10 Week's To June



  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    -- log in everyday and log everything I eat........ DONE!!
    -- Steadily work on the p90x routines........ DONE
    --Clean the menu up a lot...... CURRENTLY RESEARCHING
    -- Be in bed by 11 pm........ actually went to bed about 8pm

    Wednesdays totals were a little better, brought my carbs down and protein up
    Calories 1315 out of 1856
    Carbs 109
    Fat 57
    Protein 101

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • Good morning everyone!

    Just wanted to drop in and say I just got done running 5 miles! I didn't do it fast, but at least I did it. It's a goal that 3 months ago I never would have thought I could achieve. And the icing on the cake --- no knee pain!

    I hope you all have a fabulous day!
  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    So much nutrition today!

    Protein: 66 grams
    Fiber: 23 grams
    Carbs 190 grams
    Exercise: 30 min cardio

    I feel so incredibly full.. and yet the calories hardly amounted to anything! I am increasing my daily calorie intake and I am going to see how that works for me. I haven't been eating any of my exercise calories for the past two months and it might be time to increase my daily calorie intake from 1200 to 1400. Tomorrow I want to get in a nice work out where I feel the burn :)

    Also, I'm going to start tracking my daily weight, exercise, carbs, protein, fiber, and carbs in a separate spreadsheet and see what happens.
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    Well done everyone - well done on hitting the ruuning target - 5 miles is brilliant!!

    Great also when you are not only eating low cal but fuelling your body!!

    I've had another good day! Loving the eating plan and loving the training!! Today after the work out I did; I was so sweaty my hair genuinely looked like I had stepped out of the shower! Lovely!!

    Tomorrow = spinning!!!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    5 miles is nothing to sneeze at - nice going!

    I'm home and heading to the gym, I'll get back here in a bit. Don't wanna lose my buzz.

    Grok On!
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Just wanted to drop in and say I just got done running 5 miles! I didn't do it fast, but at least I did it. It's a goal that 3 months ago I never would have thought I could achieve. And the icing on the cake --- no knee pain!

    I hope you all have a fabulous day!

    Wow, 5 miles.... that is Amazing!!! Keep up the GREAT work!!! ;-)
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    It went well! I'm a snacker, so my issue is not eating carrots, then an hour later a shake, making that one meal haha.. I feel like it's all supposed to be together... Am I wrong???

    My next day is Monday, as I leave tomorrow to ATL to vaca for a day :D Kayaking on Saturday. WOOHOOO!!! Bought me a bikini :-p

    Kudos on the 5 miles!!!!!!!! I remember the first time I ran 1... I thought I was Jesus!
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Alrighty folks rest day for me if I get home in time tomorrow will do a kettlebell workout and Sat. is a big Beachbody Corporate event. Cant wait to get home. Food was excellent again today.

  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    back from surgery. i spent most of the day in bed, but did get up to walk down to the ball fields and back (maybe a quarter mile). i am going to try and do that twice tomorrow and work my way up from there. unfortunately, i have been craving sweets like mad. i had a chocolate donut this morning and a super yummy cookie this afternoon. couple that with tons of cheese... not great. i will give myself until the weekend to eat whatever i want and then i will be back at it. :)
  • kristarablue
    kristarablue Posts: 702 Member
    Checking in,

    Protein - 159 grams
    Did a new video to me for cardio/ab workout.....waste of time, not enough of a challenge, need to find a more challenging home workout (I am sure there are many, I just need to explore). Did some running and walked a couple miles as well, but it was more play based with the kids...but, on the flip side, I learned that I can give my son a run for his money when I am chasing him....and he is the crazy athletic hockey/baseball player.....I was psyched and he said "wow mom your good"....waaahoo!

    OH....Awesome job on the 5 miles....Ultra cool!!!!!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Is it really day 11 already??

    Protein: 145g
    Fat: 43g
    Carbs: 136g
    Fiber: 34g
    Water: 17 glasses
    Cals eaten: 1475 of 1693

    Cals burned so far per my bodybugg: 2501.

    I feel like I nailed my nutrition today. Did a Zuzana workout. Went to the docs for some lung pain, that it turns out is exercised induced asthma. Rather than see this as something to stand in my way, I am going to see it as an opportunity. I've worked out around this up until now. Now my breathing should be clearer and easier, so I should be able to work harder!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Why the heck is everything in my diary and everywhere I go double posting today? Even when I enter my water, LOL.
  • Thanks for the comments guys! I honestly thought about this group when I got up this morning and made myself go jogging before class. Seeing how great you all are doing really motivates me to get my butt in gear! :)
    I went out for Mexican again tonight. The waiter that we're friends with "accidentally" brought me a 3rd margarita after I had stopped drinking :) Couldn't turn it down. I did order my fajitas without cheese or sour cream though, so I'm getting better! Either way, it was a lot of fun, so I'm not gonna stress it.
    See you all tomorrow!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Super quick check in - this has been a crazy busy day. Working on the house again. Got my workout in, good numbers, a few went down, but most hung steady and a couple went up. Tomorrow Yoga, BodyBlitz and Arms/Legs - then a gig in West-freakin-Virginia.

  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Day 11

    Burned 395 calories from bodyrock and interval running

    macros for today
    36%carbs (157 grams)
    39%fat (75 grams)
    28%protein (122 grams)

    Calorie intake was 1745 of 1845 calories!!!!

    9 glasses of water today!!! Over on the sodium so i will need to drink so extra water tomorrow!!!

    Great job everyone :happy:
  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    Calories: 1277
    Exercise: 50 min jog, 100 minutes walking
    Protein: 24 g
    Fiber: 40 g

    I'm really happy about today! I made a home cooked meal - a lentil and greenbean salad! It is to die for, and I will have left overs for the next several days. I think learning to cook is going to be the best way for me to lose weight. I have to learn to cook things that are delicious, simple, cheap, and filling. It is possible. I'm satiated, ate fresh, got a lot of my nutrients on target, and best of all do not feel like I am on a diet or deprived. I also went grocery shopping, planned out my shopping list and meals ahead of time.
    Cooking, shopping frequently, planning things out... these are all new habits and I have to say I am quite excited!

    You guys are such an inspiration!
  • Checking in...

    Yesterday was my rest day. Today, on my lunch break I walked on the treadmill for 30min and tonite I'm planning on doing a video after work. Went over a little on my calories yesterday but not to bad. But I'm doing great today! Tomorrow heading to Davids Bridal to pick out my matron of honor dress for my sisters wedding! About an hour and 15min drive! yuck! Then once I get home gonna do some yardwork, probably mow for the first time this spring! lol! :) Sunday I plan on doing a video and going for a walk. We're supposed to have 70 to 80 degree weather! woohoo! Can't wait!

    Everyone have a good weekend! :happy:
  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    Checking in...

    Yesterday was my rest day. Today, on my lunch break I walked on the treadmill for 30min and tonite I'm planning on doing a video after work. Went over a little on my calories yesterday but not to bad. But I'm doing great today! Tomorrow heading to Davids Bridal to pick out my matron of honor dress for my sisters wedding! About an hour and 15min drive! yuck! Then once I get home gonna do some yardwork, probably mow for the first time this spring! lol! :) Sunday I plan on doing a video and going for a walk. We're supposed to have 70 to 80 degree weather! woohoo! Can't wait!

    Everyone have a good weekend! :happy:

    Have fun picking out your dress!! :)
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    Nearly time for bed for me -

    I did my first ever spin class today and loved it! A kind man at the gym offered to meet me before and help me set up the bike and get sorted!! My new gym seems very friendly, the men are very helpful!!! Its a hard workout and a good burn!

    My food was clean again except for a cadburys cream egg!! (I know!!! )

    Keep up the great work everyone!!!!
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Well i had pizza for dinner with my kids. I cheat every once in awhile. I wanted fish and they didnt have any so it was pizza. No kettlebell either got home too late. Hope everyone had a good Friday talk to you tomorrow.

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