April 30 Day Shred Team Challenge



  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    Day 7 Level 1 finished! Dont think I will ever be able to do push ups unmodified. May start level 2 tomorrow or Saturday,
  • kmsv123
    kmsv123 Posts: 11
    Still did not get up to shred this morning. Barley got up to take my shower before work. Guess I will have to meet up with Jillian tonight for L1D6 and try to get up earlier again tomorrow. I'm finding the previously despised jumping jacks to be a breeze and I'm now struggling with the jump rope. Go figure. If the pushups are a major struggle for anyone start with wall pushups. They are still a workout (if you do them correctly) but a bit easier. I have problems with my wrist so they are the only ones I'm able to do.
  • kmsv123
    kmsv123 Posts: 11
    What is the 30 day shred team challende? Can you please give me some information. Thanks

    We are all doing Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred DVD each day for the month of April and into May for some who started later... You are more than welcome to join us!! If you don't have the DVD I believe the first level is On Demand if you have cable. I think you can also rent it through Netflix. If you already have the DVD then just pop it in and get to shredding!!! :happy:
  • c_ramey
    c_ramey Posts: 83 Member
    I have been doing the shred everyday for the last 6 days, but I can not go on because of the knee issue. I am going to try doing it every 3 days, instead of daily. I do alot of walking at work and I just can't handle the pain from the knees. I am very disappointed, because I enjoy the workout and the results. I will post my weight and measurements tomorrow because I have been doing it everyday. I hope everyone does well and gets great results.
  • thumper67
    thumper67 Posts: 105
    hi everyone. i started the 30day shred in january at 190lbs. as of yesterday, i started level 3 and i am 164lbs. i will keep in touch week to week and let everyone know!

    4/6/11 - 164lbs LEVEL 3

    Awesome! do you do shred everyday?

    Yes, I shred everyday!
  • soultrain1913
    soultrain1913 Posts: 33 Member
    hi everyone. i started the 30day shred in january at 190lbs. as of yesterday, i started level 3 and i am 164lbs. i will keep in touch week to week and let everyone know!

    4/6/11 - 164lbs LEVEL 3

    That is AMAZING and quite inspiring!!! Congratulations!
  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    Day 6 done....I am seeing an improvement in my endurance in everything except those damn push ups.

    For the previous posts, I plan on doing 30 days consecutively with weigh in/measurements each Friday. This simply just works best for me and it forces me to be accountable.

    Am i the only one that gets irritated at the end when she tells us that "we're all in the same boat"? LOL!!! :laugh:

    You all are doing so awesome! I hope you guys all see some encouraging numbers on your measurements day this week!!!!1

    you are not the only one who gets irritated when she says that!! the first day when i heard her say that, i said :"oh shut up jillian, we are not" hahaha
  • debgomes90
    I may be hopping on this train kind of late... i hope not but I went out and bought 30 Day Shred and I loved it.. I literally did L1D1 the moment I stepped inside the house. It was crazy how I was dripping sweat in only 20 mins! Well I took before pics this morning and I'll be sure to post them and I need to by a tape measure to measure myself... but I"M EXCITED!!!! =]
  • lovezumba
    lovezumba Posts: 26
    Day 5 L1 done. I am not going to lie, i half assed it through the cardio of circuit 1. other than that, i did good
  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    Day 6 level 1 complete, and I only took one 3 second break during the jumping jacks in circuit 1. I made it through all the jump rope which a huge accomplishment for me so I am very excited right now. I think I pushed myself even harder since I know we have a weigh in tomorrow! So thank you ladies for keep me motivated to push through! I also warmed up on the treadmill for 17 minutes so I think that may have helped. I usually do the treadmill after but I think I will start doing it before. I can't wait til tomorrow to see everyone's results!!! Great job everyone! Remember, if you've got it, flaunt it! :laugh:
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    Day 6 level 1 complete, and I only took one 3 second break during the jumping jacks in circuit 1. I made it through all the jump rope which a huge accomplishment for me so I am very excited right now. I think I pushed myself even harder since I know we have a weigh in tomorrow! So thank you ladies for keep me motivated to push through! I also warmed up on the treadmill for 17 minutes so I think that may have helped. I usually do the treadmill after but I think I will start doing it before. I can't wait til tomorrow to see everyone's results!!! Great job everyone! Remember, if you've got it, flaunt it! :laugh:

    No shame,ladies!!:laugh:
  • kartunes
    kartunes Posts: 46
    I'm on day 2 of level 1! I found all three level videos online :)
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    did level 2 day 1 today!

    the planks are hard, but I think I coped better with this level than i did the first time i did level 1!

    I had some knee issues which stopped me last month from doing the shred, I picked up from Bob Haper (Jillians opposite on biggest loser) an alternative for the jumping jacks, instead of jumping step out alternatively to each side and keep your arms moving as you would for a normal jumping jack, it keeps the heart rate up without hurting the knees!
  • kalia87
    kalia87 Posts: 30
    OK D4 L2 :)
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    Day 7 in the books. I think I'm going to try Level 2 tomorrow. I'm not sweating and grunting through Level 1 like I was earlier this week. I guess that's a good thing... I took my measurements tonight because I did my pre-30DS measurements last Thursday. I'll check again tomorrow, but I can't imagine they'll be much different from todays. I'm down about a pound, as well as 1 3/4 inch off of my bust, waist and hips! Legs and arms there really isn't a change, but that's ok. I'm more concerned with my middle anyhow. And that pouch below my belly button? An inch smaller too. :) I'll post tomorrow with everyone else my measurements after a week.

    Keep with it girls!
  • elissascotland
    elissascotland Posts: 256 Member
    L1D7 Done.

    I'm getting better at it :)

    Thanks again for the accountability!
  • mak112388
    mak112388 Posts: 50
    I'm up for this!
  • pinklion721
    pinklion721 Posts: 226 Member
    Well im two days off the shred. I don't know what I did to my back but Tuesday I couldn't even sit up in bed I had to roll to my side to get up. Yesterday I tried shredding but my back wasn't having it. Luckily I was able to shredthis afternoon and am back on track!
  • thumper67
    thumper67 Posts: 105
    Day 7 in the books. I think I'm going to try Level 2 tomorrow. I'm not sweating and grunting through Level 1 like I was earlier this week. I guess that's a good thing... I took my measurements tonight because I did my pre-30DS measurements last Thursday. I'll check again tomorrow, but I can't imagine they'll be much different from todays. I'm down about a pound, as well as 1 3/4 inch off of my bust, waist and hips! Legs and arms there really isn't a change, but that's ok. I'm more concerned with my middle anyhow. And that pouch below my belly button? An inch smaller too. :) I'll post tomorrow with everyone else my measurements after a week.

    Keep with it girls!

    Way to go! That is awsome. I'm still sweating and grunting through level 1. Going to switch on Sunday. Day 7 down. We took some measurements and I think we are down but we will measure again on Sunday. Every 10 days Kristin and I will be measuring and posting results. Supper was really good tonight but my husband cooked and used crisco shortening, butter and flour. I need to see what kind of substitues he can use to make meals less in calories. It was pretty yummy though. Only had 5 ounces of meat and tried to scrape off the gravy so I don't think it was as bad as I thought. My husband asked me what kind of veggie I wanted I said brocolli or green beans and he pulls out peas. Oh well, what ya gonna do... They are pretty good cause we get them fresh off the combine, blanch and freeze them right after they are picked. This way we have farm fresh peas all year long but I never realized how many calories are in peas since I started logging my calories. Yikes. Anyway glad day 7 is over and looking forward to day 8. Can't wait to see the final results. Way to go everyone and happy shredding!
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    Hi :) Day 7 done!!