ok I need a group/challenge to join cause I need that extra



  • domielo
    domielo Posts: 4
    so its says that I l lost 7 pounds but that weight was put in September but still consider it as a accomplishment soo today's weight in is:

    DATE: (04/15/2011)
    Week: 1
    SW: 250lbs (07/00/2010)
    CW: 243.2 lbs (4/15/11)
    GW: 220 lbs (by friday May 27)
  • Shandke
    Shandke Posts: 116 Member
    Hi everyone, can I join the group as well? My starting weight for today is 163.8, and I would like to be at 150 by the end of May. (Less would be fine with me as well!)

    Welcome aboard!
  • Shandke
    Shandke Posts: 116 Member
    Well my day started good...but must say it did not end as well. Entertaining is not easy on a diet!
    It also rained so not so much walking or running a planned.
    Just hope I can get back on track and not derail totally!

    Ps....I fell of the no soda wagon:sad:
    I must admit that my stomach didn't react as well to it...so I guess it's trying to tel me something!

    I envy you dedicated ones and am definitely going to work hard like ' you that rock'! :smooched:
  • nimmi1302
    nimmi1302 Posts: 48 Member
    Well my day started good...but must say it did not end as well. Entertaining is not easy on a diet!
    It also rained so not so much walking or running a planned.
    Just hope I can get back on track and not derail totally!
    I envy you dedicated ones and am definitely going to work hard like ' you that rock'! :smooched:

    Mine too started well, but ended...ok. Not too bad, since I had saved the calories for dinner. The dinner I had wasn't the healthiest, but we have it about twice a year, so I am forgiving myself. :)
  • wagsgirls
    wagsgirls Posts: 144 Member
    Hey all! Everyone seems to be doing great!! I'm working on the water I have been taking only water to work for lunch and no diet soda(except for my coffee in the morning!) And last night we went out for dinner and I ordered water with lemon!! I was very proud! :) I feel like Im doing pretty good, but also am getting frustrated, my daughter plays softball for 2 different teams so she has a practice almost every night and sometimes 2 in a row! This makes eating a good supper difficult and makes for some fastfood suppers, which I don't like for any of us, especially later in the evening. And this yucky weather doesnt help my excercise. My zumba is no more cause of softball, but my main workout is walking/running which also depends on time and weather. I did do it while she practiced one night, but this weather :( I really wish I could find something I would do at home, but I don't do well working out at home, I did get a pilate dvd and have yet to open it! Anyway, sorry for the rant, but had to get it out!! Keep up the good work!!

    oh, and I think Shandke ask about stuff to make water better with no calories?! I do not like to drink plain water, I have put lemons in it, I have used the crystal lite packets but right now I am hooked on the propel zero. They have bottles and packets you can put in your water. I have used the lemon and right now the berry. There is also those new things that you can put the flavor drops in your water, I havent tried them but a friend of mine likes them.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Hey guys, I've been looking for a challenge to join! Is it ok if I join yours a few days late?? It seems like I never manage to get in on time!!!
  • Shandke
    Shandke Posts: 116 Member
    Ok....sure but we might want to close out the group so we can kind of keep track! Or do you want to "let it roll"?
    I made it back home from a weekend out & about! Time to get back at it! Hope everyone is working hard and making it happen!

    I know I am not looking forward to getting on that scale!
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    I've been working for the last month on getting my way through the 170's... and I weight myself this morning at 170.4! I can't wait until the day I get to see 169 on the scale, it would mark the smallest I've been since high school! Any day now!

    Been trying to be really good with drinking enough water, and of course getting the exercise in every day... I feel like the food I'm eating right now is a sin deliciousness... I'm kinda out of money, and just eating what cumulation of leftovers I can, plus trying to get in 5 little meals a day... I'm ending up with things like scrambled egg topped with left over carrot bisque soup. Yuck! :)

    Anyhoo, nice to "meet" you all!
  • snarky
    snarky Posts: 262 Member
    LEMON!!! I always forget that I like lemon in my water. If I remember that, I might to better the second half of the week!!
  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member
    Hey! I weighed in on friday but totally forgot to post it on here, Doh! :ohwell: Here it is anyways, & here's to an awesome week ahead.....:drinker:

    DATE: (04/15/2011)
    Week: 1
    SW: 190.4 lbs
    CW: 190.4 lbs
    GW: 170 lbs (by Friday May 27)

    Goal For The Week: Workout 2hrs everyday...
  • Shandke
    Shandke Posts: 116 Member
    Ok so our full group is:


    So I think if we post the list, we can fill in our weight loss....and one everyone posts we can total our losses!
    Next Friday we can officially start recording if you all want to??? We can just copy and paste from the last recording...

    What do you think??
  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member
    sounds great!
  • killer_cupcake
    killer_cupcake Posts: 45 Member
    is there room for one more?? I'm new on here and new to this whole thing?
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    sounds awesome!!!
  • killer_cupcake
    killer_cupcake Posts: 45 Member
    what does this mean? how do i fill that out?

    SW: 207
    CW: 172.8
    STG: 150's by July
    LTG: 120
  • bella0930
    bella0930 Posts: 1 Member
    Yikes! I just read that you guys were finished adding members?! I would like to sneak in if at all possible, but I understand if it is too late! If I can my stats are:

    SW: 167
    CW: 150
    SGW: 135
    LGW: 125
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    what does this mean? how do i fill that out?

    SW: 207
    CW: 172.8
    STG: 150's by July
    LTG: 120

    It's just part of my signature that I update! SW: Starting Weight, CW: Current Weight, STG: Short Term Goal, LTG: Long Term Goal.
  • crazycat585
    crazycat585 Posts: 34 Member
    Id like to join also!!! I need motivation and some friends on here...I have like none and keep falling off the wagon :(
    SW: 198
    CW: 176
    STG:160 by June 2nd for vegas!!!
  • lemonlady125
    lemonlady125 Posts: 13 Member
    Really sorry to be late to the game, but I'd like to join as well. I just started the site and its hard to find a group since its the middle of the month.

    Totally understand if I can't join thanks :). A
  • Anolte76
    Anolte76 Posts: 105
    I'd like to join if it's not to late
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