INSANITY - Updates & Progress- New Group



  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    I did it!! I pushed through the workout and went at my own pace, I didnt do traveling pushup and did regular ones in place of them... Ohh and the side suicide drills...only could do about 5-6 at a single time, those are really hard. I am really hoping to kick these couple pounds in the *kitten* and then some.. Keep your heads up people, I know I will surely try to do the same.

    Way to go! We did the same workout today. :) I HATE the side suicide drills too. I am sure you will get rid of those last few pounds. Stay positive!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I've been using "General Circuit Trainigng from the menu and putting in how many minutes I've done but I see everyone uses a HRM. I got one and I hate it:explode: Which one are y'all using?

    I have the polar FT4. I think the difference between the 4 & the 7 is being able to upload it to a computer.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I've been using "General Circuit Trainigng from the menu and putting in how many minutes I've done but I see everyone uses a HRM. I got one and I hate it:explode: Which one are y'all using?

    I have the polar FT4. I think the difference between the 4 & the 7 is being able to upload it to a computer.
    I have the FT4 as well. I haven't had any issues with it so far.
  • ajsimyan
    ajsimyan Posts: 177 Member
    I did it!! I pushed through the workout and went at my own pace, I didnt do traveling pushup and did regular ones in place of them... Ohh and the side suicide drills...only could do about 5-6 at a single time, those are really hard. I am really hoping to kick these couple pounds in the *kitten* and then some.. Keep your heads up people, I know I will surely try to do the same.

    Way to go! We did the same workout today. :) I HATE the side suicide drills too. I am sure you will get rid of those last few pounds. Stay positive!

    Oh I have about 30 pounds to go until my goal weight, from there I would like to tone up and get rock hard, and if i gain a couple pounds of muscle and in turn lose alot of fat than I will be a happy camper and take it.. but being 161 pounds is not cool with me at all. especially when I used to be 115 pounds in high school and ran cross country.
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    I did it!! I pushed through the workout and went at my own pace, I didnt do traveling pushup and did regular ones in place of them... Ohh and the side suicide drills...only could do about 5-6 at a single time, those are really hard. I am really hoping to kick these couple pounds in the *kitten* and then some.. Keep your heads up people, I know I will surely try to do the same.

    Way to go! We did the same workout today. :) I HATE the side suicide drills too. I am sure you will get rid of those last few pounds. Stay positive!

    Oh I have about 30 pounds to go until my goal weight, from there I would like to tone up and get rock hard, and if i gain a couple pounds of muscle and in turn lose alot of fat than I will be a happy camper and take it.. but being 161 pounds is not cool with me at all. especially when I used to be 115 pounds in high school and ran cross country.

    I'm right there with you. :) I'm now finally in the 160's after today and have about 18 more to lose to get to my realistic goal weight (prepregnancy weight) and 28 for my ultimate goal weight. I've been doing Insanity since day 1 (5 1/2 months ago). You will get those lbs. off! :)
  • edburg
    edburg Posts: 22
    Thx for the feedback. I'm gonna do some shopping this weekend:happy:
  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    Day 6, Plyo Cardio Circuit done and burned 778 calories... That's higher then the first time... I didn't think i was going to burn that much... It felt like I had to take more breaks this time.... Rest day tomorrow!!!!

    Everybody have a great weekend and keep pushing!!!
  • Lisiebird
    Lisiebird Posts: 45
    I got a HRM yesterday (New Balance with a chest strap) and did Plyometric Cardio Circuit this morning. I was pushing it hard and was within my target range, but it still only read 260 calories burned! Can that be right? How in the world are some of you burning over 700 calories?! I know I'm still burning fat afterwards because it's essentially HIIT training but that's really discouraging. Also did from TurboFire Tone 30 and that said I only burned 85 calories! Of course, with that, it's not like the heart rate goes way up with that. I also have a really low resting heart rate (around 44) to begin with so maybe that has something to do with it. Still, it's discouraging. I'm determined to push through though.
  • Lisiebird
    Lisiebird Posts: 45
    I got a HRM yesterday (New Balance with a chest strap) and did Plyometric Cardio Circuit this morning. I was pushing it hard and was within my target range, but it still only read 260 calories burned! Can that be right? How in the world are some of you burning over 700 calories?! I know I'm still burning fat afterwards because it's essentially HIIT training but that's really discouraging. Also did from TurboFire Tone 30 and that said I only burned 85 calories! Of course, with that, it's not like the heart rate goes way up with that. I also have a really low resting heart rate (around 44) to begin with so maybe that has something to do with it. Still, it's discouraging. I'm determined to push through though.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    WTG, Ed!!!

    Dolly, hmm...what are your stats - weight, height - and activity level. If you already very active and are already very fit, the reading could very well be correct. I'm 5'3", 162 pounds, my BMI is in the overweight category and my activity level was pretty low before I started this (I have a desk job). I too did PCC this morning and I burned 418 calories. So, that's something to consider. With a resting heart rate that low, I'm thinking that your fitness level is already high to begin with.

    As I said, I did PCC today for the last time in Month 1. So excited!! On to recovery week. :happy:
  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    I got a HRM yesterday (New Balance with a chest strap) and did Plyometric Cardio Circuit this morning. I was pushing it hard and was within my target range, but it still only read 260 calories burned! Can that be right? How in the world are some of you burning over 700 calories?! I know I'm still burning fat afterwards because it's essentially HIIT training but that's really discouraging. Also did from TurboFire Tone 30 and that said I only burned 85 calories! Of course, with that, it's not like the heart rate goes way up with that. I also have a really low resting heart rate (around 44) to begin with so maybe that has something to do with it. Still, it's discouraging. I'm determined to push through though.

    I'm not sure, but my resting heart rate is higher then yours. But I'm also 6'6" tall and weigh 296lbs... So I figure it takes mor calories for me to move around. My heart rate was at 85-92% during most of the work out. That might be the reason..
  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    Decided to step on the scale today... Gained 2 lbs... But I lost another 1/4" off my waist and a 1/4" off my hips(belt line)... So I consider that a victory!!!! That's 3/4 of an inch I've lost on both since I started Insanity 6 days ago... I'm sure I wont get those results every week, but that diffently makes me want to start again on Monday!!!!

    I know this is vain, but I find myself looking in the mirror more often now to see if I can notice any changes... Today I noticed my belly was sinking in above and below my naval... That wasn't there before... Now if my love handles will start to disappear... that'll make me very Happy...

    Has anybody else noticed any changes in theirselves?
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    Way to go Cee and Ed!

    I love Saturdays! It's my favorite workout (and I get to stay home with my babies hehe). Today was Max Interval Sports Training. I don't know exactly how many calories I burned as I don't have an HRM. I just use the MFP database. I know I really need to get one, but it has been working for me so far so I am not too stressed about it.

    Cee - Congratulations on making it through the first month! Enjoy your recovery week (bwahahahahaha!) Your shoulders are going to LOVE you. :smile:

    BigEd - I find myself looking in the mirror too! LOL! Be vain all you want. You are working hard.

    Sunday is my off day. Everyone have a great weekend.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Ed-Great job! I check myself out now too.:happy:

    Dolly-My resting heart rate is in the low 60's. I'm 5'5 145 lbs. I'm usually around 350-400 for the first month's workouts.

    Cee-Yeah! On to recovery! How's your knee feeling?

    I'm still limping around. Darn knee. I'm trying to stay off it as much as I can. Driving seems to annoy it more.
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Great jobs guys! "Ran" my first 5k today and I was so pleased that I was able to go the whole time without walking. I wish my time was alittle better (34:52) but hey it was a hell of a feat that I kept going and didn't stop especially on a stupid hill! Thought I was going to do cardio abs when I got back today but I will save that action for tomorrow's workout :)

    See y'all tomorrow!
  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    Great jobs guys! "Ran" my first 5k today and I was so pleased that I was able to go the whole time without walking. I wish my time was alittle better (34:52) but hey it was a hell of a feat that I kept going and didn't stop especially on a stupid hill! Thought I was going to do cardio abs when I got back today but I will save that action for tomorrow's workout :)

    See y'all tomorrow!

    Congrats on the run. Way to push it!!!
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    Great jobs guys! "Ran" my first 5k today and I was so pleased that I was able to go the whole time without walking. I wish my time was alittle better (34:52) but hey it was a hell of a feat that I kept going and didn't stop especially on a stupid hill! Thought I was going to do cardio abs when I got back today but I will save that action for tomorrow's workout :)

    See y'all tomorrow!

    Way to go Jennie! Congrats on running and completing the whole run! :)
  • Lisiebird
    Lisiebird Posts: 45
    WTG, Ed!!!

    Dolly, hmm...what are your stats - weight, height - and activity level. If you already very active and are already very fit, the reading could very well be correct. I'm 5'3", 162 pounds, my BMI is in the overweight category and my activity level was pretty low before I started this (I have a desk job). I too did PCC this morning and I burned 418 calories. So, that's something to consider. With a resting heart rate that low, I'm thinking that your fitness level is already high to begin with.

    As I said, I did PCC today for the last time in Month 1. So excited!! On to recovery week. :happy:

    I'm almost 5'3" and roughly 131 pounds (my scale changes every single time I step on, even just seconds apart so I don't know for sure) and my BMI is in the healthy category. I have a desk job too, which is why I work out so much. Try to make up for all that sitting. That's why my heart rate is so low, and it's been that way for years. I've worked out hard for a long time now. Of course, Insanity humbled me right away.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I got a HRM yesterday (New Balance with a chest strap) and did Plyometric Cardio Circuit this morning. I was pushing it hard and was within my target range, but it still only read 260 calories burned! Can that be right? How in the world are some of you burning over 700 calories?! I know I'm still burning fat afterwards because it's essentially HIIT training but that's really discouraging. Also did from TurboFire Tone 30 and that said I only burned 85 calories! Of course, with that, it's not like the heart rate goes way up with that. I also have a really low resting heart rate (around 44) to begin with so maybe that has something to do with it. Still, it's discouraging. I'm determined to push through though.

    My best guess is that because you are in good shape from what I can sumize reading your posts, your burn is much lower. I did Plyo today and my total burn for that was 340. Which is lower than it was when I started. I do miss the 'high' burns that shocked me when I started this! But I'm relieved my HR is staying out of the 180s more often than not now!! I think for you you'll probably find the lower burns but that the toning and inches lost is the way to monitor your progress.