Join me... 100 pounds to lose! -part 3



  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Too funny, Good info on eating out too, Pam. I just read a post on how to eat/drink at Starbuck's for less and it gave me the push to figure out an alternative to my Starbuck's usual. I found out that a 2% Grande Cappucino is much less than my usual Grande Latte or even Grande Non Fat Latte. I though I would soon have to settle for a double tall. I also checked out the other menu items too. Since I have been on break I have stayed away but not sure about when I get back into the quarter.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Keri - if you can figure it out now, you'll be so much further ahead. All this talk of starbucks got me in the mood for a coffee....but based on what I have left today calorie wise, I think I'm going to treat myself to a vanilla Rooibos tea a la chez Pam for 0 calories instead.....Mmmmmmmm....and might have one of my chocolate mint sticks of decadent!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Well I start back to school tomorrow. I have been adding Zumba into my exercise schedule and the classes should fit into my class schedule if not my homework. So I should at least start things out well that way. So I will be checking MFPals daily but it will depend on how things go whether I will be checking more than that. Hope we all start the week out right. I will go to my new Zumba class then go buy my books and parking pass before my first class. Have a great week everyone.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Enjoy your first day back Keri!!!! Sounds like you have a plan to keep up with the homework and the Zumba - sounds really balanced to me!
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    I've been struggling with eating out. The past 2 times (Olive Garden and O'Charley's) I've ended up eating more calories at 1 meal then I'm supposed to for the entire day. And then I see all the progress I've made on the scale disappear in one night.
    I know what I should order but somehow I always get off track. I really need to work on my self control.
    I'm not sure if I'm asking for tips and trick to eating out or if I just needed to put what's bringing me down right now into print.

    Peach: You'll get there. Eating out is supposed to be a bit of a splurge. Maybe choose a place where you know you won't be as weak. Olive Garden would be a bad choice for me... all that cheese & pasta! It's hard but you'll get there!

    Pam: I agree it's hard to talk to yourself. I'm missing you guys! Nice job on the losses!

    Keria: I know you'll do great this semester... you always do! I admire your ability to balance it all! Now that I've started this new job I'm having a hard time getting workouts in. Good thing I'm still pretty active at work... lots of walking and not too much desk time.

    I've also decided that when the weather gets nice, I'm going to take walks on my lunch break. We're in a residential area with sidewalks, so I'm going to take full advantage. :bigsmile:
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    I've been struggling with eating out. The past 2 times (Olive Garden and O'Charley's) I've ended up eating more calories at 1 meal then I'm supposed to for the entire day. And then I see all the progress I've made on the scale disappear in one night.
    I know what I should order but somehow I always get off track. I really need to work on my self control.
    I'm not sure if I'm asking for tips and trick to eating out or if I just needed to put what's bringing me down right now into print.

    Peach: You'll get there. Eating out is supposed to be a bit of a splurge. Maybe choose a place where you know you won't be as weak. Olive Garden would be a bad choice for me... all that cheese & pasta! It's hard but you'll get there!

    Pam: I agree it's hard to talk to yourself. I'm missing you guys! Nice job on the losses!

    Keria: I know you'll do great this semester... you always do! I admire your ability to balance it all! Now that I've started this new job I'm having a hard time getting workouts in. Good thing I'm still pretty active at work... lots of walking and not too much desk time.

    I've also decided that when the weather gets nice, I'm going to take walks on my lunch break. We're in a residential area with sidewalks, so I'm going to take full advantage. :bigsmile:

    Ruby Tuesday is a great place to eat out and not ruin your whole day! GO TAKE A LOOK AT THEIR WEBSITE!
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    BFLBlog is my son, RJ. You'll hear me call him Ronnie. :bigsmile: Show him some MFP LOVE!! ♥♥♥
    He has 150 pounds to lose so please add him in your friends list and let's get him motivated! :bigsmile:
    Love you guys! :heart:
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    My son, BFLBlog has joined! Give him the good old MFP welcome!! He needs us!!
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    My son, BFLBlog has joined! Give him the good old MFP welcome!! He needs us!!

    I requested him! Awesome!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    I love that your family is getting all into this Carol!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    I just put my 1st comment on his post. Oh and I love this post on MFP. I keep thinking of more. :laugh:
    Not a bad start to the week or quarter. So far so good exercise wise but I know it can't last.
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    Ok, so trying to get off my bread kick, which has been KILLING my calories, :frown: I am going to try something different. :huh: It's supposed to make your skin look radiant and flush out your body of toxins.:love: It's a 3 day fruit and water diet. Only fresh fruit or canned fruit with no added sugar... and only drink water, and you can add those little flavor packets to the water, as long as they are sugar free. What could it hurt?? and my body needs a break from BREAD!! :):bigsmile:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Sounds exciting!!!! Being IR, I can't do anything that drastic, but it sounds yummy. I could live off fruit.......but I would think your blood sugar would spike, a lot. So be prepared to sleep or eat.....A LOT!! :)
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    I don't think I could do the all fruit thing. I like it, but I would be STARVING!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    2011 SW: 241.8
    Week 6 EW: 235.2 (- 0.3lbs)
    Week 7 EW: 234.8 (- 0.4lbs)
    Week 8 EW: 233.2 (- 1.6lbs)
    Week 9 EW: 236.3 (+3.1 lbs)
    Week 10 EW: 236.6 (+0.3 lbs)
    Week 11 EW: 235.9 (-0.7 lbs)
    Week 12 EW: 234.6 (-1.3 lbs)
    Week 13 EW: 236.1 (+1.5 lbs)

    No words......LOL
  • peachElibrarian
    peachElibrarian Posts: 30 Member
    SW:3/1/11 - 230(estimate)
    3/15/11 - 218
    4/1/11 - 213.8 (-4.2 lbs)

    I'm pretty happy with this number. I haven't been working out just counting my calories this month. But I just got my wii fit Thursday so I'll be able to workout at night whenever I'm done with school.
    My current goal is to be under 200 when I graduate, which will be May 7th. That gives me 5 weeks to lose 13 lbs.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Awesomeness!!!! You can totally do that!!!!!!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    OK don't tell me the scale is playing an April Fool's joke on me. I have done something I haven't done since I started on here in August. I show a loss on a Friday! Only 0.8 pounds but I'll take it. After 10 days of 1 hour exercise a day and a relatively good 1st week back at school it should be more. Need to lose as much as possible early in the quarter before I get too busy and slow down again. I think during breaks I am doing so much exercise I don't lose. MFP is showing only .6 so maybe I had lost a bit more before that I didn't remember. Anyway I am finally in the mid 30's which feels to me like I can actually get below 200.
    So Carol good luck with your fruit diet. Morgan congrats on the loss and you definitely will make your goal! So since this is probably my only time I will get to report on weigh-in day I was not about to miss it although I probably should be heading off to school. Have a great weekend. That bit of weight isn't there to stay Pam.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    I'm too am hoping that scale isn't playing a trick on me. After a week of being in the "depressed" mood and junking out on junk food, drinking lots of reg. soda, and not being motivated or exercising, I actually lost weight and I hit the 160s, weighing in at 168.8 lbs!! Woo hoo!!! Time to celebrate!!

    WTG Keri on your loss!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    YAY Kari & Barb :)
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