WOMEN AGES 50+ for April



  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    A Birthday Song for Lynn:
    Makes me think of the good old days, happy birthday to you!
    You sure grew out of your baby ways, happy birthday to you!
    It's your birthday, we wish you many more,
    Health and wealth and friends by the score!
    Now tune up the fiddle, and let's dance some more!
  • MaryS910
    MaryS910 Posts: 348 Member
    Is this Papichat Natalie?
  • shirleewebb
    I just joined , have lost 28 pounds and want to lose 11 more. I run half marathons and whole marathons and I am almost 60. Love exercising, water arobics and strength training. I plan to live to be a very old yet fit grandmother. I have eight children and so far ten grandchildren.
  • shirleewebb
    I just joined , have lost 28 pounds and want to lose 11 more. I run half marathons and whole marathons and I am almost 60. Love exercising, water arobics and strength training. I plan to live to be a very old yet fit grandmother. I have eight children and so far ten grandchildren.
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    YES IT IS!~!! How did you know ... HAAAA
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :smile: Thanks for all the Birthday wishes. Mary you sang a song am going to look that one up. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Lindaj07-Thanks for letting me know that you are in UK and Debxx:flowerforyou: Hope all you Ladies...had a wonderful Mother's Day!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Have a blessed day to all!
  • majella21
    Hi All,

    I have used the MFP app on my iPhone for a while to track my weight and exercise, along with other motivators, but then fell off the wagon.

    For April, I want to get back on track and lose 1 kg per week.
    I also want to walk at least three times per week.

    Looking forward to seeing how the forum works!

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    To all the dog lovers in the group:



  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Happy Birthday Lyn!!! You add sooooo much to this thread!!!!
  • Trisha456
    Hi, I would like to become a member of this group but I don't know how. I want to be able to find you all on a daily basis. Any help appreciated.
  • mrsanderson404
    I'm back!! Thanks for the "shout-out" Lyn....between being soooo busy, but mostly just discouraged, I took a break from posting and logging in. But spring has sprung and I'm feeling renewed....as most of you seem to be as well.

    It's my Spring Break and there is a very long list of tasks to work on....preping and planting the veggie garden is on the calendar for tomorrow....Wed should be massage and hot tub...LOL....but it's all good exercise and we will enjoy the fresh veg come summer.

    Weather has warmed and I can finally enjoy that new screen door on the back of the house....love hearing the birds in the trees back there.

    Hey Mimi...your Costco and Trader Joes run "down the hill" makes it sound like you might be in my backyard...you're not from Idyllwild, are you??
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Hi again! My, what a busy post this is today, isn't it? I DID, in fact, manage to resist my lift home from work so my exercise ticker is correct. The pages here are whizzing by, which means everyone is inspired and happy to be getting fit, losing weight and eating healthily! Congratulations to you all! Personally, I generally feel fine about keeping within my calorie allowance these days and have now started looking at the content of my diet. I really need to concentrate on getting my iron and potassium levels up a bit...
    If any of you have any ideas on this I would really appreciate some help!
    Thanks again to all for your support! :flowerforyou:
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Happy Birthday Lynn:smooched:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hi Trisha,

    You just became a member of this wonderful group! Now when you go to message boards and click on "My Topics" we should appear.

    We look forward to learning more about you and I wish you luck on this journey. You won't find a better place for support and encouragement!

    Take care, Kackie
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    ♪Happy Birthday to you♫
    ♪Happy Birthday to you♫
    ♪Happy Birthday dear Lyn♫
    ♪Happy Birthday to you♫
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Happy Birthday Lynn!!!
    Today is a wonderful day, the TIcKER MOVED!!! MY TICKER MOVED!! HAAAAA
    Going to Olive Garden, Soup and Salad...
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    Okay we just got the weather. Whoever sent it to us, next time keep it. All of a sudden the wind starting really blowing. Kenneth asked if back of house was open, meaning windows. I said just our bedroom. He got up looked out toy room window and say oh my, pool cover was off pool and emma's trampoline was upside down straddling the fence. He had to go out in rain and tie it down so it would not fly further. He HATES getting wet. then since he was already wet he pulled pool cover all way off and we started pump and put flotron in and added chemicals. I'm not sure if I shared this with you ladies, but a few months back Heather called and asked if we could keep emma's trampoline here because unless they got a fence the insurance would drop them. they have a huge yard (nearly 2 acres and would be very hard to fence in) So we said of course. I called to tell her tonight that I just dont think that trampoline was meant to be. IT is not damaged, I dont think. Hope if you are getting this weather you stay safe. Hopefully it will be over soon. Take care ladies.
    Vicki M
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415

    Vicki we had the weather for about 5 hours today. There were 2 tornados touched down in the southern part of our county. One barely missed DH's assisstant's, daughter's home. It hit the house next to them. We had to take shelter once today.
    Trampolines do not do well in wind. :noway: Our Grandson had one destroyed. It blew it about 100 feet down into a valley.

    Robin - thanks for the song! How do you get those notes on the posts?

    Natalie-Thanks for the Birthday Wishes.

    Peggy---Thank you too! Your ticker is very impressive!

    Mrs Anderson-Glad to see you back!

    Trisha-Welcome..I sent you some mail to explain how to find us.

    Birdie-you are very kind, Thank you!

    Welcome-Majella. Barbiecat:flowerforyou: starts the thread for the forum each month. Look at her tracker. She has lead the pack.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Dee - but do you know if the OdoBan just removes what human's can smell or does it remove the odor so that the cat (or dog) doesn't return to the spot? I washed a sleeping bag and it's out on our porch right now drying. I just got so sick of smelling that urine smell. It really wasn't bad, but occasionally I'd get a whif of it when I passed by where the sleeping bag was.

    There are things that I like about the Wii and things that I don't. I would definitely recommend the WiiFit Plus, not the regular Wii. I can't remember the last time I used the regular Wii. I also have the Personal Trainer disk, but I find that I don't use that too much, either. Yet, it got good reviews. I do want to check out the reviews of the dance disks.

    Was in the high 70's here today. Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the low 60's. Talk about up and down! Tomorrow night I'll be going to this gal's house to play Mexican Train Dominoes. I'm going to be bringing raw veggies with me.

    I did an hour of Leslie Sansone's walking DVD and then an hour of a PowerCuts class. Tomorrow I'll do an hour step DVD.

    Amanda - lots of good thoughts for a speedy recovery.

    chicklet - Good luck on the move. I know that you'll be happy and will make friends quickly.

    Natalie - big congrats on the loss! All good things come to those who wait, that's for sure.

    shirlee - welcome! I look forward to hearing especially about your workouts. I, too, love exercising. Do it almost every day. Sometimes, tho, I do have a problem in that I get bored doing the same things over and over. Hopefully, you'll give me some ideas.

    Trisha - welcome! I knew someone would answer your question about how you'd find us again, and kackie sure did!

    Here's hoping everyone has a fantastic evening!

  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Don't know, Michelle, about the OdoBan. You'll have to let us know if they stay away from your sleeping bag!

    I had a busy, busy day cleaning, grocery shopping and then exploring in the woods with my granddaughter and the neighborhood kids. I was so honored. They took me to their secret fort.....FOW! Stands for Fort of Warriors! :happy:

    Right now I'm starting to feel like a zombie....do we have a smiley face for that? :huh: Going to bed! :yawn: