6 week PUSH YOURSELF challenge, WEEK 1



  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    I have to admit that I'm getting bored with Zumba and it's not a good thing. Maybe it was because my dance partner that I've been going with wasn't there. But today just wasn't too fun. However, I did pay for ten classes today and I have nine left. It doesn't expire for three months, but still, I know I'll go anyway. But today was just boring. Boo :(

    Sorry to hear this because if you are bored with something it is hard to stay with it! Hopefully the fact that you have already paid for 10 classes will keep you going! I would suggest that maybe you add a little more bounce, hips, jumping, or something like that in to maybe make it a little silly and keep you motivated.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I have to admit that I'm getting bored with Zumba and it's not a good thing. Maybe it was because my dance partner that I've been going with wasn't there. But today just wasn't too fun. However, I did pay for ten classes today and I have nine left. It doesn't expire for three months, but still, I know I'll go anyway. But today was just boring. Boo :(

    Sorry to hear this because if you are bored with something it is hard to stay with it! Hopefully the fact that you have already paid for 10 classes will keep you going! I would suggest that maybe you add a little more bounce, hips, jumping, or something like that in to maybe make it a little silly and keep you motivated.
    I'm sure the paid for thing will keep me going. Some of the moves are a little fast to follow lol. My eating hasn't been great today so I think I'm just feeling blah with everything. I haven't looked at my planner yet, but I'm hoping I have a hardcore workout scheduled tomorrow.
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Katie are you eating some of your exercise calories? You may need to eat more. I never heard of that till I joined this site. I've been here two weeks and have lost 7 pounds so far.

    I have read a lot about that on this site, I think im just afraid to eat more for fear I will gain! Plus im 50 and the older we get the slower our metabolism is...when I was in my 20's and 30's if I ate and exercised like this I'd easily loose 5 pounds a week! Not any more :(

    But thank you for replying :)
  • Sltish
    Sltish Posts: 2
    New to MFP. Today is second day of my own 30 day commitment. Failed SO many times but I'm mentally ready for this. I will be part of your six week challenge. I'll be 62 on June 2 and want to be down 16 pounds by then. I will be eating fresh fruits and veggies primarily for now because I need to break some bad habits to develop good ones. I have 70 pounds to lose. Starting weight on Monday 4th was 234 lbs. Goal weight is 160 by end of 2011. Is that reasonable?

    I'm not sure how to do all of this correctly... name, photo, stuff like that. Just tell me and I'll do what you say Tracie
  • BRFMcKay
    BRFMcKay Posts: 80 Member
    Check in for Monday & Tuesday:

    Monday -- Ran at 5K pace for about 45 minutes -- burned 533 cals.
    Tuesday -- Bike for 20 minutes, elliptical for 30 (50 total) -- burned 460 cals.

    I forgot about the water! I am getting on that right now! lol. I can't believe how many calories I burn! When I am on a machine, it tells me I burned 50 cals when I kick my own butt, yet my HRM tells me AWESOME calorie burned count.

    I hope I lose some weight! Though it's almost my time of the month, so 5 extra pounds of water weight, here I come!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Katie are you eating some of your exercise calories? You may need to eat more. I never heard of that till I joined this site. I've been here two weeks and have lost 7 pounds so far.

    I have read a lot about that on this site, I think im just afraid to eat more for fear I will gain! Plus im 50 and the older we get the slower our metabolism is...when I was in my 20's and 30's if I ate and exercised like this I'd easily loose 5 pounds a week! Not any more :(

    But thank you for replying :)

    Katie, just my opinion here, but I really think you need to eat some of those calories, too! Even if it is 200-300 and you go up to say 1400-1500 calories per day. I know you have read a lot about it, but your body really does need those extra calories or your fat will begin to eat off of your muscle. In fact it was even a topic of discussion on Biggest Loser tonight. I know you are worried but you are working out hard and even though you are 50 when we work out harder, no matter our age, we need to have a little extra calories.

    Again, just my opninion, but I think your body is having a hard time surviving on 1200 calories since you are working out like you are. If you weren't working out I think you would be just fine and probably even see some weight loss. But, your body is storing what it can and that is why you aren't seeing any weight loss at all.

    I know we will all do what we want to do and what we think is right for us, but I am just trying to offer a little insight. I know when I was pushing myself, and not eating a bit of my exercise calories, my body didn't lose either. Then, I began to eat some, not all, some, and I lost. But, again, I am not loosing because I am working out twice as much, especially with our challenge, and there is absolutely NO WAY I can consume an extra 1500 calories per day. Some, yes, but not 1500, 1600, or more. So, I am kind of trying to consume a different amount each day to keep my body guessing. Yesterday it was 2100, or just over. Today just over 1900. I will not weigh until the end of our six weeks so I won't know until then how it works.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Check in for Monday & Tuesday:

    Monday -- Ran at 5K pace for about 45 minutes -- burned 533 cals.
    Tuesday -- Bike for 20 minutes, elliptical for 30 (50 total) -- burned 460 cals.

