6 week PUSH YOURSELF challenge, WEEK 1



  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    I would like to join too :)

    My first week avg. 1210 cal. a day, walked 1.5 miles a day mon.- fri.on my lunch breeak. sat went to the gym had a great workout. Hubby and I walked a mile after a lite supper tonight. Lost 5 lbs this week :)


    Wow, fantastic week Sonya! Welcome to our challenge! We start week 2 tomorrow.
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 317 Member
    WOW! Everyone has done so well!

    Day 7
    Cardio: 95 mins
    EA Active - 15 mins
    Elliptical - 60 mins
    Walking - mall shopping - 120 mins (not counting this in the challenge)

    Strength: 15 mins
    EA Active - 15 mins

    Week 1 totals: 372 mins/cardio; 113 mins/strength; 120 mins/Other = 815 mins; 8+glasses of water/day EVERY DAY!!

    Personal goals for next week: 400+mins Cardio; 150+mins Strength

    According to Wii - I'm down about 2 1/2 lbs. YEAH!!!

    Good luck everyone!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Such awesome results everyone is posting from their first week, even those who may not quite have made it to the requirements! I am impressed at the seriousness you all put into taking on this challenge. Truly it will be you who benefits from what you put into this! Super job everyone!

    Week 2 begins tomorrow!!! I am pretty sure that if you just proved to yourself that you could do this, in week 1, then there is no reason not to continue right into week 2. Keep it up everyone, make yourselves proud!
  • amber_hanners
    amber_hanners Posts: 388 Member
    Ok so i didnt do the best this week but i Will do better next week. also i do strength every day i work out but i wear my hrm and just count it in with my cardio i got atleast 60mins from strength this week.

    M- exercise 112 mins 806 calories 5 cups of water

    T- exercise 280 mins 1019 calories 8 cups of water

    W exercise 105 mins 730 calories 7 cups of water

    T- exercise 60 mins 400 calories 10 cups of water

    and this is where i went off track didnt log or anything friday,saturday, or sunday

    Weekly totals-

    exercise-557 mins

    calories burned- 2955

    water- 29 cups

    Tracie you are such great motivation and im pullin myself out of my slump and will be better next week
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    I didn't make the goal this week but I did about 250 minutes more exercise than I normally do in a week so I'm really proud of that and determined to meet the 350 this week! I did really well on my water the first half of the week but weekends are always hard for me since my schedule is so off, I don't think I made my water yesterday or today. Here are my totals for the week:

    Cardio: 145
    Strength: 15
    Other: 110

    Total: 270
  • LizzieLiz7
    LizzieLiz7 Posts: 2 Member
    I did not do as well as I wanted to do this week. Drinking 8 glasses of water was my biggest challenge and I only averaged about 4 glasses per day. I stuck to eating 1200 calories or less each day and I exercised for 364 mins this week. I burned about 2,713 calories. I went to the gym 4 times and did a combination of elliptical, treadmill, stairs, yoga class, and spinning classes. For week #2 I plan on going to the gym 5 days and reaching the 8 glasses of water per day. Good luck to everyone :)
  • mfultz0429
    mfultz0429 Posts: 41 Member
    New day/New week! I didnt log food/exercise over the weekend. But, between the sleepover with 8 girls 10 or under and shopping and preparing for my daughter's birthday., I think I got my extra 7 minutes of cardio I needed according to my tracker. Food and calories in may be another story.... :( MY water consumption was a little short over the weekend as well.

    I didnt get up and go to the gym this morning so I will need to do that tonight. If not the gym maybe the Squat challenge I have been thinking about. That is something I can do at home and will give me some strength training time until I get to the gym tomorrow morning. Finishing my coffee and then its on to water. I am going to get these 8 glasses in, if it drowns me...

    Have a great week!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Ok so i didnt do the best this week but i Will do better next week. also i do strength every day i work out but i wear my hrm and just count it in with my cardio i got atleast 60mins from strength this week.

    M- exercise 112 mins 806 calories 5 cups of water

    T- exercise 280 mins 1019 calories 8 cups of water

    W exercise 105 mins 730 calories 7 cups of water

    T- exercise 60 mins 400 calories 10 cups of water

    and this is where i went off track didnt log or anything friday,saturday, or sunday

    Weekly totals-

    exercise-557 mins

    calories burned- 2955

    water- 29 cups

    Tracie you are such great motivation and im pullin myself out of my slump and will be better next week

    Well, Amber, you did make your minutes goal for exercise and you were pretty close to getting the water in through the week! I think you should think about what you accomplished and not what you didn't. You did great and I will look forward to seeing what you bring this week.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    I didn't make the goal this week but I did about 250 minutes more exercise than I normally do in a week so I'm really proud of that and determined to meet the 350 this week! I did really well on my water the first half of the week but weekends are always hard for me since my schedule is so off, I don't think I made my water yesterday or today. Here are my totals for the week:

    Cardio: 145
    Strength: 15
    Other: 110

    Total: 270

    well, you PUSHED YOURSELF and that is what this is all about. Pushing ourselves beyond what we think our limits are and beyond what we have become comfortable with.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I might have a hard time meeting the goals this week because I have to taper ... taper means rest.
    Rest is not something I do very well.. :)

    5 days until the halfmarathon!
  • jodik11
    jodik11 Posts: 64 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! I worked hard and I met my goals for the challenge. Whew! :)

    Totals for Week 1

    Exercise- 590 minutes
    Cal burned- 3733 calories
    10- 15 glasses of water everyday.

    Good Luck everyone on Week 2!
  • conkelv
    conkelv Posts: 7
    Well, i did not meet the challenge for week one, but i am not going to give up.
    Burn 2444
    325 Minutes
    Lots of water

    Here we go, week two!!! :drinker:
  • deannarey13
    deannarey13 Posts: 452
    I did not meet the weekly calorie burn goal, but 500 cals per workout session is pretty tough to reach for me anyways. I did however push myself hard this week and it paid off! I was under on my calories each day and drank 8+ glasses of water all days.

    Here was my week:

    I worked out a total of 325 minutes for a total of 2412 calories (closer than I thought!)

    M - Cardio/Step Aerobics 66 minutes 532 cals
    T- Rest
    W- Cardio Kickboxing 63 minutes 522 cals
    Th- BodyWorks (strength training) 57 minutes 255 cals
    F- Rest
    Sat - 11 mile bike ride 91 minutes 778 cals
    Sun - Elliptical Interval Training 45 minutes 325 cals

    And....I have finally broke through my plateau after about 3 months! Thanks SO much!!!!

    I am down 2 pounds!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Good afternoon, everyone! I already got in a surprise workout. I took an 11 minute walk and got the mail. I might just do that every day this week. It wasn't the 20 minutes each day outside like last week, but it's close.

    Note: Did I mention how much I love this challenge? I don't have to worry about challenges. The only thing I have to worry about is minutes and water. :)
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    In case you haven't seen, everyone, I have the new thread, for week 2 going. Lets put all of out things on that thread, for this week.

    Fantastic week one, everyone! I am totally thrilled to see the work, and enthusiasm, you are all putting into this! It will only pay off for YOU in the end.
  • BRFMcKay
    BRFMcKay Posts: 80 Member
    I got so close, but I could only run for so long Sunday night! It got dark, quick, and I even added 10 minutes to the loop I was doing.

    Time total: 341 minutes
    Calories: 2371
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