Lots2Lose & over 40 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    Good Morning!

    When I went to set up my under 2000 calorie ticker this morning I realized there is noway I am lowering my calories since I have not made it to 20 plus days under 2000 calories. So my goal is to be under 2000 calories at least 21 days. If I can do this every months for 2 or 3 months then I will think about loweing calories to 1900.

    Have a good day!
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Final thing promise!

    I have continued to wear a ring on my engagement finger since the death of my man last year. I just couldn’t bear to be without it on my finger. Yesterday morning I just didn’t put it on. Neither did I wear it today. Today I realised what I had (or hadn't done) whilst I was driving back from the gym.

    Something has shifted. Not sure if that is why I have been feeling so low of energy this last week (my body/mind sorting something out internally perhaps).

    Maybe it is the wonderful support you have all been giving me that has moved me onto the next step. Thanks to you all x

    Oh L, that is so touching. I have so happy that you are moving forward and proud to maybe have been a small part of that.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend my dear! Save travels!!!
  • christyrussell2
    christyrussell2 Posts: 630 Member
    Friday Foods
    Vegetables, vegetables, vegetables – I love them & they have so few calories. They are so varied in color, taste & texture that how could you ever get bored with them. Pictsweet has some vegetable medleys that come in a box (2 servings) that are just wonderful. I bring them for lunch quite often & eat the whole box without even risking going overboard on calories. Check them out! They’re great!

    @Shelly – I like that you utilized your computer to help you know when to eat. Isn’t technology great?

    @karenleona – I hate to hear that your daughter & daughter-in-law aren’t getting along. It can make for some very awkward times. I think they should respect you & your house and work it out.

    @Hopeful53 – Good job on getting back into the gym. That will help your energy level. Have a good trip with your family!

    @Mollie – Great job on staying under 2000 calories for 12 days. I know you’ll do even better in April! Fast food is a tough personal challenge; only 3 days in a month is quite impressive.

    @Jojo – They have come a long way in knee replacements; don’t be afraid if that is where you end up. Oh, I also suffer from slow (VERY SLOW) weight loss. It’s frustrating but like you, I use others success stories to help motivate me.

    @katzpawz – 2.5 miles in less than an hour is moving, I will I could walk that fast. Keep up the pace! Also if you can see (or at least recognize) the positive aspects in things, you’ll be surprised how it will affect other things in your life. I’m a firm believer in being able to find something positive in everything. Don’t get me wrong – I’m not one of the chipper, “oh no it’s her” kind of person. I just enjoy finding something good in everything. Sometimes it’s really challenging though.

    :heart: Christy
  • christyrussell2
    christyrussell2 Posts: 630 Member

    Healthy Lifestyle Tip: Fitting Exercise Into Your Busy Schedule
    When planning your exercise program, it's important to realize how essential health and fitness is to your well-being. You should view your workouts as a priority. Here are some ways to make exercise a part of your regular routine:

    -Schedule your workouts just as you would any other appointment. Exercise will have a positive impact on your entire day.
    -Even if you don't feel like exercising, just do it! This is especially important in the early stages of your program as regular visits build the foundation for success.
    -Whether you work out in the morning, afternoon or evening, exercise at the same time each day for the next three months. This will help you develop a regular habit.
    -Do not overdo it. Set a goal of 3-4 visits per week; your joints and muscles need time to recover.
    -No matter how you exercise, just work it in and make it fun! Remember, keeping fit is a lifestyle.

    :heart: Christy
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    I posted my kindergarten picture in honor one of my MFP friend who is trying to get us to think back to our childhood days when we were very active. The point is to remember our energy and bring it back to our adult life today. So if you have a childhood picture scan it and use it to bring back some of that youthful vigor we all had in our youth.....:-)

    It brings back the innocence of being so young at heart!:flowerforyou: I am going to see if I can make it the week with this picture up. I just changed to my rose.
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Good morning,
    Another quick check in before I head to the place I love...Haha! My scales haven't moved! 2.5 litres of water, stuck to my calories....Ho de hum. Patience girl patience.

    I saw my surgeon's registrar on Wednesday. She said my knee is still healing but it can not be fixed other than a replacement. If I have one know then I will need another by the time I'm in my mid 50's. Second ones are not very successful :(

    Oh Joanna, I am so sorry the scale has not cooperated! But you are exactly right - patience is the key. You are doing everything you can, so there is no doubt your body's rebellion will end. Glad you intend on sticking with it!!! Also sorry about your knee - mine really hurt quite a lot but am hopeful that losing more weight will help. :smile:
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Thursday Triumps day-

    March was the 1st month I had over 12 days under 2000 calories and this week 3 days in a row. Despite not losing 1 pound this monthh I have several NSV's. Today I was able to wear a skirt I could not wear this time last year. I start wearing it in December and January but it was snug. Well it is not snug anymore! YAY! It fits wonderfully. A few more pounds and it will be loose.

    Also last month I challenge myself to no fast foods. It was a bad habit I had gotten back into after my weight loss surgery. March I only had fast foods 3 days out of 31. So April is going to be better for sure weight wise. Shooting for 21 days under 1900 calories. I am going to work on eatling less processed stuff too.

    Great job Mollie! What a ton of NSVs this month!!! No doubt you will lose in April - I just feel like it will be your month!!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    Thanks Melissa! Me too! I am going to make it my business to me my month! :flowerforyou:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member

    Healthy Lifestyle Tip: Fitting Exercise Into Your Busy Schedule
    When planning your exercise program, it's important to realize how essential health and fitness is to your well-being. You should view your workouts as a priority. Here are some ways to make exercise a part of your regular routine:

    -Schedule your workouts just as you would any other appointment. Exercise will have a positive impact on your entire day.
    -Even if you don't feel like exercising, just do it! This is especially important in the early stages of your program as regular visits build the foundation for success.
    -Whether you work out in the morning, afternoon or evening, exercise at the same time each day for the next three months. This will help you develop a regular habit.
    -Do not overdo it. Set a goal of 3-4 visits per week; your joints and muscles need time to recover.
    -No matter how you exercise, just work it in and make it fun! Remember, keeping fit is a lifestyle.

    :heart: Christy

    Thanks Christy! Great reminder!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    I had planned on going to the gym this morning and then going to the eye dr. but I have 2 sick kids home today. 1 is sick and I think 1 is faking LOL. Anyway my plans have changed. My husband has mens retreat tonight and tomorrow so It will just be me and the 3 kids. So I will have to get my exercise in with my dvds, wii or walking.Today is my weigh in day. I lost 1.5 lbs this week which is what I gained last week. So I am even. I hope this next week I make some real progress. My pants feel alot looser so that is good.

    mollie, yes I love all the reality shows that deal with weight loss. I also watch Heavy and The Biggest Loser. I also watch Shedding For The Wedding. Have you seen that one? not quite as good as the other 2 but still enjoyable. I also enjoyed I Used To Be Fat but it is not on right now. I hope they bring it back for another season
    Yes, gum also helps me when I have the munchies but I am not really hungry or dont know what I want. I have chewed more gum in the last 2 months then I have in the last 3 yrs. LOL
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Happy Friday all. Been a busy morning for me. I am hosting our knitting/beading/crocheting/gossiping/eating group this evening - there are 6 of us and we take turns hosting on Fridays. Anyway, baked 2 dozen chocolate chip cookies - did I mention we eat? Still have to cut up veggies for salads and clean the powder room. Planning to get a walk in amongst the over activity.

    I did my walk yesterday after a trip to the grocery and my foot is not feeling very well. However, I need to keep moving - I fear if I stop, I will end up back in my old pattern of being totally sedentary.

    Friday Food - I have started eating a same snack nearly every day - 1/2 C non-fat vanilla yogurt (usually Dannon brand) with 1/2 C frozen blueberries stirred into the yogurt. It is some yummy - as good as ice cream to me - and around 100 calories for a pretty big bowl. I am not really a blueberry person, but I have been trying to eat more of them since I started counting calories and frozen they have so much more flavor and a firmer texture.

    Mollie - I love the new profile pic. What a cute youngin' you were!!!! I also love the idea behind it. If I can scare up a school pic, I will scan it and add as mine too!

    Kelly, I understand about not wanting to post when not feeling totally positive. Of course, if you need to vent, we are certainly happy to listen. Reading the others posts sure help motivate me, esp. when I am feeling down. What a great group we have here!

    Hope everyone has a great day!!! I will likely not be back until the ladies leave tonight, but I will be back!!!! :bigsmile:

    Hugs to all!
  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member
    Joanna, My Dr. has told me the same thing about getting a knee replacement. I'm 45 now and he says they only last for about 10 yrs., so he thinks I'd be better off to wait if I can. When I tell people this, they do not always agree. They tell me I'd be better off getting it now whle I'm young, but they are not doctors either. Also, I am a big chicken when it comes to surgery (bock, bock,bock)

    I had my knee replaced in 2007. I was told 30 years before a new replacement. I think it depends on what kind of knee they use (mine is a Zimmer for women) and how it was done. Instead of gluing mine in, they ummm, spiked it into the bones. yep. Everyone's experience and recovery are different. I had mine replaced because of an accident in 1992 where I shattered the tibial plateau, after 15 years it was time. I'm glad I did it now and not waited any longer. I still have tendonitis so that's why the stationary bike is a better friend than the treadmill :smile:
    Before considering the surgery, find a good doctor (duh) and find out which knee they will be using and then research the heck out of it. There are a lot of options out there. Don't settle for anything less than what is best for you.
  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member
    Finally caught up on everyone's posts. I have been in weight loss groups before, but none like this one. As Paul Simon said: "We've got a groovy thing goin'!" I'm not the best at responding to everyone every day, but I do read all the posts.

    My default setting has typically been to see the glass as half empty. One of my goals for improving myself, is to look for times when I can see the glass as half full. Those are the days I will usually post. No one benefits from my negative rantings (although I have indulged myself a few times). It seems to help in so many areas, not just weight loss.

    I just got in from my walk!! I'm still holding at about 2.5 miles in just under an hour. My goal is to reach 3 miles in an hour. It's going to take some time to get there, but a month ago I couldn't do what I'm doing now.

    I wish everyone a great weekend. Remember, the glass is half full, and celebrate your successes!


    My favorite Terry Pratchett quote (okay, one of my favorites)

    "There are, it has been said, two types of people in the world. There are those who, when presented with a glass that is exactly half full, say: this glass is half full. And then there are those who say: this glass is half empty. The world belongs, however, to those who can look at the glass and say: What's up with this glass? Excuse me? Excuse me? This is my glass? I don't think so. My glass was full! And it was a bigger glass!"

    Now that is a successful glass!
  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member
    Daily Inspiration for April 1, 2011
    Katie Jay, MSW

    Use all five senses.

    Many people who have weight issues focus primarily on the sense of taste for pleasure and soothing. Maybe you know, in theory, other things would feel good, but food is such an easy and familiar source of comfort. Finding a new source of pleasure, and getting as much pleasure from it as you do from eating, will take time, effort, and open mindedness.

    When you accept that food cannot be your only source of comfort, you make room for other pleasurable experiences. You can enjoy a delicious massage, listen to motivating music, appreciate a beautiful painting, or relax with aroma therapies.

    Action for the day: Today, think about other pleasures in life besides food. Try something enjoyable that involves a sense other than taste. Don't be afraid to take a risk.

    DId you know that the nose is the only one of the 5 senses (I'm such a smarta$$, I know) that is connected directly to the brain? I love aromatherapy, it can so brighten your mood, calm you down and de-stress.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Mollie- great job staying under 2000 for so many days in march!! april will be even better

    Joanna- i love your attitude of sticking with your health plan even when the scale is not moving yet...it will come

    Katzpawz- i am one of those who tends to look at myself as the glass half empty...but for some reason i always find the positive in others....need to change that for myself

    L- glad you are getting some energy back....

