10 Week's To June



  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    I'll never understand why they assign research projects to 2nd graders. It's way more work on the parents!

    It's a conspiracy to make the parents teach the kids as much as possible ;)
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    I'll never understand why they assign research projects to 2nd graders. It's way more work on the parents!

    It's a conspiracy to make the parents teach the kids as much as possible ;)

    I know it probably is, but seriously, give us math homework or reading or a science experiment... anything other than a research project with a full page report PLUS a posterboard display on the importance of a city we've never heard of before last week. The kids were given a list of cities within Texas, and they got to pick what city they wanted to research... my daughter picked Flower Mound (cause she wanted to draw flowers :explode: ) well after a week of frustrating slow research with her - we decided there is NOTHING important about this city. literally nothing. its a city named after a hill that grows wildflowers... yep that's it. See if you can stretch that into a 1 page report...
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Finished my lifting workout today. I hate squats. Hate them so much. And worse than that, I'm out of weight. I put all the weight I own on my bar and did 3 sets of 8 or 10. I guess it's time to buy 2 more 45's. Feeling pretty lean today, I'm curious to how the rest of the week will work out - I should be around 172 by Sunday.

    ps. Thank you for the messages about my before/after pic - a friend of mine put them side by side for me, because I don't know how to do it. It's funny to look back then. The before was Sept. 1st 2008 when I decided I was going to roll out of bed (around noon) and do something about this. I never looked back :)

    Off to teach my class - probably getting a couple burgers after class :) (no bun, or condiments!)

    Go PIRATES!!! (whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?!?!?! 4-1 baby!)
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    So I am getting into the game late, but I think I have a plan…wow deciding on this is much harder than I thought it would be because it has to be reality…yicks...Need to write these out to put on my mirror so that I can be constantly reminded


    1. Take in between 135 – 155 grams of protein a day (this is the most difficult part of my plan) I would just say 155, ….but you know baby steps.

    2. Work out at the gym 3 days a week with cardio and free weights and 3 days a week at home cardio and/or shred type of workout (this is an increase of 3 days over current plan).

    3. Run my 5K with no “walk of shame”….this is providing my injuries do not get in the way…here’s to hoping

    4. This one I need help with, I would like to read two books to increase my knowledge base of fitness and/or nutrition…does anyone have idea’s for suggested reading material that would be of particular use to me.

    So there it is.....I am open to any suggestions

    Great goals! love them!

    For books, I put up a list that I've read or am working though some pages back - I really enjoyed The Primal Blueprint and Born to Run very much - they both inspired me in life. From a more scientific angle, Good Calories, Bad Calories is great and really shows where a lot of the frightening bad science came from in nutrition.
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Steve pic looks cool ton of progress man! I had an uber early get up today and flew most of the day getting to the hotel now and ready to crash! Food is spot on and Its gonna be an early night for me I think. The Bucos are 4-1 wow! Give them time they'll be back to earth with a thud shortly.
  • kristarablue
    So I am getting into the game late, but I think I have a plan…wow deciding on this is much harder than I thought it would be because it has to be reality…yicks...Need to write these out to put on my mirror so that I can be constantly reminded


    1. Take in between 135 – 155 grams of protein a day (this is the most difficult part of my plan) I would just say 155, ….but you know baby steps.

    2. Work out at the gym 3 days a week with cardio and free weights and 3 days a week at home cardio and/or shred type of workout (this is an increase of 3 days over current plan).

    3. Run my 5K with no “walk of shame”….this is providing my injuries do not get in the way…here’s to hoping

    4. This one I need help with, I would like to read two books to increase my knowledge base of fitness and/or nutrition…does anyone have idea’s for suggested reading material that would be of particular use to me.

    So there it is.....I am open to any suggestions

    Great goals! love them!

    For books, I put up a list that I've read or am working though some pages back - I really enjoyed The Primal Blueprint and Born to Run very much - they both inspired me in life. From a more scientific angle, Good Calories, Bad Calories is great and really shows where a lot of the frightening bad science came from in nutrition.

    Thanks...I will begin with Born to Run...I will decide on the other later.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Welllll I'm sick. I feel like death. Won't complain!

    I have a marathon workout tomorrow I've waited for for months, so I'm going to take aleve, and enjoy my day of burning. Not to mention it's my first "cheat" day in months... so even though I'm not going over at all, I'm eating things that sounds delish. But I must say.. it took me forever to come up with stuff, because the only thing I really wanted was a mcdonalds or sonic shake.. and with all the sat fat, I wasn't doing it. Not much sounded enticing. Which I love!

    NSV? Got my bikini today. S! ..not that they had a small like I needed... but that's not the point ;)
    I'm taking my hip hop cardio to my wellness class tomorrow!! SUPER excited to share with the class some good cardio! We haven't really done anything but once this entire semester... so I'm ready for us to sweat it out a bit!

    Glad to see everyone is alive, and making it ;)
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Welllll I'm sick. I feel like death. Won't complain!

    I have a marathon workout tomorrow I've waited for for months, so I'm going to take aleve, and enjoy my day of burning. Not to mention it's my first "cheat" day in months... so even though I'm not going over at all, I'm eating things that sounds delish. But I must say.. it took me forever to come up with stuff, because the only thing I really wanted was a mcdonalds or sonic shake.. and with all the sat fat, I wasn't doing it. Not much sounded enticing. Which I love!

    NSV? Got my bikini today. S! ..not that they had a small like I needed... but that's not the point ;)
    I'm taking my hip hop cardio to my wellness class tomorrow!! SUPER excited to share with the class some good cardio! We haven't really done anything but once this entire semester... so I'm ready for us to sweat it out a bit!

    Glad to see everyone is alive, and making it ;)

    I just googled NSV and finally after all this time know what it means hahaha! geez.
  • kristarablue
    Did well today, I got 160 grams of protein...never thought that was going to happen. The lifting went well, but I am still crazy intimidated to be in the weight area and there were a bunch of men that looked like they knew what they were doing and then there was me waiting for my trepidation to go away. The barbell back squats are hurting my lower back. Ordered Born to Run on Amazon. Did 65 min of cardio.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Did well today, I got 160 grams of protein...never thought that was going to happen. The lifting went well, but I am still crazy intimidated to be in the weight area and there were a bunch of men that looked like they knew what they were doing and then there was me waiting for my trepidation to go away. The barbell back squats are hurting my lower back. Ordered Born to Run on Amazon. Did 65 min of cardio.

    This is great!!! You know what to do next time you're down there - tell one of them to tell you if your form is rough. They might spot something, might not, but they'll be in your corner and trying to help. Guys down there are usually so excited to get to help someone, they'll fall all over each other to be nice to a newbie!!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    I may have chalked up the best day I've ever had (closest to my goals anyway) i finished the day with 10oz Ground beef and a ton of broccoli for my "dinner 2" and goofed around on facebook instead of hitting a bar to watch the Pirates (who lost). I don't have tv, which is great, except, man, I really miss baseball.

    I felt so good about my workout today, although the cardio workout wasn't as great because I had to do a lot more teaching than normal tonight with a couple new people there. Usually with the regulars, I can just workout with them and go all out.

    If it weren't for logging the perfect day, i would totally devour a 4oz block of cheese right now. But I won't. Good night.
  • kristarablue
    I may have chalked up the best day I've ever had (closest to my goals anyway) i finished the day with 10oz Ground beef and a ton of broccoli for my "dinner 2" and goofed around on facebook instead of hitting a bar to watch the Pirates (who lost). I don't have tv, which is great, except, man, I really miss baseball.

    I felt so good about my workout today, although the cardio workout wasn't as great because I had to do a lot more teaching than normal tonight with a couple new people there. Usually with the regulars, I can just workout with them and go all out.

    If it weren't for logging the perfect day, i would totally devour a 4oz block of cheese right now. But I won't. Good night.

    I am so proud of you!!!! Best Day Ever!! Wow, you have me smiling ear to ear....this is happiness! Doesn’t it feel great when we know we did good and made spectacular choices. Glad the workout went well too, I am sorry the cardio wasn't as good as you wanted, but internally it must have felt amazing that you were able to teach and isn't what this journey is about....not only the external but the internal as well... Great job my friend.
  • katiemeridien
    Is it too late to join this group?

    SW 172
    CW 139
    GW 125

    I'm currently following the workouts from Crossfit.com (modified weight of course).
    Today I did 3 rounds of 800 meter run 6.0 mph, 50 back extensions, 50 sit ups.
    The workouts are posted daily on Paceperformance.net

    I'm close to my goal... but need to really push to make it. My diet is kind of a mixture of GNC total lean products and top tier Michi's ladder stuffs.

