New Round of P90X starts Feb 28th! Join me! Cont'd....



  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hey everyone! Sorry no post for me yesterday, although I did push play, don't have to worry about that! I've really been wanting to get in as much cardio as I can this week so I did Insanity Pure Cardio yesterday and today, I just got done with Turbo Fire 45EZ & Stretch 10 with my weighted gloves! Feeling good! Even if the scale goes down a pound by Monday, I'll be happy!

    cnance: Glad to see you back at it!

    Jenna: Great job on those chattarunga runs! Keep at it! Going anywhere fun tomorrow?

    Mak: Good job on Cardio X! Sorry to hear about your tooth, hope it feels better!

    emmaleigh: keep at it girl! Remember, do what you can do to the best of your ability! No one knows your body better than you do!

    Bob: way to keep rockin' it! Bet you can't wait to get home!

    Keep at it everyone! Enjoy your weekend and let's keep bringing it!!!

  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Jenna: Great job on those chattarunga runs! Keep at it! Going anywhere fun tomorrow?

    Lots of fun stuff tomorrow... my best friend just had a baby, so we're visiting them. We're also going shopping. I live in a small town, and we don't have much for decent shopping, so I'm excited!
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    Taking a much needed day of rest and very glad it is Friday :-) I'll "Bring It" again bright and early tomorrow morning!
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    Back on the horse yesterday. It was a struggle but I got through Legs and Back. I was shaking like a leaf on that darn chair pose!!!

    I'm usually ok for the first part of chair pose, but by the end .... not so much. As long as you stick it out it will get "easier" :-)
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    Day 27 Done! Kenpo X - I pushed play, but definitely did not Bring It - just not in the right frame of mind - still did all the reps and exercises, but just less intensity - if that makes sense, and the day has just gotten worse since then....sigh - tomorrow is rest day - not sure what I am going to do....debating it.
  • annyshay
    annyshay Posts: 42
    Core Synergistics is done! Also, today is day 51 for me. That just blows my mind. Only 39 more to go, hehe.

    I'm going to a cupcake party tonight (!!!!!), but I have a plan, so hopefully I stick to it and think of all the Dreya rolls and Chataranga runs it would take to burn the extra cupcakes off. :0)

    Keep bringing it everyone!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Today was day 68 for me! Legs & back I made it through both of the 30 sec chair poses. I was totally jazzed. Did my best (and forgot the rest :)) with ARX. Thanks for the support everyone. My gums are still pretty swollen but getting better.
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    Core Syn done, headed out for a walk in a little bit. Great start to the weekend!
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    Im finishing my 6th week of P90X. I just did Kenpo X. I couldnt get my heart rate up to 153 where it need to be. I stayed between 120bpm and 135 bpm. It seems that its getting too easy. Is this normal after 6 weeks?
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Kempo time... Nuff said :)
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Im finishing my 6th week of P90X. I just did Kenpo X. I couldnt get my heart rate up to 153 where it need to be. I stayed between 120bpm and 135 bpm. It seems that its getting too easy. Is this normal after 6 weeks?

    That's when you need to really get into the transition moves to get the heart rate back up (running in place, jump rope, jumping jacks, etc.). I try to keep my HR at around 160-165 and it sometimes gets in the 140s, but I will jump around like a wild man during the "breaks" to get it back up there.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I hope everybody is enjoying their weekend. Just got done doing Legs and Back and Ab-Ripper-X (from the comfort of my own basement). I am happy to report that even though I wasn't feeling too well from lunch, I burned over 820 calories, and upped my weights and my pullup reps. As for Ab-Ripper, I have almost conquered the beast! I am doing all of the moves at their hardest level. I am still struggling with fifer scissors (by about count 17, I am having to rest the legs for a few seconds). As a matter of fact, I was trying so hard to keep those damn legs straight and above sea level that my heart rate spiked above 200 BPM and had to tone it down. My oblique V-ups are hit and miss (mostly because I am a dork with proper form sometimes). I got through 40 mason twists, but I ran out of gas with about 5 seconds close. I may start shopping for a weighted vest to increase the difficulty.

    I am leaning towards an actual rest day weekends are short with the traveling (have to head back Sunday afternoon).

    One more week until sweet recovery week...I am about halfway done and I am feeling the results coming. Down 2 pounds this week! WOOT!

    Take care, all and keep BRINGING IT!
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    Im finishing my 6th week of P90X. I just did Kenpo X. I couldnt get my heart rate up to 153 where it need to be. I stayed between 120bpm and 135 bpm. It seems that its getting too easy. Is this normal after 6 weeks?

    That's when you need to really get into the transition moves to get the heart rate back up (running in place, jump rope, jumping jacks, etc.). I try to keep my HR at around 160-165 and it sometimes gets in the 140s, but I will jump around like a wild man during the "breaks" to get it back up there.

    I do all the moves during the break. It's still not going up. I'm pushing myself as hard as i can.
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    Ok I have another problem. I've been having pain in my upper arm for a few days and it's getting worse. I can't lift my arm out 90 degrees with pain. I think it's my deltoid muscle. My hubby wants me to see my doc but I'm scared she's gonna tell me to stop lifting weights. I'm halfway through this program and I'm loving the results. This sucks :(.
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    Ok I have another problem. I've been having pain in my upper arm for a few days and it's getting worse. I can't lift my arm out 90 degrees with pain. I think it's my deltoid muscle. My hubby wants me to see my doc but I'm scared she's gonna tell me to stop lifting weights. I'm halfway through this program and I'm loving the results. This sucks :(.
    Go see your doctor. The pain is getting worse and you could do more damage by not getting it looked at. A few days or even a week off fom lifting could turn into months. Best wished for a speedy recovery :smile:
  • CurriedGrasshopper
    CurriedGrasshopper Posts: 86 Member
    Ok I have another problem. I've been having pain in my upper arm for a few days and it's getting worse. I can't lift my arm out 90 degrees with pain. I think it's my deltoid muscle. My hubby wants me to see my doc but I'm scared she's gonna tell me to stop lifting weights. I'm halfway through this program and I'm loving the results. This sucks :(.

    I agree you need to see a doctor, but you could try paying a visit to a registered massage therapist first - they can do wonders for muscles. When my boss was training for the ultra marathon my town hosts (she ran a leg of the 125k race) when she injured her knee the massage therapist was the only thing that allowed her to heal her body enough to even run. So that may be a good option for you as well.
  • CurriedGrasshopper
    CurriedGrasshopper Posts: 86 Member
    Today is Day 3 of Week 5.. So I'm looking forward to another 'new video' with Back & Biceps today.

    You are all doing great and I too find your stubbornness motivational Bob :)
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    Day 29 done! Or Week 5 day 1, however you are tracking - it was Core Synergistics for me - upped weights (but my reps dropped a little) and my push-ups are getting much better - woo hoo! TOmorrow is Zumba, so I am curious if I will have all this extra energy a lot of you have mentioned after a recovery week - we shall see!

    Btw - has anyone thought about what they are going to do after P90x? I know its pretty early for me, but I think I am going to do JM 30 DS - I have weight to lose - and then start P90x Classic or maybe even doubles - anyone else?
  • nukehiker
    nukehiker Posts: 457
    gonna be starting my P90X on monday hopefully ? since i have a plane to catch home at 1030am maybe i can get the routine in before i have to leave the hotel.. good thing the airport is only 15 mins from my hotel !! anyhow anyone have advice on what they follow for a meal plan ? are you just eating as good as you can or trying to stay in certain ranges for proteins, carbs etc ???
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    Day 29 done! Or Week 5 day 1, however you are tracking - it was Core Synergistics for me - upped weights (but my reps dropped a little) and my push-ups are getting much better - woo hoo! TOmorrow is Zumba, so I am curious if I will have all this extra energy a lot of you have mentioned after a recovery week - we shall see!

    Btw - has anyone thought about what they are going to do after P90x? I know its pretty early for me, but I think I am going to do JM 30 DS - I have weight to lose - and then start P90x Classic or maybe even doubles - anyone else?

    I was thinking about doing the Insanity workouts. However I also have the JM 30 DS, so maybe I'll do that since I won't have to buy anything new :-)
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