10 Week's To June



  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    yikes! that is coming up quickly. sooooo... i'd like to join! i will have to work out my goals and get back to you.
  • Suzy12
    Suzy12 Posts: 284
    Just a thought....Every night when u complete ur food diary....please after click the comment box and put 10 weeks till june in the caption!!!!!I know most of u but would really like to get familiar with all of u!:)This way it catches my eye....I will do the same!

    Great idea!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    I just log my strength training workouts as created cardio workouts and estimate 5 cal per minute.

    That's a lot! That would've been about 300 for the hour, but there's 4 of us rotating machines, so I just did the 150 that MFP gave me.

    I'm kind of including the after burn for muscle building for the next 48 hours. However, it doesn't really matter since I don't worry about eating back exercise calories. 1770 calories on non-weight training days, around 2,000 on lifting days is my general target. That being said, calories is really not a big point of concern for me. More worried about the macro's and the level of workouts.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Today was kickass! I got in 85 minutes of cardio running, something I could not have done a month ago. Yesterday I started an ab/push-up routine and it felt good. I think I'll be doing stairs tomorrow to mix it up and to work some muscles that haven't been worked in awhile :)

    Yes! It's so important to do different cardio as often as possible. Our bodies get better at about anything we do, so keep mixing it up. When I was doing crazy cardio to lose weight, I would do a different machine every 15 minutes, and even then, different speeds, different incline/resistance. Steps were my favorite though - nothing burns like that - especially outdoor steps !
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Just a thought....Every night when u complete ur food diary....please after click the comment box and put 10 weeks till june in the caption!!!!!I know most of u but would really like to get familiar with all of u!:)This way it catches my eye....I will do the same!

    Just changed my settings to complete shows up - now i just have to remember to click complete :)
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    I don't think I've ever clicked complete...
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Thanks for the advice guys. I am absolutely not afraid of fat at all. I recognize the good it does, and I have no fear of adding healthy fats back in. My normal way of eating is just normally very lean, so it's an effort to get my fat up to where it needs to be.

    Here's the thing though. I am one of those people whose energy crashes on low carb. When I followed the p90x nutrition plan with 40/30/30, omg that was like death. If I drop under 50% of cals from carbs, I am dragging butt so bad I can barely walk up the stairs! I could barely get through my workouts till I changed up my nutrition. How do you deal with that?
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Thanks for the advice guys. I am absolutely not afraid of fat at all. I recognize the good it does, and I have no fear of adding healthy fats back in. My normal way of eating is just normally very lean, so it's an effort to get my fat up to where it needs to be.

    Here's the thing though. I am one of those people whose energy crashes on low carb. When I followed the p90x nutrition plan with 40/30/30, omg that was like death. If I drop under 50% of cals from carbs, I am dragging butt so bad I can barely walk up the stairs! I could barely get through my workouts till I changed up my nutrition. How do you deal with that?

    Im the same way but i think 45% is doable and that is my goal for now!!! Maybe try that!!! ;-)
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Finished my workout - much better today - Arms/Legs done.

    I agree tattooed! The 30% carbs is the hardest for me. It's low enough to sap your energy, but not low enough to kick fat burners on. Everyone has to find what numbers work for them. In fact, the fun is, as we continue to get more in shape, the number keeps changing... It's like a lifetime of adjusting :) it's kind of fun to experiment. It was amazing that when I was experimenting with 3500-3800 calories a day, I still didn't gain any real weight. Always trying to find the sweet spot. Once I get as lean as I'd like to be, I'll raise up to a slow building number for the remainder of summer, then bulk in earnest in the fall and winter. (Then I'll get super huge!) (or something.)

    I'm teaching my brutal class BodyBlitz tonight, going to burn off some goo for sure. Tomorrow morning first thing, I have a fit club with my buddie Joe, then we're going to do an Ab/Core marathon destruction time. Should be fun :)
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    Gosh, I'm learning loads through this thread about diet and nutrition! I thought really low carb might be the answer (I lost my weight through that) but struggle to train on it - I know some feel great doing it, it but I felt dreadful! I think I might play with the numbers a bit more!

    There are some massively inspirational people on here! Thanks this is a good place for me to be!

    Ps good day for me

    running intervals (speed work)
    heavy weights 4 sets of 4 'moves' with plyometric work in between
    Some elliptical at the end to make sure the heart rate stayed up!

    Diet fine but I know there are improvements to be made!! Watch this space!
  • I have just joined and I really like the plan's approach, started logging on Sunday and doing well. A 10-week plan sounds like a great goal!!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies here! Gail - you are so right! It's all about improving, every day I notice that I could have done just slightly better by a small change here or there.... The whole thing is such a learning process for all of us!
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    Just checking in....Did my workout today JM SIX PACK...warm up!Went for a little walk with the little one to.Completed my food diary clean and very happy to close out day two!:)
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Well, my workout was stunner. But my tofurky went bad and I had to change my day... now i'm over 1 carb i think. booo. Least it's not 40!

    Steve, I have a weight loss issue ...lol.... I tend to lose on the drop of a dime, so I try to eat back every last calorie :/
    I appreciate the tip!!
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Well I am finally in the hotel. My day started at 3:30 this morning for the commute to ATL and ends in Ft. Myers. Rest day for me today and food is dead on for a rest day.

    Tatooed, not sure what to tell you about the carbs if I ate 50% carbs you could connect a gas tank to my rear and Id be able to power a car with all th gas, sorry if thats too much info. I could never eat that much in carbs.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Good thing I had most of my exercise in early today as I was dealt a massive curveball.

    What went well:

    -Did C25K W4D1 today despite the freaking unbelievable wind (thank you wind vest!) and 90% of that went really well. Had some truoble on thelast run interval but didn't give in, just did the last 2.5 minutes alternating between 30 seconds running and 30 seconds walking. Not ideal, but better than just walking.

    -Got a lot of extra walking in as well.

    -Actually almost hit my calorie goal(slightly under)

    -Logged my water all day!

    What went badly:

    -Didn't eat breakfast. I end up chasing calories all day when I do that, and I know it. So why did I skip breakfast?!

    -Ate a lot more carbs than I had planned. Got a massive curveball late afternoon when I found out my mom went by ambulance to the ER and then got thrown off schedule trying to manage that situation. (Mom is FINE, I just found out a few minutes ago. Sore, but nothing serious and she's on her way home with my brother.) But that left me absolutely starving and eating dinner 2 hours late, so someone made some 'not ideal' choices. *Moral of the story--don't wait so long between meals.
  • innocenceportrayed
    innocenceportrayed Posts: 569 Member
    10 weeks until June are you serious!? Wow. I really gotta start like last month. Living in Florida, the beach is ready already but i'm definitely not ready for it. Everyone says they can't tell how much I weigh, I've just gotten better at hiding it. Depression and stress have been bad at pushing me over into the drive thru lane lately...Anyway.

    My goals:
    Log in everyday - check
    Log in everything I eat
    Workout 5 x a week, at least 4 workouts include running - I have bad asthma this is hard for me
    Strength Training at least 3x a week

    Note to self: I can do this. I have to do this. There is no room for failure.
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    Checking in:
    Exercise: 30 Day Shred, L3 & went biking for the first time in ages (didn't last long-different muscles used for sure)
    Nutrition: Raisins, strawberries & lots of protein

    There seems to be so many knowledgable people on this thread! If anyone has a suggestions on diet/exercise for me I would love the feedback. I still ned to lose appx 90 lbs (I'll reevaluate after that) and am willing to work hard to reach my goals. I've already lost 46 lbs since January 3rd. I'm definitely committed!! Thanks!
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Good thing I had most of my exercise in early today as I was dealt a massive curveball.

    What went well:

    -Did C25K W4D1 today despite the freaking unbelievable wind (thank you wind vest!) and 90% of that went really well. Had some truoble on thelast run interval but didn't give in, just did the last 2.5 minutes alternating between 30 seconds running and 30 seconds walking. Not ideal, but better than just walking.

    -Got a lot of extra walking in as well.

    -Actually almost hit my calorie goal(slightly under)

    -Logged my water all day!

    What went badly:

    -Didn't eat breakfast. I end up chasing calories all day when I do that, and I know it. So why did I skip breakfast?!

    -Ate a lot more carbs than I had planned. Got a massive curveball late afternoon when I found out my mom went by ambulance to the ER and then got thrown off schedule trying to manage that situation. (Mom is FINE, I just found out a few minutes ago. Sore, but nothing serious and she's on her way home with my brother.) But that left me absolutely starving and eating dinner 2 hours late, so someone made some 'not ideal' choices. *Moral of the story--don't wait so long between meals.

    I'd say you did well despite circumstances!
  • Suzy12
    Suzy12 Posts: 284
    I've logged most of my food for the day already. Still will add to supper though and probably a cup of herb tea this afternoon. My morning workout kind of sucked. I stayed up too late last night (and didn't log the bit o'whisky I had before bed). Obviously didn't help. But then I thought I could be a rock star and ramped the incline up to 5% (I usually do 3-4 at 4mph). Ha! Who was I kidding. I'm sitting on the ice pack now. Hopefully my sciatic is only a little pissed and not really really mad at me! LOL!!!

    I still think it's going to be a successful day though!

    Day two is done. Back is ok now. Cals were low, but I'm really not hungry. Maybe will do some cheese later if I feel the need, but my plan is to turn in early tonight.

    Floor exercises were done too. And for those who are not faint of heart, as Steve requested, there is a pic of my abs (well.....really....they are there somewhere) and my arm.

    I'm planning on kicking it again tomorrow!!
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