Lose 5+ pounds in April, Yes We Can!

Okay guys... It's April.... What are your goals? Where do you want to be a month from now? We saw a lot of losses in March... a couple gains, but this is a NEW month! We are starting fresh!!

Okay This is how I would like your weights/goals posted so it makes it easier to make a chart! Not to sound mean, but you will NOT be included in the chart if you tell me to get your details from your status. Commit, follow the format, and it will be a great month!


Goal weight on April 30th:


Above are the weekly weigh-in days, you do not have to post weekly goals :) Unless of course you want to! :)
New charts will be up by Monday morning... If I do not have your current weight by Sunday night, your new weight will not be on the chart. Sorry! Good luck and look for our weekly challenges!!

First challenge of the month: This one is a two-part one-- Eat a min of 3-5 servings of fruits/and or Veggies a day! &
Try something new that is good for your health this week! Post what it was, and if you liked/enjoyed it!


  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I deffently want to be a part of this ! I will post later on what my current weight is and what my goal for the month of april is going to be ! Thanks for doing this challange !
  • kbdelarosa
    kbdelarosa Posts: 183 Member
    I am in!


    Goal weight on April 30th:

    04/01: 136.5
    04/08: 135
    04/15: 133.5
    04/22: 132
    04/30: 130.5

    Starting a new intense kickboxing class next week...hope it gets me off this plateau!
  • mandamama
    mandamama Posts: 250
    Name: Amanda (mandamama)

    Goal weight on April 30th: 212

    04/01: 217
    04/08: 216
    04/15: 215
    04/22: 214
    04/30 212

    In all honesty, I don't know if that is reasonable, too much or too little, but its where I am setting my goal I guess until I get the swing of this knowing where I should be :)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Thanks PickyNiki!:flowerforyou:

    I am in again.....:-) I might as well. I am shooting for 8 pounds in April. I will post actual start weight tomorrow.

    Name: Mollie1037

    Goal weight on April 30th:

  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    Name: JD92

    Goal weight on April 30th: 214


    looking forward to this =) hopefully ill have a good weigh in tomorrow morning to kick this month off on a high note!

    with the challenges, i hate most veggies (apart from potatoes), no real reasons why i suppose, ive hated them since childhood. i was a really picker eater. its actually a running joke in my house, because my parents and siblings love them!

    i love fruit tho, so ill try and just get extra of that.

    hmm... something new thats good for my health... ill have to think about that one :smile:
  • sjacob120
    Hi! I'm new to all this. How do I know what to set my goal at? I know where I would LIKE to be but not sure how attainable it is... Help!!!
  • Mattysmomma
    Mattysmomma Posts: 268
    I'm in!!


    Goal weight: 208 (6 pounds)

    4/1: 214
    4/8: 212
    4/15: 210
    4/30: 208

    Think I'll get a mani/pedi if I make weight this month!! :)
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    Hi! I'm new to all this. How do I know what to set my goal at? I know where I would LIKE to be but not sure how attainable it is... Help!!!

    a good number to start with is 5lbs less than your current weight. its definitley attainable in a month if you work at it, and who knows, you may go over!
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    Name: Lindsay-Ann

    Goal weight on April 30th: 180


    I'm so in! I'm restarting P90X tomorrow with my roommate and continuing on with 3 times a week spin classes.

    One of my personal struggles is eating enough of the GOOD foods. I can stay under my calorie goals, but it's with a piece of birthday cake thrown in, or half a hershey's chocolate bar (sweet tooth alert!) More veggies, less sugars!
  • I'm in as well. Question though all my weigh-in days are on Tueday, do I use what I want to be then or what I am now? and hopefully liquid form fruit/veggies is ok. I love juice.

    Name: Robbie

    Goal weight on April 30th: 162 (unless I beat it early.)

  • mindy71183
    I'm ini! What a great challange!

    Name: mindy71183

    Goal weight on April 30th: 185

    04/01: 190.6
    04/08: 189.2
    04/15: 187.8
    04/22: 186.4
    04/30: 185

    Thanks for telling me about this NIkki!! :)
  • txtarakaye
    Ok this is just what I need! Started going to bootcamp (T,Th,& F) and we have a 10 wk challenge going on, but that really doesn't help me b/c after I get done working out I go back to bed and then still eat like crap :( Researched my "true" weight via Dukan diet site... I'm about 10lbs heavy which is about right what I weighed before I started college and between my gut & my butt this seems correct... would be a nice place to be back to (without going on a crazy crazy diet), esp when looking at wedding dresses in May!

    ...so hooray for the mini-goals!!!

    Name: Tara Kaye Schilling

    Goal weight on April 30th: 108.0

    04/01: 117.0
    04/08: 114.75
    04/15: 112.5
    04/22: 110.25
    04/30: 108.0

    Challenge 1) fruit as snack or breakfast; veggie at lunch & dinner; possible fruit for dessert
    Challenge 2) Run Park's 3mi trail twice (Sunday before dinner & Monday after work- starting my week off right

    Thanks again for initiating this!!! Also, how do you want us to check in?
  • RenaeMG
    RenaeMG Posts: 19
    I'm in!

    Name: Renae

    Goal weight on April 30th: 200

    04/01: 206
    04/08: 204.5
    04/15: 203
    04/22: 201.5
    04/30: 200
  • kamk16
    kamk16 Posts: 205
    Yes thank you for taking over the challenge picki_nicki:smile:
    March was great for me but I didn't keep up on weekly challenges very well. Fruits and Vegetables are generally hard for me so this is always a good challenge for me to do. Not sure what I could try new but will keep watching thread for ideas and post later will also post starting weight tomorrow (I weigh everyday but only post under my check in on Mon so will see where I am at tomorrow).

    Name: kamk16

    Goal weight on April 30th: 139lbs (hopefully will be able to break into the 130's)

  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    Name: frostiegurl

    Goal weight on April 30th: 190

    04/01: Starting weight 198
  • Blakemore1229
    Name: Ashley B

    Goal weight on April 30th: 120 lbs

    04/22: 122
    04/30: 120

    my goal for this month is to trully finish 30DS, i love it but never finish it, also to keep walking my 3 miles every morning. Good luck everyone!
  • Picky_nikki
    Picky_nikki Posts: 405 Member
    Ok this is just what I need! Started going to bootcamp (T,Th,& F) and we have a 10 wk challenge going on, but that really doesn't help me b/c after I get done working out I go back to bed and then still eat like crap :( Researched my "true" weight via Dukan diet site... I'm about 10lbs heavy which is about right what I weighed before I started college and between my gut & my butt this seems correct... would be a nice place to be back to (without going on a crazy crazy diet), esp when looking at wedding dresses in May!

    ...so hooray for the mini-goals!!!

    Name: Tara Kaye Schilling

    Goal weight on April 30th: 108.0

    04/01: 117.0
    04/08: 114.75
    04/15: 112.5
    04/22: 110.25
    04/30: 108.0

    Challenge 1) fruit as snack or breakfast; veggie at lunch & dinner; possible fruit for dessert
    Challenge 2) Run Park's 3mi trail twice (Sunday before dinner & Monday after work- starting my week off right

    Thanks again for initiating this!!! Also, how do you want us to check in?
    Check in minimum of once a week after the weekly weigh-in (this month ends up being Fridays) Check in as often as you want! I will be doing weekly goals for us to try and meet, if anyone has ideas for new ones, feel free to msg them to me! This is OUR challenge, not just mine! :) Because you have goals set here, copy and past your weigh-in targets and type your actual weights next to your goals. Specify your weigh-in weight vs your goals if you want to include goals. The monthly goal and weight lost is all I am keeping track of. :) Challenge answers!
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Just finished the March Challenge and I'm ready for the April one. I hope to drop another 5lbs this month but more would be fantastic.

    Name: usmcwifeb15

    Goal weight on April 30th: 142

  • samcee
    samcee Posts: 307
    I'm in! Really want April to be my month!!

    Name: samcee

    Goal weight on April 30th: 122lbs (8.10 stones)

  • oxFaithxo
    oxFaithxo Posts: 160 Member
    i'm in as long as i dont lose the thread AGAIN: i am good for that!
    Name: xoFaithox

    Goal weight on April 30th: 154
    My Goal for this month is to get to the gym FRIDAY MORNINGS!