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40+ Club: Spring Fitness Challenge



  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    I hope that everyone had a wonderful weekend! Mine was very busy. We went to a great concert on Friday night to hear Ronan Tynan, the famous Irish tenor. I had to work for a few hours on Sat. morning to do some maintenance in our plant. I went right from there to the German Club to do some outdoor "Spring Cleaning". Hard work but rewarding. The head chef Siegfried aka "Ziggy" made a tasty lunch for everyone. They also provided free beer for all (yum)!!

    The weather is finally going to get warm here today. We are expecting a high in the 80s this afternoon. I am going to take a long bike ride after hitting the gym today. I think I will run some of my errands on my motorcycle. 50 mpg looks pretty good when gas is approaching $4 per gal. I overdid it a bit with the food & drink this weekend, so I need to get back on the wagon if I want to slim down in the next few weeks.

    Have a nice (& warm) day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,868 Member
    Good Morning!

    LadyPersia, I am so very sorry to hear about your losses. What wonderful words you shared about your father. Thank you for sharing them. Please take care of yourself over the next couple/few weeks. No doubt this will be a difficult time, but don't forget about yourself in all of this. Take care and please let us know how you are doing. :flowerforyou:

    singfree, sounds like you had a great weekend! We are headed for the same warm-up today you are, and I'm looking forward to it. Unfortunately, it is going to be followed by some violent storms....just like last week. Oh, well.

    All here is well. We visited the Shenandoah National Park on Saturday. The weather wasn't great (very foggy) but it was wonderful to be out of the city, and we pretty much had the park all to ourselves. We look forward to going back on a clearer day. Yesterday was nicer and, after some errands in the morning, we were able to visit a driving range to hit some golf balls. It felt great. I hope we're able to get out and play this summer, though I really am pathetic at it still! I started my last week of the second round of P90X yesterday. Making great improvements in overall strength right now, and that makes me happy. My eating was bad (really bad!) all weekend, but I'm back on track today.

    Enjoy the day.
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,445 Member
    Robin....Happy Belated birthday 42 is a great year!!! Enjoy yourself! Thank you for your comfort and support! Stay fit!
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Hi all!

    LadyPersia, so sorry for your losses. Funerals are rediculously expensive. Hopefully you will not have to deal with "funeral idots" like we did when my sister and my father died. I tried to pay for my father's funeral over the phone while we were driving to Mississippi. I talked to three different people at the funeral home who had three different amounts that were owed. He would have not gotten veteran's benefits if I had not pushed...

    We finally got rain last night. Last precipitation we had was the snow and ice during the Super Bowl week. We did lots of yard work yesterday. Hubs is still planting new things. We actually made it to the gym on Saturday.

    Take care all! TxMs
  • pepper06
    pepper06 Posts: 89
    hi Alf-hope all is well with you to? If your brother moves to your area-is there other family around too?

    Lady Persia-sorry for your loss-yes they are expensive and you have 2 at the same time-gees and ouch! Hopefully if the deceased person did not make arrangements (already have their site, stone etc)-they have left enough funds to provide this, and then you pick.

    I have not weighed in in awhile. I have kept up with my workouts 5 days a week, and my old clothes are still loose :)
    This week a lady at work is turning 50, so every one chipped in for The Cupcake Truck to come to the office, and we are having pot luck(I am bringing the salad). I have never tried the cupcake truck, but I think I am going to splurge-means in 2 weeks I will step on the scale for a check point....maybe:grumble: .
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Hello everyone.......just thought I'd let you know I'm still alive!:laugh: :laugh:

    It's been pretty crazy for me, both at work and with home life. Youngest daughter's preparing to 1)graduate from college, 2)join the Army and 3) go to Officer Candidate School immediately after basic training. She's already met with the review board and we know she's accepted, just have to wait on the "official" word after May 5. After that we'll know quickly when she'll leave for basic training, based on when they have a training slot for her at Officer Candidate School in Ft Benning, GA. So.....we're kinda hanging in limbo til then. If something happens and this falls through, I don't know what she's going to do - she's wanted to do this since probably middle school, but didn't think that it would really happen until about Christmas time.

    Oldest daughter's future MIL now has terminal lung cancer. She was in the hospital 2 weeks ago and the oncologist told her that there's nothing more medically they can do to stop the progression, but lots of things they can do to keep her as comfortable as possible. She now has a portable oxygen canister, so is able to venture out of the house for short outings in the wheelchair. Daughter's not dealing with it all real well; hard for her to watch her guy watch his mother battle this.

    Oh, on top of all that craziness and waiting, the husband got notified last week that he's going to be transferred to Korea for a year beginning in January :frown: . I'm not thrilled, but I keep telling myself it's not a deployment to a combat zone. He'll actually be back in the same town/base that he was stationed at in 1982-83!! Of course, this time they'll give him a decent housing allowance for an apartment and allow him to sign for furniture! As usual, I'll stay behind; doesn't make sense for me to leave my job when I'm FINALLY earning a decent retirement. He's guaranteed to return here to Ft. Riley, for some reason very few people want to move to the middle of Kansas!!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Not doing so good on the scale or regular workouts :frown: Shoulder/neck/back are still giving me lots of problems. My supervisor ordered an ergonomic study of my work space; maybe they'll come up with some reason why I hurt at work but not on the weekends! I already do everything I can think of at work; good posture, a gel wrist rest, track ball instead of mouse, foot rests under all 3 parts of my workstation so my feet aren't dangling or hunched up on the chair legs (really bad for you). I'm totally puzzled, so yes, I'll let somebody come evaluate where I spend most of my waking hours and see if they can come up with something to make me stop hurting!!!

    Haven't had time to read the thread except the last couple of posts - Lady Persia, you have my deepest sympathies during this troubling time..........hang in there!!

    Hope everyone else is happy, healthy and working out like crazy!!
  • Hello everyone,

    Sorry Ive been MIA...but last week was vacation/college visit week. My daughter and I visited three different campuses and I caught up on some long overdue yard work and organization of the home. Busy week and it flew by!
    My eating wasn't great, but I did walk alot on the tours and with my pup. Forgot to weigh in but Im sure I put on a pound or two.:ohwell:
    Its back to healthy eating and hitting the gym today. Good day so far! :smile: (one day at a time)

    LadyPersia- Sorry for your loss.

    I will need to catch up on all the posts this week.
    Take care everyone.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good evening!

    Lady Persia, I am very sorry for your losses.

    MK, I can't believe your hubby has to go back to Korea. Enjoy your moments together until then!

    Robin, sorry I missed your birthday! Best wishes to you and many more!!!

    Stiring, I've never been to the Shenandoah Valley. Maybe when we retire we can take a long driving vacation and see some of this country, not just flyover!! We dodged some of the heavy weather tonight, but more rain is coming tomorrow.

    I took a nap for a few hours after work and enjoyed the warm weather. I took my motorcycle to the gym and some errands. Later I took my bike for a 15 mile ride. I was really dragging the last few miles. Probably not enough rest, duh?? Anyway, it felt good. I am on the final stretch of my get-in-shape routine. I am concentrating on cardio and protein more than anything right now. Hopefully I will have a good report for you on Friday.

    Have a good night!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,868 Member
    TxMs, good to see you! Glad to hear the husband is still planting despite the dryness! Hope you are doing well.

    pepper, good to see you too! Sounds like you are doing great if you are keeping up with your workouts and your clothes are still a little big. Don't worry about the scale too much....go with how you feel instead. And enjoy a cupcake!

    mkwood, good to see you also! I was wondering how your back/neck/shoulders were doing. I'm glad they are doing a ergo study at your work. Maybe that will give you some answers. Sounds like things are crazy for your daughters. Congrats to your youngest on graduating college and getting into OCS. Hope that goes well for her. I'm sorry to hear about your oldest's future MIL. That's got to be tough for she and her fiance during a time like this. And then there's KOREA?!? Wow. Your husband will find a very different country than the one he lived in back in the mid-80s. Where is he going to be stationed/living? Just curious. I hope you get a chance to go visit him while he is there and enjoy some of that good Korean food!

    KimKelly, welcome back! Glad you enjoyed the trips with your daughter. Good job getting back on track!

    singfree, I think you'd like the Shenandoah Valley. It is very pretty. I hope we get a chance to explore there a little bit more in the future. It only took us about 90 minutes to get there, so I don't see why we won't be able to. We haven't gotten any bad weather either. In fact, it is still pretty warm here, though it is still supposed to cool off throughout the day. I don't really like these one-off days at near 90 preceded and followed by days in the 50s. Kinda strange. I guess I shouldn't complain too much because at least we are getting warmer weather every now and again. It could be worse. But I'm ready for more consistency!

    All here is well. I've cleaned up my eating, and that's a good thing. Keeping on with this Insanity/P90X rotation. My body is definitely feeling it right now. Next week is a 'recovery week', and I think my body will really appreciate it. But I'm enjoying what I'm doing, so it's all good.
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Good morning everyone! Hope everyone is doing well.

    Thanks for all the birthday wishes. I had a nice time last week and was able to spread the b-day splurges over a few days so I could prolong getting pampered just a little.

    LadyPersia, I'm so sorry for your losses as well. And MK it sounds like you are having quite a time-of-change in your life. Wow.

    This week I'm feeling kind of, well, boring! Eating is on track. Exercise is down to a routine. And it all feels like one day after the next...and the next...everything is beginning to blur. I guess there is nothing to complain about but I need to figure out something to give me a little more spark in my day. Maybe I'll look at taking a class this spring, or go back to yoga. Hmmm, something to research. I suppose this is what everyone feels at end of winter/early spring before we perk up to new growth and fun new spring activities.

    Anyway, like I mentioned, exercise has been good. I do between 45-65 minutes a day and have been rotating between a few different activities within the time. I feel really strong, am at the low end of my maintenance range again and actually even though I haven't lost any weight, have moved down a pant size. That was a surprise.....a big one! And for eating, I have kept my maintenance range at around 1450 + exercise calories of 400-500, and have been planning to be under on some days and very, very over on a few days. Averaging out to my goal. This routine has been good. I feel like I'm not depriving myself of anything I truly love this way.

    Pepper--a cupcake truck? Wow--I really must be missing out by living in the country. I have never heard of such a thing! Glad you are maintaining so well!

    Sing--sounds like you have a good routine going. Fantastic.

    Stiring--as usual, on track! Shenandoah Valley sounds beautiful. Would love to visit sometime. My husbands daughter (I have a tough time calling her a step--because that makes me seem old!), who is 24 lives in DC right now and I really should have planned a trip to see her this spring. Love my little boy but feel wish I had some time to do some solo traveling like I used to when I was working.

    Well, I'm off---hope you all have a great rest of the week!!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good evening!

    Back at work...not much to report today. My wife's b-day was today. We are going out for dinner on Thursday night, so I will take a vacation day. That way I can toast her with a birthday drink and a nice dinner. It will then be a nice long weekend for me, too!

    It's been a rainy day here. Getting cooler too. I'm getting tired of all this rain, and like Stiring, I am ready for some consistently WARM weather!

    I'm still doing pretty well with diet and exercise. The added protein and less carbs is giving me much less bloating and it seems to be slimming me down a bit. I will stay with this for another 2-1/2 weeks until we go to Utah. At least my BIL likes to eat healthy, so we have a fighting chance of not gaining weight while there. We will also be doing a lot of walking, Zion National Park, etc...

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,868 Member
    Good Morning!

    Robin, I hear you about the day-to-day monotony right now. I think finding something completely new to do is a great idea. It sure sounds to me like you've got things down to a fine science, though, which is terrific! And at least you aren't letting the case of 'The Borings' derail you from your plan.

    singfree, hope you enjoy a great evening with your wife tomorrow! My husband's birthday is tomorrow, and I'm planning on making him a meal here at home. For some odd reason, he didn't want to go out....but my husband just isn't big into birthdays so....Like you, I've added back more protein to my diet and it is working really well right now. It is making it much easier to get through these tough workouts right now.

    All here is the same. Cleaned up my eating, and am feeling better because of it. I'm still doing both Insanity and P90X every day, and the workouts are feeling good right now. I'm looking at buying Shaun T.'s (from Insanity) new workout program called 'Asylum', but I'm waiting for some reviews before I make the purchase. It looks like it has more diversity than Insanity, which is good. What really appeals to me is that it is only a 30 day program, but comes with two additional 30 day rotations, one being Asylum/Insanity and the other being Asylum/P90X. I think people are starting to get their sets, so I'm anxious for more feedback right now.

    Enjoy the day!
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    mkwood, good to see you also! I was wondering how your back/neck/shoulders were doing. I'm glad they are doing a ergo study at your work. Maybe that will give you some answers. Sounds like things are crazy for your daughters. Congrats to your youngest on graduating college and getting into OCS. Hope that goes well for her. I'm sorry to hear about your oldest's future MIL. That's got to be tough for she and her fiance during a time like this. And then there's KOREA?!? Wow. Your husband will find a very different country than the one he lived in back in the mid-80s. Where is he going to be stationed/living? Just curious. I hope you get a chance to go visit him while he is there and enjoy some of that good Korean food!

    The hubby is going back to Camp Casey in Tongducheon (I think I spelled that right). It's on MSR-3 north of Seoul and Uijeongbu (another one I'm not sure I spelled right). Camp Casey used to be Army 2nd Infantry Division HQ, not sure if it's still there or not. He'll be renting an apartment in TDC for the duration. I'm seriously considering flying over to visit - I'm curious to see how much has changed in 30 years, besides us!! And yes, I'll definitely enjoy the authentic Korean food - haven't had bulkogi, yakimandu or oemrice in forever!!

    As far as everything else gong on with my crazy, mixed-up life, I'm just hanging on for now. I'll do better once we know when the youngest daughter leaves for basic and we know more about when the hubby actually leaves. I'm concerned about him already being in Korea when she graduates from OCS - I've already told them both I've priced airfare from Seoul to Atlanta. I'm NOT going to allow him to miss that graduation and the opportunity to pin those gold bars on her shoulders!!!!!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,868 Member
    mk, I should know what unit is up at Camp Casey...but I don't. They're moving alot of units around Korea right now (centralizing to Camp Humphreys), and I was always confused with the Army units on who was where and who was moving to where. :blushing: I really hope you get a chance to go over there. It is a vibrant, bustling country and, from everything I heard, far away from where it was 30 years ago. I think you'd enjoy it. And I hope your husband gets back for your daughter's graduation. That would be such a wonderful moment for both of them....and you too, of course!

    Nothing new here to report. Hope everything is enjoying their week!
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,445 Member
    Good morning. Today is our Reading Olympics competition. My kids read over 40 books from Sept to April in addition to their studies. We compete this year against 20 other schools in NEPA. Its awesome. GOOO Litterarius Pantheras!!

    Texssippian- Funeral idiots are everywhere. That church group that runs around at the military funerals are even worse. No one needs that type of harrassment. Its bad enough with all the family pressures to have outsiders loosing their minds, too.

    MKwood10- You and your family are in my prayers. Congrats to your daughter!

    KimKelly- I loved doing the college tour. Great bonding time for our boys. Only have one left at home so One more college tour:)

    Singfree. 15 miles on a bike is awesome! You inspire me to ride.Thank you

    StringWendel- Enjoy your recovery week

    Robin1117 Pampering is always needed and well deserved. Your routine/maintenance is awesome.

    Heading South tomorrow after the competition. looking forward to see the trees change as we headout. Thank you all, for all of your words of comfort. I not only appreciate it, but need it.

    To Heath!! Namaste

  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Such a busy week.... I spent most of the time with my brother looking at houses. He wants to move up here and his wife has agrees to move too. Then my Step Dad was admitted into the hospital from a blood clot to the brain. They cant do anything about it because he had been on blood thinners so long he now has a brain bleed and they cant do surgery on it due to his failing health. Tough spot to be in thats for sure.

    Just wanted to check in and let you all know that yes I am still here. I cant wait til things settle down and I can get started back with my exercise and have more time to check in with all you good folks on here.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,868 Member
    Good Morning!

    LadyPersia, thank you for checking in. I've been thinking about your this week. Safe travels. My thoughts will continue to be with you.

    Tron, I think it is so wonderful that you are helping out your brother like this right now. I'm just really impressed that he's reached out for help (because too many people don't) and that you're there to help him. I know this makes for a hectic time for you, but it is really good what you are doing. So very sorry to hear about your Step Father, though. Take care of yourself during this time....please. And thanks for checking in with us!

    Friday check-in.....I had a good week. This is my last week of the second phase of P90X, and I'm really seeing some changes now in my strength and body. Of course, I'm also finishing my third week of the first phase of an Insanity rotation, so that probably helps too. I can definitely tell an improvement in my cardio conditioning right now. To be honest, I'm beginning to feel more fit than I've felt in quite some time. Now if I could just control my eating. :blushing: Actually, this week has been much better. I've eaten clean all week except for last night (husband's birthday, so I had some cake). I've upped my calories and added back some protein, and that seems to have really had a very positive impact on my energy levels, my cravings (not nearly as bad as they were) and my mood (much better than it has been of late). I'd like to lose 3-5 pounds if I could, but I'm not going to kill myself to do it. I'm happy with where I'm at right now. I'm coming up to my two year anniversary for reaching my second goal weight (110.....my first goal weight was 120, and I reached that two years ago last month), and I'm happy that I'm still there. When I started losing weight in early 2009, I never imagined getting to 110 much less holding it for a couple of years. So, all in all, I'm pretty happy right now.

    No plans for the weekend here. My husband leaves for Germany on Sunday (without me :grumble: ) so we'll just be doing some errands tomorrow and such. Hope you all have a great weekend!!
  • niknik43
    niknik43 Posts: 36
    Hello everyone! I wanted to pop in to tell everyone I think you're all doing a great job by staying focused! I needed to come here to read your inspiring words to each other.

    I've been MIA this week. Partly because I've been doing our taxes (yes, I know, I'm such a procrastinator) and partly because I've been in a real funk. I do not feel like cooking proper food, I do not feel like eating my "boring" meals, I do not feel like finding the time (new work schedule) to exercise, and I do not feel like measuring and weighing each dang morsel I shove into my mouth. And it seems the more I avoid these things, the deeper into my funk I slide. I've been acting like a 2-year old, I know. My hormones have been raging, my seasonal allergies miserable, my IBS flaring up (because of my crummy diet this last week and a half), and I feel totally out of control again. I know these things yet I can't seem to stop. Could this be early stages of menopause? Yikes...I can't stand myself lately...I feel sorry for my poor kids.

    OK...on the bright side. I held myself accountable this morning and told myself that I am going to step on the scale no matter WHAT I ate this week. I was fully expecting a gain and then I was completely prepared to tell myself "I told you so!" but I'm down .8 so I guess the week wasn't a total loss. I think I have been really beating myself up about my food choices and that made me eat other bad food choices...and the cycle went on and on, day after day. I had a couple of VERY bad days...one at work where I was VERY angry and another day with the kids. (You know, when you ask them to do something and they "forget" and you feel completely unappreciated and taken for granted because of all the things you do for them and then, when you ask them to do just one little thing...) I found it interesting that on both of those days I turned to food for comfort and solace. Interesting and disgusting. Instead of expressing my feelings to my boss or my kids, I ate. Wow. And then that realization made me more angry because I'm tired of being the fat, happy, complacent chick.

    Now...to get back on that horse. I HAVE to do this because I already threw out my fat clothes!!!! If I gain those pounds back I will have NOTHING to wear! Won't that be a pretty sight...?! Man, I wish I knew what the heck is going on with me!

    Thanks, everyone. Just needed to vent. Whew.
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member

    Update Friday both my father and my husbands Grammy past today.

    I'm so sorry for your losses.
  • gbryant
    gbryant Posts: 24 Member
    Sorry to say I have not been checking in to read everyones posts. Been putting in overtime at work and trying to get in my workouts prepairing to run in our 5k Heart run walk next weekend. I hope for those of you who have been keeping on track it continues for you, and for those of you struggling, I hope that you can get back on track soon. I know its tough for me once I start back sliding.

    I have not done to bad this week. I have added some bad foods back into my diet and I dont like it but I did it none the less.
    I still lost 1.4lbs so I guess it wasnt all bad to add. I have been running longer and have had wanted to eat alot more food than usuall. Plus all the stress from work I think has made me slip and grab things that I should not be grabbing to snack on. I have not been packing my lunch like I should and eating in the Cafe' .:grumble:
    I am going to try and do really well this week. I blew yesterday, Went to Cheddars with my hubby and parents. Ate way to much food.
    I hope everyone has a great week. :smile:

    p.s. I had a great complement this week. My coworker said to me "those pants are to baggy on you. Felt pretty good I must say. :bigsmile: