The start of the Two-a-Day workout challenge



  • aross999
    aross999 Posts: 59 Member
    Well, I didn't manage to do two workouts today. Poor planning on my part :(

    But I did do my C25K this afternoon. With the way my students have been behaving this week, I'll certainly need to sweat out some stress tomorrow afternoon! And of course, I'll plan on doing 2X what I intended on doing Saturday in order to make up for today!
  • Stormywinter
    Stormywinter Posts: 23 Member
    Monday-AM-Dancing 60min PM-Dancing 60min DONE!
    Tuesday-AM-Dancing 30min PM- stationary bike 20min -not feeling the greatest today so I went light
    Wednesday- PM-Weight training 20min didn't get in second set
    Thursday-AM- weight training PM-stationary bike-DONE
    Friday- AM-Dancing 60min PM-Weight training 20min

    I hate when something happens to ruin your plan for a workout and you get stuck fixing someone else's mistakes. I am going to fit in an extra workout to make up for helping my inlaws yesterday and today but family comes first
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Everyone
    Checking in with my pm 3mile power walk another 240 calories down for the day. Everyone seems to be doing great keep it up and...........................see you in the morning!!!!
  • EbonyGemstoneHealth
    EbonyGemstoneHealth Posts: 249 Member
    Goodmorning everyone (GMT) Its almost the weekend! :)

    Just my usual C25K run (22 miles after for this whole week) then Jari is going to kick my butt straight after,as she always does,then I get to relax and stretch out these sore muscles with my gyms yoga class! :)

    Friday 25th – 8: 30 AM C25k Week 1 + AM Jari Love 30 mins + Mid Yoga Class 1 hour
  • EbonyGemstoneHealth
    EbonyGemstoneHealth Posts: 249 Member
    Friday 25th – 8: 30 AM C25k Week 1(DONE) + AM Jari Love 30 mins(DONE) + Mid Yoga Class 1 hour(DONE)

    How refreshing really needed that stretch,now to do some grocery shopping real quick -scrambles off- :)
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    Everyone is so commited to this!! I LOVE IT!! All of you are doing a wonderful job!! Heres where I am at so far

    Mon - 400 meter run, 100 meter squats, 100 meter lunges
    Tue - 1st - Eliptical for 60 min 2nd - Eliptical, walking, stairs 25 min
    Wed - 1st - Eliptical 60 min, 2nd 1 mile jog, and 1 mile sprint intervals
    Thur - 1st - Eliptical 30 min 2nd - ran 2 miles

    Plan for today (friday) is just going to be stregth training my upper body. Wont burn as many calories but its needed concidering all Ive done this week is cardio..Kind of just wanted to get a jump start on cardio. Hope everyone has a fantabulistic friday :o)
  • AmandaR910
    AmandaR910 Posts: 991
    Sunday (3.20) DONE!!
    Monday (3.21) AM-DONE!! PM-DONE!!
    Tuesday (3.22) AM-DONE!! PM-?? (no time, long DR appointment)
    Wednesday (3.23) AM-DONE!! PM-DONE!!
    Thursday (3.24) AM-?? PM-??
    Friday (3.25) AM-?? PM-??
    Saturday (3.26) AM-?? PM-??

    I'm putting what exercises I'm doing on my blog. :smile:
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Today I Turned off my alarm at 5 am and slept for an extra 2 hours! Really needed that extra sleep, but it means I will be working out on my lunch break- thankfully the gym is very close to my work. Planning intervals on the treadmill at lunch and strength training after work.
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    Alright, so I have not been sticking to the two-a-day workouts. I need to establish a better schedule. Any suggestions?

    Hmm, Well first I would ask, what is your barrier? Is too hard to get up early, is the gym too far away, what reasons are you telling yourself for not doing it?

    Well, the reason I'm telling myself for not doing it is because I have so much homework to catch up on...but honestly, exercise or not, I'm not getting the homework finished. It's actually less motivating for homework to skip out on exercise. It is difficult to get up early, but I usually just go walking outside, and my gym is my house (I have workout videos) :P So, I don't know.
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    Alright, so I have not been sticking to the two-a-day workouts. I need to establish a better schedule. Any suggestions?

    Hmm, Well first I would ask, what is your barrier? Is too hard to get up early, is the gym too far away, what reasons are you telling yourself for not doing it?

    Well, the reason I'm telling myself for not doing it is because I have so much homework to catch up on...but honestly, exercise or not, I'm not getting the homework finished. It's actually less motivating for homework to skip out on exercise. It is difficult to get up early, but I usually just go walking outside, and my gym is my house (I have workout videos) :P So, I don't know.

    you just have to figure out the best way for you to workout. Figure out what you are wanting out of the workouts. If youre wanting to lose weight or if you are just wanting to tone or whatever it is you'll have to figure that out. Its tough waking up early so I dont I work out twice in the afternoon. I am exusted afterwards but I dont go to bed until late and so waking up early for me is deadly. I work full time, go to school part time, do homework, piano lessons, spend time with my boyfriend (hehe) and I work out twice a day. You just need to figure out what is going to motivate you to workout. Trust me is it worth it and you can do it!! You can do anything you set your mind too :o):o)
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Alright, so I have not been sticking to the two-a-day workouts. I need to establish a better schedule. Any suggestions?

