Pregnancy 2011 - April



  • Lindseyjones1717
    Lindseyjones1717 Posts: 1,030 Member
    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!

    I have a question for all you moms/pregnant ladies out there:

    Does anyone have any tips to help ease hip/ lower back pain? I have slight scoliosis, so I had lots of pain on and off before even getting pregnant (it got worse as I gained weight over the past 2 years). Now that I am showing and have to be sleeping on my sides nightly, I am in agony! My hips hurt so bad, even just to go to the bathroom! What's worse is I work at a desk job so I do not get to move too often..therefore, by the time I get up, I am in so much pain! I've tried yoga and it only hurts more :o(. My only idea of what might ease the pain will be going in the pool. I think the fluidity of doing pool exercises will really help. We're just getting into pool weather in Florida, so I'm really banking on this. But, I'm so worried that the bigger I get, the worse this is going to be..and I'm not sure how much more I can take!

    Has anyone gone to the chiropractor while pregnant?

    Does anyone have any other ideas that might help?

    Thanks in advance!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Heather- I would be stressed too :noway: I am sorry you are put in that situation. Sounds like a good work out to get some stress out!

    Lindsey- I have had a lot of lower back pain but havn't found much for it. I use a heating pad or take a hot bath and that helps me.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Hi ladies. Hope all is going well with you all. Things have been a little crazy here. I'm kinda stressing about Congress not passing the budget for real this time and not doing another extension. Not only is my husband gone, but now I have to worry about him not getting paid after Friday. And to make matters worse they won't pay for him to fly home if they do a Federal we will have to pay. Gotta love how the Government gets to screw with our lives like this. This will affect a lot of duty will still have to report to work but Congress will have to approve an emergency budget to pay them. My husband is Army Guard but his full time job is a civilian contract job as an Instructor Pilot so he won't go into work, and he won't get paid. I just pray that this lasts a few days and not a few months like they possibly predict. This is the last thing I need to be stressing about.

    I completely feel your stress, since I am in the same boat. I also work as a govt military contractor (and wont get any pay unless we go to work). I am seriously hoping something passes and I dont have to go use up my leave in order to get paid (since that means I could go unpaid for some of my maternity leave).
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Carina- That would totally upset me, you have 2 children so it is not like you don’t know how to create life. Our bodies know what we can handle and it will happen when the time is right. It will happen when you least expect it because I got this bundle of joy when I had decided if this was not the month I was going to just focus on weight loss and put baby on hold.

    Lynn- I LOVE the skin to skin, at the hospital where I delivered they say that baby must be placed on mom within the first hour (assuming baby is healthy). The actually put her on me right after she came out (more cringing from Mel) I thought it would be totally gross but I was so in love that it didn’t even phase me. They checked baby over shortly after while I was delivered the placenta and being sutured. While in the hospital the nurse encourages skin to skin while nursing the baby. She said that you are your baby’s warmer.

    Julie- I have been thinking of you, sounds like you are hanging in there considering the circumstances. Still have you in my thoughts and prayers, stay strong!

    AFM- Brooklynn had her follow up this morning, joy oh joy. First thing the receptionist asked was if we had already gone to the lab, I said nope, so she was like well there are orders for lab work and I said yes I am aware but I am refusing the test. She got the nurse who hold me the doctor needs to compare results, I told her I just wanted to do the scan measurement I KNOW it is just a "guide" but if the # was down then no way was I letting them poke her. She said she would have to let the Dr know that we were refusing the test and all I could say was that is ok, he knows that we refuse a lot of unnecessary stuff for the kids. Long story short her level is down and she has gained 7 oz since Monday! I guess mommy has the right stuff to feed her after all, made me feel so proud!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Thank you all so much for all of your kind words/thoughts/prayers. The autopsy showed my brother's death was natural and that brings me some peace.
    My husband is amazing.

    Despite the circumstances, I kept my OB appointment this morning. I had the 1 hour glucose test and I think it went okay. I actually felt fine during the test other than being a little jittery & "fidgety" (so says my husband -- I didn't notice). I was told I should hear the results by the end of the week. I met a new OB in the practice today and decided she's my favorite of the 3 I've seen so far. There is still one OB in the practice I haven't met. She used the doppler about 30 minutes after I had finished the glucose drink and baby was losing her mind. She seems to hate the doppler and always kicks at it, but today she was really kicking at it furiously. The OB pretty much thought it was hilarious that my baby was jacked up on sugar. Baby wore herself out pretty quickly with all the kicking & is taking a nap now. I gained 2 pounds in the last 5 weeks (though it's more like 2 pounds in the last 2 weeks...) so I'm really happy with that.
    I freaked a little when setting up the rest of my appointments. I have another in 3 weeks and then they start happening every 2 weeks. Yikes!

    I'm glad that you are able to find some peace in knowing that it was natural, also glad that you have such a supportive husband to help you through such a difficult time. We've all been thinking of and praying for you, your family, and your sister in law.

    Happy to hear that your glucose test went well and that you like the new OB you met, hopefully she will be on when you deliver. Sounds like Masie enjoyed herself for awhile! Great job on only 2 lbs, you're doing really well Julie.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Rachael - Hurray for being all moved in! :drinker: Now the fun part....unpacking.... :grumble:

    Ron - Try not to get worked up about your Dr.'s appointment tomorrow. Easier said than done - I know from experience. I used to get so upset the day before and the day of my appointment, I usually cried after I left her office. I finally got to the point where I realized I was cheating myself out of enjoying my pregnancy. Of course gaining weight is hard for us because we've struggled with our weight so much in the past. Just remember, it is temporary and we'll all be here to support each other and get back to pre-pregnancy weight after baby arrives. As soon as I made a conscious effort to not get upset about it, my Dr. (who is usually a weight wench) actually complimented me on how I looked. My attitude was certainly shining through on the physical side.

    Sheri - So happy to hear that Brooklyn has put on some weight and her levels are down. Good job Mama, you know best!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Julie - I'm glad you're finding some peace, and will continue to. Please know we're praying for you still! Glad your appointment went well with the weight gain. Since I've been on my weekly appointments I've been gaining SO MUCH weight. Between one week to the other it was a gain of 5 lbs! I thought it was water weight, but it hasn't gone down yet and am still gaining...agh. Oh well...LO is almost here :smile:

    I have been the same way! On my home scale I went up almost 5 lbs in one week! Seems like regardless of how good I do in the beginning with my weight gain or the weight I start with all my pregnancies I end at about 180 lbs.

    Julie ~ I will continue to pray for you and your family.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!

    I have a question for all you moms/pregnant ladies out there:

    Does anyone have any tips to help ease hip/ lower back pain? I have slight scoliosis, so I had lots of pain on and off before even getting pregnant (it got worse as I gained weight over the past 2 years). Now that I am showing and have to be sleeping on my sides nightly, I am in agony! My hips hurt so bad, even just to go to the bathroom! What's worse is I work at a desk job so I do not get to move too often..therefore, by the time I get up, I am in so much pain! I've tried yoga and it only hurts more :o(. My only idea of what might ease the pain will be going in the pool. I think the fluidity of doing pool exercises will really help. We're just getting into pool weather in Florida, so I'm really banking on this. But, I'm so worried that the bigger I get, the worse this is going to be..and I'm not sure how much more I can take!

    Has anyone gone to the chiropractor while pregnant?

    Does anyone have any other ideas that might help?

    Thanks in advance!

    I cannot be of much help. Except to say, I too have scoliosis (mine is Secondary Scoliosis) that was caught in grade school. I am too much of a chicken to even think about going to a chiropractor though. I am one of those people who thinks, if I start with one it will be something I am going to have to stick with. Ugh the sound of bones cracking. Yuck!

    Anyway, hope you find some relief and welcome to this great group.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I went to a chiropracter a few times pre-pregnancy and once after finding out (I was only about 5 weeks at the time). I personally never noticed much difference in my body after the visits but I also havent really had back pain before (I was going for shoulder rehab).
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Its official... the MS is back. Just threw up again.... every day this week. I was feeling like TOTAL crap. boo. oh well, back to being a pro at it I guess!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!

    I have a question for all you moms/pregnant ladies out there:

    Does anyone have any tips to help ease hip/ lower back pain? I have slight scoliosis, so I had lots of pain on and off before even getting pregnant (it got worse as I gained weight over the past 2 years). Now that I am showing and have to be sleeping on my sides nightly, I am in agony! My hips hurt so bad, even just to go to the bathroom! What's worse is I work at a desk job so I do not get to move too often..therefore, by the time I get up, I am in so much pain! I've tried yoga and it only hurts more :o(. My only idea of what might ease the pain will be going in the pool. I think the fluidity of doing pool exercises will really help. We're just getting into pool weather in Florida, so I'm really banking on this. But, I'm so worried that the bigger I get, the worse this is going to be..and I'm not sure how much more I can take!

    Has anyone gone to the chiropractor while pregnant?

