Starting Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred (in 6 weeks)



  • today is my 16th day, gonna give level 3 a go tonight so I don't get bored but finally getting the hang of level 2 ;-)
  • almondbliss
    almondbliss Posts: 115
    Sorry...been very busy I did do shred yesterday it was D20 L3
  • rigby724
    rigby724 Posts: 16 Member
    Ugh! I've been totally slacking and not even logging my food the past few days, you have all given me th inspiration to get back into the swing of things, thank you! :)
  • almondbliss
    almondbliss Posts: 115
    Today D21 L1 Done!
  • rigby724
    rigby724 Posts: 16 Member
    D11 L1 done last night along with a 4 1/2 mile run...yay...I'm back in the swing of things! :)
  • gjspiller
    gjspiller Posts: 115 Member
    @prilla13: yes..i know...i'm still paranoid about popping up and down in between transitions with the circuit training, but i am doing it a little slower than i usually would do it, and that kinda bums me out. definitely will be here awhile.


    L2, D7...done!!!
  • rigby724
    rigby724 Posts: 16 Member
    D12 L2 done last night. I'm really starting to see a big difference in my tummy and arms, they're really toning up, I don't think my stomach was even this flat before I had my baby! I can almost do an unmodified push up completely which I never even dreamed of doing before! :)
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    Hey Ladies!! I agree with Rigby, I can finally see some results! My arms and legs feel toned and my abs are in what I am referring to as the “developmental stage.” :laugh: LOL!! They’re getting there so to speak. 6-pack by Summer!!

    Guen ~ Glad to see you’re back in the swing of things :happy: Keep it up!

    Rigby724 ~ Way to go! That’s so great about the unmodified push up Don’t you just love those walk out pushups? Ha..the first time I did L2 I was like WTF is that?!? There not too bad now tho.

    Almondbliss ~ You ROCK!! Down to the single digits..can’t wait to be that close to 30 days. :bigsmile:

    Soo here is my questions ladies… What do you think of L3? How much more difficult is it than L2? I have 2 days left of L2 and I’m doing much better with it, so I want to get people’s opinions of L3 before I decide whether I am moving on or staying with L2 for a few more days.

    Keep it up ladies! You're doing GREAT!!
  • almondbliss
    almondbliss Posts: 115
    I personally think L3 is the easiest of them all. I found that the only thing that made it a lil harder is adding the weights to the jumping jacks, and punches.
  • Hello fellow shredders! I did my first day today. But how many calories do you enter on the diary? What do you call it?:huh:
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    I sucessfully finished D1L1 of 30DS less than 10 mins ago.

    I'm back in action but I'm going to incorporating 2 rest days in there. LOL Saturday & Sunday will be my rest days. I will still walk one of those days however. I'm giving myself 1 complete rest day of doing no exercising just daily activities that I "have" to do. So, exercise will still be a regular thing for me. I am going to watch my calories more closely now as well. I want to be down to 127.5 (which is my halfway point) by this time in April. I have a trip planned to see my 2nd mom and dad. (He is home on medical leave from being deployed in Afghanistan.)

    So, that's roughly 7 lbs to lose in a month. I think I can do it. :laugh:
  • aholtz1
    aholtz1 Posts: 27
    ***Bump*** Want to read it for later
  • gjspiller
    gjspiller Posts: 115 Member
    i'm a DORK!!!! i fell down a half flight of stairs last night. just when i was recovering from my last accident!!! but i'm not going to let this stop me from exercising this time. still trying to climb out of the hole as it is!!!!!

    @jazzmensa: i enter it in as circuit training.

    @TakeOne, rigby, almondbliss: YOU GIRLS ARE AWESOME!!!!

    @prilla13: good job!!! can u believe i hurt my back AGAIN?
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    i'm a DORK!!!! i fell down a half flight of stairs last night. just when i was recovering from my last accident!!! but i'm not going to let this stop me from exercising this time. still trying to climb out of the hole as it is!!!!!

    @jazzmensa: i enter it in as circuit training.

    @TakeOne, rigby, almondbliss: YOU GIRLS ARE AWESOME!!!!

    @prilla13: good job!!! can u believe i hurt my back AGAIN?
    Girl, you need to take it easy. I'm still getting over mine. I have a few pains here and there and I let them tell me when to stop. I don't keep pushing once I get even the slightest bit of pain.
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    I personally think L3 is the easiest of them all. I found that the only thing that made it a lil harder is adding the weights to the jumping jacks, and punches.

    Thanks! Why am I not surprised she added weights to the jumping jacks?? I think I will check it out after these last 2 days of L2. I took yesterday off, so it will prob be Mon. when I try L3. I will let everyone know how it goes!!
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    I did D2L1 today.I know my proposed plan was to take 2 days off from 30DS but since it stormed last night and it continues to rain here, my walking day was cut out so I decided to sub the 30DS for my exercise today. Boy do I feel it. But, if this rain does subside, the hunny and I will go walking for at least 15 minutes. So, I'll have extra exercise and then I'll take tomorrow off completely.

    I just have one quick question.. what lb weights do you guys use for L1? I'm a wimp, I use 1 lb weights for level 1. For starters, they are the only weights I have (no job = no money to buy new ones) and my arms are sore from just using them.

    My 1 lb weights started off as my walking weights just to add a little resistance to my walk. But, I find they work wonders for other things as well. It's amazing what just 1 lb in each hand can do.
  • almondbliss
    almondbliss Posts: 115
    D22 L1 Done!
    I had missed two days trying to get my lil girls Birthday together.
  • Cuddles2523
    Cuddles2523 Posts: 139 Member
    I use 3 lb arms were very sore at first but then they got used to it i guess lol
  • L2D10 done, 10 days of L3 to go, bye bye planks ;-)
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    I've lost 1 pound! I want to say it's because I did JM 30DS this week. It seems that's the only time I lose any amount of weight. I've also dropped 0.5 in. Just wanted to share that with you all! (I really do honestly think it's because of JM30DS)
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