INSANITY - Updates & Progress- New Group



  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Me again!!

    Back to Insanity:
    I had a rest day today and for a crazy second debated getting on the treadmill, but my knee is a little achy so i am truly having a rest day. Tomorrow is purecardio/cardio abs, or as I like to call it, my day of torture. My last Insanity workout will be sunday and then I am away on vacation for a week, and I am just going to do some running to help rest my knee.
    I am going to a raw food retreat, so should be a healthy vaca!!!

    have a great day everyone! Hope that you all are having better weather than us in new england! Snow here is no april fools joke!!!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Dawn, I would actually suggest upping your intake some more and see what happens. I keep hearing that the closer we get to our goal, the smaller the deficit should be. It might take more than one week but maybe try that and see what happens.
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Good Morning All!!!!
    Welcome to all the newcomers!!!!

    Today was rest day for me:bigsmile:
    ANd I also had weigh in day :sad:

    I have to vent for aminute and say I am really frustrated with my progress!!!!! I started Insanity about 3 weeks ago to try and "shake things up". Prior to that I was running 6 days per week and doing weights 4 days per week. ( I have been active, running etc. for almost 10 years. ). About 9 months ago I got to my lowest weight (157) and my goal is 150-155ish. (I am 5'8). I kept the weight off for about 6 months, and then after running the disney marathon, I gained about 7 pounds, and for the past 3 months have fluctuated between 161-165. I bought a bodymedia system to get an idea of my calorie burn and generally I burn about 2300-2800 calories per day. for a while I was eating about 1500-1800 calories per day with a average daily defecit of 600 calories. then I tried increasing up to about 1800-2000 calories per day and was averaging roughly 500 calorie defecit per day. Still no loss. I have been measuring and I cant say whether I have lost inches, because I am not convinced that I am putting the tape measure in the same spot each time, but if I have lost any inches its very minimal, like less than 1/4 inch. I drink at least 96 ounces of water per day and am careful about sodium intake. I track/measure/weigh EVERYTHING. I dont log on my diary here because I do it on the bodymedia site, and logging both places was getting to be too much. I even include an additional 10% in my calorie intake to account for possible mis-measurements. My clothes all were feeling tighter after I had put on the 7 pounds, and I havent noticed that they are fitting better :cry:
    I am careful about avoiding starchy carbs (potatoes, pasta, white bread, sweets, etc.) I dont drink caffeine. I eat organic high fiber foods, dont go crazy with carbs. I have one diet soda per day which is Zevia, all natural, no artificial sweeter,flavors, etc. ..I eat lots of protein.

    HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANy thoughts?? Last year when i starte to lose the weight I had gone to a nutritionist and they had me eating roughtly 1400 calories per day, limiting carbs to 1 whole grain per day, no dairy, (except greek yogurt due to high protein), and I was taking an ultrameal shake in am in liue of breakfast....I am wondering if I should decrease my calories, although if I cut back to 1400 per day i will be averaging 1000 calorie defecit per day....

    Any thoughts welcome. Also newcomers feel free to add me as friend! I am also posting this on my home page so you may see this twice.

    Thanks you guys for reading this!!! You guys rock!!


    I feel your pain. This morning was rest and weigh day for me as well and weigh day didn't go so well (see earlier post). I am in the same place you are with feeling like maybe I need to up my calories or do something! Since I am in the same situation, I sadly don't have any advice but wanted to let you know I sympathize! It seems we are also close in size and goals. I am 5'7" currently 161.4lb (was 160 last week, but I digress) and want to get to the 145 mark. Stay strong. We can do this!!

  • nathawkins
    It is nice to hear that others are having some of my same struggles. I am not too far into the program but I would have expected to lose a little bit but not gain 1.5lb. I am going to try to up my calories and see where that takes me. Mamareese - I am trying to take your outlook as well....Don't worry about it right now and see what Day 60 looks like. Thanks all! And keep up the good work!
  • edburg
    edburg Posts: 22
    Hey all.
    I'm glad to say I did my workout this morning. It was awesome! I did Max Cardio Conditioning and Cardio Abs. Thx for the tips.
  • mindy0509
    Did you guys know that Beachbody is releasing a follow-up to INSANITY called The Asylum? It's scheduled to be released THIS MONTH!!!:noway: I'm a Beachbody Coach, so we'll be able to order it early and it will take everything I have in me to NOT do it while I'm doing INSANITY...but most likely that will be my next program.


