Sexy in Six Week 5



  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Hey Ladies!!!!!!!

    I am so proud and happy for you guys. I've read the comments and I can't remember all the details so I want to say CONGRATS for every pound shed ( removed) and Congrats for those who have messed up and realized it and HAVE NOT GIVEN UP. You guys help me stay motivated and focused.

    I am happy to report that I hve list 4 pounds this week. I'm so excited to change my ticker.:smile:

    I wanted to lose 20 pounds by the end of the challenge and I'm starting to get worried but I will keep fighting.

    This is the second day of the lemonade cleanse ( it's so hard because evryone around me is eating and the aromas are getting to me But I'm trying to teach myself discipline. I want to be able to sit in a room full of pizza, chinese, ice cream, etc and not be tempted to over eat or touch it if I hve a healthier option. I am tired of going to the tinkle station though:tongue:

    wk 1 298
    wk 2 no clue
    wk 3 out of town
    wk 4 297
    wk 5 293

    challenge goal is 278. So greatfull if I get 283

  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Pedal, Hug to you. I am so sorry to hear about your FIL. I hope he will be ok. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    oh, pedal i am sorry to hear about your FIL. i am sitting outside in my prayer chair and just sent up a pray for you.
  • pdxmomof2
    Pedal- my thoughts are with you and your family! Hang in there girl!

    My father passed away of a heart attack 18 months ago. It is such a scary situation. You are in my thoughts and my prayers.

    First of all, EVERYONE has done such an awesome job this last week! Congrats to all the great losses!

    I am not so fortunate this week which seems to be my story for this challenge. Every week its like a broken record. I loose weight just to gain it back. I am just so frustrated. I am not going to list my weight today. I am going to wait for my Weight Watchers weigh in on Thursday.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    i need to vent a little.
    DH is coming down with that flu. so as it goes, like taking care of a child.
    than son calls and says he threw a rod in his car. now here he is trying to buy a house and now he needs a car. he was waiting for me to say he could use mine. nope not happening. so i told him tomorrow after i go to the gym i will take him to the bank. he is one who has to do all this stuff to his car (not really knowing what he's doin). if he would just leave it alone and just keep it running. he gets these older cars and can't keep his hands off. he will get a lecture from me tomorrow on the way to the bank about it. because owning a home will take money also.
    ok, done venting. thanks for reading.
    i had an extra cup of spag. squash for dinner tonight. gee that made three at less than 150 calories. i made that with grilled chicken and broc, califlower, carrots and alfedo sauce all mixed together. had 3 cups of that stuff. yummy.
    well, it's getting cold, time to go in, before i get sick.
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Pedal- You and your family are in my thoughts!! Im thinking of you guys and hope your father in law is okay!!

    Well.. I went dress browsing today. Very pleased, I am a size 14 in dresses!!! And they look good.. Im really excited. I found one that just made me feel so pretty when I put it on, and it was only 50$ so I may go to the store tomorrow and go ahead and get it. Along with the dress, I also need to get a new bra, some spanx, shoes and a shawl or something. I guess I will be visiting some consignment stores!!! (Not for the bra or spanx though lol)

    No exercise yet today... Im being lazy :angry: Just one of those yuck days. I dont have any pants that fit me and I dont have the $ to go buy any... I have 3 pairs of size 12 so Im trying to hold off until I can fit into those. Just frustrating..!

    Bfast- fiber one cereal, almond milk/snack-banana and protein bar/ lunch- spinach mix salad with turkey and a chz stick/ snack- almonds and fiber water mix/ dinner- over broiled ckn breast with some sweet baby rays bbq sauce and velveeta broccoli rotini stuff...if I am hungry in a lil bit I am going to eat some melon fruit that I have.

    Well off to study some then get munchkin ready for bed..

    Again Pedal, you and your family are in my thoughts!!!

  • kerridwen
    Sorry to hear that Chipper, but that sure does sound like a tasty supper!
  • spazmother0727
    spazmother0727 Posts: 55 Member
    Wow! You all know how to eat right and in a yummy way!

    You are giving me ideas!

    I like this one! :happy:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    oh, sorry i forgot to WELCOME :flowerforyou: newbies.....yea, a great bunch of girls. we just keep plugging along. that's all any of us can do. we all have had a bad days. we try to catch them quickly and not let them turn into a week.
    again welcome.
    time to get jammies on and ready for biggest loser tonight. made crab dip just for my night snack. dip and cracker is about 215 calories.
    be back in the morning......
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Ditto. Welcome newbies:flowerforyou:

    Cathy, I'm sorry I have to laugh when I read your frustrations about your DH & son. I have thought of venting on here about mine many times. I think I actually have a couple of times. I understand your frustration with the "boys". Sometimes they have to learn the hard way. Enjoy the show. No TV for me tonight to much homework eek.

    Katy, Good problem to have-Needing new small clothes. Do you have a sewing machine? You could try to take in your old pants.

    Have a good evening everyone. I'll check in tomorrow.
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Pedal, your family is in my prayers. God bless all of you, and keep you safe
  • kerridwen
    Yay! Under by 25 calories. Not a bad day. Off to do some crunches before bed!
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    I don't know if any of you watch Biggest Loser (and don't worry, no spoiler here) but the Blue team is making me sooooo mad!!!!!!

    anyway, just venting. :mad:
  • kerridwen
    Argh, ya Amylou. Ooh well.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    I just wanted to thank you all again for being so warm and supportive! It says a lot to me that I wanted to come HERE when I couldn't reach my closest few to talk. What a great group we have!

    Welcome newbies! It's never too late. And we're starting a new challenge for the holidays too so that will be a fresh start all together as a group.

    Cathy, sorry about your frustrations. I think offering to drive rather than handing over the keys is a great choice. Hey, has Shanell dropped out of this challenge?

    So my FIL is in slightly better shape although it's choppy still. There was a medical mistake early on that may come back to haunt him. He's a stubborn personality though and we're just hoping his body is as stubborn as his mind :heart: My husband and his two brothers have all taken the first available flights down there so they will be all together through this difficult time. I hope it ends in wondrous celebration and not tragedy. Amy, I'm sorry that you know this story so well. It occurred to me when I was reading your response on my other topic that if this had happened to my FIL 12 hours earlier or later he would just have been lost. He passed out during the major attack so if it had come in the night there wouldn't have been anything to alert anyone. So scary and I'm so sorry for your loss.

    I planned my meals for tomorrow but I need to just go veg on the couch for a bit before joining my little ones in bed.

    I'll check in tomorrow and thank you so very much again!
  • pdxmomof2
    Take it easy Pedal. Hug and love on your children. They are what gets you through these tough times! I know my kids played a huge part in my recovery process after my father passed away. I wouldnt have made it through without them! I hope and pray that you FIL makes it through this and lives many, many more wonderful years!

    Goodnight everyone!

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    mornin' all.
    just checking in before my day starts. i have a feeling it's going to be busy with driving kid around looking at cars. yucky. DH has to help the day people today, so he won't be home. i was going to clean house real good today while he was gone. NOT.
    well, off to finish watch tivo eli stone and than dress off to the gym and shower there and off to sons and to the bank.
    have a great day all, be back when i can....
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hi Ladies!

    Busy day ahead so I'm checking in early. I was going to get up early to do my C25K and get it done, but woke up still sore from Shred last night. haha. guess it will wait for a while. Here's the plan of attack.

    Workout: C25K Week 1: Day 2
    B: multi grain cheerios, skim milk, cran grape juice
    S: 60 calorie jello chocolate pudding cup
    L: Fiber one oats and caramel bar
    S: handful of almonds
    D: Not sure?

    I know it sounds like the worst menu ever but with my class today and then a group project and working I am not going to have the opportunity to eat a whole lot so trying to snack throughout the day. That does mean that I will have quite a few calories left for dinner, especially with my run in there somewhere so I might indulge in one of my guilty pleasure foods....Mac & Cheese!! The light prep of course. :tongue:

    Anyway - I do have one question for you ladies, I began thinking about the one week of Thanksgiving Break I have coming up and then the 5 weeks of Christmas break looming around the corner. And since I will be at home at my mother's for most of it I am worried about eating right. Not that my mother eats poorly by any means, I just know there will be a lot more temptation there then there is here. How do you all manage when you stay with family? I know a lot will be portion control and everything in moderation but thought I would see if there were any good tips out there. I'm already planning on making sure I have my fav snacks there (jello, pudding cups, fiber one bars) not to mention my cereal! If you have any words of wisdom I would appreciate it!!

    Pedal - hope things are better today!!

    Everyone else good luck on making good choices today!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning my girlies! Positive thoughts's a NEW day!!!!

    Let's see...last night I went to the gym and walked on the treadmill for a half hour...burned 167 calories. Made a WONDERFUL chicken dinner! Then had 1/2 c. Edys slow churned peppermint ice cream (YUM!:tongue: ) and a tootsie pop. Then hubby and I rented HellBoy2 and Kung Fu Panda...both are good...and had some air popped popcorn. Still went over, but still feel pretty good. Glad to get at least a little exercise back in. I'm planning on going again tonight and maybe trying to jog a little. As long as it doesn't aggrevate the back, of course.

    Meal plan for today:
    Raspberries - Raw, 10 raspberries 10 cal
    One A Day - Womens Multi Vitamin, 1 tablet 0 cal
    Multi Grain Cheerios & Banana, 1 meal 255 cal
    Old Orchard - Healthy Balance Pomegrante Cranberry, 8 FL OZ 29 cal
    294 total breakfast calories

    AM snacks
    Kashi Tlc - Baked Apple Spice Cereal Bar, 1 Bar 110 cal
    Coffee - ground, 2 cup 0 cal
    Nestle Coffee Mate - Coffee Creamer (Sugar Free Vanilla Caramel), 2 tbsp 30 cal
    140 total AM snack calories

    Diet Coke - Soft Drink, 12 fl. oz. 0 cal
    Carrots - Baby, 14 pieces 35 cal
    Ae Yo-Lite Yogurt - Yogurt, 6 oz 80 cal
    Turkey&Cheese Sandwich, 1 meal 138 cal
    253 total lunch cal

    Afternoon snacks
    Apples - Raw, with skin, 1 medium (2-3/4" dia) (approx 3 per lb) 72 cal
    Kashi Tlc - Pumpkin Spice Flax All Natural Crunchy Granola Bar, 2 bars 180 cal
    252 total afternoon snack calories

    Tilapia - Fish, 4 oz. (1 filet) 98 cal
    Home made basic salad with spritzer dressing, 1 meal 83 cal
    Uncle Ben's - Instant Brown Rice, 1 cup cooked 170 cal
    351 total dinner calories

    PM snacks
    Depends on workout calories

    Total: 1,290 calories
    Your Daily Goal: 1,200 calories
    Remaining: -90 calories

    I would really like to burn at least 200 calories at the gym. It would be WONDERFUL to be under my calories for the day for a change. But, we will just have to see how the night goes. I've had this mind change and I'm not too worried about it. Rhiannon told me....some day I will look back on this just as an obstacle I over-came. I will be back into my normal routine before I know it. It WILL be okay. Everyone needs to remember that.

    AmyLou...I understand what it's like to be around family. My mother comes from a German background, and although she tries to cook "light" there are always so many baked goods and everything adds up. Then on my in-laws side, they never cook light...all the traditional American classics (green bean casserole, 7 layer salad, mashed potatos, etc.). I've found only one thing works for me for the holiday dinners...PORTIONS. There is no way I can say no to all things wonderfully delicious and terribly fattening foods. So...I allow myself a little of everything I want. I try and picture an amount that can fit inside a shot glass. Little mashed potatos, a little green bean casserole, a little stuffing... This works. I NEVER allow myself seconds except maybe on salad or steamed veggies. I do the same with desserts. If I want some pecan or pumpkin pie, I cut an amount that would fit into a shot glass and enjoy! I also try and plan a workout on these days...although doesn't always happen. But last year I didn't gain over either Thanksgiving or Christmas. SO...this is the method I will stick with. Plus...we will have another six week challenge that starts after this one to get us through the holidays, and that should help with motivation. WE CAN DO THIS LADIES!

    What about the rest of you? What works for you over the holidays?

    I'll check back in a while.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Good morning all.

    Thanks for the well-wishes. I don't have an update yet this morning. Didn't sleep too well last night. I had trouble getting to bed and of course had dreams about family that didn't exactly offer a restful sleep. But my husband and his brothers are all there now so I feel some peace in that. If the worst happens, they're all together. My little ones made a beautiful card to send down to Grandpa so I'm glad for that too. Important for him to receive something from them. He's mostly unconscious but has come up once or twice enough to nod that he heard my MIL and open his eyes a little. He's developed pneumonia now though and they're very worried about respiratory failure.
    I had a good experience though - last night when the kiddos went to bed I thought I'd have some kind of treat - you know, emotional eating rearing its head. I went to the cupboard thinking I'd have a luna bar but when I opened the door I got this big loud message from my body of "ugh - no more food now, I'm still digesting my supper!!" and the idea of eating something was totally off-putting. I kept trying (I really wanted chocolate :blushing: ) but I just couldn't bring myself to put food in when I wasn't actually hungry. And I wasn't even super FULL, just not hungry. Progress!

    Amy, thanks for the advice!

    AmyLou, I do something similar to Kristin's suggestion. Allowing a little is a better bet than trying to say no because SOME thing will tempt you and you'll have too much. You can do it. It will be a tough challenge but that's why we've got each other!

    Cathy, good luck with your busy day!

    Okay, I'm on with mine. I'm making yam & black bean stew for supper in the crock pot so I'm off to the store to get the ingredients!