New Round of P90X starts Feb 28th! Join me! Cont'd....



  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    Hey gang! I have a question about weighted gloves...the last four or five times that I have done Kenpo-X I have had an average heart rate around 135. I would prefer to have it in the 150-160 range. I am giving it my my all (turn-your-hips-everytime!) even to the point of starting the set early if I know what is coming...I jump around during the "breaks" and my HR always ends up peaking around 150 and then settles into the 135 range. Do weighted gloves get your heart rate up more or are they mostly for just toning? I will invest in those puppies if I know I will get a better burn...Looking for an edge.

    why don't you try part of the kenpo workout with very light dumbells so you can get a feel for it. if you like it then get gloves, but the ones with the weight on the hand, not around the wrist. tried it in store and it's not the same feel. you have to get the right weight also. 1 lb might not be enough for you. i have lil' chicken wing and can only lift 3 and 5 lbs dumbells (don't laugh at me :)) so 1 lb was perfect. hope that helps.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Good morning! Thanks ladies for the comments on the weighted daughter has small 3lb dumbells that I might use next time I do Kenpo-X to see if there is a rise in calorie burn...if it does, I will get some weighted gloves.

    Up early this morning and did my Cardio-X (fifth day of phase 2 recovery lean) as I need to be at work at 630am and have a five hour drive ahead of me after I leave around 2pm....VERY LONG DAY! I am one stubborn SOB, but I don't think I would have enough discipline to get my workout in tonight after that kind of a day...better just to drag my butt out of bed and git'r'done now.

    Off to the shower and will be scarce until the weekend...weigh in tomorrow. We'll see what happens...

  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Rough week ... even after a good start. got stuck late at work and only had time for Cadio X on Tuesday, so no Plyo. Wednesday had a meeting after work, so no time for ARX (I did back and biceps). Yesterday my brothers dog had surgery and she couldn't be left alone so I spent the evening dog sitting making sure she was taking it easy and not licking her bandages by the time I got home it was rather late so I didn't get in my Yoga... or any work out at all.
    So I'm thinking I'll do Yoga today, Friday's work out Saturday, Saturday's workout on Sunday, then start week 13 on Monday! Week 13 never thought I'd get through the full 90 cycle!
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    @Bob - I cannot comment on the weighted gloves - but some thoughts on how to make Kenpo X harder to raise your heart rate - Have you tried increasing your speed on the reps? Think about making the punches, 1 distinct movement - as in, jab/cross should be super fast PowPow instead of Pow..Pow. (2 separate punches, but super fast together) When doing multiple kicking moves like Ball Kick/Side Kick/Back Kick, try doing it without setting your leg down between kicks - and I agree, with speed, I usually end up doing 3-5 more reps for each movement more than Tony does. Also, for the block moves done in horse stance, focus on getting your horse stance nice and low and staying there (your body has a tendency to rise up). I also do my blocks in a more traditional Tae Kwon Do version, where I actually cross my hands between blocks, so both arms are moving for each block instead of just the left or the right.
    Finally - you can add jumps/spins - instead of doing just a straight ball kick - take a step and do a jumping ball kick, for the back kick, do a spinning back kick instead -

    just a thought!

    Today is day 41 for me, I am doubling up Legs and Back and Kenpo X - missed Day 40 yesterday, I went to NYC to watch a taping of the Rachel Ray show - was gone from 0700 until 1000 - did a lot of walking - but also did not stick to the diet - luckily the scale was still friendly this morning!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Good Friday Morning everyone! I'm sure some of you saw my posting yesterday about Insanity Asylum? :bigsmile: Yes, call me crazy....I'm ok with that! I got a free signed copy and had been waiting anxiously for it to arrive and it did, along with my Shakeology! I was like a kid at Christmas! lol Anyway, I popped in some of the DVD's to see just how crazy I am.....WOW!!!! I think Shaun T is making this stuff up! lol So, I couldn't contain myself, I had to at least try the fit test and surprisingly, I did ok! I was kind of shocked! However, that was just the fit test, you should see the actual workouts! Then, after that, I did his Relief video, very good stretching video. So, didn't get in my yoga but I might do that on Sunday. Today is Legs & Back and not really looking forward to those sneaky lunges! lol

    Bob: Michelle made a good comment about increasing your speed on some of the punches. That's what I do, I don't try to keep up with Tony, I bust through them in order to get more burn. Also, I have Everlast weighted gloves, they're 2lbs ea, I got them on Amazon and I like them because it leaves your palm open so it doesn't get all sweaty. Before that, I had tried the MMA ones, they're 4lbs each but they were way too big for my hands and would slip around. I think it will add to the burn for sure, and heck, why not?

    Michelle: Hope you had fun at Rachael Ray! Today sounds like a killer workout day! Get it girl!

    Mak: OMG!!!! Week 13!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: What next?

    Well, gotta run, be back after my L&B& ARX! Make it a great day everyone!

  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Thanks for the feedback on Kenpo-X, Michelle and Deb! I will try to mix it up and speed it up and see what happens. This is a fun workout, but it should be doing more for me in terms of burn, at least for me. It doesn't help that I am doing it in a second floor hotel room. I think subconciously I am trying to be a little quiet in terms of the bouncing around on the floor. I have already had my door knocked on once before when I did the Plyo section of Cardio-X. I hate being on the road!!

    Thanks again...T-minus 2 1/2 hours and I am heading home!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    eXcellent Saturday morning to all! I am heading down the home stretch of Phase 2 recovery with a nice little weigh in...I have lost 2.2 pounds from this point last week and am down to a new low weight. I can't remember when I weighed this low! I am a shade under 3 pounds from hitting the interstate (getting under 200 pounds).

    Doing Yoga-X later this morning and then plan on enjoying a well earned rest day tomorrow before traveling back to my temporary assignment...short week next week...Wa-hoooo!

    Get my wide frame pull up bar in the mail today (had to pay extra to get in time to hit the road)...Doing Chest and Back from the first time and will have to do it from the hotel...Be good all and keep BRINGING IT!!!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hey all! WOW!!!! I woke up incredibly sore from yesterday's Legs & Back workout! I haven't been this sore in a while! Feels good though! My tush feels tight, so I'll take it! lol Debating whether or not to make today my rest day; gonna get through most of the day, see how I feel and maybe crank out some Kenpo! Drinking lots of water today!

    Hope you're all enjoying your weekend so far! Have a good one and I'll keep you updated on the soreness! lol

  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    No rest day for me since I did not end up doubling up - the new Harry Potter came in the mail, so I watched it with my older kids - it was kind of a let-down - looking forward to the final installment though! I was wondering where they would make the split -

    Anyways - so Kenpo X today - I will definitely bring it!
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    Oh, on a total plus side, I also went through my entire closet and 2 totes of clothes I had stored (with having 4 kids, I have been every size from a 12 to 18 - so I kept most of my clothes) and I was happy to bag up about 75% of my clothes - and I am down to clothes that I have not fit into for about 5 years so I am very excited! I have gone from a size 18 to a size 12 - very comfortably now - was a bit tight, but now they fit great! And I don't know what it is, but I think my body looks so much better now at this weight than I ever thought it looked previously when I was this weight (currently about 164), I still have a lot to go, but the body changes are really a huge motivator to keep going - I look at my arms when I am doing zumba - they look like someone else's! P90x is definitely working!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Today was core syn for me. Almost back on track after my missed Thursday workout. Sweated a LOT! I actully did 6 of the Dryea rolls (I did have to use my hands to push myself up) but that's the moat I've done so far.

    Hope everyone is bringing it!
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    Oh, on a total plus side, I also went through my entire closet and 2 totes of clothes I had stored (with having 4 kids, I have been every size from a 12 to 18 - so I kept most of my clothes) and I was happy to bag up about 75% of my clothes - and I am down to clothes that I have not fit into for about 5 years so I am very excited! I have gone from a size 18 to a size 12 - very comfortably now - was a bit tight, but now they fit great! And I don't know what it is, but I think my body looks so much better now at this weight than I ever thought it looked previously when I was this weight (currently about 164), I still have a lot to go, but the body changes are really a huge motivator to keep going - I look at my arms when I am doing zumba - they look like someone else's! P90x is definitely working!

    oh, as I continue to ramble - I have seen other people post that they lost 20 lbs and dropped 4 clothes sizes and I was like no way, not in only 20 lbs - but its true - its amazing how even though it is a relatively small amount compared to my total goal, I cannot believe how many inches are gone! (now of course I wish I had measured - but oh well...)

