5-7 people for running support, motivation, encouragement



  • britanygtc
    britanygtc Posts: 8 Member
    R&R Seattle is on my bucket list! Even though it is so very close to home, I don't know if I want that many people to run with me. I am working up to that goal, maybe next summer when I graduate college.
  • alison2429
    alison2429 Posts: 236 Member
    I have messaged you - happy to be part of this. See my profile for more info about my running.


    Hello friend! :)

    Hello right back at you too FRIEND!!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    So it looks like we're coming in from all across the spectrum. Some of us are run/walkers, some casual joggers, we have half and full marathon vets and those in training. What a diverse group!

    I am really glad to know this thread is here. It motivated me to get up today and go out for day 2 of (Week 1) of Cto5K. I know that I am capable and fit enough to do more than this starting level, but I am finding that I really need both a structured plan to follow. If I did it once, why not do it again?

    The best part is, it was fun! Even if it was only a few intervals of 60 second runs, alternating with walks. I pushed myself to pick up the pace of the intervals.

    How's everyone doing today?
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Im in. I am training for my second marathon and I started as a person who couldnt even walk a mile without getting tired! Im here for support and advice

    Totally inspiring!!! What's your story? How did you get started, and what challenges / victories have you encountered along the way?
  • mymadori
    mymadori Posts: 28 Member
    Hi guys, I'm late but I would really love to join in! I'll be happy to catch up on any conversation I may have missed.

    Last year I ran my first 5k in April, then did a 10k the end of May and then a half marathon at the end of June.

    I have always enjoyed running, but had never really pushed myself like that. My goal this year is to run all the same races I ran last year, but finish faster, if only by a couple seconds.

    I however, started slacking back in October, and have probably only run about 8 times since then. I just signed up for my first race of the season, a 5 miler on May 1st, and um yeah...I am so not ready for it and I have 3.5 weeks to get ready. Even worse....I am running it with a friend of my husband's and totally don't want to embarrass myself!!!
  • WolffEarl
    WolffEarl Posts: 379 Member
    Hello there
    I too have begun running recently again and would like to join in with this group (although looks like you are way over your 5 to 7 hoped for number:) I run 5 k most days, normally outside at around 26 minutes, but hoping to run and train for more of the 10 k variety. Did my first 10 k this year, huffing and puffing for 56 minutes. A far cry from last year at under 50 minutes. So group motivation would be cool.
  • mymadori
    mymadori Posts: 28 Member
    Just posting to this group seemed to give me some much needed motivation today. I came home, changed to running gear, and ran about 4.7 miles in just under 50 minutes. It felt great. I don't know why I avoid it so much. WolffEarl, 26 minutes for a 5k is really good!

    Smiles4miles, great job at getting out for day 2. What's on the agenda for day 3?
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Got new shoes today ... I get a bit drama'd about any change in my routine. Took them to the gym and went for a quick run. Not my best, but perhaps that was because I forgot my inhaler! Tomorrow I am taking them out for a 4 miler!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hello there
    I too have begun running recently again and would like to join in with this group (although looks like you are way over your 5 to 7 hoped for number:) I run 5 k most days, normally outside at around 26 minutes, but hoping to run and train for more of the 10 k variety. Did my first 10 k this year, huffing and puffing for 56 minutes. A far cry from last year at under 50 minutes. So group motivation would be cool.

    Welcome! Actually, anyone who is interested is welcome. No need to be exclusive. I was just thinking that a smaller group might result in stronger connections, but really, the more the better when it comes to support and motivation, right? :)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Got new shoes today ... I get a bit drama'd about any change in my routine. Took them to the gym and went for a quick run. Not my best, but perhaps that was because I forgot my inhaler! Tomorrow I am taking them out for a 4 miler!

    Sounds great! New shoes make a huge difference when they're needed. :) I got new running shoes with tax return money a while ago and... they're still pretty new! LOL!

    What is your current running schedule? Do you try to run daily, e/o day, do walk/runs, etc?
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Just posting to this group seemed to give me some much needed motivation today. I came home, changed to running gear, and ran about 4.7 miles in just under 50 minutes. It felt great. I don't know why I avoid it so much. WolffEarl, 26 minutes for a 5k is really good!

    Smiles4miles, great job at getting out for day 2. What's on the agenda for day 3?

    So glad it's motivating you too. :) Thanks for joining this group. Your 4.7 miles sounds great! Was it an indoor or outdoor run? Hills? I hope you do figure out why you tend to avoid it since it sounds like you're happy with how you feel afterward!

    For my day 3, I guess I'll just do day 3 of Cto5K. It's just a series of 60 second runs alternated with 90 second walks. Sort of boring but it will build my endurance back up. The program is supposed to be on non-consecutive days, so I'll do something else (zumba and abs maybe) tomorrow, and on Thursday get the running in.
  • katrine_05
    katrine_05 Posts: 9 Member
    I just started running last year, and absolutely hated it at first. Started training for my first half marathon (it's in two weeks) and now I love going out for my runs. I'm terrified of running my first race, but excited at the same time. My goal is just to finish.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Got new shoes today ... I get a bit drama'd about any change in my routine. Took them to the gym and went for a quick run. Not my best, but perhaps that was because I forgot my inhaler! Tomorrow I am taking them out for a 4 miler!

    Sounds great! New shoes make a huge difference when they're needed. :) I got new running shoes with tax return money a while ago and... they're still pretty new! LOL!

    What is your current running schedule? Do you try to run daily, e/o day, do walk/runs, etc?

    I should not have run today -- and I usually do not run on Mondays.
    I run on Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday for sure... sometimes on Thursday.
    I do P90X as well :)

    I do 2min run/2min walk for the first mile (I have a hard time getting started with my asthma) and then when it feels right I switch to 4:2 and 6:2.... this keeps me pretty happy for the time being. I suppose I could wish to run more without walking... but I like looking forward to the walk breaks -- they allow me to get my heart rate down a bit and get my breathing under control.

    Tomorrow is a 4 miler ... hopefully the hip is only unhappy because of running 2 days in a row and its nothing serious!
  • mymadori
    mymadori Posts: 28 Member
    Emmaleigh- What kind of new shoes did you get? I always get sooo nervous when I get new shoes because my feet are really finicky. I finally broke down and went to Road Runners (a store here in Colorado) and did their whole program where they analyze your gait and test where you put your pressure when you run, and they recommended some Saucony (how do you pronounce that anyway!?) shoes that I am just in looooove with. Do your feet feel okay today?

    Smiles- How long is the Cto5k program? Alternating running and walking is very good for calorie burning- I remember a trainer once telling me that interval training like that keeps your heart rate elevated much longer after you finish exercising, thereby burning many more calories. I do better with a slow steady pace then run/walk intervals. Those kill me.

    Katrine- I bet you're getting excited for that half! Is it in a picturesque area? When I ran my first (and only) half last June, it was the "Slacker Half Marathon" which started at the top of a mountain and then worked it's way down into this cute little mountain town... it was 80%+ downhill, hence the name Slacker. I had the same goal as you did- just finish, but I surprised myself and managed to run (that last few miles was more of a shuffle than a run) the whole way. You'll do great!!!

    AFM, I came here selfishly hoping to find some of that motivation I found here yesterday. It's the middle of my workday, and if I am going to go for a run today it's going to have to be immediately after work before my hubby leaves for his bowling league. So far, I'm finding myself already coming up with excuses.

  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Emmaleigh- What kind of new shoes did you get? I always get sooo nervous when I get new shoes because my feet are really finicky. I finally broke down and went to Road Runners (a store here in Colorado) and did their whole program where they analyze your gait and test where you put your pressure when you run, and they recommended some Saucony (how do you pronounce that anyway!?) shoes that I am just in looooove with. Do your feet feel okay today?

    Smiles- How long is the Cto5k program? Alternating running and walking is very good for calorie burning- I remember a trainer once telling me that interval training like that keeps your heart rate elevated much longer after you finish exercising, thereby burning many more calories. I do better with a slow steady pace then run/walk intervals. Those kill me.

    Katrine- I bet you're getting excited for that half! Is it in a picturesque area? When I ran my first (and only) half last June, it was the "Slacker Half Marathon" which started at the top of a mountain and then worked it's way down into this cute little mountain town... it was 80%+ downhill, hence the name Slacker. I had the same goal as you did- just finish, but I surprised myself and managed to run (that last few miles was more of a shuffle than a run) the whole way. You'll do great!!!

    AFM, I came here selfishly hoping to find some of that motivation I found here yesterday. It's the middle of my workday, and if I am going to go for a run today it's going to have to be immediately after work before my hubby leaves for his bowling league. So far, I'm finding myself already coming up with excuses.


    I wear Sauconys too.... never been fitted for them, but I love them! I also have no clue how to prounounce it :laugh:

    Today is supposed to be day 3 of week 1, and I have been excited about it since starting again. BUT, I have some sort of cold / flu thing happening (sore lumpy throat, fluid in my ears, head congestion and no appetite) so I know it's stupid to even think about doing it today. Even if i have a group of people counting on me! Isn't that always how it works?

    No worries, I'm chomping at the bit to feel better so I can get back out there.

    Hope everyone is enjoying your runs. Happy Hump Day!
  • mymadori
    mymadori Posts: 28 Member
    Oh no! Doesn't that stink when you have the motivation but your body is just not cooperating? That's awful. Get better soon!

    I didn't end up running yesterday, but I have a fairly good excuse. I left work and went to uhaul to rent a pickup truck, then picked up my son and went to pick up a swing set, big plastic little tikes playhouse and porch swing that I had found on Craiglist. This stuff was at two different houses and we had to load it all into the pickup, then went home and unloaded it and set it up. By the time we got done, it was 9:00 or so and I was just spent.

    I know that what I did counts as exercise, but I just feel like I'm cheating to count it on my MFP exercise log.

    I finally felt driven crazy by it, so I decided to google search the correct pronunciation for Saucony. It's Sock-a-knee. Apparently, they used to print this useful information on the side of the shoe box!

    Now for today, my husband has his bowling league and if I am going to get my workout in, it'll have to be at 10 p.m. Maybe, just maybe, if I throw on my workout gear the minute I get home I'll feel motivated to still go when hubby gets home.

    Anyone else on here have running in their plans for the day?
  • mymadori
    mymadori Posts: 28 Member
    Oops! Did I scare everyone away with my long posts? Sorry about that. Oh well, I guess I'll talk to myself here until someone comes to talk to me. LOL.

    I didn't get out and run yesterday, but I did today. I got done 4.5 miles, but took a route I had never taken before and it was really hilly and difficult! It felt great afterwards, but I'm sure eating the homemade BBQ pork ribs I made when I got home was completely counterproductive.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    You didn't scare me away! I enjoyed your post but found myself hopin you got a good deal on the play set if you had to rent a truck to pick it up!!! Glad you got your run in today. Well done. I am envious of the ribs. That's one of my all time favorite meals!!

    I went to the dr today and got the dx of flu.I should be getting stronger through the weekend. By no means am I abandoning the thread, just don't have much of my own to report.

    Proud of everyone who is putting in the work though!

    I called both my brother and my sister and invited them to do cto5k with me. Haven't heard from either...
  • mymadori
    mymadori Posts: 28 Member
    :-) I'm so sorry you're still not feeling well. That's one thing about running...it's pretty much impossible to just suck it up and do it when you're sick...much too uncomfortable!

    I hope your brother and/or sister agree. I've always wanting to find a running partner...but my hours kinda don't lend themselves to it. I really wish my husband would go with me but yeah, so not gonna happen.
  • happymom1197
    I would love to join your group- I could use the motivation too:) I started a c25k in January, and will be running my very first race ever (5k) in 3 weeks!!!! I'm very excited, but nervous too. My sister has always been the runner. I have been the chubby one. Lol. Anyway, I'm trying to appreciate the strength of my body, and not worry about weight until after the 5k. I have increased the time I run to increase my endurance for the race. Any tips, I'm all ears????