Beginners 30 Day Shred Challenge starts 4/17--CLOSED

All right, ladies, today is the first day of our 30 day commitment! Everyone needs to post their starting stats--whatever measurements you want to track, as well as your weight. I think that we should check in our weight on a weekly basis and I plan to recheck my measurements at the halfway point and at the end. Let's post updates every Sunday. Even if your normal weigh in day isn't on Sunday, you can just post weight from your normal weigh in day.

For those of you just finding this thread, we are a closed group, so catch us next time around! :wink:


Okay, here is my starting info:

Starting weight: 154.7
--Chest: 38"
--Under bust: 33"
--Waist: 31"
--Lower abs: 34.5"
--Hips: 38"
--Thigh: 23"
--Arm: 11"

Gonna go shred it as soon as my daughter goes down for a nap this afternoon. Woo hoo!!!


  • want_it_25
    want_it_25 Posts: 219 Member
    I am posting my measurements a little later. I am having my hubby help me get the right measurements.
  • gsallit
    gsallit Posts: 51 Member
    Hi ladies,
    Here are my starting stats:
    Weight--- 162.5 lbs
    41 inches
    43 inches
    Looking forward to having smaller measurements!!!
    I'll be starting the 30 day shred video in just a few.
    Come on guys let's start it!!
  • want_it_25
    want_it_25 Posts: 219 Member
    Just finished Day 1. I have a good feeling that this workout is going to help me get to where I need to be. Thank you Jillian Michaels. Will post measurements this evening.
  • Allie0006
    Allie0006 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm super excited!!!

    SW - 131
    CW - 126
    GW - 115
    Height - 5'0
    Chest - 37.5
    Waist - 34
    Hips - 37
    I'll be working out after I cram in some Psych studying :( Can't wait to see how we all do!!!
  • sweetage123
    sweetage123 Posts: 100 Member
    Heya! Did 30 day shred earlier today, wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be actually!

    Here are my starting stats!

    Weight: 159
    Bust: 39
    Waist: 31
    Hips: 40.5
    Thigh: 24
    Upper Arm: 12.5
  • afasnacht
    afasnacht Posts: 47 Member
    Getting ready to do the 30 day shred as soon as I'm done posting!

    Here are my starting stats...ughh I hate these numbers!

    Weight: 177.8
    Hips: 46"
    Chest: 42"
    Thighs: 27"
    Arms: 14"
    Waist: 41"

    Can't wait to wittle these numbers away!!!
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,516 Member
    Good to see everyone checking in! Hope everyone enjoyed Day 1 Level 1 of the shred! I didn't burn as many calories doing the video (per my HRM) as I was expecting, so I did 25 minutes on the elliptical as well. I'll probably do that most days since it only takes a little over 20 minutes to get through Shred.

    Keep up the great work everyone! Day 1 down, only 29 to go!! :smile:
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    Starting stats:
    Weight: 193
    Waist: 36
    Hips: 45.5
    Neck: 13.5
    Upper Arm: 13.5
    Thigh: 28.5

    About to start my workout now!!
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 532 Member
    Starting weight : 152.6 lbs.
    Chest- 38.5
    Under bust- 29.5
    Waist- 32
    Lower abs-38.5
    Upper arm - 12.5
    Thigh- 25
    Thighs together- 40.5 (my most detested measurements)
  • Allie0006
    Allie0006 Posts: 5 Member
    Ok, day one level one! I'm red faced and sweaty!! It feels great though!
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    Whew! After jumping around and headbanging for 5 hours with my band, that workout EXHAUSTED me!
  • Allie0006
    Allie0006 Posts: 5 Member
    Just are you going to log your exercise with the video? I was going to do it as Calisthentics...vigorous 20 mins but I want to make sure I have it calculated properly...
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,516 Member
    Just are you going to log your exercise with the video? I was going to do it as Calisthentics...vigorous 20 mins but I want to make sure I have it calculated properly...

    I just created a new exercise under cardio and I log it that way. I wear a heart rate monitor, so it calculates my calories burned based upon my weight, heart rate, etc. I think that calisthenics is probably a pretty good estimate though!!
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 532 Member
    Word of advice: Do not drink 2 glasses of pinot at Sunday dinner with your mum then try to do the Shred! It will cause you to yell things at Jillian that you would otherwise keep to yourself! I made it through but I had to down size my weights on anterior raises with side lunges .
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    hello all! i am super excited about this!!!!! :)

    Weight: 184.9
    Bust: 41.5
    Waist: 37
    Hips: 48


    I did not think to measure arms, thighs, n stuff i will do that later on today n let you guys know. Going to do the Shred in about an hour! :) Have to do my homework first!
  • afasnacht
    afasnacht Posts: 47 Member
    I always record the exercise as Calisthentics (vigorous effort). That's the way I've heard other people logging it as well. I think it's probaby pretty accurate! Hope that helps!
  • tbrown5
    tbrown5 Posts: 15 Member
    I have been working out 5-6 times a week for the past three months and Day 1 kicked my butt! I am already sore!
    My measurements are
    Good luck everyone!
  • want_it_25
    want_it_25 Posts: 219 Member
    My starting weight is: 242 lbs.

    My measurements:






    Hopefully these are right. I will have my hubby correct when he gets home. :laugh:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Good morning! Sorry I'm late. I had lunch (and wine) with girlfriends that turned into an all day event and early bedtime. But I shredded before lunch and took measurements. Here they are:

    SW: 135
    GW: 128-130
    Hips: 36.25
    Waist: 30.75
    Belly: 36 :(
    Chest: 37.5
    Arms: 12.25
    Leg: 22.5

    I've been working out regularly for quite a while and I am sore today. I used 8 pound weights b/c my 5 pound ones are in a box somewhere (we just moved). I will be finding my other dumbell tonight!

    Heather, how many calories did it say you burned? Good luck everyone!

  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,516 Member

    Heather, how many calories did it say you burned? Good luck everyone!


    My HRM said that I burned 160 calories doing it yesterday. I didn't do it this morning and am planning to do it tonight, so hopefully I can burn closer to 200 calories if I up the weights or intensity a bit. I agree with Tiff and Ashley about the soreness--even if you work out regularly this must work muscles we're not used to using because I'm sore too!!

    Hope everyone is having a great day!! :smile: