Sexy In Six : Week 3 !!



  • cassangelidy
    I know I know....we haven't been waking up with enough time to get a "real" breakfast in.....I need to get up and make it happen. Heck, if I went to the gym in the morning like I SHOULD be doing, time wouldn't be an issue!! I think its hard to accept because I've been the same weight for SOOOOOO long. I watch what I eat...same weight...I work out...same weight. I eat junk....same weight. So for me to FINALLY be losing is an enigma. Or is it an anomaly?

    Ok, tomorrow...I will have can hold me to it Rhiannon. :wink:

    oh oh oh....and I just realized I'm only 6 pounds away from my first goal and getting my hair dyed!! OK. Totally going to rev it up so I can have that done by Thanksgiving!! WOOOO HOOOO!!!!!
  • tamazinglee
    tamazinglee Posts: 186 Member
    Old crew:
    Cathy (Chipper) START W:217.2 ----GOAL LOSS 10/12----PROGRESS -4.4
    Amy (pdxmomof2) SW 195...CW 195........GW 183.......PROGRESS 0.0
    Cass (cassangelidy) ---- SW: 189.8---CW: 186.0---PROGRESS: -3.8lbs .
    Rhiannon (PedalHound) ---- SW: 181lbs---CW 178.2 lbs---PROGRESS: -2.8lbs
    Deb (DebLaf) SW:204.4 CW: 204.6 GW: 199--PROGRESS +0.2lbs.
    Katy (KatyK)--- SW:198--- GW: 186--- CW:191.8 --- PROGRESS -6.2lbs
    Robin (Pettmybunny) SW: 191.5~~~ GOAL LOSS: 10~~~ PROGRESS: -3.5
    And myself Kristin (kistinbee) SW 161.5, GW 155.5, CW 162 Goal to lose 6 pounds.

    New additions:
    Lauryn (Lauryn1981)
    START: 167, CURRENT: 164, GOAL LOSS:6 -- PROGRESS: -3.0lbs
    Connie (Connieq288)Start 273, Current 275, Goal Loss 12 lbs--- Progress + 2 lbs
    Emily (eHarris)
    Leigh (lcorrell14)
    Amy (Amylou24) ---START: 160, Current 158.6, GOAL LOSS: 10, PROGRESS - 1.4lbs
    Shanell (Nellienell12) ---START: 213.5, GOAL LOSS: 12, PROGRESS: -2.5 lbs
    Tammi (tlg314) -- START: 162, CURRENT 160, GOAL LOSS: 5lbs, PROGRESS: -2lbs
    Tammara (drtamm) ---START 232, CURRENT 230, GOAL 8lbs,PROGRESS -2lbs
    Lynnmarie234 (Is your name Lynn?)
    RunnyRatty2 (I don't know your name, sorry)
    Lyn (SugarPlum098) - START:178.6, CURRENT:178.6, GOAL LOSS: 8LBS, PROGRESS: None yet, just started
    mamakitty---SW: 138, GOAL: 134, PROGRESS--
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Cass, the best thing I've done for myself when it comes to breakfast is getting a rice cooker. Mine is fancy and has porridge and soup settings as well, AND it has a timer. So before bed I put my ingredients in the cooker, set it to start cooking about an hour before we wake up, and when we get up we have hot, hearty porridge. Here's what I put in for my serving plus 2 more servings for my little ones:

    1/4 cup steel cut oats
    1/4 cup brown basmati rice
    2 tbsp millet
    1 tbsp flax seeds (whole)
    2 tbsp coarsely ground flax seeds (aka flax meal)
    2 tbsp organic raisins
    2 tbsp goji berries
    1/2 tsp cinnamon
    1/4 tsp nutmeg
    2 1/4 cups cold water

    When I serve it I sweeten it with about 2 tbsp apples-only apple sauce. With any left overs I make orange porridge muffins. It was a GREAT investment to get the cooker because nothing is faster than scooping something into a bowl. Even toast requires the toaster first! If you have time to make coffee in the morning, you have time to eat this breakfast out of the rice cooker. I suppose you could also make this in a crock pot on low heat all night. And trust me, this porridge is a GREAT start to the day. I have it many days of the week. It takes a long time to digest and it's so nourishing!

    per serving (1 adult serving is 1/2 the recipe above):
    cals 278
    carbs 49
    fat 6g (all from the flax seeds)
    protein 9g
    sodium 3mg
    fibre 7g

    There's my spiel about breakfast option 1 for me! hehe
  • cassangelidy
    You know...I have been needing to get a rice cooker for a long time now. When we moved 1.5 years ago my rice cooker went missing....this may be the perfect reason for me to get one. :happy: That sounds really good!!

