Easter Challenge Starts Sunday March 20th!



  • mrskoolnu
    mrskoolnu Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Heidi,

    My name is Vanessa. I didn't include that in the first post.
    CW: 171.4
    GW: 165
  • Heidi716
    Heidi716 Posts: 135
    Wow! in the 10 minutes it took me to write that last posting we got 5 new members and a couple more after it as well! Yay! Welcome! I am adding y'all to the list and you'll see your name on the Week 1 progress list as long as you also check back in this Sunday and post your Current Weight (CW) don't forget! Glad to have you all!

  • Heidi716
    Heidi716 Posts: 135
    Hey Y'all!

    Just wanted to let those that were in the St. Patty's Day Challenge know that I finally got the last weigh in list posted. We lost over a Dozen members in that last week, I think lots of people were struggling and sadly gave up but hopefully they've found new motivation. Anyway here's the link so you can see the final results of the members who stuck with it all the way to the end, remember since it's on the 500th post, if you reply on that thread it will start a new chapter, the link to that chapter will be on that last post, (if no one replies then there won't be a link) Seems like a good way to close the challenge. Take care y'all on to new adventures and success with the Easter Challenge.


  • arosegeo
    arosegeo Posts: 254 Member
    ok lets do this...

    goal 7lbs
  • ukq727
    ukq727 Posts: 50 Member
    CW 220
  • Heidi716
    Heidi716 Posts: 135
    CW 220

    What is your GW? (for this challenge)
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    oh boo sorry I thought I had added mine Im so sorry Heidi start weight 138 goal weight (i havent lost any for 3 weeks no matter what I do so I'll set a lowish goal) 135
  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    I want to join! I love these challenges!
    My CW: 181.4 (or it was when I weighed on Sunday)
    By Easter I would like to be 175. :)
    See you all on Sunday!
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    Oops I forgot to post my weight on Sunday!

    CW: 174
    TW: 164
  • cosmo30
    cosmo30 Posts: 52 Member
    How is everyone doing? Any tips/ motivation / words of wisdom for today ? Anyone?

    Try to fit in 10 mintes of workout/ cardio here and there throughout the day and before you know you would have done 30 -40 minutes of exercise for the day. And stay hydrated throughout the day.

    goodluck everyone!
  • ladyrayado
    ladyrayado Posts: 57 Member
    Sorry I'm joining a few days late!

    CW: 131
    Easter GW: 128

    I know its only three pounds, but that's about how slowly the weight has been coming off these last 6-8 weeks.
  • beachmommy87
    beachmommy87 Posts: 4 Member
    How's everyone doing???

    I have managed to work out the last 3 days in a row...taking a rest day today. Drinking lots of water & have changed my diet a little...hopefully this will be the boost I need to lose those last stubborn 9 lbs!!!!

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • leedyc
    leedyc Posts: 15
    I'm doing insanity 6 days a week and doing Timothy Ferriss's slow carb diet while taking cold showers morning and night (freezing cold)

    It's a little intense but I eat about 1800 calories a day (with workout calories) and after reading 4-hour body I'm hoping to crush my 190 goal by easter.

    Oh and I binge every thursday to spike my insulin and boost metabolism
  • MrsHinds7
    MrsHinds7 Posts: 64
    CW: 180
  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    I hurt my knee!!! Hope this doesn't mess me up! Hope everyone else is doing well.
  • TrinityPixie4
    I have a tip, although some may have heard of it before. Get some kid sized plates and start eating off of those, people tend to put more on their plate when the plate is bigger (or space to fill since it is a bigger plate). If the plate is smaller you won't fill it up as much. Plus the section plates are perfect for portions and servings. Hopefully that makes sense.
  • TrinityPixie4
    Here is another tip, put down the fork after you take a bite to eat. If you have your hand or touching the fork you tend to put more in your mouth and feel full later on, whereas if you put the fork down you feel full when you actually get full instead of when you are overstuffed. I really hope all of this makes sense.
  • toocutegirls
    Ok, I am getting a late start but here it goes...I am at 160 and would like to be at least at 155 by Easter. I will try to check in as often as I can but its hard for me to get online unless my girls are in bed. Hope everyone is doing well! Keep up the hard work!
  • emeraldthunder
    Doing well! Had a bit of a pizza binge yesterday but I worked it all off on the treadmill, I'm trying to mentally wrap my head around the idea that I can eat 'bad' foods once in a while and that they're not BANNED! Best wishes to everyone!
  • cosmo30
    cosmo30 Posts: 52 Member
    Goodmorning everyone! Hope everybody got off to a good start! Even if you fall off the wagon, jump in right back. Don't let a bad meal turn into a bad day and a bad day turn into bad week.

    Good luck and 'good-eating' day to all!