10 Week's To June



  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Finished today - calories right on, I ran out of veggies, gotta go shopping tomorrow, so none today, but totally clean. My workout kind of sucked *kitten* today, I think I'm still getting used to my lowered calories and my energy was dragging. However, I got through it and will do better tomorrow.

    My protein is slightly low, I might add just a bit to get up to 175g today. Maybe some tuna. 9 weeks and 6 days left :)
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    I think you're on the right track with adding fat and subtracting carbs - but I would go even further. I could eat carbs all day and not get full, but a couple hundred calories of fat and I'm done. You won't get fat from adding a lot more - seriously!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Just finishing today! Thinking about not tracking my strength training, just cardio. We'll see.
    I pre plan all my days, and I always stay in what I plan.. So Woot.

    Glad everyone's joining and We're going to KILL it :D

    I just log my strength training workouts as created cardio workouts and estimate 5 cal per minute.
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    so day 1:
    i did wii zumba for 20 minutes & 35 minutes of calisthenics (basically parts of JM's Shred/6W6P from memory)- burning 390 cals while watching a lifetime movie. :o)
    i drank 10 cups of water & had 117g protein & 27g of fiber.

    it was an ok day, not great, but my goals were met. i'm thinking tomorrow, i'm going to start trying to eat every couple hours 100-200 cal meals to boost my metabolism. lately i've been feeling too much like i'm anticipating my next meal even if i'm not really hungry yet & i don't like the preoccupation.

    & i'd like to change my original daily goal to at least 75g of protein :o) deff doable.
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    -- log in everyday and log everything I eat... I'm bad about not logging that last snack in the evening, usually I just know that I have enough calories to have it and don't log in

    --Steadily work on the p90x routines

    --My eating is horrible, well better than it was 6 months ago since I cut out almost all fast food and soda, but I would like to clean the menu up a lot. That'll be a slow process with the hubs and kids though since I don't want to prepare separate meals

    Decided I also wanted to add
    -- go to bed by 11:00pm EVERYDAY, lately I've gotten in the habit if staying up until 12pm-1am every night

    I need to try and get in bed before midnight.... its 11:15pm right now so maybe i can make it happen tonight!!! ;-)
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    My starting weight is 121.5lbs But my goal here is to cut the fat and gain more muscle, so im ok if i gain a couple of pounds or lose a couple more pounds as long as this last little bit of fat is gone!!!!

    Ok This is what day 1 looked like for me!!!

    415 calories burned today My goal is to burn 350-400calories a day at least, so i hit the mark on that today!!!! My workout today included running for 30mins and a 12min bodyrock.tv workout!!!

    My macros for today looked like this
    48%carbs (201grams)
    32%fat (60grams)
    26%protein (108grams)
    My goal is a 45/30/25 ratio, so i was a little off!!! Got to work on cutting out some of those carbs!!!!!

    Calorie intake for the day was 1686 of 1865calories!!!!

    I got in 11 glasses of water today, my goal is to get in at least 10 glasses a day!!!

    Tomorrow i will be doing P90X Back and Biceps with ARX and i will be trying to up my weights and reps on most all exercises!!!

    Great job everyone and i will see you all tomorrow!!! ;-)
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Ok, my morning weight was 214.0 this morning.

    My plan is to continue to eat Paleo / Primal, mostly fats and vegetables and moderate protein in there..............this means limiting fruit intake.

    Walk my dogs everyday that is weather cooperating.

    Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown first and then Turbo Jam workouts.

    Sunday is free day to do whatever or nothing.

    Get my water intake on the weekends, I am bad about drinking coffee all day long on Saturday and Sundays...............

    I still need to take my measurements.
  • Ok so I've had to change one of my goals. I had a goal of eating 1500 but I'm changing it to a net goal of 1200...cause I've been working out a lot and found myself feeling lethargic, so I'm going to start eating back some of my exercise calories. But yeah as far as everything else is concerned I'm on track. I've lost another 2lbs this morning, so that's only 18lbs left for my June goal.
  • alanzo87
    alanzo87 Posts: 14
    so soon! I actually want it to be May 29th, that's my birthday.

    increase protein
    lose atleast 6 lbs
    lose inches around waist and thighs
    be able to jog a few miles. i can speed walk, but i want to be able to build it up!

    good luck to everybody!
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317

    I didnt look at your food diary but I eat like 35 - 40 % fat out 2000 calories. Almonds, flax seed oil, olives, etc. Avacados are good too. I wouldn't be afraid to eat a bit more of healthy fats. Ive been eating this way since Nov. and havent gained a pound. In fact until I upped my calories I was losing weight. But Im also finshing up a fat burning kettlebell program. So it was working too well. I started it at 140 lbs, and was down to 134 3 weeks in. I didnt want to get that low. So I talked to the trainer and he said just eat everyday like you are training instead of dropping calories on your rest days.
    I agree with Steve, you can eat fat and survive! I eat about 80g per day and weigh 140 lbs.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member

    I didnt look at your food diary but I eat like 35 - 40 % fat out 2000 calories. Almonds, flax seed oil, olives, etc. Avacados are good too. I wouldn't be afraid to eat a bit more of healthy fats. Ive been eating this way since Nov. and havent gained a pound. In fact until I upped my calories I was losing weight. But Im also finshing up a fat burning kettlebell program. So it was working too well. I started it at 140 lbs, and was down to 134 3 weeks in. I didnt want to get that low. So I talked to the trainer and he said just eat everyday like you are training instead of dropping calories on your rest days.
    I agree with Steve, you can eat fat and survive! I eat about 80g per day and weigh 140 lbs.

    I agree about the eating fats. I consume way more fat than most everyone else here. Since I have upped my fat intake back to about 50 - 65% of my daily calories again, I am losing about a 1/2 pound per day.

    I am trying to keep my macros similar to this:

    Fat: 60 - 70%
    Protein: 25 - 30%
    Carbs: No more than 10%
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    When I was adding mass, I was eating 75% fat! As I dropped my calories to drop fat this phase, the protein and carbs stay the same (protein 175g, carbs under 30g net) and fat moves, I believe it's only around 50% now. I'm never hungry - fat is the answer to that!
  • What a great group! I am getting married in June and would love some support! 60 pounds down and still truckin!

    I work out 5-6 days a week a typical week looks like this:

    Monday: Spin class, 30 minute plyo circut or yoga
    Tuesday: 1 hr weight lifting usually legs, 30 mins cardio
    Wednesday: 1 hr boot camp, 1 hr weight lifting usually back and shoulders
    Thursday: 30 min weight lifting usually arms or legs/full body , 30 min cardio
    Friday: 30 min weight lifting what I've left out throughout the week or full body, 30 min cardio
    Saturday: Rest/ Run or Cardio
    Sunday: Rest

    I follow the eat clean diet. A typical day for me looks like this:

    Time Meal 1
    7:00 AM 1 C Cooked oatmeal w/ 1 scoop protein powder, 1 c oj 370
    3/4 C cooked Farina, 1 t. cinnamon, 1 banana, 1 C FF Milk 307
    5 egg whites, 1/2 c spin, 1/4 C. salsa 1/4 C FF ch. 1/2 WW Bagel 305
    Time Meal 2
    10:00 AM 1 medium apple, 1 FF string Cheese 175
    1 small banana, 1 T PB 200

    Time Meal 3
    1:00 PM 4 oz Grilled Chix W/WW Arnold Rounds, 1/2 Grapefruit 290
    2 C. spin lettuce, 1 can tuna, 1/2 red pepper, 1/2 Cuc, 1 t.Olive Oil, 1 T.BV, 8 almonds 338
    4 oz leanest gr beef, LF, WW Wrap, 10 asparagus spears 390
    Time Meal 4
    4:00 PM 1 scoop protein mix as pudding 120
    1 scoop protein mix with 1/4 C FF yogurt 154

    Time Meal 5
    7:00 PM 4 oz Tilapia, 1 C mixed veggie variety, 1/2 C. cooked br rice 281
    4 oz salmon, 1/4 C peas, 3 oz sw potatoe 272
    5 oz. chix, 1 small squash, 4 oz sw potatoe 290

    1/2 C Cottage Cheese 80
    NOTES * Pick one meal daily for each group
    *Be sure to eat every 3 hours
    * Alter times as your day permits- just be sure to have the protein shake immed after workout.
    * BV = Basalmic Vinegar 1316
    * Farina is Cream of Wheat 1351
    *WW = Whole Wheat 1360
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    When I was adding mass, I was eating 75% fat! As I dropped my calories to drop fat this phase, the protein and carbs stay the same (protein 175g, carbs under 30g net) and fat moves, I believe it's only around 50% now. I'm never hungry - fat is the answer to that!

    I agree!!!
  • Dang that's just right around the corner...lol! I'm going to Vegas first week in August and am hoping to be down 50 lbs by then. Total, I am wanting to loose 100 lbs. Of course not in 10 weeks lol! 100 lbs is my ultimate goal.

    My goals are:
    -Drink 8 glasses of water a day
    -Don't drink pop, drink water, tea, or juices instead
    -Workout 6 days a week - ***Starting Chalean Extreme March 30th
    -Walk on treadmill at least 4 times a week
    -Eat more vegetables and fruit
    -Stay motivated
    -Eat 1200-1300 calories daily

    I did really good last week and this week haven't done the greatest for exercising so far. One thing I need help with is staying motivated. How do you all stay motivated?
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I just log my strength training workouts as created cardio workouts and estimate 5 cal per minute.

    That's a lot! That would've been about 300 for the hour, but there's 4 of us rotating machines, so I just did the 150 that MFP gave me.
  • k8bugz
    k8bugz Posts: 64 Member
    I want in!

    My plan is a work in progress. I just started mfp, and counting calories again. I'm still trying to figure out my caloric goals. MFP is recommending 1200 cals/day, I think that's pretty low, so I may shoot for closer to 1500 and see what happens.

    These are my first goals:
    1. Log food and workouts every day
    2. Full body strength training workouts 2x week.
    3. Maintain running base with 2x3 mile runs and 1x5-6 miler per week (starting next week, I'm still running easy and recovering from a half-marathon last week)
    4. Yoga and/or core at least once every week

    I don't want to be a slave to the scale but I may need the motivation!
  • Suzy12
    Suzy12 Posts: 284
    I've logged most of my food for the day already. Still will add to supper though and probably a cup of herb tea this afternoon. My morning workout kind of sucked. I stayed up too late last night (and didn't log the bit o'whisky I had before bed). Obviously didn't help. But then I thought I could be a rock star and ramped the incline up to 5% (I usually do 3-4 at 4mph). Ha! Who was I kidding. I'm sitting on the ice pack now. Hopefully my sciatic is only a little pissed and not really really mad at me! LOL!!!

    I still think it's going to be a successful day though!
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    Just a thought....Every night when u complete ur food diary....please after click the comment box and put 10 weeks till june in the caption!!!!!I know most of u but would really like to get familiar with all of u!:)This way it catches my eye....I will do the same!
  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    Today was kickass! I got in 85 minutes of cardio running, something I could not have done a month ago. Yesterday I started an ab/push-up routine and it felt good. I think I'll be doing stairs tomorrow to mix it up and to work some muscles that haven't been worked in awhile :)
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