The "NEVER been thin/ in-shape" Club



  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Guess I'm stuck :grumble: I tried eating less - tried eating more - did some different exercises - nothing is making the scale budge:mad: I'm not giving up - eventually it will move, but it sure is discouraging.
    I'm moving along slowly again too. Try eating reasonably. Make sure it's mostly healthy stuff, with the occasional treat (I treat myself to something small and usually sweet daily, which might be my problem). Keep working out - aim for 3-5 30 min sessions of sweating, at least. I've been committed to this journey for a long time now (I've been on MFP for over a year), and the road has it's ups and downs, but if you follow it, you'll eventually get to where you're going.

    greenfairymarie... Congrats on quitting! That's great to hear! :drinker: I've been a size 18 for the longest time too! I did the 30 Day Shred, and I can finally squeeze into a 16!! Let's leave those 18's behind for good!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    HEY GROUP! I'm gonna take over for Sweetie for a while while she's finishing up school. If you could take a look through this list and find your name, and make sure your info is correct, that would be great!! Let me know your newest weight by Friday, and I will update the chart on Saturday. If something is wrong, or not there, just let me know your numbers and that will be fixed!


  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Let's get this forum moving again!! :drinker:
  • BrittanyGQ
    BrittanyGQ Posts: 92 Member
    haha, I definitely belong!

    Heaviest/Starting: 174 (in the past few months)
    Currently: fluctuating between being female sometimes :P
    Goal: 135 (or anything under I'll take, too!)

    I grew up as one of the "fat" kids in elementary school, lost SOME weight, then I've coasted by as a "chubby" kid from middle school on. Carrying extra weight is especially noticeable since I'm short (5'3)...and big-boned... :P The lightest/best I've EVER looked is ~148 about 4 years ago, and even then I could've used at least a 10-15 lbs. loss! So even though 135 is towards the heavier end on my healthy BMI range, I think it's a reasonable goal given my frame and tons of muscles. ;)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I grew up as one of the "fat" kids in elementary school, lost SOME weight, then I've coasted by as a "chubby" kid from middle school on. Carrying extra weight is especially noticeable since I'm short (5'3)...and big-boned... :P The lightest/best I've EVER looked is ~148 about 4 years ago, and even then I could've used at least a 10-15 lbs. loss! So even though 135 is towards the heavier end on my healthy BMI range, I think it's a reasonable goal given my frame and tons of muscles. ;)
    Welcome!! I added you to the list! :happy:
  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    Hi - my name's on the list, but must have never provided my details. Would love to be part of the group - so here's my figures if it's not too late:
    SW: 276
    SW in club: 236
    CW: 235
    GW: 161
  • michelca
    michelca Posts: 41
    Hey, I'm two pounds down since last checking in!
  • Woo-hoo! Finally losing again!:bigsmile: I'm down 4 lbs! YAY! I'm one who weighs every day - not because I expect to lose every day - I just like to know what's going on with my body. After 21/2 weeks of the scale saying 209 or 210, when I got on a few days ago it said 206! The next day was 205! And that's where it's stayed for the last 3 days.
    I always thought we lose weight gradually - so what's up with 3 lbs overnight? Was my body just hanging on to fluid? Anyway, I'm happy those pounds are gone - it's been 5 years since I was this weight!
  • I want in too!!! :D

    It's been almost a year since Ive even gotten to 178...So its been a tough road for me. This seems so encouraging! I would love to be apart of it! :D Great idea!!!

  • sam2902
    sam2902 Posts: 3 Member

    Heaviest Weight 3 months after son born ..210 lbs ( July 2004)
    never got below 198 lbs even using Weight watchers , prescription pills etc
    Started Lifestyle Change - This is not a diet !! - Weight 198lb 1st September 2010
    Current Weight 161lbs
    Target for 18th May Vacation 154 lbs
    Overall Target for September 2011 140 lbs

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools

    To My next Target !!
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    How have I not seen this thread before! I was the fat kid as well and I look back and can't believe my parents let me eat like that! :noway: I'm talking during my community college days my mom would get me a Big Mac meal PLUS another Big Mac, because she had a coupon.

    I lost most of my weight 6 years ago (got down to 210), but I never felt I actually got "skinny". I am currently trying to lose the rest of the weight, so we'll see what happens.

    Heaviest ever - 288
    Current weight - 195.
    Goal weight - ??? (190?)

    I never thought I would be this weight, so I am just focused on losing the rest of the belly fat. Should I gain weight back in muscle, that would be fine with me.
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    I've never been thin, though as a Freshman in high school I got in pretty decent physical condition... until I quit football a couple of months later. Now, over 25 years later, I'm finally getting serious again. I've spent at least the last decade within 20 pounds above or below 300. I'd love to join this group.

    I can't picture myself at my goal. That doesn't mean that I don't believe that I can achieve it; it just means that a 175 pound Rob is a different person, and I wouldn't recognize him if I saw him today. For that reason, I get VERY inspired by before and current/after pictures.

