6-week challenge: Spring into Fitness



  • janagardner
    janagardner Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in... This is my first time using the motivation/support feature. Do I have to click something to join the group? This is suck an awesome idea! What is the challenge for this week?

    6 week challenge:

    3/21 CW - 158lbs

    GW - 130lbs
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    I'm in... This is my first time using the motivation/support feature. Do I have to click something to join the group? This is suck an awesome idea! What is the challenge for this week?

    6 week challenge:

    3/21 CW - 158lbs

    GW - 130lbs
    @jana- you don't have to do anything else. you're in! just check in daily or weekly (or hourly, like some of us :laugh: ) and how you are doing with the challenge. We weigh-in on Mondays. This challenge goes for 5 more week (ends 4/25) and there are 2 new challenges each week, one around food the other around fitness. A different person posts the challenge each week (next week's challenge will be brought to us by singer201), all from a challenge that we wrapped up earlier in the month. See you soon!
  • Start Weight = 186
    CW = 183.5 (2.5 loss since last week!)
    GW = under 170 by end of challenge

    Did the challenges this week. I did eat out on Saturday for my birthday (acceptable, right?) but met my fitness goal by getting out for at least a 15 min extra walk each day. :-)
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    SW: 174
    CW:173 (but tomorrow I KNOW I'll be 172.5, always happens that way)

    I am pushing myself to hit my 3500 cals Today through sunday. Yesterday I burned over 1100 cals b/c I went for a hike (with baby on my back) and then also did low impact aerobics at night. I don't think I'll be hitting anything near that today, but so long as I get at least 500, I'll be on the right track.

    Breakfast was oatmeal made with milk and raspberries and blackberries (and hershey's light syrup, but I don't think that that counts as it has no nutritive value to speak of, just yumminess), and 1/4 grapefruit. I'm calling that 4 colors (oatmeal and milk are the same color). no bad for breakfast.

    Tomorrow for breakfast I'm going to make an egg white sandwich on 100 calorie sandwich round with a medley of veggies. That'll easily hit my colors!
  • hnason
    hnason Posts: 6
    Ok - I'm a week late but was in the 30 day challenge before this.

    SW: 149.6
    CW: 142.2
    6 week challenge goal weight: 135

    I loved the motivation for the 30 day challenge so I'm ready to do it again. Monday weigh ins are great b/c it keeps my weekends on track. good luck everybody!
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    No weight loss this week for me :(
    SW: 167
    CW: 167
    But on a happier note, I've lost inches! The last time I took measurements was 3/7...since then I've lost 4 inches off my waist, 1 off my thighs, 2 off my lower stomach, 2 off my upper stomach, and 1 off my bust, boooo, lol!

    I love the challenge for this week Olivia, it's just what I need! Gonna have to go grocery shopping to do the food part but it's a great one, I'm gonna try my hardest. The exercise one is great, I gained a pound or so earlier last week, I believe it's because I started the 30 Day Shred, always makes me gain in the beginning. Now I'm back to where I started but it's ok.
  • nikki8marie
    nikki8marie Posts: 107 Member
    SW 255
    3/21 255 So no weigh loss for me curtsy of TOM :grumble: , but that's okay because it wasn't a gain like I was afraid of.

    Olivia I LOVE :love: this exercise challenge. I have been thinking of doing something like this soon. So this will kick my butt in gear. I also like the color challenge, it will definitely be a challenge. Good Luck everyone!
  • stefv86
    stefv86 Posts: 60
    Crap. Nothing changed. Still 204.

    I blame my inability to refuse cheesecake, and woman time.
    Le sigh.

    On a happier note, my lunch has waaaay more than 5 colors in it! :D
  • krg918
    krg918 Posts: 36
    Ok, so totally missed last week challenge. Wouldn't have worked for me since we went out of town. Tried to pick healthy choices, but sat in a gym all day saturday (730 am till 7pm), ate salty snacks and jelly beans all day. But my nieces volleyball team won the tournament, YAY! Then, my husband made me fix rootbeer floats last night ( really had to twist my arm).

    So this week, back on track. Good challenges for the week.

    Good luck to everyone!!!!
  • downby15
    downby15 Posts: 16 Member
    I did pretty well last week as far as the challenge went. I ate out only once during the week, which was last night for my mom's birthday. I had a little bit of a rough week as far as working out went. I didn't make it to the gym as much as I have been, but I'm planning to work much harder on that this week. I'm so excited about the challenge to burn 3,500 calories this week. That's really going to push me to work out hard. Thank you all for the motivation!

    sw: 140lbs
    cw: 139lbs
  • LareishaH
    LareishaH Posts: 205 Member
    So I am excited about this week's challenge. If I double my cardio at least 3 days a week, this should be a breeze. As far as the food portion goes I am going to have to plan out my meals for the week. Last week I ate out at least 3 times so I completely failed! However, I did incorporated the extra 15 minute walk everyday. Unfortunately, my weight is the same...no gain, no loss....bummer. *Better luck next week* :ohwell:
  • No change for me this week.

    SW (3/14) - 189.2
    CW (3/21) - 189.2

    I started running and doing pilates last week, so I am hoping that my weight did not change because i am gaining muscle. However, I did completely fail on last weeks challenges. I am totally excited for this weeks challenge though.. I have a goal set for myself in March to exercise 930 min, and I am almost there... Burning 3500 cal will totally bring me over the top!!!

    As for teh food challenge, I am a little nervous. i am probably going to fail today, and tomorrow - I can't afford to buy more groceries... but i should be able to try for the rest of the week!!

    Good luck everyone!!

    oh - CONGRATS ceejay!!! That's so exciting!
  • norcalbeezy
    norcalbeezy Posts: 220 Member
    SW: 185
    CW: 181.2
  • Wow did better than expected!

    SW: 190
    CW: 188
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Weigh in for me today was only 1 lb loss but if I can do 1 pound a week, I'll be happy. I've now lost a total of 8.5 inches:)

    SW 161
    CW 160
    Good luck to everyone this week on the challenges!!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    glad to see so many people reporting losses, and those that didn't are sporting their good attitudes, which will serve them well in the long-run. At the end of the weighloss journey you won't remember the slow weeks, but the over all success. Keep up the great work everyone and remember to workout!
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    SW: 181.2
    CW: 177.6
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 562 Member
    3/14/11 SW 197.6
    3/21/11 CW193.8

    Didn't eat out last week, and avoided the take-out foods at the potluck.
    Walked an extra 15 minutes every day in addition to other exercise--the walking is becoming a habit!

    Olivia's exercise challenge is going to take some effort, but I'll give it a go. Thanks for the head start!
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    A little late, but can I join?
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Love to have you duchess......we still have 5 more weeks of this challenge. Welcome:)
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