New Round of P90X starts Feb 28th! Join me! Cont'd....



  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    @Bob - check craigslist for weights - I got an awesome deal on hex dumbbells, a bench, a bar, a curl bar, dumbbell bars, and tons of plates - the dumbbells themselves he was selling for $10 a pair!! 12s, 20s, 25s, 30s, 35s nice hex dumbbells! Of course, I have not used anything higher than the 20 yet, but with time...
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Awesome!!! That is sooo cool! Please post results - if not pictures, weight/inches motivates us all!!
    Absolutely! I've yet to get posting pictures right but I'll send totals at the end for sure :)
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    MAK: Congrats on finishing week 12 ... I am proud of you! Please, please post pictures, inches, heck and any other way that you think that you improved.

    Today is the start of Week 5 for me... Im a bit scared. I like the comfort of Chest and Back and moving to CST makes me nervous! But after work tonight I will be pushing play ... :)

    Keep bringing it guys!
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    Hope everyone had a great weekend and is ready to Bring It this week!

    Sunny skies here in South Jersey so I am planning on a lunch time walk and then Cardio X tonight :smile:
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    I got a second workout in tonight...sorta. I am starting a new workout (for me, anyway), Chest and Back. As a result, I lugged ALL of my free weights with me. All told, I did the math, and I lugged 146 pounds of free weights, plus luggage, laptop bag, etc. etc.

    @Bob: Here's the link to my adjustable ones: They're an investment up front, but you'd only have to carry 50lbs of weights instead... they also have options for higher weights if you need more than 25lbs. Also, a little jealous about mowing your lawn already. We got over an inch of snow this weekend, with about 4 more to come. Yuck!

    I'm re-doing last week. I missed more workouts than I got in, so it was CST and ARX for me this morning. Finally, my scale budged!! Only about a pound, but I'll take it. I haven't noticed inches moving yet, but I'm hoping that's coming along too. Make it a great Mondy, everyone!
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Tonight was kempo for me. Crazy busy day so I had to work out a little later then normal but I did get it in. Kempo is still my favorite :) It was also END of week 12!!!! WHAT!?!? Oh yeah week 13 I'm comin for ya!

    Awesome!!! That is sooo cool! Please post results - if not pictures, weight/inches motivates us all!!

    For sure! Definitely want to see this MAK! Are you planning on doing another round, or what's up next for you?
  • heabear
    heabear Posts: 23 Member
    Hi all i'm on week 3 day 2 and still going strong. Have cardio X today but going to go take a turbo kick class at the gym to try it out! My sister stayed the weekend at my parents and I got her to do two of the workouts with me!! Also my brother watched the baby during one of them and he is intersted too now!! I love being so positive now and it rubbing off on people! Everyone else seems to be going great and keeping up with workouts even though life tries to get in the way!!!:smile:
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hello! It's the start of a brand new week! Week 3, phase II for me! This morning I rocked out some Turbo Fire followed by abs and tonight will be P90X Chest, Shoulders, Tri's!

    Everyone is doing fantastic!

    Mak: Can't wait to hear your results! You rocked it girl!

    heabear: You are going to love turbo kick! It's a calorie scorcher! Have fun and let us know how you like it! Great job on influencing others in such a positive way too!

    Jenna: Woo hoo!!!! Way to go on moving that scale! Gotta love it!

    becca: I'm jealous! We have had like no sun this month here in Seattle, it's getting old real quick! Enjoy your workout and your walk!

    AnnMarie: Way to go on your run this weekend! You are a rock star girl! And keep bringing it tonight with your CST!

    Hello to Bob & Michelle and anyone else I may have missed. Hope you're all ready to make it a great week!

  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    Hope everyone had a great weekend and is ready to Bring It this week!

    Sunny skies here in South Jersey so I am planning on a lunch time walk and then Cardio X tonight :smile:

    I live in South Jersey also! In Southampton - its smack dab in the middle of burlington county
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    Hope everyone had a great weekend and is ready to Bring It this week!

    Sunny skies here in South Jersey so I am planning on a lunch time walk and then Cardio X tonight :smile:

    I live in South Jersey also! In Southampton - its smack dab in the middle of burlington county

    That is too funny! I know exactly where Southampton is. I grew up in Atco and then lived in Marlton until about 3 years ago when I moved to Washington Twp (Gloucester County).
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    Hope everyone had a great weekend and is ready to Bring It this week!

    Sunny skies here in South Jersey so I am planning on a lunch time walk and then Cardio X tonight :smile:

    I live in South Jersey also! In Southampton - its smack dab in the middle of burlington county

    That is too funny! I know exactly where Southampton is. I grew up in Atco and then lived in Marlton until about 3 years ago when I moved to Washington Twp (Gloucester County).

    I went to my fair share of drag races in Atco! Going to take my kids this year - a friend of ours daughter (age 7) races microsprints there over the summer!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Tonight was kempo for me. Crazy busy day so I had to work out a little later then normal but I did get it in. Kempo is still my favorite :) It was also END of week 12!!!! WHAT!?!? Oh yeah week 13 I'm comin for ya!

    Holy crap! You are almost done! Congrats!!!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Hey gang! Did Chest and Back tonight for the first time. I think it is definitely harder than Chest, Shoulders, Triceps. I found that I have way too light of weights for heavy pants, lawn mowers, and back flys so I did extra reps beyond 15. Will need to make another trip to the sporting goods store. I will either need to get the adjustable weights (I should have gotten those in the first place) or hit up Craigslist and/or Ebay (as suggested). Those weights get really expensive above 20#.

    I am feeling this workout BIG TIME! I posted on my home page that I feel like I have been baling hay and moving furniture (like a sofa bed up a flight of steps). I am looking forward to doing this again in two weeks! I am even more looking forward to see what progress I make on this workout. There is a reason they do a ton of pullups and pushups in basic training in the Army!

    Take care, all...swapping Yoga-X and Cardio-X days this week to allow me to knock out Cardio-X on Thursday morning when I head home.

    Peace and chicken grease...
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Hey gang! Did Chest and Back tonight for the first time. I think it is definitely harder than Chest, Shoulders, Triceps. I found that I have way too light of weights for heavy pants, lawn mowers, and back flys so I did extra reps beyond 15. Will need to make another trip to the sporting goods store. I will either need to get the adjustable weights (I should have gotten those in the first place) or hit up Craigslist and/or Ebay (as suggested). Those weights get really expensive above 20#.

    I am feeling this workout BIG TIME! I posted on my home page that I feel like I have been baling hay and moving furniture (like a sofa bed up a flight of steps). I am looking forward to doing this again in two weeks! I am even more looking forward to see what progress I make on this workout. There is a reason they do a ton of pullups and pushups in basic training in the Army!

    Take care, all...swapping Yoga-X and Cardio-X days this week to allow me to knock out Cardio-X on Thursday morning when I head home.

    Peace and chicken grease...

    Great job Bob! Way to bring it ...
    I have to disagree though... I think CST is way worse than C&B ... although I have come to realization that I do not like change. I do not think the video is that bad because I have done it before... I know what comes next etc. I did CST for the first time tonight, and I made it through 1/2 of it. I probably could have pushed a bit farther but I had already done a 4 mile run ... and I was afraid I would be too sore. So I stopped 1/2 way and will assess how terribly sore I am later! :) You know what they say ... do your best and forget the rest, right!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Thanks all!! I love the support here. I will post results at the end.
    Tonight I went to a baseball game right after work. My team won but it rained/snowed toward the end of the game and it went into extra innings. I got home pretty late. So I took today as a rest day. Week 13 starts tomorrow.
    Have a great night all!
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    Hey y'all. Week 9 is going ok. Did chest and back last night had to modify because of my shoulder. I have Plyo tonight, really looking forward to it. Im leaving tomorrow for vacation but I will be taking the dvds and weights with me. I'll check in when I can. Keep up the hard work everyone.
  • donnab88
    donnab88 Posts: 22
    Hello everyone:)

    Glad to see there are other P90x lovers out there. I am currently on week 11 of my first round of lean. Only 2 more weeks and I can say I graduated... that will be an awesome accomplishment. What is everyone doing after this??? Another round but classic this time? Is anyone taking time off in between? I am still sore all the time so I can't imagine how sore I would be after taking a week off. I just wanted to join your topic- hope that was okay.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Hello everyone:)

    Glad to see there are other P90x lovers out there. I am currently on week 11 of my first round of lean. Only 2 more weeks and I can say I graduated... that will be an awesome accomplishment. What is everyone doing after this??? Another round but classic this time? Is anyone taking time off in between? I am still sore all the time so I can't imagine how sore I would be after taking a week off. I just wanted to join your topic- hope that was okay.

    First, welcome to the thread!! The more the merrier! I am in week 9 of Lean and plan on a Classic round starting June 6th. I have about 6-7 MFPeeps that are tentatively going to start on that date as well...some contribute frequently to this thread. My stretch goal is to start Insanity in early September and maybe do a hybrid in November to commemorate my anniversary of starting my weightloss journey (started last November 10th). During the short break between rounds, I plan on mowing a lot of grass, hitting the elliptical, and doing some weight training to avoid muscle loss, but nothing seriously structured like P90X
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Plyo tonight ... I love it and I hate it. I have yet to be able to make it more than 1/2 way ... its actually not my lungs ... its my thighs OMG they just cannot handle one more squat :)

    But although I am disappointed, its better than 0 minutes of Plyo ... :)
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Plyo tonight ... I love it and I hate it. I have yet to be able to make it more than 1/2 way ... its actually not my lungs ... its my thighs OMG they just cannot handle one more squat :)

    But although I am disappointed, its better than 0 minutes of Plyo ... :)

    "DO YOUR BEST, AND FORGET THE REST" Tattoo that on your brain, and you will be are doing awesome!
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