    HW: 317.0 (2010-12-27) Even though I started losing the week before,
    SW: 310.6 (2011-01-01) my brain needs a good round starting date!
    GW: 175.0 ??? It's worth not counting the 6.4 pounds. :wink:
    CW: 273.8 (2011-03-25) -37! On the other hand, I guess that actually puts me over 40 pounds lost !!! :bigsmile:
  • sbrake
    sbrake Posts: 25
    heaviest - 275
    current - 220
    goal - 150?

    i want in tooo!
    i have never been the thin girl. i dont even really remember ever being under 200 pounds to be honest. but im determend to get there. i dont really have a reason for chosing 150 it sounded good to me but a may want to lose more... or less. i figure, i will see when i get there :)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Thanks for posting all you new and old members!! All new members who have posted above have been added to the chart. If anyone else who is already a member would like to post again, please look back at the charts I posted on page 13 of this topic, and give me your current numbers!! :happy: New members still welcome.

    :heart: *** Our current challenge is to lose 5% of your body weight. *** :heart:

    I have done this once since starting the challenge, and so have 90poundsoflard :drinker: and Redruthie. :drinker:

    Members that are close to this goal are: Evermyre, MegJo, Melkneec, mrjason. :flowerforyou:

    I'm sure there are more of you so please post your current weight!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    After 21/2 weeks of the scale saying 209 or 210, when I got on a few days ago it said 206! The next day was 205! And that's where it's stayed for the last 3 days.
    90poundsoflard... Congrats on maintaining that loss!! :drinker:
    Target for 18th May Vacation 154 lbs
    sam2902... Woo!! You're almost there! :bigsmile:
    Should I gain weight back in muscle, that would be fine with me.
    hroush... Great attitude! I know you're gonna gain that muscle mass! It's one of the best things for you!
    I can't picture myself at my goal. That doesn't mean that I don't believe that I can achieve it; it just means that a 175 pound Rob is a different person, and I wouldn't recognize him if I saw him today. For that reason, I get VERY inspired by before and current/after pictures.
    MisterDubs... Way to get closer to that goal!! You're on your way! Just to let you know, I'm putting your CW as your start weight as of joining this club, just like everyone else. Way to go on the 40+ lbs gone!!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Who else is still out there? Please check the charts I posted, and tell us your updates! :happy:
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Hi all,
    Sorry I've been a bit MIA - As some of you know I gave up the scale for lent. I'm not religious, but some of my MFP friends and I are using the time frame to go scale free! I was weighing in several times a day and it was getting to be mentally devestating since I was in a plateau. The last time I was on the scale was 3/7 and I was 212. I've been doing great since. It has actually inspired me to workout more and eat better - I reallly want to have a great weigh in on Easter.
    However, plans have changed a bit - I had some health complications last wednesday which landed me in the hospital. So I have to keep my heart rate down for the next week, and then be really cautious and work slowly back up to the intensity I was going at before. I've never been sucessful at losing weight without working out so I'm really nervous!
    I'm trying to stay optimistic and continue to work hard. I'm proud of all of you and I love reading everyones stories! :)
    So I'll be updating my weight April 24th! Woohoo!
  • redruthie
    redruthie Posts: 77
    Woo-hoo! Finally losing again!:bigsmile: I'm down 4 lbs! YAY! I'm one who weighs every day - not because I expect to lose every day - I just like to know what's going on with my body. After 21/2 weeks of the scale saying 209 or 210, when I got on a few days ago it said 206! The next day was 205! And that's where it's stayed for the last 3 days.
    I always thought we lose weight gradually - so what's up with 3 lbs overnight? Was my body just hanging on to fluid? Anyway, I'm happy those pounds are gone - it's been 5 years since I was this weight!

    That's incredible! Yay for your loss!
  • redruthie
    redruthie Posts: 77
    Thanks to Steph_135 for putting up the chart :)

    I haven't budged on the scale :( It seems like I've hit the dreaded plateau... NOOOOO!
    I've gotta push past this! I can do this!!!
  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
    I am so that girl the fat girl who in 1st grade was the biggest kid in class. I think I was like 170 in the 5th grade and I never slowed down. When I got married 15 years ago I was 235 pounds. We all know that is normal to gain weight after marriage. I did by the time I got pregnant I was 245 lost 20 pounds while pregnant and have then gained it all back and then some after my daughter was born. (After 9 months of not eating i shoved everything i could find in my mouth ) Just saying having morning , noon and night sickness while being pregnant is not the way to loose weight. By 2009 I was upto 290 and then my mom died. Depression triggered the urge to eat everything once again and Now less than 2 years later I have went up to 331.75
    That was my wake up call . Doctor wants me to have surgery to loose weight. I want to get serious and do this myself

    highest weight 331.75 on Feb 11,2011
    current weight 318.75 on March 11 2011

    I go for my next wiegh in on April 8th at the doctors office. I only weigh in there once a month so I hope that it says a lose again. I have been having trouble with sodium .......................

    Thanks for starting this club.
    I am Kat
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