April Day by Day Challenge-OPEN GROUP-Part 8 Look inside, It



  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    doriday I love your faces to indicate if you met your goal. Too cute!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I'll set up Monday's goals:
    4/11 goals:
    1. walk right after I take my daughter to the bus. YES
    2. eat healthy and log everything. YES
    3. drink water and tea. YES
    4. finish reading my book. YES
    5.abs and strength training in the evening. YES

    I am keeping the same goals fo tomorrow. Changing number 4 to start reading a new book.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    1. Under on calories, no excuses- Yes!
    2. Walk at lunch and run after work - Yes
    3. Water- 12 cups!
    4. Stop being distracted by thoughts of exotic places and get on with some work! – Partial success. Worked but had thoughts of coral reefs, rain forests and white water rafting all day:love: .
    Hi Everyone,

    I’m tired but I want to really challenge myself today, try and get that scale going in the right direction a bit faster.

    1. Under on calories
    2. Exercise: Walk at lunch, C25K after work & 30DS
    3. Water
    4. Work on print
    5. Sort out hen do accommodation.
    6. Laundry

    It’ll be a push but I think I can do it.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for April 11--
    1. WATER!!!!--Better.
    2. Call and cancel magazine subscriptions so I don't have to pay for new ones.--Yes.
    3. Stay on my eating plan.--Did well until evening! UGH!!
    4. 10 Minute Carb Burner.--Yes.
    5. Bed by 9:30.--No. (Probably why I messed up on #3!)

    I should know better. If I let myself get too tired. I start to eat. I know this and I should have gone to bed!

    Goals for April 12:
    1 Water.
    2. Stay on my eating plan.
    3. 10 Minute Carb Solution.
    4, BED BY 9:30!!!

    Cold here again. Sure wish it would warm up a bit!

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    Heven't been on this thread for a few days and I missed it :) Here's my goals for today... (Tuesday)

    1. stay around 900 cals (not starving I promise, just cycling my cals, today and tomorrow will be low)
    2. water, water, water, I'm shooting for 100 oz today b/c it makes cycling easier
    3. workout but no cardio
    4. laundry... again!
    5. clean up my kitchen and dining room, looks like a bomb went off in there!

    hope you guys are having a great day!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member

    1. Water (at least 6 cups). Still need to work my way back up. (Nope)
    2. Catch up in my novel reading for class. (Check)
    3. Clean my room and do laundry. (All my clothes are caked in mud from the weekend. It rained all day Friday. You should have seen all the cars getting stuck when they tried to park. Oy. What a mess it was). (Check- but I didn't finish it)
    4. Lots of vitamin C and rest so I don't get sick from being in the rain and cold all weekend. (Check)


    Hey guys! Missed the check in yesterday but I've been doing a little better with water.

    Today's goals are...

    1. Water
    2. Log cals and stay around 1200
    3. Get some homework done.

    As for the gym... I'm back in my ankle brace due to Relay so... I need to let my foot heal for awhile but I am trying to walk a little more than usual to make up for it.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

  • Sorry was away for the weekend.

    My goals for 4/12 are
    ~Do P90x Pylometrics
  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    My goals for tomorrow: 1. Complete Zumba's Cardio Party
    2. Drink at least 2 liters of water
    3. Come back and post my results, my positive results 'cuz failure is NOT an option:blushing:

    I did it again! Reached my goals and very proud. For tomorrow:
    1. Complete Zumba again
    2. Drink at least 2 liters of water
    3. Eat enough calories. This IS SO IMPORTANT FOR ME!
  • Bit of a tough weekend and Monday and then tied up all day today but so far today on track with calories and have gone to the gym plus I just got everything logged. So hopefully back on track.

    Peace inside and out.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    4/12 goals:
    1. walk right after I take my daughter to the bus. YES
    2. eat healthy and log everything. YES
    3. drink water and tea. YES AND YES
    4. start reading a new book. NO, I GOT SO CAUGHT UP IN THE DAY
    5.abs and strength training in the evening. YES AND NO (GOING TO STRENGTH TRAIN AS SOON AS I'M DONE WITH THIS POST)

    4/13 goals:
    1. abs
    2. walk 30 minutes after taking my daughter to the bus. Even though I have zumba @9:15, I want to make this walk a habit.
    3. zumba
    4. training
    5. watch my sodium
    6. drink water all day

    non-fitness goals:
    1. read
    2. finish cleaning the house.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    1. Under on calories - Yes
    2. Exercise: Walk at lunch, C25K after work & 30DS – All but the 30DS
    3. Water- Yes
    4. Work on print- No
    5. Sort out hen do accommodation. - No
    6. Laundry- No

    Morning All,

    I didn’t manage nearly as much as I wanted to yesterday though I did make real progress with the C25k. Mr Man came back a day earlier then expected from his business trip and all sensible thoughts left my head. So today is going to a repeat of yesterdays goals.

    Wednesday’s goals:

    1. Under on calories
    2. Exercise: Walk at lunch, C25k after work if it doesn’t rain, Shred if it does.
    3. Water
    4. Sort out hen do accomotdation – No excuses this HAS to get done.
    5. Laundry
    6. Printmaking.

    Have lovely day!
  • ktc33
    ktc33 Posts: 249 Member
    My goals for 4/13

    1. Drink lots of water
    2. Exercise
    3. Try and watch my sodium intake

    Good Luck everyone!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Morning all! Missed you all. Was unwell for a few days but back in action now. Hope you've all been doing well. Will try and catch up a little later. Going to keep my goals simple for a few days to get me back on track.

    1. At least 8 cups of water.
    2. Hit calorie goal and maybe go over by 100 or so. Have barely eaten anything the last few days so need to feed my body with good wholesome food.
    3. Legs bums and tums class if feeling up to it after work.

    Have a lovely day!
  • I've caught myself dropping off the face of the earth. I won't let me!!!

    1.) get a grip
    2.) mow the lawn
    3.) assist my daughter in cleaning her NASTY room and doing her homework.
    4.) work on laundry
    5.) don't get stressed out about taking my son to the doctor (he flips out and throws hellacious fits)
    6.) water! it shouldn't be this hard!
  • hutchins123
    hutchins123 Posts: 42 Member
    Hey Everyone,
    My name is Stephanie, I was a part of the March day by day challenge, and i'm not quite sure what happened, I just stopped logging on, but I'm back and trying my best to keep motivated.

    Today's Goals:
    1) WATER only all Day
    2) Track Everything (I feel like if I write it down I'm ashamed of it somehow, stupid I know I'm only hurting myself.
    3) Go to the Gym tonight after Reagan (my daughter) is asleep.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for April 12:
    1 Water.--Should have been better
    2. Stay on my eating plan.--No.
    3. 10 Minute Carb Solution.--Yes.
    4, BED BY 9:30!!!--Yes.

    Goals for April 13:
    1. Drink MORE water!
    2. Stay on my eating plan!
    3. 10 minuye Carb Solution.
    4. Bed by 9:30.

    Had a nice post all written up but when I hit 'Post Reply' I was told "Your reply cannot be blank" and I lost it!
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    Heven't been on this thread for a few days and I missed it :) Here's my goals for today... (Tuesday)

    1. stay around 900 cals (not starving I promise, just cycling my cals, today and tomorrow will be low) --1000, but it's ok
    2. water, water, water, I'm shooting for 100 oz today b/c it makes cycling easier YEP
    3. workout but no cardio ENDED UP WITH A WALK but YEP
    4. laundry... again! YEP, more today :(
    5. clean up my kitchen and dining room, looks like a bomb went off in there! KITCHEN YES, D-ROOM NOT ALL THE WAY

    hope you guys are having a great day!

    Wednesday's goals:
    1. around 1000 cals again today so I can go over this weekend and hopefully break this plateau
    2. at least 100 oz water
    3. get this house clean and ready for Saturday's birthday party
    4. find my pilates DVD and maybe get a litte in

    Happy Hump Day!
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    Yesterday was my birthday so all sorts of yummy badness going on. Back on track today, minus AM workout because I was just too tired to get up. I will have to tear it up tonight though. Only 16 more days till Colorado!

    1) WATER
    2) AM Exercise - FAIL
    3) Good lunch choices!
    4) PM Exercise
  • Sorry was away for the weekend.

    My goals for 4/12 are
    ~Water: YES
    ~Do P90x Pylometrics: Yeppers
    ~Walk: Did 5.4 mile walk
    ~Vitamins: Yes

    Goals for 4/13 are:
    ~Drink Water
    ~Do P90x and walk
    ~Take Vitamins
    ~Try to be more open with my husband
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    1. At least 8 cups of water. YES
    2. Hit calorie goal and maybe go over by 100 or so. Have barely eaten anything the last few days so need to feed my body with good wholesome food. OVER BY 37
    3. Legs bums and tums class if feeling up to it after work. YES

    Happy birthday Steph!!!:flowerforyou: hope you had a lovely day!

    Stephanie welcome back. Glad you joined us again.

    Chrissy do you zig zag calories? I've considered doing that and occassionally end up doing it unintentionally!

    Kathy it's so annoying when you take the time to write out a post and then it disappears.

    Felt good getting to my class this evening and also walked at lunchtime for 40 mins.

    Goals for Thursday:
    1. Water.
    2. Hit calorie goal.
    3. Walk somewhere fast for at least 30 mins.
    4.No boozing after work.

    Hope you all had a good hump day!
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