

  • kels0724
    kels0724 Posts: 136
    day 1 done

    good job blondy on 12 days and i totaly understand about the eating when you feel bad about your weight! just try to keep in mind how great you feel after you do well!

    have a good start to your week!
  • jmalone
    Day 2 is done! Heading off to bed in a little bit :) Hope everyone had a great weekend!

  • jmalone
    Onto Day 3 today... :happy:
  • kels0724
    kels0724 Posts: 136
    Day 2 is done
    i am trying to make it my longest ever- until i go home for halloween. i don't want to overeat when i get home either, i just want to make sure i make it binge-free untill i get to go home so that i can feel my best when i see family and friends! I have 10 more days to go! i really hope i can make it!!! woohoo- lets do it!
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    my goal is halloween also!!! I'm on day 6!
  • msblondy16
    Great job everyone!! I am beginning Day 2 today. After a terrible binge on Sunday (including things not in my strict Celiac diet :noway: ) I have decided that I don't EVER want to binge again. The feelings afterwards are too terrible to justify the events during a binge. So this is the start of Day 2 of hopefully forever...

    But I am realistic and am going for 14 days at a time. All the best!
  • jmalone
    Day 1 again for me.... thinking I can handle having snack food in my room is a bad idea and screws me up every time! :grumble: I hope I nailed it into my head this time.
  • kels0724
    kels0724 Posts: 136
    Day 3 a success! good job everyone~ and dancer, keep it up till halloween :) 6 days, that is so great!
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    Well Kels...I spoke too soon yesterday. I had a TERRIBLE binge last night. I don't think this thread is helping me as much as I hoped it would...so I had to take it a step further and start a blog! I need to hold myself more responsible...and I figured a blog is the best way to do it. Hopefully this is helping for the rest of you though! I feel like I've taken a HUGE step backward lately! So I've created a little experiment called "72 Days and 72 Nights"...check it out! It's time for me to stop making excuses and just DO it. :grumble:
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    I've been seeing this thread on the board, and I didn't think I needed it...but I have been on a non-stop binge since my splurge day two Sundays ago. Last week I lucked out and lost 3 pounds despite my bingeing...but this week I am terrified of what the scale will say. I just had a binge and now I'm feeling full and gross...I desperately need someone to be accountable to. Here is to tomorrow and stopping the bingeing! Tomorrow will be my day one.
  • msblondy16
    Dancer - I am sorry to hear that you are having such a hard time. I think it's great that you started a blog about your accountability. You can beat this! And remember that you are never alone in your battle. :flowerforyou:

    Kels - good job!

    Laura - Welcome to the thread! I think I can say that everyone in this thread can relate somewhat to how you are feeling. Good luck to you!

    I have completed 4 binge-free days and am beginning (hopefully) Day 5. I don't know if this will help anyone else, but I read something that really jolted me. "If you are not willing to do what it takes, then you have to accept that you will never reach your dream weight." It also helped me to list the following about my weight loss efforts: what do I want, why do I want it, and what am I willing to do to get it. After reading that, it kicked my butt into gear.

    I hope that encourages some others. Best of luck! Happy FRIDAY!!! :happy:
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    Today I only went over my calories by 101 so by the rules of this challenge technically I didn't binge...but I know in my heart that I wasn't hungry and ate out of boredom and having food in front of me which is usually what a binge is (I had a perfectly healthy dinner and then my mom came home with KFC)...so I am not counting today as day 1...tomorrow I will try again...I will be at work tomorrow morning and then will be going to church with friends in the evening so hopefully I can keep myself under control tomorrow! Congrats to everyone who is beating the binge monster! And to everyone who is still working on it, like me, together we can do this...I know it!
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement kels! It has defnititely been helping....I finished day 4 today!
    I think I had let it get into my head that its okay to binge every once in awhile. When ACTUALLY, it's not. Because BINGEING is not normal, but INDULGING is. I've learned that there's a BIG difference between the two. And THAT is exactly why I believe I can make it until jan 1 binge-free.

    4 days down! 68 to go!!!

    Laura- you are much more strict with your definition of bingeing!! Whenever I go over by 100 I still call it a great day! haha. So I'm impressed!

    Good luck through the weekend everyone!
  • abjones80
    Today is day 1 for me and I think I'll do Saturday weigh-ins. I had 185.6lbs this morning. Let's keep it up people!! :flowerforyou:

    We are close in weight! I weigh 186.2....im heading for 160 for right now! I also weigh-in on saturdays...Good luck to ya...to everybody! :smile:

    Cool :smile: Well, we can weigh in together! You're doing SO well!!

    Would love to join in on this, I'm actually a member of OA as well, so obviously this a big issue for me.... looking to spread my support network out as big as i can get. I'd like to join this saturday weigh in group, i'm at 172 right now. aiming for 145. Today is day 2 for me.:happy:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Online Calorie Counter
  • Robin_
    Robin_ Posts: 105
    Here comes all that Halloween candy!! I am a candy eatin' girl! ~Or at least i was a year ago! I am going to do a lot of walking...so that maybe I can afford a couple of bite size snickers! I haven't cheated for over a month! I'm going to freeze them and cut them into small slices and enjoy da heck out of them! How do you cope? How do you all do with candy in the house that's supposed to be for the trick or treaters? I don't buy any more (I can't be trusted!)...and just plan on being out walking around the neighboorhood. I'll be reading some labels so I can get the best deal for my cheat! Best to all!
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    Laura- you are much more strict with your definition of bingeing!! Whenever I go over by 100 I still call it a great day! haha. So I'm impressed!

    Good luck through the weekend everyone!

    Well it's only because I know that if there had been more chicken I probably would have had it...the potential for a binge was there...and luckily for me, the food wasn't...today is day 1 for me and no bingeing! Here's to tomorrow and day 2!
  • ladybug2
    Hi started again yesterday so today is day 2 I trying to fine tune my insulin 1 unit too many and its off to the frig---here's for better days for all.
  • msblondy16
    Complete with day 7! I am happy to say that I had a treat today but did not binge on it. And I had the perfect opportunity to binge today and wanted to but just said NO and did my eyebrows and put on a face mask :happy: . Woo hoo adult self-control here I come!

    I hope everyone had a good weekend! Ah happy last week in October!
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    Day 6 today!
  • msblondy16

    Robin - I would maybe buy the candy and keep it somewhere where you can't see it after you take out a couple for yourself. Or if one bite makes you want the whole bag (me), buy it and keep it at a friend's house. Or in the trunk of your car. You can do it!

    Ladybug - good job on day 2! I hope your blood sugar evens out.

    Dancer - GREAT JOB!!! The first weekend is always the hardest! 72 days here you come!

    Day 8 down, day 9 beginning tomorrow...