    Christy- thanks for the tip from the gym regarding making fitness a priority in life. For me, this has become my 'job' while i am off on disability.

    I am not a gum chewer...my kids laugh when they give me gum cause it only lasts about 3 minutes then i spit it out!
    I do like to watch 'Heavy" and, less so, 'biggest loser'....i don't like all the game-playing they do on biggest loser but both shows motivate me to work harder. I think if i was forced to work as hard as the biggest loser people i would have a heart attack.....although some days i work so hard at the gym i feel nauseated!
    I also have trouble with my knees...one I had scoped and cleaned out several years ago...they wanted to replace it two years ago but I did nothave time then....lol....now i need a heart valve fixed first....then my back...then eventually my knees...good grief...i will be dead by then...lol
    I went to the gym this morning and hope to do a light cardio workout tomorrow...but we will see if i can move in the morning
    work hard to stay on track this weekend.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    We are almost near the end of the thread and I want to make sure that 1st page is copied from Linda with our names and the days on it. So here goes...

    I agree on TBL and game play but since I used to weigh over 500 myself I really love Heavy and can relate and I like how heavy focus more on the food addiction end of it. And I have noticed how hard it is for most to stay on track after the show. I can't wait to see next week, How have they done? But you can tell and see it is going to be a life long battle for them. Heavy helps me remember to think of it and a life change too and if it is hard for them in front of the cameras and in a island away from home. We should be proud that we are doing it without the cameras and under a microscope. I hate to see Heavy is at the end of the season already.

    Both shows make me see, encourage and inspire me to do more at the gym despite my limitations.

    The last few pages will will be inspirations until I get the 1st page completed. They are some good ones too! Enjoy! Have a wonderful weekend! I hope some more of you get a chance to share this weekend. I really enjoyed the shares last weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    Daily Inspiration for March 30, 2011
    Katie Jay,MSW

    Be persistent.

    Just possessing a skill will not get the job done; you must use your skill over and over again to reach your goal.

    Think of the tortoise and hare in Aesop's Fables. The hare was skillful, but not persistent. He stopped and took a nap during the race! But, the tortoise was persistent. He just kept running and running. Slowly and imperfectly, but persistently. Like that brave tortoise, persistent people are rewarded with success. More talented people have fallen short because they did not have the fortitude to go the distance.

    Action for the day: Are you persistent? In your journal, explore how it feels, or would feel, to be persistent and what that might mean for your overall success.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    Daily Inspiration for March 31, 2011
    Katie Jay,MSW

    Distract yourself.

    Instead of counting the minutes until the next meal, put something other than food in your mind. Call a friend (you don't have to say why if you don't want to).

    Better yet, do something that will make you proud of yourself. Exercise, for instance. Many people hate it, yeah, but when you start substituting something that will make you feel good about yourself (exercise) for something that will depress you (head hunger), you'll, well, feel good about yourself!

    Action for the day: Instead of thinking about food today, find something else to think about. Every time you notice you are obsessing about food, change your focus. Do something to distract yourself.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    Daily Inspiration for March 27, 2011
    Katie Jay,MSW

    Have courage.

    Over time, most people realize they will have to make important changes, difficult changes, if they want long-term weight loss success. Some of the changes are physical: more exercise, better eating habits, getting your lab work done regularly. Some of the changes are mental: resolving long-standing depression, changing negative thought patterns, uncovering old ideas that sabotage you. And some of the changes are spiritual: reconnecting with your Creator, learning to care for your soul, and leaving an isolated lifestyle behind.

    All these changes are often scary and require hard work. Be brave--physical, mental, and spiritual health await you.

    Action for the day: Take 15 minutes today and make a badge of courage for yourself. Get out the crayons, markers, tape, scissors, glitter...whatever you need. On your badge write something like: "Susan the Brave." Hang your badge where you'll see it every day (and wear it around the house from time to time to help you change how you view yourself and your potential).