    I forgot about the water! I am getting on that right now! lol. I can't believe how many calories I burn! When I am on a machine, it tells me I burned 50 cals when I kick my own butt, yet my HRM tells me AWESOME calorie burned count.

    I hope I lose some weight! Though it's almost my time of the month, so 5 extra pounds of water weight, here I come!

    Getting that water in will help with the water weight gain, some, at that time of the month. I used to gain about that much, too, but now I only retain a pound or two during that week.
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    Today I ran a timed mile (9:33), walked another 30 minutes, and did 30DS this evening. I'm finishing up my water as I type :happy:. I'm happy to see so many of you become SO dedicated to this challenge and getting yourselves in shape, kudos to everyone!

    Cardio minutes: 25
    Strength minutes: 12
    Other minutes: 33

    Total minutes: 100/350
  • MoM2LayLa09
    MoM2LayLa09 Posts: 152
    Day 2

    WoW!!! I did awesome today !! I am really proud of myself !!

    Elliptical - 61min

    Raking Leaves - 30min

    Weekly Total - 131 minutes
  • Hey everyone,

    I'm 2 days late on starting the challenge, I had to give myself some time to get better (I got sick this weekend). Anyways, I'm still going for my 350min for the week!! Maybe my work outs will help me get better!! LOL, wishful thinking.

    These past couple of days I haven't been counting calories as I should and I haven't been working out and I usually am sure to do both everyday so I feel like I'm losing it. I will get back on track starting today and I'll keep you guys posted!
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Katie are you eating some of your exercise calories? You may need to eat more. I never heard of that till I joined this site. I've been here two weeks and have lost 7 pounds so far.

    I have read a lot about that on this site, I think im just afraid to eat more for fear I will gain! Plus im 50 and the older we get the slower our metabolism is...when I was in my 20's and 30's if I ate and exercised like this I'd easily loose 5 pounds a week! Not any more :(

    But thank you for replying :)

    Katie, just my opinion here, but I really think you need to eat some of those calories, too! Even if it is 200-300 and you go up to say 1400-1500 calories per day. I know you have read a lot about it, but your body really does need those extra calories or your fat will begin to eat off of your muscle. In fact it was even a topic of discussion on Biggest Loser tonight. I know you are worried but you are working out hard and even though you are 50 when we work out harder, no matter our age, we need to have a little extra calories.

    Again, just my opninion, but I think your body is having a hard time surviving on 1200 calories since you are working out like you are. If you weren't working out I think you would be just fine and probably even see some weight loss. But, your body is storing what it can and that is why you aren't seeing any weight loss at all.

    I know we will all do what we want to do and what we think is right for us, but I am just trying to offer a little insight. I know when I was pushing myself, and not eating a bit of my exercise calories, my body didn't lose either. Then, I began to eat some, not all, some, and I lost. But, again, I am not loosing because I am working out twice as much, especially with our challenge, and there is absolutely NO WAY I can consume an extra 1500 calories per day. Some, yes, but not 1500, 1600, or more. So, I am kind of trying to consume a different amount each day to keep my body guessing. Yesterday it was 2100, or just over. Today just over 1900. I will not weigh until the end of our six weeks so I won't know until then how it works.

    Well Im gonna give it a try, tonight I ate a bit extra, I had a healthy choice bar and an apple over my 1200 :)
    Thank you for your support! Love this website!
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 317 Member
    You guys are very inspiring!!!

    I had a great Tuesday today as well. My Wii board step came as well as Wii Fit Plus. I only got to test out a couple of the new games but they look really fun and I'm excited to have some additional choices. I found that I have the EA Active disc for Wii as well...after having my bum kicked on inline skating I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't have started at "high" intensity! But I finished none the less...probably won't be able to walk tomorrow! LOL

    Cardio: 65 mins
    30 min Wii Free Run
    20 min Wii Advanced Step
    15 min EA Active (cardio portion)

    Strength: 58 mins
    18 min EA Active (strength portion)
    40 min Misc Strength using resistance cord (biceps, triceps, lunges, crunches)

    20 min Wii Yoga
    14 min Wii games

    *******9 glasses of water *******

    Week totals: 125 mins/cardio; 58 mins/strength; 34 mins/Other = 237 minutes

    Cheers to a wonderful Wednesday! Keep up the great work!
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    I have in so far for the week without todays exercises
    Cardio- 62 minutes
    Strength- 21 minutes
    Other- 25 minutes
    Down 4 pounds since April 1st:)
  • Cardio Minutes: Zumba Wii (56); Banish Fat Boost Metabolism = 56