    I am a coach too and my upline coach just got back from the success club cruise with Shaun T and they did some of the Asylum workouts and he said it was crazier than Insanity! I can not even imagine. Would love to hear what you think about it once you get it
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    It is nice to hear that others are having some of my same struggles. I am not too far into the program but I would have expected to lose a little bit but not gain 1.5lb. I am going to try to up my calories and see where that takes me. Mamareese - I am trying to take your outlook as well....Don't worry about it right now and see what Day 60 looks like. Thanks all! And keep up the good work!

    It's hard not to get frustrated but everyone here keeps me motivated along with the nice comments I get at home. So stick with it we will!! Maybe it will turn out to be that tone muscles thats weighing us down!! :wink:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Hey all.
    I'm glad to say I did my workout this morning. It was awesome! I did Max Cardio Conditioning and Cardio Abs. Thx for the tips.

    Way to go!! Sounds like a butt kicker but awesome job!! I haven't gotten that far into it yet. Glad you got it in!!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Found an interesting picture that might help us all feel better. If the scale is not moving -- but you are moving to Insanity -- then chances are you are burning fat and adding muscle. Check out this link -- it shows a picture of one pound of fat next to one pound of lean muscle. I know I would MUCH rather have the muscle and weigh more than the giggly jell-o fat!
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    You guys are awesome!! Thanks for all the positive feedback!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am really hoping my knee gets better so when i get back from vacation I can get back to the insanity. I am going to do the rest of my workouts for the next 2 days, and then I think I have 3 more workouts, then recovery week (can only imagine what thats like after doing the recovery workout lol), then i start (yikes) max training!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Found an interesting picture that might help us all feel better. If the scale is not moving -- but you are moving to Insanity -- then chances are you are burning fat and adding muscle. Check out this link -- it shows a picture of one pound of fat next to one pound of lean muscle. I know I would MUCH rather have the muscle and weigh more than the giggly jell-o fat!

    So glad you posed this!! I needed a little reminder of this fact!! :smile:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    You guys are awesome!! Thanks for all the positive feedback!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am really hoping my knee gets better so when i get back from vacation I can get back to the insanity. I am going to do the rest of my workouts for the next 2 days, and then I think I have 3 more workouts, then recovery week (can only imagine what thats like after doing the recovery workout lol), then i start (yikes) max training!

    Good luck getting in the last couple and enjoy that vacation!!!
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    You guys are awesome!! Thanks for all the positive feedback!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am really hoping my knee gets better so when i get back from vacation I can get back to the insanity. I am going to do the rest of my workouts for the next 2 days, and then I think I have 3 more workouts, then recovery week (can only imagine what thats like after doing the recovery workout lol), then i start (yikes) max training!

    Enjoy your vacation!

    Recovery Week - I like this one more than Cardio Recovery, but it's tough too. If I am remembering right your shoulders get a GREAT workout (unless that is Cardio Recovery?)! :)
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    Hey all.
    I'm glad to say I did my workout this morning. It was awesome! I did Max Cardio Conditioning and Cardio Abs. Thx for the tips.

    Awesome! I have to admit I actually like this one. :)
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Found an interesting picture that might help us all feel better. If the scale is not moving -- but you are moving to Insanity -- then chances are you are burning fat and adding muscle. Check out this link -- it shows a picture of one pound of fat next to one pound of lean muscle. I know I would MUCH rather have the muscle and weigh more than the giggly jell-o fat!

    I hate my scale. I will feel awesome and think I look good and that will motivate me to step on the scale and that biotch will ruin my day. She is not my friend. My weight has gone up and down the same 5 lbs since the end of December. At the moment, I'm flat lined at the low end of that 5 lbs so it would be nice if this was my new "higher number".

    It doesn't matter though...I got my 3rd compliment on losing weight...even though I'm the same number. Every night I jiggle my boys (like giving them CPR so they fly off the bed). At the beginning of Insanity I couldn't jiggle my 11 year old very much. He's almost as big as me. Now he flies off the bed too. He always says "Someone has been working out!" :happy:
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    Just did my plyometric workout for the first time. Was ready to puke after the warm-up! Couldnt keep up with everything they were doing, but I was doing my best. Gonna dig deeper tomorrow! Loving Instanity!!! Anyone else just starting? I'd love to know how did others do at the beginning. And about my comment earlier that I wasnt sore after the fit test, well, I AM SORE NOW! but it feels good. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Happy Saturday!
    Halina -- I started last Sunday with my fit test. Monday was tough and I was walking funny on Tuesday!!! By Friday (which was the 2nd round of the Plyometric Cardio) the soreness had gone away and I actually enjoyed the workout. Still couldn't complete everything but definitely pushed it! Can't wait to see what's in store for next week. I'm starting to worry that I enjoy this pain -- :huh:

    Booty -- enjoy those compliments. And I love that your kids are noticing. My daughter got up for one of the workouts -- and I'm gasping and grunting and this little toothpick of a girl informs me that maybe it's just not working cause I still look a little flabby. If I would've had the energy I probably would have thrown her into the next room. she must've known from the gasping that she was safe! I look foarward to seeing results. I can tell that I'm getting stronger in that the 2nd round of plyo was a lot easier and didn't leave me walking funny!

    Today is my rest day! Might go for a sanity run. Crazy busy day!

    Enjoy the day!
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Today was my first day of week 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    which means today was my last day of pure cardio!!!!!!!:happy: (wish I could insert smiley that was jumping shouting and dong flips)

    I am going to do the workout tomorrow and I leave early monday for my trip, so unless I can get up at like 330am, I will finish week 4 when I get back.

    I do realize that even though I am done with pure cardio, what lies ahead is even worse, but soooo glad thats behind me!! And I have to say I really despise the frog jumps.

    Also you guys have to notice the guy in the video during pure cardio that cracks me up. He is in the middle row, wearing grey shorts and grey insanity shirt. Black hair and bushy eyebrows. During the swithkicks he starts off going really slow and seems unmotivated, then he looks up and realizes the camera is on him and really kicks it up a few notches. Makes me laugh every time....(well not so much laugh as make a gasping grunting noise that would be a laugh if I had the air/strength/energy)

    Hope you all have a great weekend!!!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    2nd fit test day! The results are in:

    Switch kicks 63, 62 (-1) boo
    Power Jacks 50, 60 (+10)
    Power knees 98, 107 (+9)
    Power Jumps 35, 40 (+5)
    Globe Jumps 13, 11 (-2) *I had much better form this time around so I am pleased
    Suicide Jumps 11, 16 (+5)
    Push Up Jacks 18, 22 (+4) I can tell that I am getting much better at these
    Low Plank Oblique 40, 50 (+10)

    I am overall pleased with the results. I am a little disapointed with the switch kicks since I thought I would blow that out of the water :bigsmile: but I think I am not the only one that saw a random drop in those. I was very pleased with my power jacks, power jumps, and push up jacks. It was hard but I felt like I had better control this time around. Happy Saturday!
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    Hi group
    I would like to join the group. I need support group.I started on march 28th. I did couple of days and body is sore all over.had couple of days break but I promise to continue. Will post my fittest results soon.
    Hey! I just started on the 29th, just finished up day 3 about 30 minutes ago! I'm sore too, I've been sore since the fit test but I'm just pushing through it for now! Are you working out with anyone or doing it alone?

    I have been doing along but I am checking the progress of the group to keep me motivated. Please feel to friend me, we can support one another. Yesterday I did Day 3 and Day 4. Today I am planning to do Day 5 and Day 6.