April Day by Day Challenge-OPEN GROUP-Part 8 Look inside, It



  • I've caught myself dropping off the face of the earth. I won't let me!!!

    1.) get a grip--YES
    2.) mow the lawn--YES
    3.) assist my daughter in cleaning her NASTY room and doing her homework.---NO I let her play outside!
    4.) work on laundry-- Hubby did most of it!!
    5.) don't get stressed out about taking my son to the doctor (he flips out and throws hellacious fits)---We had a good Visit
    6.) water! it shouldn't be this hard!---got in my 8!!!

    Had a GREAT day yesterday!!! I am happy. I was falling and falling fast again, but I am pumped that I caught myself in a few days rather than a few months!!! hopefully I'm getting better. I am very discouraged though with my surgery and may end up having to have a hysto. That doesn't bother me, only being off work and not being able to do much is what bothers me. I am done having kids so I'm ok with it. And this last surgery made that impossible anyhow and Hubby has had a vasectomy.

    Wow I'm in a great mood and so talkative. No one here at work to talk to but I'm going to have to get off here soon because I've gotten in trouble for being on here so much and on facebook.......... So I'll list my goals and go.

    April 14, 2011
    1.) Water
    3.) Do a good deed.
    4.)Take my kids for a bike ride this evening.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for April 13:
    1. Drink MORE water!--No.
    2. Stay on my eating plan!--No.
    3. 10 minuye Carb Solution.--Yes.
    4. Bed by 9:30.--No.

    Yesterday started out good but ended badly. Family can be such a pain at times! I REALLY need to not let them get to me. EATING DOES NOT HELP!!!

    Happy Belated Birthday, Steph! Glad you had a good day!

    Goals for April 14:
    1. WATER!!!
    2. Stay on my eating plan!!!
    3. 10 Minute Carb Solution.
    4. Bed by 9:00!!! (I'm REALLY tired!)
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    1) WATER - BAH
    2) AM Exercise - FAIL
    3) Good lunch choices! - CHECK
    4) PM Exercise - FAIL

    Thanks for the birthday wishes Nam and Kathy!

    Woke up late, off to a slow start, no gym time this morning. Need to get to bed earlier. I'm having trouble waking up this week.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Hi Everyone!

    Sorry haven't posted sooner! Yesterday went very well fitness wise not so well on the other goals. Its pretty late here to post but what I've been working on so far today:

    1. C25k - Done, getting better!
    2. Under on calories - Not being helped by lunch time's minor doughnut malfunction
    3. At have at least 4 cups more water I've only had three so far today
    4. Hen do stuff- I've been putting this off forever, just get it done Kim!
    5. If there is any time left get some art work done.

    Hope you're all having a great day!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Hi Everyone!

    Sorry haven't posted sooner! Yesterday went very well fitness wise not so well on the other goals. Its pretty late here to post but what I've been working on so far today:

    1. C25k - Done, getting better!
    2. Under on calories - Not being helped by lunch time's minor doughnut malfunction
    3. At have at least 4 cups more water I've only had three so far today
    4. Hen do stuff- I've been putting this off forever, just get it done Kim!
    5. If there is any time left get some art work done.

    Hope you're all having a great day!
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    4-11-2011 goals
    1. At least 6 cups of water - No
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fats - No
    3. Bed by 10, sleep by 10:30 - I think so?
    4. Make it through the day without having to ask to leave early! - YES! Thankfully I was able to be sitting down most of the day, which helped. The only part of it that stunk was that because I was feeling so crumby, I just played a video for the kids (in for a music teacher) instead of trying to play a game with them or anything.
    Ok, I have no idea what's up with me recently..... I've been feeling really blah, and completely unmotivated in just about every single facet of my life for some reason! :embarassed: I really need to snap out of this, though, and today is as good a day as any!

    Steph - Happy belated birthday!

    Stephanie - Glad to see you back! As you can possibly tell by my first comment after my recap from Monday, I can fully relate....

    Hannah - Don't worry about missing days. :smile: As you've probably noticed, many of us do that from time to time. :laugh:

    4-14-2011 goals
    1. Water!
    2. Stay under on calories, carbs and fats
    3. Bed within 1/2 hour of getting home from my "second job" (Still calling it this even though I didn't sub today due to not feeling good, physically.)
    4. File state and local taxes
    5. Pay bills
    6. Post goals for tomorrow before bed
  • April 14, 2011
    1.) Water ***check
    2.)Cals ***too few
    3.) Do a good deed. *** yes
    4.)Take my kids for a bike ride this evening.***no cause my daughter got in trouble.

    April 15
    1) water
    2.) cals
    3.) don't forget tocall doc.
    4.) be as productive as I have been the passed week at work and home.
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    4-14-2011 goals
    1. Water! - Not so much....
    2. Stay under on calories, carbs and fats - No. :ohwell: Was offered chocolate mousse, and it's one thing I can never seem to turn down. :embarassed:
    3. Bed within 1/2 hour of getting home from my "second job" (Still calling it this even though I didn't sub today due to not feeling good, physically.) - Close, I think? Forgot to note when I got home, lol.
    4. File state and local taxes - Yes, and 1 outta 3, lol.
    5. Pay bills - 1 outta 2
    6. Post goals for tomorrow before bed - That's what this is.

    4-15-2011 goals
    1. Water!
    2. Stay under on calories, carbs and fats
    3. Bed within an hour of getting home from my "second job"
    4. Call garage during either lunch or prep to make sure they have all necessary info
    5. Get to the tax office and post office between jobs
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Goals for Thursday:
    2. Hit calorie goal. 137 OVER
    3. Walk somewhere fast for at least 30 mins. YES
    4.No boozing after work. I RESISTED TEMPTATION

    Given the type of day I had yesterday my food could have been an absolute disaster through emotional eating but I gave myself a talking to and kept it under control.

    So relieved it's Friday!!! What do you all have planned?

    My Friday goals are:
    1. Water.
    2. Healthy food and stay under cals.
    3. Be productive at work.
    4. Take a walk at lunchtime.

    Have a lovely day!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    1. C25k - Done, getting better!
    2. Under on calories – Close 40 over
    3. At have at least 4 cups more water – Not so well only managed 2 more.
    4. Hen do stuff- Done for now, now I’m waiting to hear back
    5. If there is any time left get some art work done. – Yup

    Morning Everyone!

    Nam – Sorry to hear you had a bad day. well done not comfort eating and drinking. That’s a real achievement.

    SKismet – Hope things pick up for you soon.

    Yesterday was quite good, the running is getting better though I still find it pretty tough to envision a day where I will be able to run for 30 minutes solidly let alone 45-60. I started talking to myself while I run “Keep going! You HAVE to keep going! You CAN do this! It’s just a hill, keep going!” So glad no one was there by to hear as I alternately threatened and cajoled my self round the park. I must have sounded insane, but hey it worked!

    Todays Goals:

    1. Get out of the office on time
    2. Under on calories
    3. Supermarket
    4. Take a look at my bicycle see about getting it back into working order
    5. Shred
    6. Laundry

    Have a great day and if I don’t see you later have a good weekend too.

  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Good morning all!

    This week has been ok on the eating minus the alcohol calories. Still have this hurt foot but its getting better so thats good.

    Goals for today:

    1. Water
    2. Healthy choices
    3. Homework done
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for April 14:
    1. WATER!!!--Yes.
    2. Stay on my eating plan!!!--No.
    3. 10 Minute Carb Solution.--Yes.
    4. Bed by 9:00!!! (I'm REALLY tired!)--Yes.

    Nam--I need a good talking-to, also. I've been giving in to my emotional eating impulses. This really needs to stop! (I do think, though, that a good part of my lack of motivation, etc. is the dreary weather--I need more than one day of sunshine per week!)

    I hope to FINALLY get some shelves for my wardrobes this weekend--I am SO tired of unstacking boxes to get the supplies I need for whatever piece I am working on!

    Goals for April 15:
    1. Water!
    2. STICK TO MY EATING PLAN!!! (I KNOW I can do this!)
    3. Go for a walk this evening (supposed to be relatively 'nice'--we'll see!)
    4. Healthy snack if I want one this evening. (New episode of Fringe!~YAY!)

    Hang in there!
  • Goals for 4/13 are:
    ~Drink Water: Yes
    ~Do P90x and walk: Yes
    ~Take Vitamins: Yes
    ~Try to be more open with my husband:Yes

    I swore I posted yesterday... lol Oh well
    My goals for 4/14 are :
    ~Drink Water
    ~P90x and a small walk
    ~Get ready for tomorrow's Axis and Allies party (clean house)
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    My Friday goals are:
    1. Water. STOPPED COUNTING!!
    2. Healthy food and stay under cals. NOT REALLY! BAD FOOD DAY.
    3. Be productive at work. YES
    4. Take a walk at lunchtime. YES

    I would normally be pleased it's the weekend but I have so much work to do that I have to go into the office today and tomorrow. I'll be the only one in there so at least there won't be interruptions. Going training first so that's a good thing!

    Saturday goals:
    1. Water all day.
    2. Work hard and get as much done as possible.
    3. Circuit class and combat.
    4. Healthy food today to make up for yesterday.
    5. No MFP at work!

    I'm off to the gym then straight to work so catch you all later! Have a wonderful day!!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Fridays Goals:

    1. Get out of the office on time - Yes!
    2. Under on calories- No
    3. Supermarket- No
    4. Take a look at my bicycle see about getting it back into working order- No
    5. Shred- No
    6. Laundry- No

    Nam - Sorry to hear you've got to go into the office on the weekend. That sucks.

    Kathy - Good luck with the shelves!

    Yesterday was not a good one for the diet, I got home from work and immediately went out on the town and had all sorts of badness. I don't feel too guilty about it. My every day eating is so radically different from what it was 6 months ago that as long as I don't let it turn into an indulgent streak it should be fine.

    Today's goals:
    1. Plenty of fruit and veg
    2. Work out
    3. Under on calories
    4. First layer on print
    5. Laundry
    6. Finish reading my book
    7. Water, lots of water.

    Have a lovely weekend!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for April 15:
    1. Water!--Yes.
    2. STICK TO MY EATING PLAN!!! (I KNOW I can do this!)--Mostly.
    3. Go for a walk this evening (supposed to be relatively 'nice'--we'll see!)--No, pouring rain!
    4. Healthy snack if I want one this evening. (New episode of Fringe!~YAY!)--Went to bed early as I am going in to work this morning.:tongue: (I'll watch the Fringe episode online later.)

    Yesterday was another stressful day. Hope things ease up soon! Off to work (I really don't want to go but one of our guys has not been coming to work so those hours have to be made up by the rest of us!:angry: )

    Goals For April 16:
    1. Water.
    2. HEALTHY foods!!!
    #. Get a workout in after work.
    4. Watch the nighttime snacking.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member

    1. Water (much better but not as much as I hoped)
    2. Healthy choices (Did really well until nighttime. Then I had some problems with ice cream)
    3. Homework done (Got some done. Not as much as I wanted to though.

    And while everyone else is out for blue and white weekend... I am doing homework since it's raining and I don't want to make myself even more sick. That's ok though. Goals for today...

    1. Water
    2. Lots of homework done.
    3. Healthier choices

  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Saturday goals:
    1. Water all day. YES
    2. Work hard and get as much done as possible. YES GOT A LOT DONE BUT MORE TO DO
    3. Circuit class and combat. YES AND YES
    4. Healthy food today to make up for yesterday. YES
    5. No MFP at work! YES

    Kim impromptu evenings out are always fun and like you say a one of is fine it's just making sure the badness doesn't become habit!

    Kathy boo to having to work on a Saturday as well. Hope they are paying you extra for having to cover someone else's hours.

    Nicole it's tough when you want to go out but seems like you're doing the right thing. Get the homework out of the way an rest up so you can be back in action sooner.

    Sunday goals:
    1. Body attack and at least half of Total Body Workout.
    2. Going to watch friends run in the London marathon so get there on time.
    3. Water all day.
    4. Get to the office after I've seen friends after the race and work hard so I can get out of there quickly.
    5. Healthy eating.

    Happy Saturday!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals For April 16:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. HEALTHY foods!!!--For the most part. Should have had more veggies, though!
    #. Get a workout in after work.--No, but goot one in AT work!
    4. Watch the nighttime snacking.--Did okay, not great at this one.

    Well, did not get in a workout but did help put a couple hundred fushia hanging baskets on carts so they could be rolled inside the store last night--freezing temperatures were expected. Also went for a 2 mile or so walk with my daughter and the baby last night before it got cold. Then I undid all that by having some Whoppers (I love Whoppers!)

    Goals for April 17:
    1. Water.
    2. HEALTHY choices and MORE vegetables!
    3. Go for a walk or work in the yard (or both!)
    4. Bed by 9:30.
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    4-15-2011 goals
    1. Water! - So-so. Around 5 cups I think.
    2. Stay under on calories, carbs and fats - Yes, no, yes. With the kind of day I knew I was having, I really should have seen that coming.
    3. Bed within an hour of getting home from my "second job" - Yep.
    4. Call garage during either lunch or prep to make sure they have all necessary info - No, but I actually have a good reason for this one: There wasn't signal where I was teaching and there were kids around ALL day, prep and lunch included. :ohwell:
    5. Get to the tax office and post office between jobs - Yep.
    Nicole - Good for you! It's never easy to stay home and work when you know so many others aren't. I really respect your self-control! :smile:

    Kim - Great attitude! I've seen this said so many times on here, but I really believe it's true: Anything in moderation! (And I believe that "moderation" can include one day of major indulgence.)

    Kathy - That DEFINITELY sounds like a good workout at work!

    4-17-2011 goals
    1. Up water intake to at least 6 cups
    2. Do some type of exercise
    3. Log dinner as closely as possible (Boyfriend's family invited me over again, and it's just HARD to figure those dinners out sometimes! lol)
    4. Get the rest of taxes ready to out in the mail tomorrow (Have to pay this year, so, yes, I will admit to procrastinating on this a TON! :laugh: )
    5. Set goals for tomorrow before bed tonight
    6. Bed by 10:30, sleep by 11
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