    Trying to eat back most of the calories I burn... netting at 1200 calories.
  • 0flynnstone0
    Did well today, I got 160 grams of protein...never thought that was going to happen. The lifting went well, but I am still crazy intimidated to be in the weight area and there were a bunch of men that looked like they knew what they were doing and then there was me waiting for my trepidation to go away. The barbell back squats are hurting my lower back. Ordered Born to Run on Amazon. Did 65 min of cardio.

    This is great!!! You know what to do next time you're down there - tell one of them to tell you if your form is rough. They might spot something, might not, but they'll be in your corner and trying to help. Guys down there are usually so excited to get to help someone, they'll fall all over each other to be nice to a newbie!!

    I know how you feel. Whenever I'm doing the elliptical (I know...ditch the elliptical) I always look over to the weight area and have an internal argument with myself about whether or not to go over there. Which I never end up doing. It's very intimidating! I do get some lifting in once a week at a mostly all women class. I'll have to try to be braver!

    Today went pretty well for me too! I didn't overeat at lunch which can sometimes be a problem for me. I got in a good workout this evening with a jog to the gym, Zumba, and a jog back home. Plus I got a lot of walking time in, going to, from, and around campus today.

    I also discovered that throwing a few sunflower seeds into scrambled eggs is delicious. I know you eat a lot of eggs Steve, so just something to think about! :)
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    Did well today, I got 160 grams of protein...never thought that was going to happen. The lifting went well, but I am still crazy intimidated to be in the weight area and there were a bunch of men that looked like they knew what they were doing and then there was me waiting for my trepidation to go away. The barbell back squats are hurting my lower back. Ordered Born to Run on Amazon. Did 65 min of cardio.

    This is great!!! You know what to do next time you're down there - tell one of them to tell you if your form is rough. They might spot something, might not, but they'll be in your corner and trying to help. Guys down there are usually so excited to get to help someone, they'll fall all over each other to be nice to a newbie!!

    This is true!! I've found they look the most intimidating but are usually the keenest to help!! - Walk in, keep your head up, smile and do your thing!!
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    Also, I think the elliptical is fine - its how you use it! I can do some great interval work on it when I am trying to give my knees a rest from running!

    Hope everyone has a good day!!
  • kristarablue
    Also, I think the elliptical is fine - its how you use it! I can do some great interval work on it when I am trying to give my knees a rest from running!

    Hope everyone has a good day!!

    Thanks on the weight room encouragement. I do get bored on the elliptical, however I can get lost in my thoughts on it and I love that aspect. I am using the elliptical because I have been grounded from running by my physical therapist. I had a sprained ankle, and I have bilateral tendinitis in the inner and outer tendon that runs from your knee down into your foot.....so hopefully I will be back to running within the next week. I will tell you nothing makes me feel more confident or powerful (sounds weird I know) than running and nothing gives me a better workout. I have a love/hate relationship with running I really suck at it, have gotten injured many times from it, but I feel so good afterwards.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Did well today, I got 160 grams of protein...never thought that was going to happen. The lifting went well, but I am still crazy intimidated to be in the weight area and there were a bunch of men that looked like they knew what they were doing and then there was me waiting for my trepidation to go away. The barbell back squats are hurting my lower back. Ordered Born to Run on Amazon. Did 65 min of cardio.

    YES! Those stupid men. They're quite intimidating. And the funny thing is.. they probably know less than we do haha. We're just too scared to get out there and do it :-p
    I did it alone for the first time Mon, and there (thank God) was one other woman there and I told her... yell at me if my form is bad please! And she helped me out. PHEW! My problem is usually just remembering the exercises for each muscle to make sure I get my entire workout LOL
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Day 9

    I burned 275 calories doing a Bodyrock workout and ARX!

    macros for today
    39%carbs (153 grams)
    32%fat (56 grams)
    29%protein (117 grams)

    Calorie intake was 1587 of 1725 calories!!!!

    10 glasses of water today!!!

    Another GREAT Day!!! ;-)
  • Jolene2012
    Morning! Just checking in...

    Just finished my first week of CE Burn Phase, feel great and definately am feeling the burn! :laugh: Did great on my food and water intake yesterday and plan to do the same today.

    Everyone have a good day!