    Strength Training Minutes: 30 Day Shred ; No More Trouble Zones (44) = 44

    Total: 100 Minutes; Left to go:260

    Going to try my new Banish Fat Boost Metabolism video today and maybe do the 30 Day Shred. I decided to push myself and focus more on cardio to lose the weight and then tone. My comfort zone has always been with weight training over cardio. So my new general aims are 94 minutes strength training and 266 minutes cardio. I'm hoping to get better control over my heart rate so I can wean off a fourth of my beta blocker dose (if my disability will allow). The water is going well. I have a water bottle that holds 3 cups that I refill multiple times to keep track.

    Kudos to everyone for doing so well so far!! We are such a strong group!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    @ mufltz0429 I will message you with the link to the original post with the rules and I will add you to our roster!

    Here is my day one results! (disclaimer to those who don't know me well yet, I said I was going to push myself harder than ever before! I normally work out 60-90 minutes every day. So don't be too surprised with what I am pushing myself to do!)

    I have had 18 glasses of water to drink but I normally drink right around that, so that part accomplished for the day!

    I did 45 minutes on the elliptical, this morning, and per my heart rate monitor burned 698 calories
    I did a 30 minute walk with the dog this afternoon and per my heart rate monitor burned 367 calories
    I did 20 minutes of circuit strength training before my kettle bell class and per my heart rate monitor burned 200 calories
    I did a 40 minute kettle bell class and per my hear rate monitor burned 617 calories

    So that is 135 minutes. 20 strength, 85 cardio, and 30 minutes other.

    Fantastic day everyone who has reported in today! I am feeding off of the enthusiasm you are all showing towards this challenge!

    My results for Tuesday,

    35 minutes on the elliptical this morning, burned, per my HRM, 525 calories
    88 minutes of walking the dog during three different walks, burned, per my HRM, 896 calories
    68 minutes of circuit strength training and right into a muscle pump class, burned, per my HRM, 769 calories

    Just finished my 18th, 8 oz, glass of water

    So, I have met the "minimum" requirement of cardio and strenght but I promise you all there will be more this week.

    You are all doing FANTASTIC! I hope you are all proud of yourselves. You are working on a better you by PUSHING YOURSELVES!

    My results for Wednesday: (going a little lighter today to recuperate a little bit)

    30 minutes of walking the dog burned, per my HRM, 300 calories
    35 minutes of circuit training, (11 minutes cardio, 34 minutes strength training) burned, per my HRM 423 calories

    I am at 9 glasses of water but it isn't even noon so I fully expect I will get in the 18 that I ususally do

    Hope your Wednesday is going good and you are working the challenge!
  • conkelv
    conkelv Posts: 7
    OMG! A co-worker went and made herself some popcorn and it smells so @###$ good! I wasn't hungry when she made it, and i am not hungry now, but i want it because i know it will taste good. But NO, i did not go and make myself some, eventhough i do have some 100 cal popcorn. I am very pleased with myself. Before i joined this website i would have went and made some, but thanks to everyone on this site i was able to not give in. Thank You Everyone!!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    OMG! A co-worker went and made herself some popcorn and it smells so @###$ good! I wasn't hungry when she made it, and i am not hungry now, but i want it because i know it will taste good. But NO, i did not go and make myself some, eventhough i do have some 100 cal popcorn. I am very pleased with myself. Before i joined this website i would have went and made some, but thanks to everyone on this site i was able to not give in. Thank You Everyone!!
    Way to go!
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    got all my water in for yesterday. today i did turbo jam cardio party. got 4/8 of water in . will finish the rest at work tonight.

    total mins is 196

    one more night at work , hope the weather stays warm . if it does it is spring cleaning and airing the house out this week.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    OMG! A co-worker went and made herself some popcorn and it smells so @###$ good! I wasn't hungry when she made it, and i am not hungry now, but i want it because i know it will taste good. But NO, i did not go and make myself some, eventhough i do have some 100 cal popcorn. I am very pleased with myself. Before i joined this website i would have went and made some, but thanks to everyone on this site i was able to not give in. Thank You Everyone!!

    Good Job! When I smell something and "think" I want it I will drink a glass of water down and then the "pang" of wanting/needing it is gone.
  • MoM2LayLa09
    MoM2LayLa09 Posts: 152
    Day 3

    Well I couldn't make it to the gym since hubby left before I even woke up and I was sore from raking leave so I figured I would leave today as a rest day.

    9 glasses of water though : )

    totaly weekly exercises minutes - 131 minutes
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