WOMEN AGES 50+ for April



  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!

    March was a good month for me. I exercised 17 days out of 31 and that isn’t counting the times I shoveled snow. I still need to work on getting all my water in but I think I am getting better. I started the month at 167 and am ending it at 160 so a respectable loss. I am not sure where I will ultimately stop my weight loss and join the ranks of the “trying to maintain “ but I have at least 20 more pounds to go before I need to make that decision.
    I really am having such a hard time believing that I am 87 pounds lighter!!!! I am sometimes surprised at my reflection if I catch it out of the corner of my eye. Yesterday before my DF (someone asked a while back - it is Dear Fiancé I just can’t spell) hugged me as he was leaving for work and said “you are getting SO tiny!!! REALLY that has never been said about me to my knowledge. Yesterday my Mom sent me a new Easter dress and it was a medium and it fit. And last but certainly not least. This morning I tucked my blouse in my pants and DID NOT put a jacket over it and I left the house for work. So I am feeling great and excited for spring for many reasons. I am so grateful for all of you wonderful Ladies. I know that you are there for me and even when I don’t post I am reading everything and gaining knowledge and strength from all of you. This month I am going to try to get back to posting more often to add my voice to help and encourage all of you as we face life’s challenges. I will also keep my other goals the same and just keep adding or changing my exercise to keep my body guessing.

    Barbie - Happy Belated Birthday and Thank you for starting and ending every month for us.

    Natalie - Hang in there!!!

    Robin - Congrats for hanging in there. My fingers are crossed and hoping for a pleasent surprise.

    Kackie - Glad you are back

    Welcome to our new friends

    Happy April to all my cherished MFP friends.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: I'm hoping NOT to fall for any "April Fools jokes" today....so I'm on alert for when my kids call as I've been known to fall for some pretty big ones.

    Congrats to all of you that succeeded in your March goals of exercise, eating healthy and losing those pounds:flowerforyou:

    Gonna be a busy day and evening...but the highlight is tonight Hubby and I are going to the George Strait & Reba Concert:bigsmile: I'm pretty excited about it:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    April is sure to be a better exercise month, starting with today and tomorrow because we are supposed to have weather in the high 70's (so sorry for you that are getting that snow again:angry: )we will be bike riding and on Sunday it's supposed to rain and that's a good thing as it's really dry here in Colorado and we have had too many fires already.

    Tomorrow we are watching the two grandsons in the morning while our DIL goes to one of her home business meetings and our son is in Flordia at a jazz competition. His professor told him about it at the last min and he turned in his application and demo tape on the last possible day and they only take the top 5 to compete...so we are keeping our fingers crossed that he does well, first place is $5,000 and he could use it for his school bills:wink:

    Gotta get my payroll finished so I can get out of here so hubby and I can get our bike ride in.

    Have a good day and don't forget to drink your water:drinker:

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Happy Spring everyone and April Fools Day.

    NATALIE: Strength training is very important to your exercise routine. I bought a DVD for high sculpt for 55 mins. and I
    am doing it. Not loving it, but doing it and it has helped me tone along with losing weight.

    VICKIM: Love your April Fools joke of weight loss. LOL

    March was a good month for me, but I seem to be maintaining and not losing. I want to lose more. Next goal is 4 pounds
    so wish me luck. I am trying to reach the next level each time and not getting hooked on the whole picture of weight loss.
    Small steps. I started at 1200 calories and found I was starving then I raised it to 1390 and now I have lowered it to 1300.
    I still have calories left so I think this is a good calorie count for me.

    Well I have lots of things to do today before my vacation week. Have a wonderful day !!!
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hey Girls,
    Happy April Fool's Day!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I can't play a joke on you but here is a joke that would be fun to play on someone. (Aren't you glad?):bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    The weather was very hot and this man wanted desperately to take a dive in a nearby lake. He didn't bring his swimming outfit, but who cared? He was all alone. So he undressed and got into the water.

    After some delightful minutes of cool swimming, a pair of old ladies walked onto the shore in his direction.

    He panicked, got out of the water and grabbed a bucket lying in the sand nearby. He held the bucket in front of his private parts and sighed with relief.

    The ladies got nearby and looked at him. He felt awkward and wanted to move. Then one of the ladies said: 'You know , I have a special gift, I can read minds.'

    'Impossible', said the embarrassed man, 'You really know what I think?'

    'Yes', the lady replied, 'Right now, I bet you think that the bucket you're holding has a bottom.'

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Have a good day!
  • sveltewisher
    sveltewisher Posts: 93 Member
    Happy April as it snows in Brooklyn! I tried to play an April Fool's joke from an e-mail - What does a 320 lb women look like? The photo of the woman was that she is beautifully svelte from Holland at 7'4' tall. The tag line was that our weight challenge is we are too short. The joke was on me because I could not copy her picture into MFP. LOL.
    I am glad to see April! I also need to weigh in soon but not on April Fools Day. Make it a great day! Cheers, Debra
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Just my ususal quick note.

    So happy to have April arrive. I can see the ground in many places, and will have to go out and see if any plants are pushing their way up from the cold soil. I love to see them, but have to mulch them back in as in this area spring can be a tease, and let winter back through the door at any time.

    I am still maintaining at 175, getting lots of exercise, and working on uping my weights and resistance training. All in all I feel great! It is what it is!

    So glad to see all the new members and happy as always to see all my old friends.

    My goals will remain the same as last months, but I will be adding more weights and resistance work to my workouts. Currently at 360 minutes a week, and at least 80 miles walked or jogged a month. Walking and jogging have been mostly indoors with the aid of Leslie or Biggest Loser miles. Can not wait to be able to walk outside!

    I must return to work . Has anyone heard how Amanda is?

    Onward and upward! Alice
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Thanks for the encourangement... Someone told me that at a WW meeting, they were told that SHORT and MIDDLE AGE women have the most trouble getting their system to kickstart on losing... YUP, that is me... short and middle age (mmm... senior)... but I am going to stick with it, since 3/7/11 I have done MFP and will continue, I bring my popcorn (mini bag) and my fruit for dessert to peoples houses, we live in a retirement community, so we play alot of cards in the evening, they serve CAKE, I eat my fruit... what a good idea huh?
  • CarolynGSilva
    CarolynGSilva Posts: 22 Member
    A few things to fix after the inspection report, but well within reason. We will be closing and out of here on April 29. Soooo much to do between now and then...packing and pitching. Need to work three hours each morning and three hours each afternoon on packing plus an hour of paper culling in the evening. In March made it to a mimi goal of under 150 lbs. Now, next mini goal is 145 before May. VAS on his way back to Florida after a week helping with moving work. He will be back April 12. Now I have 11 days to pack up everything that is going to Florida. The income tax is done...this is earliest we have filed in a long time. Good to have that out of the way.

    Welcome to Lorri and other new ladies.

    Chiclete, where are you? Let us know how you are.
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member

    Lindaj, I'll do the 45 miles with you! Won't get outside today to walk as April Fools pulled one over on us.....we have snow! YUK!

    Grandee, thanks for that - would be great to do it together and I'm sure we will!
    I did well today exercise wise - walked 4.9 miles and got my swim in thanks to support from Mary (msh0530).
    Altogether, I've burned 860 calories - seems a lot but then was a bit naughty at dinner time with friends!!!!!
    Still under my calorie limit though and more importantly, my sodium level is under my limit for the first time, I think!!
    Always room for improvement, isn't there? Wouldn't have thought of doing it all without this site!
    Good luck everyone!
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    PS pmjs mom I love your flowers! Now it really does feel like spring! Thank you!
  • rjnandjosh
    rjnandjosh Posts: 168
    I would love to join. I am 52 years and 192 pounds I have lost ten so far. My birthday is October 23rd.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I forgot to tell all my over 50 ladies how you all have convinced me to take care of myself. Next week I am getting my first colonoscopy. From all the inspiring stories I've heard here about how it isn't that bad, I am OK with getting ready and getting it over with.

    Keep up all the advice and kind words and support that gets put into this group. Sooner or later it gets through to those of us who are on overload with family issues to take care of ourselves.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I got the quote on my signature from someone on MFP when I joined two years ago.......I still love it and haven't found anything I like better

    :flowerforyou: I am thrilled to see so many posts already this morning........none of us can do this alone.....we need each other

    :flowerforyou: my goals for Marc were to exercise indoors and I did well with adding squats, doing more dancing, and riding the exercise bike when the weather didn't invite outdoor activities........I didn't get back to yoga :cry: :cry: :cry:

    :flowerforyou: my goal for March is to get up early and exercise.......so today Hubby and I got up early with our plan to go for a walk and it was raining too hard so we went to the grocery store and got a small walk and then I rode the exercise bike until it was time to go to line dance.

    :flowerforyou: at line dance today I taught a dance and it went great......it was a beginner dance to Brad Paisley's "All You Really Need is Love"

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, it was this group of 50+ ladies who convinced me to get my first colonoscopy in January at age 64....it turned out to be not a big deal so I know it will be the same for you. :bigsmile:
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    I'm back from my folks' house after a week away.

    I've been fighting with myself to keep my eating in check since October. I hate to admit keeping the weight off is always going to take focus and effort but it's looking that way. This last week was particularly abysmal. After losing a couple of pounds, I was excited about posting last Friday. Then we lost power so I went down to my folks’ house in the Bay Area where I could be warm.

    Instead of losing 2 lbs, by this morning, I’d gained about 5. Aaarghh! :noway: Nobody to blame but myself. This brings home how easy it would be to go up and up. I hit 324 at my highest weight and I don't think I had a stopping point. This morning, I edged over 200 again, which I thought I'd NEVER do. :angry:

    I got back home last night. Today is my day to get back on track. :happy: The good thing is that I know it will take just 2 days of hard effort before I start feeling good again. I feel lousy physically when I'm not eating right or exercising - more so now than when I was younger.

    I've always used food as a sedative and the more out of control I'd get, the more I relied on that sedative. I found myself starting to do that again. Something else I've done is set myself up for over-eating. Yesterday, I stopped at a fruit stand and bought Jordan almonds and pistachio nuts. Did I really think I wouldn't eat them - all of them! :laugh:

    I'm going to stay in "safe" environments for the next few weeks to help me get back on track. When my daughter couldn't go to Costco today, I thought I'd go on my own. :huh: Then an MFP friend sent an email (I’m thankful for the timing!) and that made me stop and think. Costco, with all of the snacks they hand out, is a dangerous place for me. It's not a place I need to go to alone until I'm back on track.

    This isn't easy but it's so worth it. I don't ever want to give up. If I do, it's basically a death sentence because I know fat people don't live as long. Really fat people REALLY don't live as long. Besides which, I don't like how I feel when I'm not eating right.

    I’m thankful for MFP and all the support. You keep me going and keep me coming back when I wander off track.



    Mary, I am sad for you. Your mom, you, and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Birdie, I’m glad your MIL is at peace now. I’m sorry your daughter is in so much pain. I hope the surgery will work out for her. You are doing great to stay on track when things around you are so stressful. Ah. I just see I missed your birthday. A belated happy birthday!

    Robin, if you stay within your target calories and exercise, you are doing good things for your body, regardless of what the scale says. Going to the doc sounds like a good idea though.

    SMWert, brava! Logging helps so much. I’m back with ya. :smile:

    Reading the posts about bees and stings reminds me of a story that persists in my family. When my grandfather was 8 or 9, a bee stung him. He ran to the house yelling, “Oh mom, oh god, my whole summer is ruined.” :laugh:

    Jackie, Jeannie, and all who’ve lost, a big congrats to you. Good work. :flowerforyou: (And, Vicki, you’re a brat! :laugh: )

    Peggy, you have done so very, very well. I’m happy for you. :flowerforyou:

    Natalie, taking your own food when you go out is an AWESOME idea. Good thinking and good advice. Thanks.

    Welcome rjandjosh! This is a good place to be…and the women are great. Always positive and encouraging.

    Amanda, in case you’re reading the posts, I miss your cheerful presence. I hope you’re feeling better soon. :flowerforyou:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Happy Belated Birthday Viv! Boy I'm so behind. Hope it was a good one!:flowerforyou:
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Happy April...finally!
    I feel myself getting back on track and it feels good. I have set two goals for this month that I really feel I need to make progress. One is to get to the gym five days a week and at least 45 minutes and the other is to drink at least 64 oz of water a day. I have slacked on those two things during the past couple of months and I think its really hurt my progress. Now that one of my jobs ended (very suddenly) I have no excuse not to get to the gym and the water is just getting back into the habit.

    Natalie....Hang in there. Its a great idea to bring the fruit to the card nights. IT is so easy to nibble lots of calories without a thought. I hope your cardiac workup comes out fine. I know that when I hit perimenopause I had a workup a couple of times and it was a relief to know there was nothing wrong.

    Vicki M---Good April's Fool statement...it really got my attention!

    Robin--- I hope all goes well tomorrow for you. No matter what the scale says you know that you've made positive changes this month.

    Linda.....great getting your sodium under the limit. I struggle with this.....what did you do???

    rjn andjosh....welcome ..this is a great place to come for ideas and support

    Mimi7grands....I can so relate to your story. I had a BIG talk with myself this week and know that being on track feels so much better than the alternative. I know that I could be up 40 lbs in a blink. Keep on keepin' on.....
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Welcome rjandjosh:flowerforyou: and all the new people!!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Hey everyone. I came back to MFP because BodyMedia FIT won't let me export all the data I need to.

    I did pretty good on my March goals.

    -Be able to run 3 miles without walking by month-end - I ran a 10K! (6.2 miles)
    -Go to bed by 11pm most nights - I was doing great before the time change. Need to get back to this
    -Exercise 6 hours a week - yep, I've been doing quite well on exercise

    For April, I'm going to continue where I started:

    -Go to bed most days by 11 pm
    -Apply for a passport
    -Run 1.5 hours at once
    -Lower sodium intake - it's been creeping up and so has my blood pressure
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    This is a test.
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    This is a test.

    Did we pass!!!!