    Anyways - Day 42 done! 6 weeks done! Kenpo X was awesome tonight - I am full of sweat and I feel great! Even though it is 2245 and I am just finishing up....I had a nap today!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    End of Phase 2 results for me are in...

    14 pounds lost since starting
    7.75 inches lost since starting
    Down 4.2% in Body Fat % to 23.2% (now in the "average" range, out of "overfat" range)

    All in all, I cannot complain, especially with one more phase to go. I hear phase 3 is the "results" phase, so we will see where I end up. Mowing grass and then hitting the road. Enjoy the rest of the weekend guys, and the short work week (I hope!)

    P.S. Congrats, erniemj on the progress! I just bought a few belts to keep my pants from falling...I am officially in a 36" waist pants and I have nothing smaller...eventually I will need to go shopping...ugh, I hate shopping!
  • CurriedGrasshopper
    CurriedGrasshopper Posts: 86 Member
    The dedication and general good vibes on this board are so inspirational.

    @ Lizard, I'm sorry you're out, but totally understand and am glad you're listening to your body and getting the rest you truly need! Perhaps we can dive into a round 2 of p90x in the fall??

    Everyone else, working out on the road, before plain rides, recovering from small injuries and continuing.. it's truly motivational!

    As for me.. I had to take a bit of a break. I burned my hand with hot oil, 3/4 of my thumb and most of the fatty pad at the base of the thumb were coated with olive oil that was at the smoking point. I reacted really fast (the accident prone get efficient at self first aid :wink: )but the relatively superficial 1st degree burn was still the most painful thing I've ever experienced.

    I'm better now, although my hand still looks pretty gross, it doesn't hurt so I'm back on the p90x wagon! ... Today is a early run and then yoga x..

    Keep it up everyone you rock!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Well, I survived. I used yesterday as my rest day and today I did Insanity Asylum's Speed & Agility! WOW!!!! That's all I've got to say! But, I made it! My inner thighs and hammies are still a little sore from Friday's legs & back but better than yesterday!

    Hope you're all having a great weekend and get ready to bring it again starting tomorrow!

  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    Did Core Synergistics today - this one is still really difficult for me, I will improve on one exercise, but then another one will totally kick my butt - overall I am still happy with my progress!
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    Week 9 starts tomorrow!!! Im still have to modify because of my shoulder. I start physical theraphy Wednesday. So I'll see what they say.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Good evening from the road (again)!

    I got a second workout in tonight...sorta. I am starting a new workout (for me, anyway), Chest and Back. As a result, I lugged ALL of my free weights with me. All told, I did the math, and I lugged 146 pounds of free weights, plus luggage, laptop bag, etc. etc. I got my extended reach pull up bar on Saturday, so I am officially "race ready" for pullups in the hotel room...tested it and I am good to go! Getting back to Shoulders and Arms this phase as well after four weeks off from that workout and if memory serves, I will need larger weights for that workout as well. I have gotten stronger over the last phase so I brought my biggest ones (20#)...depending on how things go this week in terms of working to failure, I may break out the wallet and get bigger weights...

    Thank God this is a short week for travel, should be home Thursday evening...Thursday is supposed to be a Yoga-X day, but I might swap with Kenpo-X so I can get my workout done in the morning on Thursday and avoid doing it after a long road trip...Yoga-X is simply way too long for an early morning workout.

    I am ready for the last phase and am already making tentative plans for a June 6th start of a new round of P90X, this time the Classic version (I am still kicking myself for not doing Classic in the first place)!

    CG, I am glad you are not letting a bad burn (oil burn, not calorie burn) keep you from BRINGING IT!

    I will echo earlier comments on the thread, I love keeping up with all of you on here, it makes me want to push harder myself.

    'Night, all!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Tonight was kempo for me. Crazy busy day so I had to work out a little later then normal but I did get it in. Kempo is still my favorite :) It was also END of week 12!!!! WHAT!?!? Oh yeah week 13 I'm comin for ya!
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    Tonight was kempo for me. Crazy busy day so I had to work out a little later then normal but I did get it in. Kempo is still my favorite :) It was also END of week 12!!!! WHAT!?!? Oh yeah week 13 I'm comin for ya!

    Awesome!!! That is sooo cool! Please post results - if not pictures, weight/inches motivates us all!!