Type II Diabetics - Let's Support Each Other



  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Great thread. My wife and I are both Pre-diabetic. I had an ac1 of 7.2 in begining Feb, then it went down to 6.2 two weeks ago and I have until end of April to see if it goes down more so I don't have to go on Metformin. We are testing 3x week right now and this site has been a great help. I have lost a total of 13lbs and 8 since being on this site. My wife finally signed up the other day. Never knew the blood sugar levels were so critical, but I feel so much better now that we are on top of it. This site has helped me more than anything by showing us what to avoid and you get immediate feedback on what you put in your body. We've also gone gluten free which has probably been the most helpful for our blood sugar. It's a lot harder to eat all your food when it's healthy cause there is a lot more. compared to when one fast food meal was more than my daily calorie requirment. 135lbs togo, but more concerned with developing new healthy habits and lifestyle. Like all the animal pics too, can't beat animal people. :-)
    ps...for little Lexi - Bissell steamer the cordless mini. Best friend an animal lover can have next to their furry friends.
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    I see the doc tomorrow to find out my HbA1c. I had only gotten back to exercising a week or two before I had the bloods done, so I don't really know what to expect, but I'm prepared for less than great numbers.

    For any of you who did not hear my screams of joy this morning, I'm down another 2kg (4.4lbs)!!! It has taken a little bit of time, but the exercising and discipline about food choices is starting to pay off. This really helps my motivation.

    In fact, I was in Starbucks this afternoon. My usual order is a medium mocha, with skim milk, no whipped cream. Today, I just really wanted something sweet to nibble on. I haven't checked out the dessert there in ages, but today I discovered a few small treats (imagine a 2" square petit-four). It was just the thing. It satisfied the "sweet thing" I was experiencing, and now I'm over it.

    I did get a good walk in today so at the moment: "all systems are: GO!"

    I hope everyone is doing well.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Welcome srnath- Glad you and your wife found this site. It is very helpful and very motivating with so many supportive people. This thread is nice because we can support one another in our battles with diabetes but also encourage one another when we are frustrated and/or happy about our appts, glucose checks, A1c, etc. I'll have to remember the tip on the bissell steamer, my animals are ruining my carpet.

    Katpawz- Good luck with your appt. You've been doing so well so I feel encouraged you willl see some progress with your counts. Congrats on the weight loss too! 4.4 is fantastic!

    Anyone have favorite snacks or meal recipes that they enjoy that don't make the glucose spike?:smile:
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Almonds with Wasabi powder. Hot, but good.
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    @srnatth: Welcome to the thread; we're glad you and your wife found us. I congratulate you on getting your diet/lifestyle on track now, while things are still in the early stages. I do regret not taking the diabetes more seriously when I was first diagnosed. I had a lousy doctor, who basically wrote me off and was very little help. I felt defeated before I ever got started. It took a while, but I did find a doc who was helpful and supportive. I've since moved from the U.S. to the U.K. and the doc I have here is great.

    Speaking of my doctor, I saw him this morning to follow up on my blood work. Drum roll please: my HbA1c was down from 9 to 7.7!!! We're keeping my meds the same, and if my numbers continue to improve over the next three months, we'll look at making adjustments. The doc was also pleased about my weight loss.

    One of the cool things about the U.K.'s healthcare system is that doctors' offices are located within the neighbourhoods; mine is just around the corner. He has seen me out walking a few times. The first thing he said to me when I met with him today was to congratulate me on getting my walks in.

    I hope everyone is having a great day!!
  • PoleBoy
    PoleBoy Posts: 255 Member
    Those are good results, well done - My diabetic nurse retired, so I'll be seeing a new one at the end of the month. Hope it doesn't take too long to break this one in....
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    katzpawz-YAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great reduction in your counts and your weight to boot! You're cruisin to better health...You must be proud and very motivated to keep going on this journey.:flowerforyou:

    srnath-What is wasabi powder and do you just sprinkle it over the almonds? Sounds good but is it so hot it would burn my taste buds?

    For a snack I like a plain Quaker rice cake with 1 tsp. peanut butter and raisens sprinkled on top. My husband thinks I'm nuts to eat it and that it looks inedible. It tastes salty and sweet at the same time and has protein too. Raisens are a little high in sugar but I don't eat this every day, just once in awhile...
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Wasabi is the light green mustard you put on Sushi. You can buy it in a small container either in powder or a premade paste. If you take raw almonds and pan roast them then put them on cookie sheet to cool, then sprinkle the powder on and it will stick to the almonds. It'sot not super hot, but then I like hot foods. it really depends on the amount you use, it's equal to a Med/hot salsa.
  • meredithharris
    Hi everyone!

    Thanks for putting this group together. :happy: I was diagnosed in November, was doing great but lapsed over Christmas and have been struggling to get back on track. I had my A1C tested for the first time since trying to get back on track last week, and will find out the results on Monday. I'm pretty nervous... trying to find motivation has been hard for me. I'm looking forward to hearing about everyone else's experiences!

  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Hi everyone!

    Thanks for putting this group together. :happy: I was diagnosed in November, was doing great but lapsed over Christmas and have been struggling to get back on track. I had my A1C tested for the first time since trying to get back on track last week, and will find out the results on Monday. I'm pretty nervous... trying to find motivation has been hard for me. I'm looking forward to hearing about everyone else's experiences!


    Meredith: Glad you found us. We've all been there, so know that you aren't alone. While diabetes doesn't take a vacation, I certainly understand (from experience) that sometimes we need a break from the routine.

    Keeping my fingers crossed that your lab results are ok.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Welcome Meredith! Yeah we all battle the same struggles too. You're diagnosis is fairly recent and it just takes time to figure it all out. I'm still trying and it has been about 18 months. We're here to support you so keep in touch on this thread!

    Now for me...I had an emotional eating day today but am putting it behind me and moving on to the next day to do better for good health...:drinker:
  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    Welcome srnath and Meredith!! Glad you found us!

    Wasabi to me is a more "clear your sinuses / take your breath" hot than burning your taste buds. I think I will try the almonds that sounds good. With the wasabi powder it will be more likely to keep me from overindulging :smile:

    Not much new going on with me. I just wanted to check in and see how everyone was doing.

    Glad to hear the good reports! Keep up the great work!!

  • bongowillie
    bongowillie Posts: 35 Member
    i have been a type 2 since 1984, never really took care of it, until i was declared blind in my right eye, did surgiey for blood hemroging, and laser sugery, will go on april 7 for my left eye checkup, but now i am 20/25 with glasses..started working out with my wife in December 2010. i have a FB page Bongo's Diabetic Log that tracks my history. APRIl 2010 my average was 235 blood sugar. NOW:
    Jan-11 126.03
    Feb-11 119.20
    Mar-11 120.50
    Apr-11 97.43
    AVERAGE 112.38

    i eliminated all white food bread rice potatoe etc..no sweets..follow the south beach food list..salads with everything that i like, vegetables all kinds, and chicken..and try to eat between 4pm and 6pm, stop at 8pm. my workout for yesterday was

    500 crunches
    15min glider or burn 200 calories at resistance 50
    15min treadmill or until 100 cal burn
    dumbbells 20/12 20/15 10/20 6/25
    15min suana
    i keep track of all workouts, and blood test everyday..if i do not do this as a LIFE STYLE CHANGE then i would not be typing this because i would be BLIND..DO NOT DO WHAT I WAS DOING WHICH WAS NOTHING..SINCE YOU ARE ON MFP I KNOW THAT YOU WILL HAVE DETERMINATION AND FORTETUD TO BEAT AND CONTROL THE BEAST CALLED DIBIATIS..i am 55 years old and i am better now then when i was in high school..still need to lose 20 pounds. goal is 199

    i posted this on another thread on diabetis here on MFP
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    @bongowillie: Glad you found our thread. I'm happy to hear that you've made such positive changes for your health. Thanks for sharing your story with us. That's an impressive workout. Keep up the good work!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    bongowillie-impressive! Welcome!

    I'm off to a conference for a couple of days so not sure if I will be commenting on the thread if I can't get wireless. I will log foods on my app. If you don't hear from me I'll be back Saturday eve. Have a nice end of the week!

  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    bongowillie-impressive! Welcome!

    I'm off to a conference for a couple of days so not sure if I will be commenting on the thread if I can't get wireless. I will log foods on my app. If you don't hear from me I'll be back Saturday eve. Have a nice end of the week!



    Take care and have a good conference! Looking forward to hearing from you when you return.
  • bongowillie
    bongowillie Posts: 35 Member
    went to my eye doctor yesterday, and my vision is 20/20 but i still have to do laser surgery on my left eye, due to retina seperation, they took retnal scans and photos. this will be my 17th laser, my numbers for this month, very good BG readings
    blood sugar weight spikes work out
    Fri, 04/01/2011 83 220 cicurit training
    Sat, 04/02/2011 150 220 outdoor track
    Sun, 04/03/2011 94 220 yard cleanup
    Sun, 04/03/2011 64 220 gardening
    Mon, 04/04/2011 144 220 DRUMMING 30 MIN
    Tue, 04/05/2011 79 220 new circuit training
    Wed, 04/06/2011 68 220 off
    Thu, 04/07/2011 96 220 eye doctor
    Fri, 04/08/2011 124 220 MEXICAN
    will be working out today in gym and tommorow will be outdoor track. my data collected daily since Dec 2010 tells me that using this site for you food log and information with working out 5 times a week you will control your blood sugar. a big step that people miss and i found out when i put my Bongos Diabetic Log on FB is that, to share with everyone you plight be it successful or failure, using MFP as the same avenue relieves the stress factor that you realize you are not alone..success is in WE, US, FAMILY, FRIENDS, CO-WORKERS..you will fail if you believe in only 'I'
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Wanted to pop in and say hello to you all! I was diagnosed in 2001 so although I've had it for awhile I still am learning and I'm not sure it's fully hit me how much my life has to change and stay changed to keep healthy. Dropping weight certainly has made a difference in my numbers:wink: but I certainly have a way to go on that. But to me each time I see my numbers lower it excites me as I know it means my body is getting healthier.

    I'll work on reading from the beginning to catch up and get to know you all and once I'm caught up I'll add to the group:flowerforyou:

    Looking forward to offering and accepting support from fellow T2's:heart:
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    i have been a type 2 since 1984, never really took care of it, until i was declared blind in my right eye, did surgiey for blood hemroging, and laser sugery, will go on april 7 for my left eye checkup, but now i am 20/25 with glasses..started working out with my wife in December 2010. i have a FB page Bongo's Diabetic Log that tracks my history. APRIl 2010 my average was 235 blood sugar. NOW:
    Jan-11 126.03
    Feb-11 119.20
    Mar-11 120.50
    Apr-11 97.43
    AVERAGE 112.38

    i eliminated all white food bread rice potatoe etc..no sweets..follow the south beach food list..salads with everything that i like, vegetables all kinds, and chicken..and try to eat between 4pm and 6pm, stop at 8pm. my workout for yesterday was

    500 crunches
    15min glider or burn 200 calories at resistance 50
    15min treadmill or until 100 cal burn
    dumbbells 20/12 20/15 10/20 6/25
    15min suana
    i keep track of all workouts, and blood test everyday..if i do not do this as a LIFE STYLE CHANGE then i would not be typing this because i would be BLIND..DO NOT DO WHAT I WAS DOING WHICH WAS NOTHING..SINCE YOU ARE ON MFP I KNOW THAT YOU WILL HAVE DETERMINATION AND FORTETUD TO BEAT AND CONTROL THE BEAST CALLED DIBIATIS..i am 55 years old and i am better now then when i was in high school..still need to lose 20 pounds. goal is 199

    i posted this on another thread on diabetis here on MFP
    Thank you for sharing your experience! I really really needed to hear this today, I don't think up to the last couple weeks I've taken seriously what can happen internally or even actually knew or perhaps didn't want to know?. I know how I feel when my numbers are good and I know how I feel when they are too low from waiting to long to eat. My brain simply doesn't function, my thinking is not clear and all my body tells me to do is find something to eat and make it quick almost like it bypasses my brain!! Thus way too easy to pick up fast food as it calms that panic feeling I get when my sugars are too low.

    I'm eating much healthier now but I still am not on a very regular eating schedule but I am working on it and hopefully from being around you all I will learn just how important so much of this is!

    "DO NOT DO WHAT I WAS DOING WHICH WAS NOTHING" <~~~ This is what really spoke to me, you sharing your experience and then seeing this!
  • BroDave
    BroDave Posts: 249 Member
    My Dad died in 1999 at 64 from complications of Diabetes, then in 2001 my oldest brother died from a Diabetic comma at age 46. I was diagnosed in 2001 after looking at the symptoms of Diabetes because my brother had never been diagnosed (I had every symptom). I weighed 310 lbs and I am 5' 10" I started dieting and walking and lost down to 220 in 12 months I was on 2000mg of glucophage and the Dr dropped it back to 500mg. I gained steadily back up to 250. Then in Sep 2008 we moved to Kansas, after moving I started gaining faster. This past Christmas I weighed 280 and decided it is time to do something about it. Dropping weight certainly has made a difference in my numbers too.

    So I paid $50 and registered for a 1/2 marathon coming up this June 4th in Kansas City. That a way, I had to get in shape. I started walking again in Jan, when the weather is nice I walk outside and when it is not I go to the gym. I am up to 8 miles and have lost 23 lbs so far and my sugar is down. I am so excited to find MFP and this Topic.

    I want to be an encouragement to anyone I can. We can control this terrible disease.