    Does anyone have any other ideas that might help?

    Thanks in advance!

    My hips were killing me the first few months but they eased up. Sleeping with a pillow under a leg helped a lot on the hips part.
    There are a lot of things you can do for scoliosis, though the best is usually core strength... something hard to keep up during pregnancy, but you should still try. I was doing ab exercises up till 18 weeks with no problems, when i actually ended up having emergency back surgery when my partially herniated disc decided to completely blow out. Currently I have some nerve pain again, but I would not suggest a chiropractor unless you know what is causing it. Mine I know a chiropractor would do little good for since it's not a matter of misalignment. A lot of them won't touch you if you are pregnant anyway, or at least me with a pregnancy and a past herniation they wouldn't touch with a 10' stick - you'd have to find a specialist of sorts, or a quack, and I'd like to be sure I wasn't going to a quack! :) Xrays are out if you are preg, and often "required" (or at least very helpful) for a chiropractor to do accurate work on you, but if it gets really bad MRIs are fine - though most people will say - that's normal pregnancy pain - unless of course it gets to a "can't walk" sort of pain, where there might be more going on like a rupture, which pregnancy irritates anyway as your center of gravity shifts. The other thing that helps with scoliosis is really stretching out your hamstrings. It can be painful (meaning the stretching muscles - don't do it so it gives you sharp back pains), but it needs to be done.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Its official... the MS is back. Just threw up again.... every day this week. I was feeling like TOTAL crap. boo. oh well, back to being a pro at it I guess!

    Have you had your blood sugar levels checked by any chance? Not that I know much about this but someone I know was having terrible morning sickness and her midwife ended up checking her sugar level. And it came back low and since getting that situated she has been fine.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Its official... the MS is back. Just threw up again.... every day this week. I was feeling like TOTAL crap. boo. oh well, back to being a pro at it I guess!

    Have you had your blood sugar levels checked by any chance? Not that I know much about this but someone I know was having terrible morning sickness and her midwife ended up checking her sugar level. And it came back low and since getting that situated she has been fine.

    No! Not that I know of anyways. I go to the dr. on friday. I will ask her about it. Thanks for the idea. I am desperate (as I puked my second dinner).
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Carina - If I were you, I would be insulted by a stranger sending me a private message trying to "educate" me on how to make a baby, which is pretty much all they did. It was wrong of them to assume that you aren't educated on conception. Just because you are open with the fact that you are trying to conceive doesn't insinuate that you aren't aware of what you're doing. I think the word "trying" sometimes leaves people with the thought that you don't know what you're doing, because they don't realise that conception isn't always easy. How ignorant of them to approach you like that.

    It took my husband and I a year of trying to conceive before we were successful. We were getting to the point of considering seeing our Dr. for more information, testing, etc., when we conceived. I remember when I told a friend it took us a year of trying before we got pregnant and the "trying" part left her dumbfounded. "What do you mean trying, like you didn't know how to do it?" Ah....some people.

    I'll keep you and your hubby in my prayers :flowerforyou:
    @ Lynn, Sheri, Bethe, Danielle, Ron - Thanks. That's what I was thinking, but I didn't want to jump the gun. I was polite and told her thanks, but I have PCOS and my cycle isn't typical. Hopefully she realizes that she doesn't know everything. :S

    @LittleSpy - *hugs* if I lived closer, I'd so be at the visitation.
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi there!

    Little about me...I had my last depo shot in Jan 2010. Waited for AF to come back till November 2010. DH and I have been actively TTC for 5 months. I guess we could say we have been trying since April, being that we were not preventing since then. I haven't been Oing, so my doc says to chart one more month then we could start with clomid. Any personal experiences with this? I am not one to alter with medication, but I really don't want to wait any longer.
    Also, my face has been breaking out horribly since taking pre-natal vitamins. Anyone have any input? I'm considering going back to a regular multivitamin and folic acid supplements.

    I used clomid to conceive DD. I didn't have any problems. I was surprised my OB didn't put me back on it this time. I was hoping to, b/c this waiting SUX.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Tjsechrist – welcome! This is a great group of ladies.

    Rachel – a friend of mine moved while she was 8 months pregnant. She said it was the best move of her life because she didn’t have to lift anything! Glad you’re all settled in.

    Julie – I’ve been thinking about you and your family, I’m glad you’re starting to get some peace with what happened. And 2 pounds in five weeks is great.

    Kim – I don’t know anything about clomid, but I’ve got my fingers crossed for you. I hope you’re over here soon on a regular basis!

    Heather – oh that’s horrible; I hope everything gets resolved soon.

    Sheri – I’m so happy Brooklynn is doing well and she didn’t have to get stuck with a needle again.

    AnneElise - I’m sorry your MS is back; hopefully it won’t last very long.

    We were told at work today that there’s a good chance we’re going to strike. :sad: I really, really, really wanted to avoid this, but our new contract is insane! I know we have to make some concessions but what the governor wants is absolutely ridiculous. We were completely prepared to pay more for our medical insurance and have our pay frozen for two years, but on top of that he wants to cut our pay! :noway: Seriously? How can you tell us we have to pay a higher medical premium while you’re lowering my pay? And since hubby and I both work for the state, both of our pays would get cut. Arghhh!!!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    hkystar I don't wanna stress you out (and I may be completely wrong), but I'm pretty sure part of the Federal shutdown is that you won't be able to take any leave for pay (as well as get any funds out of your TSP-thrift savings plan if you do that). Active duty military will continue to work and get payed but Civilian contractors will be furloughed 'In a shutdown, all paid leave during a furlough is canceled because the necessity to furlough supersedes leave rights. The Antideficiency Act (31 U.S.C. 1341 et seq.) does not allow authorization of any expenditure or obligation before an appropriation is made, unless authorized by law. Paid leave creates a debt to the government that is not authorized by the Act. Therefore, agencies are instructed that during a lapse in appropriations, all paid leave during a furlough must be canceled and employees must be either (1) at work performing excepted activities or (2) furloughed."

    Ron sounds like I'm not the only one stressing about stuff! This stuff should be the last stuff we should be stressing about...don't these people know we are carrying babies and stress is bad???

    I believe they call it "kangaroo care" when they place the baby skin to skin, not only does it regulate body temperature, it has been shown to regulate breathing and heartbeat as well. I can't wait to snuggle and have some kangaroo care with my sweet baby!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Holy moly what a busy day!!!

    Ron- That sucks about the strike! It sounds like they are asking for a lot. I am the vice president of my union at work, and I work for the municipal government. I dont know if the rules re: strikes are the same for you, but the entire body would have to vote to strike... do you think that people would really be willing to strike and lose out on pay??? People have mortgages, etc, ya know? I bet most people would vote it down. Who knows though... good luck, hope it works out!

    Annelise- That sucks you are not feeling well again! Boo! But good news about the childcare.

    Sheri- Good for you refusing the test! And 7oz is so great! Sounds like Brooklyn is doing really well :-) How are the boys taking her arrival?

    Mwilson- Hope you go soon! So excited for you to get to meet your little one, I can't wait to hear about your birth experience, especially since you want to do it naturally.

    Carina- Sorry AF came :-( Always next month... i can only imagine how frustrating it must be!

    Newcomers - Welcome!!! This is a great group of wonderfully supportive women, with so much knowledge, I love it, and hopefully you will too!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Carina btw I'm sorry that AF came... Did you say you have PCOS and conceived with Clomid? I too have PCOS and finally conceived after taking Metformin and Clomid together (along with SMEP, acupuncture, Preseed, and 7 years of blood,sweat and tears! lol!). I would just make an appointment with your doctor and say "Clomid worked before. I'd like a prescription please and thank you." And if that doctor won't cooperate, go to one that will listen to you. This is your life, your body, and your decisions. No doctor should be in control of that!
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    @ Sheri, sorry i didn't say this earlier. Glad you refused the test. it was unnecessary. :) Kudos to you for knowing what's right for your baby. :)

    Thanks Rachel and Heather

    @ Heather - yes, I have PCOS. I've already asked my OB for Clomid again. he says that b/c i have conceived unaided and while on Metformin, Clomid would be useless for me, since it appears i'm ovulating. I'm still taking metformin, but be darned if i can't remember to take my pills! Out of sight, out of mind. :grumble:
    I wish I could leave them out to remind me, but with children in the house, there is NO way i'd do that.

    I'm unfamiliar with SMEP and Preseed.

    Unfortunately in my community, there is a MAJOR shortage of doctors. there is a 1 year wait list to get in to an OB if you're TTC, and over 1.5 years wait list for THE ONLY DERMATOLOGIST! Crazy! No new doctors want to work in Northern Ontario, and it's not all that north! :grumble:

    There's even a program called "orphan babies" which means babies born to families with no family doctor to watch over the child for the first 2 years, are cared for by participating pediatricians. they will see that child for checkups, vaccines etc, until they are 2 y/o. after that, walk in clinics are good enough. *shocking*