    Hmm, Well first I would ask, what is your barrier? Is too hard to get up early, is the gym too far away, what reasons are you telling yourself for not doing it?

    Well, the reason I'm telling myself for not doing it is because I have so much homework to catch up on...but honestly, exercise or not, I'm not getting the homework finished. It's actually less motivating for homework to skip out on exercise. It is difficult to get up early, but I usually just go walking outside, and my gym is my house (I have workout videos) :P So, I don't know.

    It sounds like motivation is the key. It's hard to get moving sometimes- motivation was a big problem for me last year. I do have some suggestions for you. First off, I would fix in your mind what it is you want to achieve. I have two ‘goals’ in my mind- first, to get my BF% down to 25, and second, to fit into a pair of jeans that I was wearing in 2007. Then, you need to be brutally honest with yourself. What is it going to take to achieve your goal? Then slowly work up to it. Set some smaller, easily achievable goals, maybe one a week. For example, if you are not exercising at all, a small goal would be “this week I’m going to do 3.5 hours of exercise” That’s 30 minutes per day. The reward yourself when you achieve it (hopefully with something other than food!). Maybe a long bubble bath with candles and your favourite drink!

    Or maybe just focus on one day at a time. Give yourself a big pat on the back for every day you complete X amount of exercise. This is going to sound really lame and OCD, but I have a small calendar and for every day I achieve my exercise and food goals, I colour that day in with a marker and give myself a little sticker (like the ones teachers give to little kids). Lame, I know, but I want to see my calendar filled up with heart, star and happy face stickers!

    Also, this is getting super long now, but after a while, you will start to really enjoy working out and look forward to it. I know I do!
  • aross999
    aross999 Posts: 59 Member
    I slept in a bit again today, so....I'm going to do 15 or so minutes of simulated jump rope on my conference period and then 30 minutes on the elliptical and my strength training after work.

  • Peyton115
    Peyton115 Posts: 75
    Made it for Thursday!

    AM- 30 Day Shred: Level 2 & Pilates (30 mins) DONE
    PM- 40 Minutes Zumba Class DONE

    Goals for today are the same except I hope to be able to add in an extra Ab DVD or something to really start the weekend!
  • FitPhysique
    FitPhysique Posts: 284 Member
    Today I Turned off my alarm at 5 am and slept for an extra 2 hours! Really needed that extra sleep, but it means I will be working out on my lunch break- thankfully the gym is very close to my work. Planning intervals on the treadmill at lunch and strength training after work.
    I overlsept today too. I did not wake up until 6:30 instead of 5AM. Was only able to do my insanity video. Was planning on Doing my videos back to back today and do only 30 mins cardio. Tired of Getting home close to 8PM everyday. I leave at 6AM or a little after everyday so It's a long day. BTW, I workout at Work.
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Today I Turned off my alarm at 5 am and slept for an extra 2 hours! Really needed that extra sleep, but it means I will be working out on my lunch break- thankfully the gym is very close to my work. Planning intervals on the treadmill at lunch and strength training after work.
    I overlsept today too. I did not wake up until 6:30 instead of 5AM. Was only able to do my insanity video. Was planning on Doing my videos back to back today and do only 30 mins cardio. Tired of Getting home close to 8PM everyday. I leave at 6AM or a little after everyday so It's a long day. BTW, I workout at Work.

    Yeah, it's hard to only be getting home in the evening. Im lucky because I have a very flexible boss, so she lets me work 8-4. I usually get up at 5, go to gym before work and sometimes go back after work. I know myself, and if I go home, I get into that "comfy" mode and I won't exercise. I want to try insanity, but I'm afraid I just won't do it.
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    Friday 3/25/11: AM Trail Run - Done, PM Road Bike - Done
    I might also add: Legs - Done!
    I don't know how I'm going to do P90X Legs and Back in the morning, I'm toast. Hope some sleep tonight will help.
  • AmandaR910
    AmandaR910 Posts: 991
    Sunday (3.20) DONE!!
    Monday (3.21) AM-DONE!! PM-DONE!!
    Tuesday (3.22) AM-DONE!! PM-?? (no time, long DR appointment)
    Wednesday (3.23) AM-DONE!! PM-DONE!!
    Thursday (3.24) AM-?? PM-DONE!!
    Friday (3.25) AM-?? PM-??
    Saturday (3.26) AM-?? PM-??

    I'm putting what exercises I'm doing on my blog. :smile:
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    Friday: Cycle class and 750meter swim am. Ab ripper P90X pm
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    P90X Core Synergistics and walking are done for the day! I fit in two workouts! Woohoo!
  • AmandaR910
    AmandaR910 Posts: 991
    Sunday (3.20) DONE!!
    Monday (3.21) AM-DONE!! PM-DONE!!
    Tuesday (3.22) AM-DONE!! PM-?? (no time, long DR appointment)
    Wednesday (3.23) AM-DONE!! PM-DONE!!
    Thursday (3.24) AM-DONE!! PM-DONE!!
    Friday (3.25) AM-DONE!! PM-DONE!!
    Saturday (3.26) AM-?? PM-??

    I'm putting what exercises I'm doing on my blog. :smile: