WOMEN AGES 50+ for April



  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :noway: :laugh: I was checking to see if my steps ticker was showing up...:laugh:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,399 Member
    Welcome lindaj07! I find that swimming is a really good workout. You don't realize how much you are using your muscles until the next day!

    Lynn - you know, for the life of me I can't understand why the people who owned this house before us planted the trees that they did. They bloom so late in the summer. I would like Bradford Pear trees, they flower early in the season and that's about the time that I'm getting sick of winter and would welcome something bright. These people also planted rose bushes next to the garage! Duuuhhhh....rose bushes have thorns, thorns can scratch the paint on cars. Didn't they think?

    Welcome gramma5. Look forward to getting to know you.

    I did an hour of a weight DVD today (Thurs). Tomorrow I'll do an hour on the stairmaster. Then we're playing mah jongg then going to lunch. I'm going to get the light soup and salad. According to the place's website, that has something like 132 calories in it. After the stairmaster, tho, I'm going to have an apple that I'm taking to the Y with me.

    Lorri - I'm sure you'll add a lot to the group. Keep posting so we can get to know you better!

    peepocheck - you have a great attitude! Welcome!

    Natalie - will you have to record all your activities while you have the monitor on?

    leannie - welcome! Where will you be moving to?

    Peggy - congrats, 87 pounds is awesome! I'm just so happy for you!

    Laura - have a good time at the concert

    The weather here is in the 50's today, but by next week it's supposed to be 80. Crazy or what?

    A warm welcome to rjnandjosh

    I find that the best time to go food shopping is right after I exercise. Something about the endorphins, but I don't feel like eating the samples.

    Did an hour on the Stairmaster today (Fri), then we played MahJongg then went to lunch. After being on the stairmaster, I had an apple. Even by the time we went to lunch, I wasn't hungry. Just had the salad and soup, but I only ate about 1/2 of the salad. Tomorrow, I'm going to do this DVD by Bob Green that I bought, its mostly weights (at least from the description) for only 1/2 hr just to see what it's like. If I don't like it, I'll just sell it to Play it Again Sports. Then I'll take a yoga class.

    Here's hoping everyone had a wonderful April Fools Day and has a great evening.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    here I am bumping again Have a good month.
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, and welcome to our newest ones!

    Did not sleep well last night, knees kept aching and legs were restless. Got out of bed earlier so I would not fall back to sleep, long day, did my exercises and now after my second job I am done for the day. Muscles are aching, body is ready to dive fourty feet into the bed.

    Catch you ladies tomorrow at some point, loads of work to do.

  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Keeping this short since I need to get to bed because I get up for work at 3:30 for work tomorrow. Happy April Fool's Day. Lets hope the weather starts to improve soon. I did pretty good on the March goals. I don't remember what my starting weight was and I'm too lazy to look it up, but I know I have lost a few pounds. I am going to try to lose 5 pounds for April. That might be tough because we are going on Vacation toward the end o fthe month, but I will just have to be extra good until then.

    Hope everyone is doing well.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I survived the day! The high school where I work took all of the students to a local park for a community service project today. We are putting in a new playground, splash pad, and walking trail. This is being done with all volunteer labor over the next month. We were the prep crew. We moved sand, dug out and moved railroad ties, painted, dug out the sprinkler system, poured cement, put up a construction fence, chipped cement out of cracks in the tennis court, raked out a shelter belt, put up a construction fence, and hauled away debris. Mostly I helped with the construction fence. The kids were amazing workers. There were over 250 of us there for 6 hours. They put up signs that say "Extreme Makeover - Park Edition."
    And my best news of the day - my mother is slightly better, and was released from the hospital to rehab today! Hopefully she will improve enough to get a stint for her heart.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    Wow barbie, you are going to have to start a second april post very soon if this keeps up. We just got back from Osaka a Japanese Hibachi restaurant. My dad turned 79 yesterday and that is what he wanted. I did pretty good. i got shrimp, veggies and ate a little rice. I did though eat a small piece of cake. I was not going to but this cake is from a local lady and it is so goooooood.
    It is okay I will work it off and get right back on track. Not going to let it get me down or off track. It is life and sometimes it happens. I am slowly changing the way I think about things and hopefully this will help my loss and maintenance. Welcome to all new people. So glad some of you that have been MIA are back with us. You have been missed. Robin if you are doing all that you say maybe you do not to check with a doctor cause something could be wrong. I am going to try to make a lot of progress on bathroom tomorrow since I will have no kids. cant wait to finish and show you pics. Hope you all stay well and have a great weekend.
    Vicki M
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Just read through the posts so I can keep up with all of you, but didn't have time to take notes etc. this evening. Just got back from a middle school play, and now have to prepare for a family gathering tomorrow which, thank goodness, is not at my house but at a restaurant. :bigsmile: I really want to get to know all of you.....I know some of you now, but everyone has the same goals and it's just such comfort to be in this together and to be there for each other when life throws us curveballs. :ohwell: Anyway, everyone have a good night's sleep and a happy Saturday. :flowerforyou:

  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    Hello ladies,

    I am hoping for some warmer weather in April. Our winter has been filled with a blizzard and freezing temps. I am looking forward to some constant sunshine and longer days.

    During the month of March I actually worked harder toward my fitness goals and I expect that during April I will do the same.

    During April I want to continue with my Cathe workouts, increase my water intake and get to bed earlier.

    I hope that everyone has a good weekend.

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :yawn: Good Night Song - by the Beatles

    Now it's time to say good night
    Good night, sleep tight
    Now the sun turns out his light
    Good night, sleep tight
    Dream sweet dreams for me (Dream sweet)
    Dream sweet dreams for you

    Close your eyes and I'll close mine
    Good night, sleep tight
    Now the moon begins to shine
    Good night, sleep tight
    Dream sweet dreams for me (Dream sweet)
    Dream sweet dreams for you


    Close your eyes and I'll close mine
    Good night, sleep tight
    Now the sun turns out his light
    Good night, sleep tight
    Dream sweet dreams for me (Dream sweet)
    Dream sweet dreams for you

    Good night, good night, everybody
    Everybody everywhere
    Good night

    Linda Ronstadt's version on youtube.com is very soothing......:yawn:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I just updated my ticker with the two pounds that i wanted to believe were water retention but they aren't going away :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    :flowerforyou: I'm getting up at 3 AM to be out of the house at 5 AM to catch the 6:30 ferry to an all day event that will be great and filled with people I love and don't see very often but there will be little exercise and the best I can hope for in food is a Subway veggie delight sandwich for lunch.:drinker: :drinker: I'll be home before dark and will try to check in
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :bigsmile: Alive and Well in April! Labwork done today and all is good :smile: :smile:

    Heard a quote the other day: "Hope is not a strategy". uhuh.... I hope to be slimmer; I hope to lose weight; I hope to be healthy. Okay, I get it...it has to be more than hope. I actually have to do something about it. Oh darn :ohwell: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Happy April to all! :flowerforyou:

    :heart: :heart: Rebel :heart: :heart:
    VBLOC Posts: 2
    Just found this site and am impressed so far. This thread may be what I need to keep on track:love:
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Mary, whew, 6 hours straight...wears me out just hearing about it. Good news about your mother!

    Barbie, you are so honest, logging those 2 pounds. I'm waiting 'til tomorrow to log mine, hoping that at least some of the weight I gained is fluid retention. :ohwell:

    I made it through the day today with very few calories. I'm not worried about going into starvation mode after all I ate yesterday. One day at a time...

    Good night all.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone

    :heart: Thank you for all the birthday wishes, I had a good day, have to confess that I did eat a piece of cake (Auntie Mai bought me a lovely toffee cake yum) but I didn't eat any cake at work, although I did have a few biscuits (cookies) with my afternoon cup of tea.:ohwell:

    :drinker: Anyway April is a new month! Kathy I know what you mean about not exercising, it's so quick to get out of the habbit. So my goal for April is to start exercising again before going to work. I have a really good video that breaks down into 10 min slots, so you can do as little as 10 mins. I MUST have 10 mins to spare on a morning?? and I must start running again or at least walking at lunchtime. Hopefully the weather will get a bit more spring like and this will help - with the clocks going back an hour last week, I've been getting up in the dark again, but it will gradually get lighter on a morning. I've already noticed a difference on an evening, we are able to take the dogs out together when I get home from work now instead of DD taking them on her own (lucky me:bigsmile: ) I really must find my pedometer again, I'd be interested to know how many steps I'm doing, I bet it's nothing like the 23,000 steps I was averaging last year during the walking challenge. I might just have to challenge myself :smile:

    :smile: Today I am meeting up with some old work colleagues in town, I am hoping I am brave enough to have healthy choices as no doubt we will end up in a cafe to chat and catch up. We last met up together around November time in Leeds, this time we are meeting in York, so look out York cos when we get together it's non stop chat and laughter, and with 7 of us you can imagine the noise!

    :flowerforyou: Welcome all newcomers, as you can see we are a chatty bunch, obviously we have all woken up from our winter hibernation, page 3 already and it's only the 2nd April :bigsmile: My March goals were a bit hit and miss, I need to think of some good ones for April. I like the idea of putting our birthdays into our signature, I see we have some birthdays coming up and it's a good way to keep track.

    Thanks again for my birthday wishes, I love the sparkly balloons I like a bit of glitter. Have a great day everyone and I'll catch you all later.

    Viv xx
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    well the scale went up a pound but I am not too upset, I had a very high sodium fat dinner. I was craving fried chicken and potato salad and I just did what I have to do so I am sure its some water weight so I am going to say that at least I didn't really gain this week. Yup, that's my story and I am stickin' to it.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Good Morning all,

    What I thought was going to be a relaxing morning will now be hectic. We did so much extra laundry last week we ran out of water 3 days early. I have to run (drive) to the bank and get back by 11 to pay the water guy.

    Oh well, at least he will work on a Saturday.

    Happy Saturday!

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good Morning...well afternoon already!

    I am planning on going to the gym in a few minutes...keeping my April goal in mind. It is so easy to just skip that part of my day. I can be a couch potato so easily. I know that I will feel so much better after this workout.
    I hope everyone has a good day.
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    Good Morning,

    The sun is out and today will be a great day.
    I am excited that I completed a workout which was good, but not over challenging.

    I hope that everyone has a good day!
