April Day by Day Challenge-OPEN GROUP-Part 8 Look inside, It



  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Yesterday was not a success. Time to get back on with it today.

    Wednesday Goals:

    1. Exercise: Shred before work, Walk at lunch, Run after work.
    2. Under on calories
    3. Water
    4. Laundry
    5. House work

    Hope you’re all having a lovely day.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member

    1. No bus. (Check)
    2. Healthier choices. (Check)
    3. No eating after 8. (Check!)
    4. Gym for at least 30 minutes. (Check!)
    5 Water. (Check!)
    6. Tons of work done. (No. Gonna mean a long day today)


    Morning everyone! Goals for today!

    1. No bus.
    2. Healthier Choices
    3. No snacking after 8
    4. Water
    5. Study for Psych exam tomorrow
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for April 19:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Healthy Choices and portion control.--Did much better!
    3. Exercise before work.--Yes--Standing Pilates again.
    4. Bed by 9:30!!!--Yes.

    Had a pretty good day yesterday. Did better with my food choices and portion sizes.
    Didn't get the Moss Out spread yet, still too windy after work. I'll try again today! Supposed to be nice again--we're gonna get spoiled here--4 sunny days in a row!

    Goals for April 20:
    1. Water.
    2. Healthy choices and portion control.
    3. Exercise before work.
    4. Bed by 9:30.

    Have a wonderful day, everyone! (Study for that exam, Nicole!)
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    4-18-2011 fitness goals
    1. Up water intake to at least 6 cups - Not quite...... *sigh*
    2. Under on calories and fats (Giving myself some leniency on carbs today. I haven't gotten grocery shopping in a while.) - Yes and no. Ironically, I stayed under on carbs and went over on fats!
    3. Do some type of exercise - Not really. :embarassed:
    4. Take vitamins - Yep.
    5. Bed by 10, sleep by 10:30 - Forgot to take into consideration that there was a Penguin game. :laugh:

    4-18-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Mail ALL taxes (Even my quarterly local that aren't due until the 30th. No reason to cut things so close!) - Yep.
    2. Do at least one load of laundry - Realized a little too late that I didn't have enough quarters to do any. :ohwell:
    3. Cut coupons - No, spent a good bit of the evening buying sympathy flowers to send to my dad's fiancee instead. :ohwell: Her father passed away over the weekend. :frown:
    4. Set goals for tomorrow before bed - Obviously not. :laugh:
    Chrissy - Nice to see you back! Birthdays always do throw us off a bit, don't they? :laugh:

    Leela - Lucky you having a workout buddy! I wish I did.... Come the fall, though, I'm hoping to start working out with my sister. She's already going to grad school where I'll be starting, and we've talked about having study/workout "dates" together.

    Nicole - Way to rock those goals yesterday! Shame about #6, but I'm sure you'll make up for it today. :smile:

    4-20-2011 fitness goals
    1. Up water intake to at least 6 cups
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fats
    3. Do some type of exercise, preferably going to the gym
    4. Take vitamins
    5. Bed by 10:30, sleep by 11

    4-20-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Cut coupons
    2. Catch up on tracking my finances!! (Seriously, it's not like I don't like doing this, so why I haven't since January I don't know!)
    3. Do dishes
    4. Set tomorrow's goals before bed
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member

    Yesterday was great! Gotta do it again today!

    Tuesday's goals:
    1. Carbs around 50. CHECK
    2. water! CHECK
    3. under on cals CHECK
    4. walk or run, time and weather permitting 45 MIN!
    5. Finish pottery workshop and do something fun with my kids CHECK
    6. cook a real dinner and not let the kids talk me into something as nasty as hot dogs again today :) CHECK

    Not feeling too motivated today to do what I planned, which was clean my kids rooms... YUCK! It's nice out so I'm changing the plans I planned on :)

    1. Water, I've got a good start, it's 11:30 and I'm on my 7th c already!
    2. run while kids ride their bikes
    3. under on cals and low on carbs
    4. enjoy a day at home with my kids
    5. healthy dinner
    6. laundry and maybe straighten up bedrooms
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA again....I swear life keeps giving me more problems. I know its nothing I can't handle but every turn I take seems to put another road block up for me. I keep trying but its getting harder and harder to keep it up. I think I need to call my doc cause even though I'm on my meds and taking them like I'm supposed to be I still feel like I'm down in the dumps. The weather of course isn't helping. Its cold and kinda nasty. Rain is gone but its still gloomy... Hoping maybe by getting with my doc I'll be able to figure out what is going on. I'm getting tired of the mood swings and the not being able to get motivated.

    Well I'm here to post some goals but its already half way thru the day and I've gotten one done already:)
    1. Walk -Which I already did. Although I now know that my new shoes aren't good for cold weather.
    2. Daughter's eye doc appt.
    3. Clean something cause the way I've been feeling has made it hard to do so and my house is starting to show it....

    Well I hope all of you have had a good one. I will check back later to see what you all have been up to.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hey Chrissy, only 5 days now! yippee! We had out tomorrow afternoon and will be there Friday!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Wednesday's fitness goals
    2. cardio, zumba, plus trainer. YES, YES, YES
    3. stretch before and after. NO, YES
    4. split a medium popcorn at the cinema, go easy on the butter! YES, NO
    5. eat a balanced dinner. YES
    6. oh yea, drink water! BARELY

    okay, so I wouldn't call today a bad day, it just could have been better. But no complaints, it could have been a lot worse too!

    Thursday's goals:
    1. Run some last minute errands.
    2. check and double check to make sure I have everything.
    3. don't snack too much while traveling!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    As for my non fitness goals, I didn't do any of them, so I will carry them over into Wednesday and add one more.
    Tuesday's non fitness goals:
    1. organize drawers. NO
    2. sweep under the bed. NO
    3. sweep and mop upstairs bathroom. YES

    I feel so bad that I left the first two things for my husband to do. But knowing him and how busy he is, it will probably still be waiting for me to do when I get back. :explode:
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Morning all!

    It's been a strange sort of week so haven't made it on to the thread for some reason! Today I have my last day at work for 11 days which means I have to work that much harder to get everything done before holiday! Also I've been attacked in a big way by the chocolate monster everyday which I have to stop. I plan to workout a lot while I'm off work and I must get my eating under control again. Felt like I needed to write that down on here so I can be accountable to you lovely friends and I will report back when I go back to work!

    Goals for Thursday:
    1. Water all day.
    3. HEalthy food.
    4. Body combat after work if my legs can handle it. They feel like lead at the moment.

    The sun is shining here and I am determined to make this a good day!! Hope you all have a great day!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Wednesday Goals:

    1. Exercise: Shred before work, Walk at lunch, Run after work. - Yes!
    2. Under on calories - Yes!
    3. Water- 14 cups!:drinker:
    4. Laundry - No
    5. House work - No

    Morning Everyone!

    I'm pretty proud of yesterday, the running was killer but rather then legging it out the park as soon as my time was up I stayed and carried on.

    Today is the last day before the long weekend and I'm a bit worried about all time with family ("You're looking so thin! Have cake/pie/a funnel!") I love them to bits of course but boy can they eat. I'm going to have to think of something I can do to keep myself busy each time I feel like wandering into the kitchen.

    Todays Goals:
    1. Under on calories
    2. Run after work with friend (love running with a friend, makes it really fun)
    3. Stay as cheerful as i am now no matter what the day throws at me.

    Have a lovely day everyone!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for April 20:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Healthy choices and portion control.--No to both.
    3. Exercise before work.--No.
    4. Bed by 9:30.--Yes.

    Forgot I had to print out postage and get my DDs Easter card and gift mailed out to her so didn't have time for even a short workout yesterday morning! Will do better today. Then messed up a really good day by eating candy!!! WHY????

    Goals for April 21:
    1. Water.
    2. Healthy Choices and portion control!!!
    3. Exercise before work.
    4. Bed by 9:30.

    Light rain today, Supposed to clear up in a bit, though.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    1. No bus. (Check!)
    2. Healthier Choices (Check... sort of)
    3. No snacking after 8 (Nope... but i'm not too upset about it since it wasn't a usual late night binge... just a little snack)
    4. Water (Check)
    5. Study for Psych exam tomorrow (Check... pretty sure I rocked it!)

    A little late to check in today but...

    1. Water
    2. Fruits and Veggies
    3. Gym (really struggling on this but I hope I get there)
    4. Work done
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Goals for Thursday:
    1. Water all day. YES
    3. HEalthy food. YES
    4. Body combat after work if my legs can handle it. They feel like lead at the moment. YES

    Successful day today and really want to keep this going over the long weekend.

    Kathy having a bit of candy from time to time is good for the soul!!

    Nicole great job on your goals and great to see you back in action on this thread!!!

    Kim good luck this weekend. I remember on Christmas day everytime someone offered me something naughty I had a glass of water instead. It was surprisingly easy that way because I was distracted!! Now that Easter has turned into a chocolate fest it may be harder but you can do it!! Take all the comments as compliments!

    Happy Good Friday everyone!!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    my goal is to log my daily goals everyday while i'm on my trip to help me stay accountable. Also to stay mindful that this is a never ending process that doesnt stop just because i go out of town. I feel like a BL contestant. I am out of my normal environment and eating and exercise routines. I am going to be faced with so many temptations. Some I will give in to, I won't lie, I am human. But this week more than ever, its about making smart choices. And dealing with the consequences lf my actions!!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    1. Water (Check)
    2. Fruits and Veggies (I got some in there)
    3. Gym (really struggling on this but I hope I get there) (No :()
    4. Work done (yep!)

    Thanks Nam! It's so good to be back!

    Going home this weekend. Always difficult since there's food just a few steps away but I don't want to undo my week so we will see how it goes. Goals for today...

    1. Fruits and Veggies
    2. Water
    3. No snacking after 8
    4. No bus

    Have a wonderful day everyone!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for April 21:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Healthy Choices and portion control!!!--Yes!
    3. Exercise before work.--Yes.
    4. Bed by 9:30.--Yes.

    It was quite a day yesterday--lots of shrubs and perennials came in. My legs are sore today so I'm going to forgo the AM exercise this time.

    Nam--I'm afraid it was more than a bit of candy I ate. A LOT more!

    Leela--Have fun on your trip and I'm sure you'll do fine on the rest of it, too.

    I hope everyone is planning a happy and healthy holiday weekend. Happy Easter weekend, everyone!

    Goals for April 22:
    1. Water
    2. Healthy choices and portion control.
    3. Watch the snacking tonight.
  • Hello All!!! New name, new profile.---Formerly TheNewJessieMae
    Hope that it will symbolize a fresh start. I have been so caught up in bashing myself, telling myself that I can't do it, telling myself that I need to taste that nasty unhealthy food-that I have gained 11lbs of the 20 that I had originally lost. I really need to change my frame of mind. I need help. I always act very strong. I am always the strong friend in real life and everyone comes to me-I am now breaking down and coming to you and asking for help and encouragement. If I don't ask, then I will quit again soon it would only be a matter of time. I am trying to turn to positive self talk but it always helps when others speak pisitively and offer a shoulder. Thank you guys for being there.

    April 22
    2.)work out
    3.)figure out easter plans and baskets
    4.)do not go over cals and watch carbs
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    I'm a total plonker!! I posted on Thursday at the end of the day bit forgot to post goals for Friday!! All in all I had a good day with food and exercise - went to Tri class and a short run. Could have done better on the water.

    The plan for Saturday:
    1. Water throughout the day.
    2. Circuit class and combat.
    3. Healthy food and NO CHOCOLATE.
    4. Relax and enjoy the day.

    Hope you're all having a lovely day!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    April 23's goals:
    1. walk early.
    2. drink 3- 24oz bottles of water throughout the day.
    3. do not eat after 9 o'clock
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