium
    3) Under on overall cals
    4) Drink 72 oz water (3 of my new bottle)

    I am really looking forward to the next challenge. I think 3 months is a good length but I would be up for a longer challenge if others want it to be longer. I like the idea of ending on the first day of summer.
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Hi guys! I would love love LOVE to be part of the next challenge...I only hopped on the end of this one and I would like to do one from the very start so I can stay completely focused on it :) (If you'll have me of course!!)

    Had a manic week and a half what with family occasions and lots of traveling and TOM and I kinda lost my way a bit but Im back on track now and ready to finish out this challenge with a BANG! This week's weigh in is going to be a good one....I PROMISE!

    Kerri, con-con-CONGRATULATIONS on your AMAZING run today! So proud of you! And the fact that you said you're not a runner and you managed to run 95% of the really are such an inspiration I cant get over it! Well done! :flowerforyou:

    My mini challenge for this week is......

    1) Burn 3000 cals Mon-Fri
    2) Drink 100oz water Mon-Fri
    3) Increase my protein intake
    4) Stay under 1500mg sodium daily

    I really want to be in the 150's by weigh-in next Friday.

    Good luck this week everybody xx
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Thanks everybody :) Today was so much fun!! I can't believe how many runners there were. I'm so proud of my childhood friend Emily for single handedly organizing this today! She has cystic fibrosis and this run was her baby. So many donations and so much money raised for such a good cause. I think I felt comfortable because it was on my home turf, I knew the route, I knew that if I needed to cheat I had friends and friends parents houses along the route and I could sneak off, hehe!! I didn't need to though! =) All and all it was a great day!

    This Friday is the last weigh in!! Good luck everyone! If you're interested in the 3 Month Challenge: Part Deux (Summer Hotties) then shoot me a message. If you have an awesome friend that wasn't part of the first challenge then give me their name and I'll invite them! :) everything sounds good! I like Bridget's idea of % loss. Kinda like on the BIggest Loser. Because, it is all relative. Of course I'll track # but a bigger emphasis on %. What do you guys think?

    Let's finish this challenge on a strong note. We can do 350!!!!!! =)
  • cupcakelover103
    cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
    I'm soooooooo in for another challenge! I was worried about what i would do without all the people here for support, and a longer challenge that can keep me accountable. Are we thinking that the 'Summer hotties' challenge will run for 3 months?? Hahaha it'll be my winter over here in Australia, but it's all good because i'll be leaving the freezing cold melbourne weather and heading to Bali! So the next challenge will get me in bikini ready mode.
    I really loved doing this challenge, and i'm so surprised that i stuck with it. 3 months is long term thinking for me, especially when it comes to following a healthy lifestyle lol. But it really kept me in check, knowing that one day wont ruin all the effort I've put in.
    I already have a friend in mind to join in on the next challenge too :)
    And kerri it is SO friken amazing that you completed a half marathon! And you say you're not a runner!? you most definetly are. You inspried me to sign up for a mothers day race here in may, and i've got a small group together too join. I'm definetly not a runner, but i have the choice to run a 4 or 10 k.
    Best of luck to everyone on the FINAL week :D
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I cant sleep, my body is screaming in soreness! Yikes! This must be the undesirable part of long distance running. I'll take the bad with the good though :)

    As for the next challenge, I'm thinking "From Flab to Fab: Summer Hotties 3-Month Challenge"

    We will focus on weight, inches, body fat % and overall % of weight lost. Over the three months we will check in WEEKLY with our weight and MONTHLY with our body fat %, and measurements. I will determine the measurements (to be posted later) and you are more than welcome to add additional areas to track as well and I will. So at the end we will have 12 weeks worth of #'s and 3 measurements of body fat % and inches lost. Is it easy for my friends to translate from cm to in? lol I don't know how =)

    I think this will be a great way for those that dont have many pounds to lose to still participate and those that do have more it'll help us track getting into a healthy BMI and body fat %. I know for me getting into those healthy ranges is a big time goal! I think I'm something like 32% body fat. Ick!!

    Get back to me with any other ideas. I'm open, this upcoming challenge will be OUR challenge ladies =)