Starting 30 Day Shred Tomorrow April 4..Who's In?



  • beccafertig
    beccafertig Posts: 61 Member
    BUSY day today! I did my Slim in 6 workout and cardio on my bike. I'll be hitting the Shred after I get the kids in bed. Time to be hardcore!!! :-) 3 workouts today! YAY!
  • a_fit_me
    a_fit_me Posts: 103
    Day 3 Completed.
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    @heather0mc I'm impressed! I can never work out first thing in the morning. Good work!

    I'm feeling so sleepy today! I did my usual cardio at lunch and I'm supposed to go to a pilates class after work... I think the shred might be too much today. Trying not to chicken out though! We'll see how I feel after my pilates instructor puts us through our paces. :)

    LOL! TRUST ME!!! this has NEVER happened before! i think i was just stressed and couldn't sleep - today i had to meet with th ex-bf to collect my things, and apparently remind him he is now my ex. i hope it happens tomorrow but i am not counting on it!! at least not at 7am :noway:
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Go Heather Go!!

    So I've decided that 30 days isn't really too long but I have never gotten to level 2 so what I am going to start doing it making little goals.

    My first goal is to get through all 10 days of level 1. Goal 2 is to get through all of level 2 and same for the 3rd level.

    They don't seem like huge goals but setting mini goals for yourself makes you feel that much better when you achieve them!!
  • chaissone337
    I'm in
  • jennasan
    jennasan Posts: 44
    Day 3 done and my thighs are really hurting from the squats. My 12yr son decided he would try it with me because he thought it looked "easy" Big surprise for him when he had to keep stopping to catch his breath. LOL says he wants to keep doing it every day. We'll see how he's feeling tommorow. my goal is to to do level 1 for 10 days and then try level 2. The posts that state they have never moved up kind scare me, but that is a week away ,so one day at a time!
    Keep moving forward.
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    Didn't get around to Shred today!!! Went 2 get a tattoo and it took forever!!! :frown: Sorry!!! I'm 2 tired now!!! :yawn:
  • bmhatcher
    bmhatcher Posts: 105
    Kicked butt yesterday with Level 2!! Woo Woo!! Jillian is such a motivator!! Added a 2.25 mile walk and 50 minutes of ZUMBA!!!
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    Day 4 done!!!
  • mandiex0
    mandiex0 Posts: 174
    i started the shred in january. i was 190lbs
    yesterday, i started lvl 3 and i am 164lbs
    i did the shred everyday, and worked at my own pace when it came down to the lvls.
  • beccafertig
    beccafertig Posts: 61 Member
    Finished with day 4! Level 1 is getting easier, but I still wouldn't call it "easy". My muscles are still burning by the end, but they aren't aching next day like they did at the beginning! 26 more to go!!!
  • a_fit_me
    a_fit_me Posts: 103
    Day 4 Completed

    Does the lunges feel like there is more each day than the next? LOL!!
  • a_fit_me
    a_fit_me Posts: 103
    Go Heather Go!!

    So I've decided that 30 days isn't really too long but I have never gotten to level 2 so what I am going to start doing it making little goals.

    My first goal is to get through all 10 days of level 1. Goal 2 is to get through all of level 2 and same for the 3rd level.

    They don't seem like huge goals but setting mini goals for yourself makes you feel that much better when you achieve them!!

    I like the idea of the mini goals.
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    Day 4 done!!!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Day 4 complete!!

    Well I had some minor set backs today which was pushing back my workout. BUT I can proudly say I still did it! I have NEVER worked out at 915pm EVER!!

    And also I actually did the whole minute of butterfly abs without stopping!! Never done that before either!

    Burned 236 calories but I also had spaghetti for dinner a half hour before I worked out.

    We only have 26 more workouts to go!!
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    good job jenn!!!

    i did day 2 this morning. tomorrow i am going to do the 'no more trouble zones' dvd instead but i will still be here counting it as a day of doing one of jillian's dvd's!

    ***EDIT: I AM SO SORE!!!!!!!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Heather: I think once Im done the 30 days Im going to do her 30 day slimdown!
  • jgaht
    jgaht Posts: 47 Member
    Quick question for group members:

    I've really thought about doing the 30 day shred for quick, effective workout. However, I have serious troubles with my knees and have had surgery on my left knee. Therefore, my quads aren't very strong. I've heard from a few people that you shouldn't do the 30 day shred if you have knee/joint problems.

    Have any of you experienced this problem? Or foresee it being a potential problem?

    Thanks for the feedback in advance!
  • angp7711
    angp7711 Posts: 324 Member
    Today was my off day from the video. I was still sore a bit from yesterday so it was probably needed. I am really looking forward to getting back at it tomorrow.
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    Heather: I think once Im done the 30 days Im going to do her 30 day slimdown!

    YAY! it seems like without structure i am a bit lazy - so, since the slimdown is mapped out day by day i think i am going to be able to stick to it better. EXCEPT i despise banish fat boost metabolism, so i will do her yoga DVD on those days :glasses: