Pregnancy 2011 - April



  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    I have another appointment today at 10am. Last Friday I was 3cm and 50% and I am anxious to see if I have made any progress. My guess is no but we shall see. I am so ready for this anticipation to be over, Megan I am sure you are too. I have gone late with my first and third. My second came a few days early. I am fully expecting this baby to stay in until my due date.

    I plan on talking to my doctor today about my anxiety. It is awful lately and I have a history of it anyway. At night it is almost unbearable and I am putting myself into panic mode. Hopefully there is something he can give me to help me calm down.

    Have a happy Friday everyone!

    I had a bad case of anxiety the other night, and it's totally not like me. I couldn't sleep....I was so freaked out about labor, knew that I wouldn't be able to do it, didn't want to go into labor, etc. I woke up in a terrible mood and couldn't go back to sleep and tossed and turned all night. it got worse and worse. All I could do was get out of bed and pray for peace! Afterward I was fine and finally got back to sleep and haven't had that feeling again, but it definitely was not pleasant. I just have to have faith that this is what my body was made to do, and I can get through it!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    AnneElise I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well again. You definitely fall under the old wives tale of having a girl makes you very ill! I really hope you feel better soon! Good thing is that worst case scenerio it can only last for 9 months...

    Bethe good luck at your appointment today!

    Danielle I can't wait to find out either! I've got a while though so patience is definitely something I must practice!

    I am honestly at my wits end...I hate complaining about this because quite frankly if someone would have told me 3 months to 7 years ago that when I got pregnant I'd gain 500lbs I'd still have jumped at the opportunity to do it, but I feel like I'm doing everything right (eating within my calories, exercising 6 days a week at least an hour to two hours a day) and I'm still gaining too much! I'm not even to 10wks and I've gained at least 8lbs.... I just don't know... I have a good friend of mine who gained between 50-60lbs with each of her children and she ate healthy and not in mass quantities. She did say it came right off and is pre-pregnancy weight now and her baby is 5 months old. I don't want to gain that much but I guess my body is going to do what it is going to do...
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Bethe and Megan- You two are soooo close! I can't wait to hear about your little ones.

    Rachael- Congrats on moving into your very own house! I am so happy for you, and just the teensiest bit jealous. I don't know how we are ever going to save the money for a down payment on our own house. I feel like we'll be renting forever.

    Anne- I'm so sorry about your morning sickness. Does the doctor ever express any worry that the vomit is messing up your tooth enamel or your burning your esophagus? You hear about that stuff all the time with people who have eating disorders, but it is never brought up with pregnant women and morning sickness. I was feeling bad for you the other night and it just sorta got in my head and I can't get it out. As far as chicken goes I really like House Autry chicken breader. You cut chicken breast in strips, dip in egg, and dip in the breader. Delicious homemade chicken tenders. I also like to cut chicken in cubes and sautee in teriyaki with mushrooms and zuccini. Very easy and tasty, though high in sodium.

    I am officially in the third trimester today! I'm feeling huge, like I could pop any minute. I can't believe I can get any larger, but I'm sure my body will amaze me... in a not so pleasant way :smile: I think I'm going to go check out Old Navy and their summery clothes today. I need to get some stuff that makes me feel pretty. Definitely in need of a pick-me-up.

    Aw! My baby moved up a space on my ticker. So close, yet sooooooo far!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    I am officially in the third trimester today! I'm feeling huge, like I could pop any minute. I can't believe I can get any larger, but I'm sure my body will amaze me... in a not so pleasant way :smile: I think I'm going to go check out Old Navy and their summery clothes today. I need to get some stuff that makes me feel pretty. Definitely in need of a pick-me-up.

    Yay for the third trimester! I'm right there with you on "feeling huge" :ohwell: I can't imagine getting much bigger, but I know it's gonna happen. I was also thinking about getting a few new shirts for when it happens, but I'm scared to get them now and not fit into them. I finally broke down and got a bigger pair of shoes. Even when my feet weren't swelled I was barely squeezing into mine, and they made the swelling worse. Got a good deal on some cute ones though!

    Hope you find some good deals while shopping!
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Just checking always, so much to catch up on.

    Brittony - Welcome to the third trimester!!!!! I cant believe how my body changes almost every day. I wake up and am like...hunh, didn't know that my tummy could look like that! You will be surprised.

    Heather - I really struggled with accepting my weight gain in the begining too. It was really really really hard to accept that it was OK to gain weight, even though inside, I knew it was what my baby needed. I have FINALLY let go, and I refuse to step on the scale now. It was just stressing me out, way too much. Just keep reminding yourself it isn't about you, it is about the baby.

    Megan and Bethe - I don't know how you are staying sane. I am going nuts, and just want this baby out. I feel bad saying it, but I just want to start the road to getting back to feeling like myself, and to do that...this baby needs to come NOW.

    The last few days I am really struggeling with my emotions. I haven't had any issues all the way though this pregnancy, but I am just going nuts right now. I want to scream, cry and laugh all at the same time. My husband got AWESOME tickets to a pro basketball game for tonight. The tickets include all you can eat and drink including all alcohol, beer and wine. It also includes passes to the lockerrooms after the game to meet the players. I was super excited about going, until this morning when I decided that I didn't want to go and am too tired. I sent him a text, suggesting he ask one of his friends to go with him. When he texted back to say he would ask around to see if anyone could go, I got super mad and started crying that I was going to be left home alone, and he would be out having fun and partying!!! What is wrong with me?!?!? I told him to ask someone else!!! I really think I am starting to go nuts!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    The last few days I am really struggeling with my emotions. I haven't had any issues all the way though this pregnancy, but I am just going nuts right now. I want to scream, cry and laugh all at the same time. My husband got AWESOME tickets to a pro basketball game for tonight. The tickets include all you can eat and drink including all alcohol, beer and wine. It also includes passes to the lockerrooms after the game to meet the players. I was super excited about going, until this morning when I decided that I didn't want to go and am too tired. I sent him a text, suggesting he ask one of his friends to go with him. When he texted back to say he would ask around to see if anyone could go, I got super mad and started crying that I was going to be left home alone, and he would be out having fun and partying!!! What is wrong with me?!?!? I told him to ask someone else!!! I really think I am starting to go nuts!

    You aren't going nuts Amanda! I understand what you're saying, you're ok that he asks someone else, but it still really bums you out that you don't feel up to going.

    I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting to get back to feeling like yourself. There are a lot of changes that came with pregnancy that I've embraced, and there are definitely several changes that I could do without....

    You're in the home stretch girl, almost there, and you're doing really well!
  • sthorp1179
    sthorp1179 Posts: 104
    happy Friday to everyone, its another gorgeous day here in the UK and I have been so busy but in a good way, took James for his 24 month development check and am pleased to say that he is right on target in all areas and surpassing most of them, I'm really proud of him he's doing so well, I guess its his big sister's influence. She has been chosen as the "star of the week" at nursery which is fabulous because she has been recognised for all her hard work in learning to write.

    I'm now 6 weeks apparently, still feeling really good, I could get used to this :laugh:
  • sndannettelle
    I am really glad that I found this post. I am 27 years old and my husband is 30. We have been married for almost 9 years and have been TTC for almost 7 years. I am trying to lose weight to help with our fertility issues. I have PCOS, so it is hard for me to lose weight.

    We are on day 4 of this "cycle" and are hoping for some positive results!!! I am trying to lose 75 pounds...YIKES!!

    Congratulations to all of your that are expecting, and good luck to those of you TTC.

  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Annabelle – yea for 2 pounds!!!

    AnneElise – oh I’m so sorry. I hope this doesn’t last too long. Chicken recipe: mix together ½ cup parmesan cheese, ½ teaspoon garlic powder and 1 envelope good seasoning Italian dressing. Wet boneless skinless chicken breasts in water and roll in the mixture, bake for 25 – 30 minutes.

    Megan – you’re almost there! I can’t wait to see pictures of your LO.

    Bethe – hope you have a good appointment

    Heather – you are not the only one having a hard time with this. I think it’s because we’ve spent so much of our lives trying to lose weight that it’s almost impossible to accept that we’re gaining weight. I think once we actually look pregnant and we’re out of the “just look like we’re gaining weight” stage, we’ll be much happier. Any updates on your husband’s pay? The news just makes me sad lately so I’ve been avoiding it.

    Amanda – you are not going crazy! I think I mentioned before that I have this unhealthy attachment to my husband lately. Last night I asked him to run to the store up the street to get milk and as soon as he was out of the driveway I was almost in tears because I was home alone.

    Brittony – yea for the third trimester!!!

    Stef – I was a little more than 6 weeks when my morning sickness kicked in, but I hope you’re one of the lucky ones that don’t have any.

    Welcome Shawna, this is a great group of laides.

    Not much new here except that I can’t fit into any of my jeans. The ones I have on now are completely unzipped and there a little uncomfortable. I really didn’t want to buy maternity pants yet, but my bigger sizes are still too big and just make me look huge. :ohwell:
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Welcome Shawna! We are excited to have you a part of this group. :smile:

    AnneElise: :ohwell: I am so sorry about your MS. I can only imagine how tiresome it would get over time. I actually lost my breakfast this morning. It's been the first time in weeks. But I can't imagine dealing with it daily still. Keep your chin up. As for chicken recipes, we love a Ranch chicken that I made up. I have cooked it on the stove and baked it, either works. But you put egg whites, ranch dressing, italian seasoning, parmesan cheese and lemon juice together and spread on the chicken. If I bake it I sometimes shred a little cheddar cheese on top. Not the most healthy but it is pretty amazing.

    Megan and Bethe: Good luck! I hope to hear soon about your new arrivals. I don't know if I will be super patient at that point in the game.

    Danielle: I can totally relate! I had a countdown on my work calendar from 20 days down till my appointment to find out the gender. I think I tortured myself because it felt like forever! Good luck. I hope it goes faster for you.

    Brittony, yay for the 3rd tri! I bet that feels exciting and a little unreal! It's getting weird to me that I just have 3 months left. Thanks for the comments on the house! I don't know how loans are where you are, but with our FHA loan, we only had to put 3% down.

    So I woke up this morning and it looks like Christmas outside!:noway: What the heck!? I thought it was April. There is about 3-4 inches of snow everywhere! Sheesh.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    I'm really glad anne asked about chicken recipes! I'm going to try a bunch of these out!

    No luck at Old Navy. They were so picked over. Only size smalls and extra larges in all of the shirts I liked. I went ahead and tried on a large to see how it felt. It was still too big, but not so much so to where I would want to get a medium. I think my belly is growing out of the mediums I have been wearing. The good thing is that I know what sizes to get and can order online. There are no good sales in the store, but I got an email about sales and an extra 30% off. Online shopping here I come!

    FHA loan, eh? Maybe a house isn't too far off after all.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Oh and Amanda I definitely don't think you're going crazy. I can get like that even when I'm not pregnant. I want to be with my husband, but I don't feel like doing something really exhausting, so I tell him he can always have a boys' night. Then I immediately regret that because it means I'll be home alone. That makes me sad. Then I get angry because my husband should automatically know that I want to be with him. He should want to be with me too right? hehe. It does sound crazy, but I think a lot of us go through those random mood swings.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Not much new here except that I can’t fit into any of my jeans. The ones I have on now are completely unzipped and there a little uncomfortable. I really didn’t want to buy maternity pants yet, but my bigger sizes are still too big and just make me look huge. :ohwell:

    I remember that stage, so uncomfortable! That was when I finally broke down and bought a pair of maternity pants, and I'm so happy I did! I felt more comfortable and I looked more pregnant. They have some really cute maternity pants that look and feel good. I was worried that once I started wearing maternity pants that I would unintentionally start to fill them in, but I didn't. I started out with a pair of Sz L Liz Lange full panel black pants at about 15 weeks, and I'm still wearing them.

    I would suggest going out and trying a few pairs on, especially if your bigger size pants don't quite fit right, and it doesn't sound like you'll feel good in them either.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Ok my last post for a bit, but I have a random TMI type of question. So I know that hemorrhoids are common in pregnancy. My MIL and many friends have had them and warned me about them. They are the one thing I am absolutely dreading and hoping I don't get. It just creeps me out, I guess, since I've never had them before. I try to eat foods that keep me regular and drink lots of water. I try to sleep on my left side, though most of the night I sleep on my right. Anything to keep them from appearing. The other night I woke up and had been sleeping on my back for god knows how long. I get up to go pee and my butt hurts! It happened again last night too. I'm worried that they are getting ready to make their appearance. Anybody have to deal with them yet? Were there warning signs? I'm sure they're easy enough to treat and should go away shortly after giving birth, but one of my friends still has them a year later.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Not much new here except that I can’t fit into any of my jeans. The ones I have on now are completely unzipped and there a little uncomfortable. I really didn’t want to buy maternity pants yet, but my bigger sizes are still too big and just make me look huge. :ohwell:

    I remember that stage, so uncomfortable! That was when I finally broke down and bought a pair of maternity pants, and I'm so happy I did! I felt more comfortable and I looked more pregnant. They have some really cute maternity pants that look and feel good. I was worried that once I started wearing maternity pants that I would unintentionally start to fill them in, but I didn't. I started out with a pair of Sz L Liz Lange full panel black pants at about 15 weeks, and I'm still wearing them.

    I would suggest going out and trying a few pairs on, especially if your bigger size pants don't quite fit right, and it doesn't sound like you'll feel good in them either.

    I wore mine earlier this time just since i already had them. I didn't wear any until 30 weeks last time because I was broke. I just only zipped my jeans and used a rubber band. Finally my MIL sent me pants because my hubby leaked that I was still in my jeans! Plus she was taking us on vacation the next week and thought I needed clothes! :smile: So this time I wore them around 22 weeks probably? If you are going to buy them, part of me says - get them early and get your money's worth! :laugh: Not just wear them for 2-4 months.

    My suggestion though is get ones with tight (AKA not loose) legs! I totally grew into the legs on my loose jeans the first time. Luckily a pair in there my friend added to the rotating stash of maternity clothes that circulates my friends and family and their friends - anyway, it has pretty tight legs so if I wear them consistently I can stay in check on gaining weight where it is definitely not baby-related! I also periodicaclly throw back on my regular jeans (as of last week I could still zip and button them! though not sit at all! :laugh: ) just to check. I think I will be upset when they no longer go on! The maternity pants I wore (and were tight) when I was 8/9 months last time (and wore for like 6 months after :blushing: ) quite literally fall off me currently so I am very happy about that!
  • Mamatoabunch

    AnnaBelle - Great job on the weight loss, you are doing really well! I know you were sick for awhile, are you feeling back to normal? Are your allergies still bothering you? Hope both of them have flown the coop! I just transferred the rest of the detergent from the tub that we made our first batch in, to the container from the last one we (hopefully ever!) bought. So one batch made 2 of those, and I gave a little away to others to try. Can't wait to make the next batch, gonna try a new soap, just for kicks :wink: Thanks again for the recipe!

    I still have lingering sinus, snot stuff, but taking elderberry has really helped. Allergies are pretty much gone, thank goodness. The juniper have stopped their pollinating so I can get outside again and walk, which is all the exercise I can muster. I am so happy you are enjoying the detergent, it is awesome and such a huge money saver.
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    It's Friday, thank God! Tomorrow I really can hibernate!

    I know I'm super new on here, and I don't really "know" you all that well yet, but I'm really stressing out and I don't have any "real life" friends to talk to. BF is making me crazy. He thinks I got pregnant on purpose. How do you even do that? He KNEW I wasn't on birth control, and he never wears a condom, not in almost the entire time we've been together. He told me today that I've been begging and begging for a baby for ever and congratulations, I got what I wanted. He's not ready for a baby. He's so scared and stressed out that he's being short and snippy and cold. I told him on Sunday, and intitially, he was fantastic. He took it so much better than I expected. But every day since Monday has been worse than the day before. I don't think I've had a single tear-free day all week.

    Yesterday he even brought up abortion. He has always said he's against abortion and that a child is a person from conception and abortion is murder, but he definitely brought it up. I'm sorry, but I am NOT aborting my baby. What am I supposed to do? Will the psychosis go away? Did anyone else's significant other freak all the way out? I can't handle much more of this!

    And why isn't my ticker working?! Aaagghh!
  • Mamatoabunch
    I have another appointment today at 10am. Last Friday I was 3cm and 50% and I am anxious to see if I have made any progress. My guess is no but we shall see. I am so ready for this anticipation to be over, Megan I am sure you are too. I have gone late with my first and third. My second came a few days early. I am fully expecting this baby to stay in until my due date.

    I plan on talking to my doctor today about my anxiety. It is awful lately and I have a history of it anyway. At night it is almost unbearable and I am putting myself into panic mode. Hopefully there is something he can give me to help me calm down.

    Have a happy Friday everyone!

    I have dealt w/ anxiety too, especially in pregnancy w/ my 9th. Low iron is another sign of anxiety.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    kacylaine- I am so sorry you are having to deal with that. I'm sure he'll come around. He's probably just freaking out. You need to tell him that this baby is here to stay and he's going to have to find a way to be happy with it. Him making you stress out isn't helping the situation. The only thing it's doing is putting a strain on your relationship. All you want right now is to be happy and excited and he needs to get on board. It just might take him a little while.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Megan- You got this girl! You will find it in you because you will want Annabelle out. I was in tears in the delivery room because I knew I needed to push but at the same time I was freaking out because it really hurt without the epidural. I watched the video last night and I saw that there was a few minute period where I was ignoring everyone and everything, I was just rocking my hips side to side and then I went for it. I have had 3 and the thought of labor and delivery is still super scary to me, just remember that the moment she comes out all of the pain goes away and you will forget all about it as you hold your beautiful little girl in your arms :heart:

    Bethe- Hang in there, you can get through this. You are just a little bit away from meeting Wade.

    Brittony- FHA loans are great, I got one and that was the only way we could buy a house. 3.5% down, we had a hard time finding a house though because there are lots of restrictions but in the end we got a home. I got hemmoroids with pregnancy, it got bad at delivery too, don't worry it is normal. Just apply hemmoroid cream and it will soothe it away!

    Kacylaine- Perhaps you should sit and talk with him heart to heart. If he is not ready to be a father than you need to figure out if he plans on raising the baby with you, I could never imagine my husband talking about abortion. Right now you need support, maybe he just needs more time? I hope it gets better.

    Heather and the others worried about weight gain- You can only do your part by being active and making the right food choices. Your body and baby need what they need and so there is not much you can control with that. I have seen people eat nothing but crap food and gain 9 lbs in the entire pregnancy and on the other hand I have seem people eat super healthy and gain 60. Only your body knows what you need.