WOMEN AGES 50+ for April



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member

    Happy Birthday, Lynn, I hope today was a great day for you

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    yesterday was cleanse day......I do a cleanse day about twice a month now......it is especially great because I've put on two pounds and had too many sodium filled meals so my body deserved a break. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Natalie, I'm so glad to hear about your weight loss......you followed the most important rule--never, never,never give up and it paid off for you :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, you are so right on with your comments........it takes time and experimentation to find out what works best for you and courage to listen to advice and take what works and leave the rest

    :bigsmile: Mimi, Izzie is so cute that it doesn't surprise me that she is related to two of the cutest breeds :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Amanda, how great that you feel like walking a bit today.....I know that you will be wise in your recovery..........I am so happy to have you posting again.:heart::heart: :heart: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I'm watching Dancing With the Stars so MFP will have to take a back seat :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :smile: Thanks so much, Barbie.:flowerforyou: I did. I had quality time with DH.:love::smooched:
  • Gramma5
    Gramma5 Posts: 15
    Wow , you ladies are full of info and fun ! I can't believe how many posts I read through since i joined last week ! LOL ! Way to go to all of you that exercised in some form or another ! I figure that I get exercise if I just get some housework done and walk to my mailbox every day ! At least now it isn't snowing and -30c like a lot of our winter was ! The sun has come out for many days and it is actually safe to walk our street now that the majority of the ice has melted off them ! I should really harness up on of the dogs and take her for a walk .... the other two go lame so it is easier just to leave the BOYS at home ! Love my yorkies even if they do act like rotweillers when they see another dog ! No way could I walk the 3 by myself in town .... LOL !!!

    With the nice weather finally arriving , the camping bug is starting to hit DH & I ! Another month and then we will be camping and walking lots ! I can't wait !!!!!

    In the meantime , i am slowly trying to get back into some walking , just generally moving more and not sitting at my craft table so much ! Calories are being journaled and I am hoping to see some half decent losses ...... I have a long way to go but small goals are helping ! By the end of the summer , I am hoping to see a whole new me !!!!
  • hey Ya'all; yes another over 50,,, well only 7 mos into it. I had joined MFP about a year ago and was on again off again never joining a forum at all for help til I put 60 lbs back on.... Well, I AM ON A MISSION.... with an ambitious goal of 75lbs.... I know it didn't all pack on in a month and I do realize that it's gonna take a bit of time to get it off... but with the Norditrac I bought over the weekend, I think I am on my way... Hope ya'all will let me pop in on you.... my goal for April is to become steady at the power walking.... watching what I eat and really stayin on target... Good Luck to ya in April!!! It's gonna be a Great Month.
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Lynn, I hope you had a wonderful birthday! :heart:

    Kackie, the most important thing is that you’re back. It makes all the difference! :love:

    Robin, working takes up so much time (of course) and leaves so little to focus on yourself and what you need to do to stay healthy. I’ve always found it a challenge. Take care of yourself in all the little ways that you can. :flowerforyou:

    Vicki, congrats on the 2-1/2 pounds. That’s awesome. :flowerforyou:

    Lynda, I loved your story. Keep at it and you’ll be able to run fast enough to beat your grandson on a short hit. :laugh:

    Natalie, whoa. 3 pounds was worth waiting for! :flowerforyou: Over the months, those pounds will add up nicely.

    Welcome, Shirlee, Majella, Trisha, and Somerstill. This is a great thread to join. The support and encouragement make such a difference. :smile:

    Mrs. Anderson, nope. I’m in the Sierra foothills near Placerville, on the other side of the state. You must do a lot of driving too. :ohwell:

    Linda, great job on walking. I think it’s Springtime that’s motivating all of us. :flowerforyou:

    Dee, that is an honor to be invited to your GD’s fort. She must like her grandma a lot! :smooched:

    Gramma, that’s a cute Yorkie! :happy:

    Good night, my friends. Gotta get up early tomorrow to clean the house before the computer repair guy gets here. I’m looking forward to getting a few glitches resolved.

    I haven’t been able to run Windows on my Mac for about a year. When I told the tech I was running VMWare Fusion 1.1 (it lets you run Windows on a Mac), he laughed. Fusion’s at 3.1 now and, apparently, a way better product. Yipee!

  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Hi all - just reporting my weigh-in! I lost another pound!!
    Linda x
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    :happy: HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYN!!!:drinker:

    Amanda: I'm glad to see that you did well with your surgery. I was wondering when you were going to settle down and finally have it done. I am glad that you are past it and healing well. You were in my thoughts.:flowerforyou:

    SallyCC:smile: Good luck on your Weight Loss Challenge weigh-in! It takes guts to do a challenge with your friends. I was always embarrassed to do the weigh-in in front of everyone. Hope you do well.

    Lorri:flowerforyou: You are right about the guy wanting sex. I spoke to another male friend and he said the same thing. He said he picked up on it 5 minutes into my telling of it. What am I clueless????:ohwell: But in reference to what you said about dogs..... whoever made up the saying that "Men are dogs" gave men too much credit. My dogs (all of them) are more caring, loving, devoted, sweet, and endearing than any man I have ever met. There is no contest. Dogs win head over tail.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Today was outpatient physical therapy day for mom and when we arrived I told her that I was going to go accross the street to the Jack in the Box to get us lunch while she worked out. She said she wanted a Jumbo Jack with fries and a diet coke. I told her I was going to get us grilled chicken strips, side salad and a ice tea. She threw a fit and said she wanted her @%$ing fries!!! The therapist showed up right then and took her back. I stopped them and asked the therapist if she could possibly weigh my mom (since she is doing better standing up for longer periods) Mom didn't want to (of course), but the therapist said, "Sure" . So we got mom to the scale and had her stand on it and weighed her for the first time since she has been her in California (November 2010) after she left Washington and was in the rehabilitation facility over there. (They had weighed her then and she was 197 lbs) Today she weighed in at 180 lbs. I told her she had lost 17 lbs and she looked at me like she didn't understand what I said, and she said "I lost?" (She has complained bitterly that she is getting fatter and that I am the only one losing and I am not feeding her what I eat. Granted at lunch mom has her Meals on Wheels food, but it is actually pretty healthy. But that is the only thing different she eats then I) I then told her, "Guess I'm getting the @%$ing salad, right mom??" She didn't say a word.:laugh:


  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Happy belated birthday Lynn.

    Wow, we really are a chatty bunch again! I'm just about catching up with the posts.

    I reckon I've slept more since my surgery than I ever have in my life, it just seems I can't sleep at night. Hopefully it will get better as I amable to do more.

    Anyway, my friends - have a good day. Be healthy, be happy.

    Amanda x
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Glad to see you back, Amanda. Hope your recovery goes well.

    Chicklet...that story with your mom is priceless. What a good weight loss she has had.

    I am doing my Weight Loss Challenge weigh in tonight and although I may be down a little, I don't think I'll be down the 3.6 lbs I was up last week. I am bringing the past two weeks of my food diary from here to get some feedback from the leader. I think I need to change things up a bit. I think I have my food diary open if there is any feedback, I would appreciate it.

    Today is one of my "off from the gym" days. I teach a yoga class at 11 am so that will be a good place to move, stretch and center. I know this all is a part of my path...I just want to go faster!
    Enjoy the day!
  • sveltewisher
    sveltewisher Posts: 93 Member
    I have been in crazy town for a bit...I keep trying to get out:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: ...Today, I logged 2-1/2 meals so far and will take a zumba class. I need to execute my strategy!!

    You all are all so magnificent from birthday girl Lynn to building parks, to baseball playing, to 3:30AM ferry rides, to noting weight gains honestly, to surgeries, to taking wonderful care of mothers...I am blessed to have so many fine people to emulate!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    A belated Happy Birthday Lynn!

    I'm trying really hard to keep up on post and it looks like April is going to be a chatty month and put me to the test of keeping up with the posts again.

  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    I will repeat what many have stated before... Wow we are back to our chatty selves. It must be a spring thing. I was off yesterday so it was a run around day for me. I did washed some of my step daughters clothes to take to Goodwill then met my DF for lunch. He wanted McDonalds so I had a parfait. I then drove 60+ miles to Dad's and had a proper lunch with him and played cards. Then I went to donate the clothes and shop a bit. There was a cute outfit that I wanted to see if it was still there as it was 50% off green tag day. It wasn't but I found an adorable suade look outfit that I had to buy. Even though I paid full price $15.00 I am tickled. Even though I still want to lose 20 - 30 more pounds I have become such a clothes horse!!! I really need to slow down or I won't have worn these clothes before they are to big and I will have to donate them. :noway: Then I went to my brothers to help him and didn't get home until 11:30!!!! Busy day and no exercise I will have to buckle down and get some walking in today even though I am working until 10:30pm.

    First off a big welcome to our newcomers Somerstill, Trisha, Majella, Shirlee. Looking forward to getting to know all of you.

    Laura - Way to go!!! Glad you are able to take advantage of the good weather and ride your bikes. Happy that George and Riba lived up to your expectations.

    Natalie - Congrats on the scale moving!!

    Mrsanderson - Glad to see you back. Spring certainly helps.

    Vicki - We had high winds here (Minnesota) but nothing like you had.

    Amanda - SO happy you are up and about and feeling well enough to pop in and keep us updated on your recovery. Take care of yourself.

    Gramma5 - good outlook. Start slow and soon you will be walking everywhere.

    Linda - congrats on your loss!!!

    Chiclet - Chin up and congrats on your little victorys with your mom. Hopefull she will appreciate you 100% of the time instead of when she is forced to admitt that you are good for her. Until then know in your heart that your selflessness is making you a better person. You don't want to end up like her, a bitter unhappy woman. She is lucky to have you. She knows it but she can't admit it otherwise she would have to admit how horrable she has been.

    Sally - hope your weigh in went well. I would have trouble weighing in with other people around. It is tough enough for me to admit how much I have lost because then it hints at how big I got. I know people must know that I was close to 250.

    Big Hugs to everyone. Have a good day.

  • Gramma5
    Gramma5 Posts: 15
    Good morning ladies ! Hope that everybody has a great day planned ! We woke to a couple inches of snow that fell overnight ... so pretty but oh so tired of it ! It is already melting though so should be gone by noon ( hopefully ! ) and maybe take some of the buildup with it ! I am spending the day housecleaning .as I have a few rooms that need a good overhaul ! Got to run the carpet cleaner over the carpet in the basement as DS ( AGAIN ! ) moved out with his cats and has left a few suspect spots on it ! I could wait for him to do it ( yeah right ! ) but he always is too BUSY to finish a job !!! Drives me batty ! LOL ! I figure I should get a good workout today just going up and down stairs !

    Have a good day everybody and make sure you drink your water !
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    WHOOOOO, great news on the POUND, every little bit helps eh?
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just a quick note to say hi. I have been swamped for the last few days, but will try to get back on later. I wanted to tell you that I talked to Mom last night on the phone and she sounded much better. We had an actual conversation for 10 minutes, and she could have talked longer but was watching Dancing with the Stars. Last week she couldn't even manage to string one sentence together, so I am greatly encouraged. Hope you all have a great Tuesday!
  • ljkempf
    ljkempf Posts: 4
    Just restarting myfitness, do you have room for one more? I really need to have someone hold me accountable for exercising.
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    You had SNOW, good grief, it's going to be 90 here today, guess I'll take the 90 eh?
    Got back from the bike ride, did 4 glasses of water, now taking Zoey to the cancer treatment center of america to do her pet therapy visits, will come home and I have to have a stress test at 3:00, I am scared out of my mind... they inject nuclear something into you... to make your heart rate go fast, I can't walk on tread mill, bad knee, so this is their version of a stress test... ANYONE EVER HAVE ONE OF THESE? if so, is it scary, did you get sick?

    Good morning ladies ! Hope that everybody has a great day planned ! We woke to a couple inches of snow that fell overnight ... so pretty but oh so tired of it ! It is already melting though so should be gone by noon ( hopefully ! ) and maybe take some of the buildup with it ! I am spending the day housecleaning .as I have a few rooms that need a good overhaul ! Got to run the carpet cleaner over the carpet in the basement as DS ( AGAIN ! ) moved out with his cats and has left a few suspect spots on it ! I could wait for him to do it ( yeah right ! ) but he always is too BUSY to finish a job !!! Drives me batty ! LOL ! I figure I should get a good workout today just going up and down stairs !
  • zuback55
    zuback55 Posts: 17
    Hello Everyone,
    I have been away from the community site for a few weeks and am feeling guilty :embarassed: as I have lost a few pounds and then have gained them all back. The weather here has been windy and cold and have had a few more dumps of snow. I have tried to go out walking a few times,,,,,,but I really am a fair weather walker. I am doing abdominal leg lifts every morning and have strengthened my quads and stomach muscles. I am going over in my calories and know that if I could get some exercise in, I could drop some of those calories and get going......I guess that sounds like complaining:grumble: ....My plan for April is that I am really going to try and get outside....cold or not and get cracking with the walking. I guess I just needed to get that guilty feeling off my chest. Good Luck to me and any of you who are also struggling out there.........Let's all Spring into action!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Why oh why is it that I do so well M - F during the day....probably because everything is routine...and the evenings and weekends are so hard to stay the course:sad:

    Last night I "fell" BIG TIME...ice cream called...and I answered:sad: and I can't even say that it wasn't good...because it truly was wonderful. So tonight I will try and get it back together and eat like I know I'm supposed to.

    I have a feeling stress has something to do with it:ohwell:

  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Hi again! I've started to notice that we are QUITE a disparate group aren't we? That's part of what makes us so exciting, I think...
    Another thing is that our weather(s?) are quite different too! Just when I come home feeling damp and cold from drizzling rain, I read about temperatures of 90 degrees! :laugh:
    Natalie, I'll share some of your 90 with you, if you don't mind?? PLEASE! :flowerforyou: a
    Mary, the news about your Mum just gets better! Glad to hear it.
    I had my walk this evening but had to give up as the rain just kept drizzling - however, I managed to get in another 3.6 miles in and just realised how close I am to completing half of my monthly target!
    Hoping the weather is better tomorrow - I'm out again walking round the park in the morning!
    Happy WorkOuts everyone!
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