Lots2Lose & over 40 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    [:explode: I think we all need to remember (including me) that NO FOOD IS FORBIDDEN, we just need to moderate and account for the higher calorie foods and maybe have smaller portions then we would of in the past. Plus have those foods less frequently then we would have previously. Me personally…I will NEVER give up Carbs, Cheese, Beer or Chocolate…it is just about smarter choices!!! I will not stop going out and seeing friends or give up my calorie/beer laden vacations :drinker: . I enjoyed my one Reeces Peanut Butter Egg (need to log that) today and don’t plan on it psyching me out (in the past I would of gotten a 6-pack and killed it in one day). We don’t need to feel Guilty!!! I declare “Guilty” a “4-letter word” we should not use :devil: (bad word, naughty word, I don’t believe you said that word)…Just Saying :tongue: ]

    Well said Shelly!!!! :drinker: I totally agree. A few co-workers who have been talking about food will ask "can you eat ____". I reply with I can eat anything I want. Whether I want to waste calories on something is another story, but it is my choice. I do not consider anything forbidden mainly because I know this is a lifelong change for me and I could not live the rest of my life never eating french fries for instance again. I have only chosen to have fries once in the past 4 months - Chick Fil A square-cut are very tasty - but if I want fries, I will have them. Knowing that I can eat whatever I want seems to have made me want it less. I am not as focused on food as I once was and am finally, at least sometimes, starting to look at food as a survival tool and not a pathway to happiness or comfort. I sure still have my days though, esp. TOM, but for the most part, I do not "want" to eat "bad" food now.

    As far as my "bad" word, it is probably DIET (which as Whitney pointed out, begins with "DIE" :cry: ) How could that be a good thing? Given the way that term is used in our culture, it implies a temporary eating plan involving some sort of deprivation. How could stick with that forever? The shift in my food choices is a long-term, forever eating plan and not a d-word. Dang it! :mad: LOL

    Mollie, my official stats for the chart are below. I have set my April goal at 6#. That will make my total loss 52# and be 20% of my long-term goal met :happy:
    Screen name: MJ5898
    Goal for April 27: 343
    March 30th (starting weight): 349
    April 6th:
    April 13th:
    April 20th:
    April 27th:

    Congrats to all the "losers" in the group and ((hugs)) to those in a spot of bother. We can do this together!!!

    Love ya!
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    I have more catching up to do! but I wanted to say good morning to everyone first! I also wanted to put up my infor the chart Mallie is making. Hope everyone has a great day! :)

    Screen name: Claudia007
    April 27 GW = 198
    March 30th: (SW) = 202.8
    April 6th:
    April 13th:
    April 20th:
    April 27th:
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    Hello all!
    Oh my, you all have been BUSY on here :laugh: I just got caught up with all the posts since this time yesterday. Boo Hiss at the knee surgeon looking down his nose! I have to tell you that I LOVE my doctor and wish you could all have one like him. He has never told me I need to lose weight (gives me credit for being smart enough to figure that out) aside from saying we could ALL stand to eat healthier and get more exercise. He was so encouraging when I went to see him last week and saw that I had lost. Doc asked me how I had lost so much (I later realized he was checking to make sure I wasn't doing something unhealthy) so I told him, "You know, someone really ought to let you doctors in on a secret. If you eat healthier and even exercise sometimes...you will lose weight." He let out a belly laugh and said, you know, I have heard that rumor before but have never been able to get anyone to actually do it so I'm glad to know it wasn't just a rumor.

    Katz, Mollie makes a good point that you have still lost the same amount of weight even if you scale was flawed. Those smaller jeans you are able to wear are the proof!

    I need some advice from you all. My husband has been exercising and trying to "watch" what he eats but hasn't committed to tracking his calories saying he already has to track carbs (type 1 diabetic with an insulin pump). Keep in mind he is 73 and slightly (ha, ha) set in his ways. Yesterday he decided he would track his calories but he isn't measuring and we all know our eyeballing isn't always accurate. For example, he was eating peanut butter and apples. I asked him if he wanted me to measure out the peanut butter and he said no I will just take the jar :noway: then estimated 2 Tbsp. My question is, should I "push" him to measure and weigh his food or just let it go? I know I don't appreciate his unsolicited advice and so far have tried to stay out of it unless he asks. Like he will say can I have butter on that and I will tell him he can have whatever he wants as long as he is willing to use the calories. How would you all handle it?

    I see now that my post has been all about me!! Sorry about that ladies. I really have read your posts and enjoy reading them but now can't remember who said what :sad: I really need to take notes as I read!!

    I hope that those with thyroid issues find out that spinach is not bad for you because it is SO YUMMY!! My four-letter word is "can't". Whether it is what we can't eat...can't accomplish...or can't do. We CAN do it and we WILL.

    Have a great day!!!

    If it was me I think I would just let it go. If he is counting his calories even if it isnt real accurate because of amounts , he is still paying attention to what he is eating , he is eating healthier and eating less then he was. I know I dont like people telling me I am eating too much or not to eat something. When it comes to eating healthier you really have to want to do it yourself. I hope this helps and of course it is up to you
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    It's finally moving day!!! True, my house is on wheels so it isn't that big of deal, but it is to me. We've been on hold for months waiting for the customers who are in our space to leave, then my husband and friend formed up and poured cement for our porch. It rained and put that behind a couple of days. When you live in an RV extra space is at a premium. We are putting an attached screen room on the outside of our RV. It will almost double our living space. While I was waiting , my husband built me a raised bed garden and I planted veggies. I planted a whole row of spinach. haha So I've been watching the spinach convo with interest, as I believe I have thyroid issues myself.
    Happily, my weight gain is gone this morning. I was a little disappointed I didn't start our "chart" with a loss, but oh well....I've been stuck at 228.0 for a month and a half so I should be used it by now!! grrrr

    WOW that sounds great. I love screened in porches and it will be nice to have the extra room. Also the raised garden bed sounds great. I love things fresh out of the garden. Nothing like a fresh tomatoe. Hope you get all moved and settled
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    I am on Thyroxin and virtually have spinach daily (as you can see from my food diary)...I had no idea about the negative effects, only that it is a superfood and a real battler against cancer. I will follow it with interest and thank you for raising the issue.

    I also have thyroid issues and am on thyroxin. But I only eat spinach a few times a month. Are there other foods that effect the thyroid
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    Sorry I have been MIA last little while and not being very supportive on MFP. But when I get in a slump I have a hard time being positive to everyone when in the inside I am sad. I have been struggling last few days maybe more like a week now. Not just with food..but with life in general. I am trying to get out of this hole I feel like I am stuck in. I think it is just hormonal. About 6 months ago my dr. says I am starting perimenapause and I know sometimes I really do feel strange emotions and wierd physical tiredness, numbness, hotness and coldness etc.. within my body. I am fighting to get back on board. :flowerforyou: Honestly I haven't been on MFP much..not reading posts not charting my foods no exercise. I am just not sure how to get my mojo back! And I truely want it back!!!

    Ugggg yesterday was a mess and me just typing this out makes me emotional. :cry: Anyway can you tell me how a person that is suppose to be getting healthy ate this yesterday. 1 sandwich, half a bag of a super large movie popcorn (took son to movies but no excuse to overeat there - I usually bring in healthy snacks for me and let my son eat popcorn and it doens't bother me) and handfull of candies and then 3 pieces KFC with fries and gravy, then for snacking at home with watching tv I said what the heck and ate 3 cookies and a package of peanuts. I know I will eat healthier today and get some walking in...I have to do better. Hugs to everyone and I hope you are all doing GREAT :heart: .

    So sorry you are having a rough week. We all have rough weeks,We all mess up, the important thing is to not throw in the towel but to keep with it. just remember you are not alone . We are here for you. Being accountable and telling us everything you ate yesterday is really healthy and a good way to put it behind you and get back on track. You can do it. ((((HUGS))))
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    I am on Thyroxin and virtually have spinach daily (as you can see from my food diary)...I had no idea about the negative effects, only that it is a superfood and a real battler against cancer. I will follow it with interest and thank you for raising the issue.

    I also have thyroid issues and am on thyroxin. But I only eat spinach a few times a month. Are there other foods that effect the thyroid

    Yes they were mention in my initial post Sheri. I only took a mental note for the other foods I eat which were pears and strawberries. but I don't eat either that much to worry about them. I just started eating more spinach because I like it in my omelets. The article I posted is only talking about RAW spinach. Cook spiniach is fine per the article, so for me I will limit the RAW spinach that I eat.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    It's finally moving day!!! True, my house is on wheels so it isn't that big of deal, but it is to me. We've been on hold for months waiting for the customers who are in our space to leave, then my husband and friend formed up and poured cement for our porch. It rained and put that behind a couple of days. When you live in an RV extra space is at a premium. We are putting an attached screen room on the outside of our RV. It will almost double our living space. While I was waiting , my husband built me a raised bed garden and I planted veggies. I planted a whole row of spinach. haha So I've been watching the spinach convo with interest, as I believe I have thyroid issues myself.
    Happily, my weight gain is gone this morning. I was a little disappointed I didn't start our "chart" with a loss, but oh well....I've been stuck at 228.0 for a month and a half so I should be used it by now!! grrrr

    Happy moving day Jolene! I so hate moving myself.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    My 4 letter word is CAN"T my kids are always saying, " You can't have that, huh mom" I tell them I can have whatever I want it is a matter of is it worth it to me to eat it. How many calories is it going to cost me?

    Screen name: themommie
    April 27 GW = 196.5
    March 30th: (SW) = 189
    April 6th:
    April 13th:
    April 20th:
    April 27th

    My goal for April will be 7 lbs because I want to get out of the 190's , if I make it that would be great but as long as it is less I will be successful. I have alot going on in April so it will be tough. I have 4 kid bdays in april and Easter and we are going on a mini vacation for 3 days to the ocean ( Monterey) So it will be a busy month. I will have to plan well and make sure I get my exercise in. Walks along the beach sound wonderful and I need to see if there is a gym at the hotel. If I eat cake I need to make it one or two bites.I can do it the secret I think is to plan , plan, plan
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    My 4 letter word is CAN"T my kids are always saying, " You can't have that, huh mom" I tell them I can have whatever I want it is a matter of is it worth it to me to eat it. How many calories is it going to cost me?

    Screen name: themommie
    April 27 GW = 196.5
    March 30th: (SW) = 189
    April 6th:
    April 13th:
    April 20th:
    April 27th

    My goal for April will be 7 lbs because I want to get out of the 190's , if I make it that would be great but as long as it is less I will be successful. I have alot going on in April so it will be tough. I have 4 kid bdays in april and Easter and we are going on a mini vacation for 3 days to the ocean ( Monterey) So it will be a busy month. I will have to plan well and make sure I get my exercise in. Walks along the beach sound wonderful and I need to see if there is a gym at the hotel. If I eat cake I need to make it one or two bites.I can do it the secret I think is to plan , plan, plan

    Hi Sheri,

    I think you made a typo above. :smile: Let me know if this is not correct for SW. Thanks!

    Screen name: themommie
    April 27 GW = 189
    March 30th: (SW) = 196.5
    April 6th:
    April 13th:
    April 20th:
    April 27th
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Hello lovelies, just checking in.

    Still not back to full energy so this will be quick. Have read the posts through since I last messaged and will respond proper another time.

    Wow! It is interesting how many of us already have problems with thyroid and are on thyroxin!

    I don't think spinach is bad for us, and as Joanna said, it has huge benefits. This was a post on a chat room I came across:

    In "Thyroid for Dummies", It's states high amounts of Spinach, like EVERYDAY, THREE MEALS A DAY, can affect your thyroid.

    i dont think any of us are likely to be doing this! lol!

    Linda: lots of love and hugs sent your way xxx

    Take care all x
  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223
    ***Linda, I hope you know how much love and support you have from us on here. You brought us all together. Gutted that you're feeling so low. Sending hugs and good thoughts.^^^ tomorrow is another day^^^
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    Hello lovelies, just checking in.

    Still not back to full energy so this will be quick. Have read the posts through since I last messaged and will respond proper another time.

    Wow! It is interesting how many of us already have problems with thyroid and are on thyroxin!

    I don't think spinach is bad for us, and as Joanna said, it has huge benefits. This was a post on a chat room I came across:

    In "Thyroid for Dummies", It's states high amounts of Spinach, like EVERYDAY, THREE MEALS A DAY, can affect your thyroid.

    i dont think any of us are likely to be doing this! lol!

    Linda: lots of love and hugs sent your way xxx

    Take care all x

    Good to hear you are feeling better.

    Thanks so much L!! :heart: :heart: I thought this was the issue with my buddy. I don't even like the raw spinach enough to eat it that much.....:-)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    A co-worker was just asking me about the grapefruit diet and I told her I love grapefruit and I had did the grapefruit diet too but I was never going there again. The stuff with the thyroid and spinach is further proof why fad diets are not good for you. Even though grapefruit is another excellend source of nutrition, too much is not good for you either. All things in moderation is the best policy indeed.
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    WEDNESDAY WEIGH IN / EXERCISE. The scale tells me I've lost 1.5lbs this week, which is great.....but most of the week I've been fightin with water retention. Any little extra salt just really get me....and it's not unusual to gain 5 to 10lbs in just water.
    I've also started walking.....not far or fast, but walking 20 minutes 5 out of the last 8 days. Missed a few days due to crappy cold weather though. Twenty minutes walk is a huge challenge for me.....but I'm working on it. Hopefully one day the walking will be easier with not so much huffin & puffin...LOL. One day.....

    And today we have SUNSHINE!!! Now I'm not one of your sun worshipers or anything like that, but we haven't had a sunny day since I can't remember when. And the thermometer on my front porch says it's 86 degrees out there. It's warmer on the porch than anywhere else....so it's pretty nice out today. YAAAY!!!
    So I'm out here going to the grocery store and then to the walking path on the way home. YAAAY ME!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    My 4 letter word is CAN"T my kids are always saying, " You can't have that, huh mom" I tell them I can have whatever I want it is a matter of is it worth it to me to eat it. How many calories is it going to cost me?

    Screen name: themommie
    April 27 GW = 196.5
    March 30th: (SW) = 189
    April 6th:
    April 13th:
    April 20th:
    April 27

    My goal for April will be 7 lbs because I want to get out of the 190's , if I make it that would be great but as long as it is less I will be successful. I have alot going on in April so it will be tough. I have 4 kid bdays in april and Easter and we are going on a mini vacation for 3 days to the ocean ( Monterey) So it will be a busy month. I will have to plan well and make sure I get my exercise in. Walks along the beach sound wonderful and I need to see if there is a gym at the hotel. If I eat cake I need to make it one or two bites.I can do it the secret I think is to plan , plan, plan

    Hi Sheri,

    I think you made a typo above. :smile: Let me know if this is not correct for SW. Thanks!

    Screen name: themommie
    April 27 GW = 189
    March 30th: (SW) = 196.5
    April 6th:
    April 13th:
    April 20th:
    April 27th

    thanks for catching this NO my goal is NOT to weigh 7 lbs more at the end of April. Though I might with all the bdays, Easter and mini vacation. Lets hope not . ROTFL Now we know you are paying attention
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    WEDNESDAY WEIGH IN / EXERCISE. The scale tells me I've lost 1.5lbs this week, which is great.....but most of the week I've been fightin with water retention. Any little extra salt just really get me....and it's not unusual to gain 5 to 10lbs in just water.
    I've also started walking.....not far or fast, but walking 20 minutes 5 out of the last 8 days. Missed a few days due to crappy cold weather though. Twenty minutes walk is a huge challenge for me.....but I'm working on it. Hopefully one day the walking will be easier with not so much huffin & puffin...LOL. One day.....

    And today we have SUNSHINE!!! Now I'm not one of your sun worshipers or anything like that, but we haven't had a sunny day since I can't remember when. And the thermometer on my front porch says it's 86 degrees out there. It's warmer on the porch than anywhere else....so it's pretty nice out today. YAAAY!!!
    So I'm out here going to the grocery store and then to the walking path on the way home. YAAAY ME!

    YAAAAAAAYYYYY YOU!! Sunshine: I don't know how you do those cloudy days. I'd be done after about 3. I am a sun seeker! No tanning sun...like that, but sun out everyday kind. You are amazing girl!

    Wow...congrats all the LOSERS today!!! I hope I am joining you next week! For the rest of you like me...it's time look forward to next week's weigh in and not dwell on this one.

    As you can see from my exercise today, we moved. I was busy all day moving and settling in...so I prolly burned more calories, but when I did 2 hours it said I burned over 1000 calories. That seemed like too much...so I settled on 1 hour.

    *** I got a question**** Do you guys talk/ yell at your computer when you hit the button to complete your food logging for the day and it says " if everyday was like today you would weigh
    ??? I am always like " yeah right!" or " liar liar pants on fire" and if I've been stuck for awhile....&%$##@*! ????
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    WEDNESDAY WEIGH IN / EXERCISE. The scale tells me I've lost 1.5lbs this week, which is great.....but most of the week I've been fightin with water retention. Any little extra salt just really get me....and it's not unusual to gain 5 to 10lbs in just water.
    I've also started walking.....not far or fast, but walking 20 minutes 5 out of the last 8 days. Missed a few days due to crappy cold weather though. Twenty minutes walk is a huge challenge for me.....but I'm working on it. Hopefully one day the walking will be easier with not so much huffin & puffin...LOL. One day.....

    And today we have SUNSHINE!!! Now I'm not one of your sun worshipers or anything like that, but we haven't had a sunny day since I can't remember when. And the thermometer on my front porch says it's 86 degrees out there. It's warmer on the porch than anywhere else....so it's pretty nice out today. YAAAY!!!
    So I'm out here going to the grocery store and then to the walking path on the way home. YAAAY ME!

    CONGRATS on your weight loss. that is great. Enjoy your walk, sounds like the weather is nice. I love to see the sun after we have had alot of rain. It just feels so good.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    My 4 letter word is CAN"T my kids are always saying, " You can't have that, huh mom" I tell them I can have whatever I want it is a matter of is it worth it to me to eat it. How many calories is it going to cost me?

    Screen name: themommie
    April 27 GW = 196.5
    March 30th: (SW) = 189
    April 6th:
    April 13th:
    April 20th:
    April 27

    My goal for April will be 7 lbs because I want to get out of the 190's , if I make it that would be great but as long as it is less I will be successful. I have alot going on in April so it will be tough. I have 4 kid bdays in april and Easter and we are going on a mini vacation for 3 days to the ocean ( Monterey) So it will be a busy month. I will have to plan well and make sure I get my exercise in. Walks along the beach sound wonderful and I need to see if there is a gym at the hotel. If I eat cake I need to make it one or two bites.I can do it the secret I think is to plan , plan, plan

    Hi Sheri,

    I think you made a typo above. :smile: Let me know if this is not correct for SW. Thanks!

    Screen name: themommie
    April 27 GW = 189
    March 30th: (SW) = 196.5
    April 6th:
    April 13th:
    April 20th:
    April 27th

    thanks for catching this NO my goal is NOT to weigh 7 lbs more at the end of April. Though I might with all the bdays, Easter and mini vacation. Lets hope not . ROTFL Now we know you are paying attention

    :laugh: :laugh: I surely pay attention dear. I just do have time to reply to everything. That is why I make sure to comment on my news feed.

    You will be fine in April. You have a plan!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    ***Linda, I hope you know how much love and support you have from us on here. You brought us all together. Gutted that you're feeling so low. Sending hugs and good thoughts.^^^ tomorrow is another day^^^

    I could not have said this better Linda!! Hugs!:heart: