anyone else just starting JM 30 day shred?



  • Jenni268
    Jenni268 Posts: 202 Member
    Ended up not doing any "exercise" yesterday. My husband surprised me with tickets to a race, so we were there all day. Didn't blow my diet, but ate more calories than normal. Since I haven't had a "Splurge" day in over two months, I don't expect it to set me back too much. It was maybe only 100 cals over maintence. Plus, we walked around for several hours at the race, so that was probably a few calories burned.

    I wouldn't have done any exercise yesterday anyway, since my knee is really throbbing and the pain is kinda radiating down my leg.
    Does anyone know anything about this? It doesn't keep me from walking, it's more annoying than anything? Could this just be from my muscles tightening up and maybe pulling my knee into a place it hasn't been in a while?

    Anyway, I don't know if I'm goin to do anything today or not. I'm exhausted from the weekend. We'll see maybe later. I might just go for a walk. I'm going to try the Shred again tomorrow and just try to stay tight, but not go really deep into any squat positions.
  • OneBKDiva
    OneBKDiva Posts: 82 Member
    I just got my 30 day shred dvd. Who else is starting today? Please add me.
  • amazingmummy
    amazingmummy Posts: 816 Member
    Day 8 done. I did both level 1 and level 2 today since i had a rest day yesterday. I did level 2 without weights today just to get used to the routine. It was tough and fun. I can imagine losing weight doing that. Anyone who does this routine right will lose weight.

    Jenni hope your knee is feeling better. could be all the jumping and twisting. i am not sure. Mine hurt a lil bit too at the start of the shred. but they are ok now.

    Rubysparkle: I am definitely seeing a slimer body. I have not measured but my face is shrunk. with doble chin almost gone. My husband was complimenting the other day about my jeans hanging on my hips. so yeah! And as I said if anyone keeps doing the shred dvd consistently - the moves are so tough - you are bound to see results. well, thats what I think.

    This is the first time for me doing a workout dvd. Previously i have always lost weight working out in the gym. It is different for me and I like it.
    But I am thinking of doing the shred on alternate days instead of everyday. and on other days focus on cardio with my elliptical and bike. I do not know if this is the right thing to do. And on my shred days to do two levels at a go if my body permits. Do you think it is wise?
  • Jenni268
    Jenni268 Posts: 202 Member
    Tried the Shred again today. Did the modified versions with Anita. No luck! Still in pain!! AND, since I'm not doing all that I KNOW I can do, it just seemed like a waste of time. I didn't push myself as hard as I could've (meaning, I didn't almost pass out at the end) and it's half an hour later and my knee is on fire and throbbing! Oddly, it's exacerbated by the squats and lunges, but nothing else. The plyo exercises don't hurt it much at all (other than just the pain I'm in from it 90% of the time.)

    I'll take a couple weeks off and just do Leslie Sansone videos, outside walking and p90x shoulders/arms. Hate feeling like a quitter. :angry:
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Just finished Day 18 - only two more days of level 2.

    Can't believe i have kept going straight through 18 days.

    The end is in sight :)
  • RUBYSPARKLE GOOD JOB!!!! I am on Day 6 of L2, I hate this level and can't wait to go onto L3...

    I have a question...anyone finding that your stomach hurts after completing the L2 the same kind of pain you get when you need to use the washroom but you don't really need to use the washroom...I'm not sure if it's my abs hurting or my intestines...
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    RUBYSPARKLE GOOD JOB!!!! I am on Day 6 of L2, I hate this level and can't wait to go onto L3...

    I have a question...anyone finding that your stomach hurts after completing the L2 the same kind of pain you get when you need to use the washroom but you don't really need to use the washroom...I'm not sure if it's my abs hurting or my intestines...

    Yeh I have had the same pains but i think it's just lower ab muscles that i am not used to exercising. I can't wait to move up to Level 3 now.

    Just finished Day 19 only one more day then up to level 3.

    Good job everyone!!
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Just finished Day 20 - yay!!!!

    Only 10 more days to go..and tomorrow im on level 3 finally.
  • Jenni268
    Jenni268 Posts: 202 Member
    Hey guys! Haven't done the Shred since Monday. Just thought that I'd let everyone know that I'm going to the Dr. tomorrow for my knee. My dad's had several knee surgeries and he said it sounds like I might have a tear in my meniscus (sp?) So I'm just going in to have it checked out. Hopefully I'll get an answer tomorrow.

    More than anything, I want to know whether or not I can still exercise on it. It hurts anytime I bend it and a lot of the time even when I'm just resting.

    Here's hoping to a doctor allowing me to still exercise!!!!!!!!
  • amazingmummy
    amazingmummy Posts: 816 Member
    Sorry Jenni to hear about your knee. It hope it is something minor. Do rest your knee and see if it gets better.

    Rubysparkle congratulations on finishing level 2.

    I have been doing JM on alternate days. But when I do it I do two levels. So i did day 10 level 1 today and day3 level 2 today. Love level 2. It is a great exercise. I think I am going to continue to do level 1 for a little bit longer. Just need more work on some of strength moves. I have lost an inch of my belly. Hoefully more will come off soon.
  • Jenni268
    Jenni268 Posts: 202 Member
    No more exercising! :( Possible tear in the meniscus. I'm on two weeks of anti-inflammatories to see if that will help. If not, I go back to the Dr. for an MRI and we go from there. He said the only thing I should really be doing is swimming. He said ABSOLUTELY no exercising on hard surfaces or doing things that bend my knee to or past 90 degrees. :( So definitely no Shred.

    Gonna try to keep going Arms and Shoulders and some abs, though.
  • janiffer
    janiffer Posts: 6
    Hey everyone! I'm on day 16 and I just found this forum- Feel free to add me.

    How is everyone's results going so far?
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    No more exercising! :( Possible tear in the meniscus. I'm on two weeks of anti-inflammatories to see if that will help. If not, I go back to the Dr. for an MRI and we go from there. He said the only thing I should really be doing is swimming. He said ABSOLUTELY no exercising on hard surfaces or doing things that bend my knee to or past 90 degrees. :( So definitely no Shred.

    Gonna try to keep going Arms and Shoulders and some abs, though.

    Sorry to hear this, i had the same problem last year and the only thing to help was rest. You can do the shred anytime, do make sure you rest and recover :)

    I've just finished day 21 and today was my first day of Level 3 - man was it hard, i was sweating so much but only burnt 161 calories according to my HRM.
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    D22 L3 done -phew.

    How's everyone else doing?
  • amazingmummy
    amazingmummy Posts: 816 Member
    D4 L2 and D11 L1 done. I have decided to do level 1 for a few more days. It still gives me a good workout and I did today after L2 and it was tough. sweat sweat and sweat. I absolutely love L2. It is so tough and a great workout. all those plank moves are fab and new to me.
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Just finished D23 L3 and this level is beginning to feel better for me. I find the first 3 or 4 days of each level are tough then it starts to get easier.

    Still going straight and i took my measurements - i've lost an inch off my waist this week - Yay!!
  • I git my video on friday and started that day. Yeasterday however I opeted to use my elliptical so ill try that for a while. One day elliptical and the other day jm well see how it goes.... I wish every one luck...
  • I'm starting L3 today...I'm actually excited, I did preview the exercise and noticed most of the moves I have done before from her other DVD's...I hated L2....I enjoyed L1 and hope to enjoy L3 as well.
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Just finished Day 24 Level 3

    Phew - only 6days to go now, still going straight.
  • L3 is tough, I didn't give it my all today, so we will see what happens tomorrow.
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