    Rhiannon, are you a vegan? I have noticed most of your food is whole and animal free....I was a vegetarian for 16 years. 8 of those years I was a vegan....I've been strongly considering the lifestyle again....but it requires more thought now that I am responsible for feeding more than myself. :wink:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    well son brought me a new game. and this one WORKS. so this weekend i will play with it. it tells me the calories i burned and has many lengths for time amounts different types, example: running, walking, tires, monkey bars. i think i will enjoy it. just the 5mins i used it i started sweating. i have been cold all day.
    tomorrow is the opening of the fair. i have already made my meals to enclude my dinner of a gyro. they are so good and only 470 calories. plus i will be doing lots of walking. we are going to see three dog night. they have different groups for the nights the fair is here. i had to go buy a new heavy coat today. i outgrew my good winter coat. i had lightweight ones. found one at ross for only 15 bucks. told DH next year i hope to buy my final one and spend a little more on it. LOL. i really hate paying full price for something i won't wear long.
    well, off to begin dinner.
    ttyl, cathy
  • tamazinglee
    tamazinglee Posts: 186 Member
    well son brought me a new game. and this one WORKS. so this weekend i will play with it. it tells me the calories i burned and has many lengths for time amounts different types, example: running, walking, tires, monkey bars. i think i will enjoy it. just the 5mins i used it i started sweating. i have been cold all day.
    tomorrow is the opening of the fair. i have already made my meals to enclude my dinner of a gyro. they are so good and only 470 calories. plus i will be doing lots of walking. we are going to see three dog night. they have different groups for the nights the fair is here. i had to go buy a new heavy coat today. i outgrew my good winter coat. i had lightweight ones. found one at ross for only 15 bucks. told DH next year i hope to buy my final one and spend a little more on it. LOL. i really hate paying full price for something i won't wear long.
    well, off to begin dinner.
    ttyl, cathy

    Where did you get your Jillian Michaels game? I am thinking about getting it for my mom for her birthday next week.
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Hey ladies!

    Got up early and hit the gym this morning..did elliptical, treadmill, core exercises on ball and some free weights. Burned 760cals in 60min! Go me :)

    bfast- fiber one cereal and skim milk, egg whites/ snack- cinnamon raisin protein bar and baby carrots/ lunch- didnt have time to eat any but combined it with snack- south beach diet wrap meal- southwestern chk (minus the jello- dont like it with the meal) and some fresh strawberries. dinner will be...not sure yet. Maybe burritos, or soup and sandwich.

    Gonna try and go in early tomorrow and meet a friend for AM exercise...we shall see lol.

    Pedal- My daughter is supposed to be supergirl...but I dressed her up as a cat for her classroom's trick or treating and she was SOOO cute so I may put off supergirl til next year and have her go as a cat this weekend :)

    cathy- Maybe take a day off tomorrow- if you feel like your body needs a rest- take it! You may be getting sick, and you work really hard all the time so maybe you just need a YOU day :) And for sure when you get the Wii Fit game again and try it out- let me know how user friendly it is and how intense the workouts are- that is definetly an option I will consider depending how you think it is!!

    Hope everyone is having a great day :)

    :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    got it at game stop, best buy, walmart may have it. i know where he got it i has already sold out.
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Cathy just saw your post lol- that game sounds awesome! I may have to go look for a wii this holiday season...isnt it great to have things be so big on you??? My coat (that I bought NEW last year) is way to big for me now- I need a size L, not XXL anymore :happy: Congrats on your mini milestones!!!!
  • tamazinglee
    tamazinglee Posts: 186 Member
    I'll have to start looking around....we have a couple of Game Stops near us and of course Wal-Mart. I am afraid that it'll be sold out everywhere I go...same thing happened with the Wii Fit when she was looking for one of those. Please let us know how it goes when you use it this weekend.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Good afternoon Ladies- I am a newcomber to your group.

    Today was oatmeal/coffee breakfast
    lunch - lean cuisine pizza added mushroom and onion and sliced cucumber
    supper - either flounder or fajitas - can't decide....have about 700 available for supper/snack

    I love my Wii Fit - is it the Jillian Michaels game you are talking about - I want it too!
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Thanks Pedal, that makes a lot of sense now!! :smile: What would we do without our very own trainer?!

    Well my lunch ended up being different today. I was working on a group project and one of the guys felt bad that I was eating an apple and a fiber one bar (which usually is just enough for me at lunch after a big bowl of oatmeal in the morning) and so he gave me and practically forced me to eat half of his Jimmy John's turkey sandwich.

    Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE Jimmy Johns but typically get it without the mayo, and sometimes get the unwich. But it is so hard when people are constantly like why are you eating that? here eat some of this, have another piece of pizza. and then if you absolutely refuse it's this awkward oh my gosh, why are you not eating moment when in your head you're thinking well no, I'm not eating now, but I'm having a chicken breast, lots of rice and tons of veggies when I get home so I don't want one of your greasy tacos!!! AHH! :mad:

    I think this is part of what makes making better choices and eating healthy things so hard is that now a days there is such a fear (especially in college and grad school age peer groups like mine) that you have an issue with an eating disorder or you aren't taking care of yourself. And I realize that people who give you a hard time about it are probably, let's face it, just upset that they aren't doing the same and making good decisions. But it just gets old always having to explain myself. Sometimes I just want to scream that I EAT PLENTY I just don't eat JUNK anymore!!!

    anywho, thanks for letting me rant :flowerforyou: :blushing: I'm done now. Going to pull some chicken out for supper tonight!!
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Thanks Pedal, that makes a lot of sense now!! :smile: What would we do without our very own trainer?!

    Well my lunch ended up being different today. I was working on a group project and one of the guys felt bad that I was eating an apple and a fiber one bar (which usually is just enough for me at lunch after a big bowl of oatmeal in the morning) and so he gave me and practically forced me to eat half of his Jimmy John's turkey sandwich.

    Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE Jimmy Johns but typically get it without the mayo, and sometimes get the unwich. But it is so hard when people are constantly like why are you eating that? here eat some of this, have another piece of pizza. and then if you absolutely refuse it's this awkward oh my gosh, why are you not eating moment when in your head you're thinking well no, I'm not eating now, but I'm having a chicken breast, lots of rice and tons of veggies when I get home so I don't want one of your greasy tacos!!! AHH! :mad:

    I think this is part of what makes making better choices and eating healthy things so hard is that now a days there is such a fear (especially in college and grad school age peer groups like mine) that you have an issue with an eating disorder or you aren't taking care of yourself. And I realize that people who give you a hard time about it are probably, let's face it, just upset that they aren't doing the same and making good decisions. But it just gets old always having to explain myself. Sometimes I just want to scream that I EAT PLENTY I just don't eat JUNK anymore!!!

    anywho, thanks for letting me rant :flowerforyou: :blushing: I'm done now. Going to pull some chicken out for supper tonight!!

    Just tell them you are working on losing weight- toning up and etc If they still insist, tell them you have a sensitive stomach and cant eat alot of processed foods(??). I am a full time college student as well and get offered stuff ALL THE TIME- plus all the free food around campus lol..some club is always hosting something with free food..and then my friends want to go on study lunches and all...Ya just gotta be firm while being kind- you dont have to give in and ruin your waistline just bc someone doesnt understand :smile: Its all about learning to match the day to day real world with your own lifestyle changes! I think its something that lasts a lifetime trying to do :tongue:

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    I'm a little upset right now. Worked longer than I thought and won't have time to get my run in before BodyPump:grumble: so am counting on BodyPump calories burned only. Oh well. I'll check back later.
  • cassangelidy
    I totally feel you Amylou! I have a really hard time turning people down. I just try to make comments in an offhanded way that lets people know I'm eating example happened today. I'm judging the costume contest at work and one of the guys said he would bribe me with some pizza...(that is what they will win) and I said "nope, pizza won't do if you offered me a pair of running shoes...we could work something out" I was letting him know that food isn't on my priority list but being healthy is...

    Also, we are in the potluck season and I told my Fun Committee (that's what its called) that I'm not going to participate in all of them...then last week one of the girls saw me take a piece of candy and she called me out. It was actually really good because I had a little guard dog watching me. hehehe

    I don't even tell people I'm trying to lose weight, I just thanks, and if they give me a funny look or push the issue, I just say....I'm trying to make healthier choices. Then I live it by eating healthy in front of people.
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Well ladies today I was extremely busy catching up w/ old friends from dental school who I miss alot. Anyway, I didn't work out today.... not the end of the world. I will be up and ready to do it in the morning. :) I want to stay motivated.


    today I ate tons of bread:

    BF: cinnamon toast, turkey sausage link
    L: chicken w/ gravy and greens and yams
    D: 2 slices of a small pizza and 2 breadsticks, one peach papaya mojito (rare for me)

    I drank 10 cups of water today.

    Good luck everyone!!!
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hi everyone,

    Checking in SUPER early because this will be the last time I'm home today until very very late. Full day of class until 5 and then, not naming any names so I don't sound like I am campaigning or anything, but one of the presidential candidates will be speaking at my campus tonight so I will be standing in line and then attending that rally!! I"m excited. It's the first thing like this that I've been to!

    Anyway, enough excuses. I won't be able to work out today because I wont' be home at all, and the meals will be a challenge as well. Thursdays are so busy!! Here's the plan though.

    B: cinnamon toast, coffee, coffeemate
    L: Tomato soup
    D: I have no idea, probably will need to buy something to eat while in line?? subway is close.
    S: Fiber One bar, raw almonds, anything else I can find. :P

    This will probably change but I will let you know. Have a GREAT day everyone!!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Here's the rest of Yesterday:

    Multi Grain Cheerios & Banana, 1 meal 255 calories
    Strawberries - Raw, 0.5 cup, halves 24 calories
    One A Day - Womens Multi Vitamin, 1 tablet 0 calories
    Ocean Spray - Light Cran-Grape Juice, 8 fl. oz. 40 calories
    319 total breakfast calories

    AM snacks
    Kashi Tlc - Baked Apple Spice Cereal Bar, 1 Bar 110 calories
    Coffee - ground, 2 cup 0 calories
    Nestle Coffee Mate - Coffee Creamer (Sugar Free Vanilla Caramel), 2 tbsp 30 calories
    140 total AM snack calories

    Diet Coke - Soft Drink, 12 fl. oz. 0 calories
    Carrots - Baby, 14 pieces 35 calories
    Ae Yo-Lite Yogurt - Yogurt, 6 oz 80 calories
    Tuna Salad Sandwich w/cheese, 1 meal 205 calories
    Jello - Sugar FreePudding (Chocolate/Vanilla Swirl), 1 snack 60 calories
    380 total lunch calories

    Afternoon snacks
    Apples - Raw, with skin, 1 medium (2-3/4" dia) (approx 3 per lb) 72 calories
    Snickers - Marathon- Nutrition, 1 bar 150 calories
    222 total afternoon snack calories

    Tilapia - Fish, 4 oz. (1 filet) 98 calories
    Potatoes - Red, flesh and skin, baked, 1 potato medium (2-1/4" to 3-1/4" dia) 154 calories
    Kemps - Fat Free Sour Cream, 2 tablespoons 25 calories
    277 total dinner calories

    PM snacks
    Twix - Twix Fun Size, 3 cookie 240 calories
    240 total PM snack calories

    Total: 1,578 calories
    Your Daily Goal: 1,613 calories
    Remaining: 35 calories

    *You've earned 413 extra calories from exercise today
    So...the twix were bad...once again, but I stayed within calories!!!:bigsmile:

    I will post todays in a bit. Need to get to work.
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Good Morning everyone,

    I have Zumba tonight YEAAAA. That is always a good calorie burn for me which is good since I am making crockpot chili. I love chili in the winter and it sure feels like winter here right now. The past 2 days it has been about 27 degrees when I have been getting up.

    Breakfast Apple and cinnamon oatmeal ( 2 pouches) 240 calories
    Lunch --- not sure yet
    Dinner--- Chili YUM YUM

    I had 2 pouches this morning because Thursday I never eat my calories because I burn about 900 at 7 pm. This way maybe I can get closer to them.

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good day ladies,
    quick passing by for me. today is the fair. i still need to shower and get ready and do lunch and pack my snacks and such to go. heres my plan for today. don't know snack yet, but have allot left so if i have something else. i won't go over cals.

    Sara Lee - 45 Calories and Delightful Wheat Bread, 2 slices 90
    Great Value - Reduced Fat Peanut Butter Spread, 2 Tbsp 190
    total breakfast 280
    Kraft - 2% Milk Cheese Singles, 1 slice 50
    Flat Out - Light Flatout Wraps, 1 flatbread 90
    Tyson (Sams Club) - Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, 4 oz 120
    Dole - Packaged Salads - Shredded Lettuce, 1.5 oz (85 g) 8
    Good Housekeeping - Perfect Guacamole, 0.0625 cup 6
    Campbell's Healthy Request - Chunky Sirloin Burger W Country Vegetables, 1 cup 130
    total lunch 404
    Greek Gyro - Lamb With Cucumber Yogurt Sauce, Lettuce, Onion and Tomatoes In A Pita, 1 Pita 417
    total dinner 417

    Total: 1,101
    Goal: 1,870
    Remaining: 769
    earned: 630 exercise calories

    have a super day all. i hope three dog night as good as they were years ago......:happy: