Lose 5+ pounds in April, Yes We Can!



  • oxFaithxo
    oxFaithxo Posts: 160 Member
    unfortun. i weigh in on Mondays...

    but i did lose 1.5 lbs :) yay
  • chancie72
    chancie72 Posts: 270 Member
    Great job on the chart Picky-Nikki!
    Great week everyone!:)
  • partcho
    partcho Posts: 225
    thanx for the chart! Looks great other than my big fat 2 in red!! I turned out to be the biggest gainer this past week. yay.

    But on a serious note, great job everyone. This is a great group of people for motivation and support. I know what I did wrong last week and am already on the right path to changing things up.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,358 Member
    Thanks for the chart Pikki - Nikki!! It looks marvelous!

    Everyone have a good week and congrats to everyone who checked in and loss, gained or maintained. You rock and this week with be a good one or even better!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Five things I like about myself:

    1. I like the positive attitude that I have been able to maintain since joining MFP, despite struggles I have had to overcome in this last year.

    2. I like that I have been consistent with my exercise for over a year now.

    3. Like how I feel when done exercising and the inches I have lost also despite slow weight loss.

    4. I like it that I know that this time I am not giving up no matter how long it takes.

    5. I like the fact that in 2010 I finally had a year that I did not gain weight and maintained over 200 weight loss.
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    1. I LOVE the way my body feels with all of this new muscle.

    2. I like the way my butt looks in my jeans and especially dress pants.

    3.I like the mental strength that all of my friends have helped me to achieve through their encouragement.

    4. I like that I can fit back into my favorite belt, not only that but that I keep moving down on it.

    5. I like that I have traded emotional eating for emotional exercising.
  • JeepBaja
    JeepBaja Posts: 1,824 Member
    Well I have put on 5lbs. in April! Don't ask... even with all the exercise I should be down but I have been going out a lot and my weight has gone up. No regrets... I know what I was doing. I am back on track and not only will I lose 5lbs. this week alone I will lose more by the end of the month!
  • Picky_nikki
    Picky_nikki Posts: 405 Member
    This was hard... which is part of the reason why I chose this challenge.

    Five Things I like about me...

    1. I love how I am able to like me more now... I say thank-you to a compliment instead of making it into a joke.
    2. I like how it BUGS me if i miss a workout...which means I have a healthy habit now...
    3. I am learning to like my skin, freckles moles and all...
    4. I like that I am in Dance now... as much as I am shy, it has given me a new confidence and I am slowly becoming more outgoing. A year ago I was in a panic to perform.
    5. I like that I am at a weight where I can throw on jeans and a t-shirt and drive to town, and do errand with a ponytail and a hat, and I am not embarrassed! (I used to weigh pros and cons of outfits in the mirror forever!) Although this one is a lot of things besides my butt shrinking... It is part of all the other 5!

    I am me now... not who people want me to be. I love my family and my life. The stuff that I do not like, I am changing... What I can't I am accepting!

    ...this was harder than I thought to admit! Have a great week everyone!
  • Cusegirl1992
    Thank you so much for the all of the work on the chart! It looks fabulous!

    Five Things I like about me...
    1. I like how I feel now, especially after a workout! I am so addicted to being healthy.
    2. I like that my girls are getting to see their mother be a go getter and being healthy.
    3. I like how I laugh with my girls when out on our walks/bike rides.
    4. I like how I feel more confident in all that I do.
    5. I like how I'm looking for different recipe ideas for my family.
  • tsgaddy
    tsgaddy Posts: 96 Member
    Name: tsgaddy

    Goal weight on April 30th: 237.4

    04/01: 252.4
    04/08: 251.2
  • melissaraptor
    Name: Melissa

    Goal weight on April 30th: 140

    04/01: 148.0
    04/08 (but really 4/11): 146.2
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    Great job everybody!
    ...what I l like about myself...
    1} I make time for ME to workout..even if it's after the kiddsos go to bed
    2} I do not have to eat a piece out of every cake or pie that comes into the office breakroom..
    3} I am a motivator to my family to eat a little better (my 3 year old daughter loves salad!)
    4} I have no regrets donating clothes that are getting too big...no keepers for the "just in case"...I do not want to go back where I came from..
    5} Glad that I joined MFP to meet all you AWESOME motivators...You CAN do this!
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    Name: spammyanna
    04/01- 170
    04/11 - 168

    Goal by April 30 - 163

    Five things I like about me"
    1) I have WAY more energy now
    2) My jeans fit, better
    3) I don't feel all gross and full because I am eating too much
    4) I feel better about myself, most days
    5) I am losing weight, and that is nice
    New Challenge: List 5 things you like about yourself whether you have always liked these things, or if it something new since starting your get healthy journey!

    1. I love my super blue eyes :)
    2. I love that now I dont sit in front of the mirror every morning telling myself I cant go to class because I look like a cow.
    3. I love the attention I'm now getting from customers (especially the males) at my job :)
    4. I love that I actually enjoy working out, and I'm no longer embarrassed to do so!
    5. I am so happy I finally can , as my mom says, eat to live, instead of living to eat!

    BTW ^ ^^that was fun, and made me smile :)
  • mandamama
    mandamama Posts: 250
    Five things I like about ME
    1. I love the example I am setting for my family teaching them about being healthy
    2. I love how I feel after a great workout, dripping sweat and feeling awesome it's such a rush.
    3.I like how much my confidence is building and I am not ashamed anymore that I am fat, but rather proud that I am taking the steps to make a better me.
    4.I like how different my mood is now, I am so much happier since I have started this weight loss journey (ps I am sure that pleases other too haha)
    5. I like (and am very very proud) at my level of determination and will to get this done. I never knew I had it in me to do this. Especially since it is something for me. I mean yes,sure my family is effected by it, but this is for ME I never do Anything for myself. And to dedicate myself to doing this it just shocks me some days.
  • tjhmoody
    tjhmoody Posts: 28
    I was out of town on Friday so no weigh in for last Friday. But I went to my weight loss support group this morning and had a loss of 2.5 lbs. so I'm on my way down!!!! And for the challenge this week:

    1. I like the positive attitude I've had since the first of this year. It's quite different from the past.
    2. I like the fact that it's getting easier to say "No" to sweets and that is a good thing.
    3. I like the fact that my clothes are getting so loose that I need to go through my clothes and pick out some smaller ones that I've been hanging onto "just in case."
    4. I enjoy it when people ask "Have you lost weight?" In the past it wasn't always because I'd lost weight but that I was wearing clothes that were just too large and too loose.
    5. I actually enjoy planning my food diary in advance. It keeps me on the right track and takes away temptations.

    I will have a weigh in for Friday the 15th.
  • Nadyasmom
    Nadyasmom Posts: 281
    I just can't get my head in the game lately. Grrr...
  • bri293
    bri293 Posts: 92
    I guess I better do the challenge... I've been putting it off for a couple of days

    1. I like that no matter what my weight has been, I have always been a confident person and overall had a positive self image.
    2. I like how good I feel after I've had a good workout session.
    3. I like that I'm getting better about accepting compliments.
    4. I like that I'm making healthier choices and no longer have to force myself to make them, they are becoming a normal part of my routine.
    5. I like that even though I'm having a hard time getting the scale to move, I'm overall feeling better and can feel my clothes fitting better.
  • sparkle327
    Challenge: 5 Things I like about me!

    1. I like that I am getting stronger.
    2. I like the fact that I am gaining self control again.
    3. I like my smile. That never changes.
    4. I like that I have taken charge of my fitness goals.
    5. I like myself no matter what my dress size. I always try to look fab!
  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member
    Five Things I like about me...
    1. I like how I tend to learn new things faster than average (and I'm especially great at math).
    2. I like that I'm a good dancer when I want to be
    3. I like my big brown eyes...I inherited the shape from my mom and the color from my dad.
    4. I like that I like childish things (ie children's movies, children's books, Princesses, Unicorns, Glitter, etc)
    5. I like the shape of my body.
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    Five Things I like about me...

    1. I like that I have a really cool brown speck in my right eye (my eyes are blue)
    2. I like my frugal and bargain hunting nature.
    3. I like that no matter how difficult life may become that I'm always able to bounce right back.
    4. I like that I'm taking a vested interest in my health and well-being.
    5. I like that I enjoy learning something new every single day.