Sexy in Six Week 5



  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    morning ladies.....
    just blah today. it's really humid 88% and it's 73. when it's humid lik this i swell up, just hold the water. really struggled to get 45 mins at the gym. did 30 on treadmill and 15 weights. just couldn't get it movin'. i will take what i got. my HRM is dead. i might be able to talk DH into getting me a new on today, it's payday and it was a nice check. he gets commission + salary so it's alway different. i got the watch part to work somewhat it just won't transmit. i don't know what happened to it being in my gym bag. oh, well. also getting dr. oz's new book you being beautiful today.
    i ate last night. i am cool with it. that could also be why i am bloated today along with weather. after i did it i felt a need to tell you guys. that's the way i feel here. if i do something off course, i need to confess.:ohwell:
    off to shower and wake up DH and head out. maybe he can buy me lunch today. :bigsmile:
    check back later.
  • hondamamma
    Way to go em. You will get there it takes time. And beleive me it is not easy.. But if you want to do it you will.

    Good luck girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    morning ladies.....
    just blah today. it's really humid 88% and it's 73. when it's humid lik this i swell up, just hold the water. really struggled to get 45 mins at the gym. did 30 on treadmill and 15 weights. just couldn't get it movin'. i will take what i got. my HRM is dead. i might be able to talk DH into getting me a new on today, it's payday and it was a nice check. he gets commission + salary so it's alway different. i got the watch part to work somewhat it just won't transmit. i don't know what happened to it being in my gym bag. oh, well. also getting dr. oz's new book you being beautiful today.
    i ate last night. i am cool with it. that could also be why i am bloated today along with weather. after i did it i felt a need to tell you guys. that's the way i feel here. if i do something off course, i need to confess.:ohwell:
    off to shower and wake up DH and head out. maybe he can buy me lunch today. :bigsmile:
    check back later.

    Cathy, how old is it? Is it under warranty? Can you contact the company and ask about repairs? Might be less expensive. Check your options dear.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Good morning!

    Cathy, Kristin, you're not alone :grumble: My stress monster reared its head again last night and I over-ate. I guess my "go to" plan isn't working for me yet! We've got 4 days to make up for it so let's see what we can do!

    Lauryn, good to see you pop in! How are you feeling about things?

    AmyLou, have a great day!

    Amy, haven't heard from you much! Katy, haven't heard much either. How are you?

    Cass, I hope you're lurking! :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Deb, good morning!!

    Hi everyone I missed! Haven't done a meal plan yet today - fell asleep putting A & L to bed last night :smile: I'll check back later on!
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Hello everyone. :flowerforyou:

    I went over calories by 5, but I'm sure I really didn't because of usual walking, laundry simple stuff that burns calories.

    Today I burned and did alot of sweating. I work in a warehouse and usually am sitting at a desk in the office. Well, I went out for about 1.5 hrs and picked boxes. Didn't walk all that, but lifting is good. So, that woke me up today.

    And what is this C25K that everyone is doing? I've never heard of that.

    Here's what I've got for food today:

    B- 2 slice of lite wheat toast w/light butter
    S- SF pineapple strawberry jello and banana
    L- 2 Lean Pockets, turkey, cheese, and broccoli
    S- 100 cal cheesecake bar
    D- Not sure. Don't have anything picked out. So we'll see.

    Hope everyone has a swell day!!:wink:
  • cassangelidy
    Hello Ladies. Thank you Kristin and Rhiannon for the messages. I haven't been on in a while, and I see I'm not the only one going through some things. Rhiannon, I hope your FIL is doing better. I will pray for you and your family.

    I don't really want to go into what is going on in my life...but lets just say...I'm not living at my house, not wearing my wedding ring and I have bruises on my body.

    I haven't eaten much lately, and I haven't weighed in. I'm going to be going back to my house on Saturday and I'm going to try to start a routine for my daughter and me to get into to make things smooth through this time. One of those things is to go to bed earlier and to wake up early to get my workout in. When I've gone through tough times before, working out always made me feel more in control...of my body, of my mind..and it helped me to make better decisions.

    My goals are the same...I just have more pressing issues to deal with at this moment. Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts. And those of you who pray, I'd love prayer for wisdom and strength.

    thanks ladies. :heart:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Cass....:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Many MANY thoughts and prayers...I know things like this are hard to talk about, but I am here if you need someone to listen...ANY time. :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Oh Cass, I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles. Not only prayers for wisdom and strenght, but I'll add in a request for comfort and guidance too! Take care of you, so you can take care of your daughter.
    God bless
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Cass - I will constantly be thinking about you and praying for you and your daughter every chance I get.

    Much love:heart:
  • pdxmomof2
    Cass, I am so sorry to hear about what you are going through! My thoughts are with you and your daughter.

    I am in a funk which seems so small in comparison to what some of you are going through. This time of year is hard as I am constantly reminded of the people who are no longer in my life. It has me a little down and that is why I have not been posting much. I have been here reading but not posting.

    I want to get back to normal now!

    So here is my food today...

    breakfast- 2 eggs scrambled, shredded monterey cheese(small amount), 2 pieces whole wheat toast

    snack- grande non fat chai tea latte from starbucks

    lunch- ????

    Dinner will be turkey tenderion, steamed veggies and baby red potatoes

    I need some more snacks in there but not sure what they will be

    I want to hit the gym tonight and I am for sure going tomorrow morning. I am going to take a class caled 24SET. This class got me into awesome shape really quickly before my youngest was born. I am hoping to see the same results!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey Amy...sorry to hear this is a hard time of year for you. Just try and think about all the positives in your life. Good plan today...I still don't know what is for dinner tonight and my motivation level to get to the gym is fading as the day continues. I think I need to leave work soon and get my butt there so I am not tempted to skip.:wink: Anyways...I hope everyone has a good rest of this Friday and I don't know how much I will be on this weekend, but i promise PROMISE that I will be doing good! Almost to our last week and I want to successfully be in the 150s by the end of this challenge!

    WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    boy today has gone to he** in a hand basket. what you need to do for you and your daughter, that's all you need to worry about.
    pdx...i am with you on holiday time. mine is Christmas. that is the day my dad walked out on me and my mom. she knew i didn't. time gets easier now with the grandbabies around they really help.

    my son had a rotten day. 1st the car thing, now his warehouse he works for is shutting down. so, the truch he found had to go back to the dealer. had to call the realtor and pull out of the house deal. than she had the gall to say just go through with it and not tell the morgage people. excuss me. where will he get the money to make payments when do. who to say how long his job hunt will go on. he might be moving back home now with us again. poor kid....

    well i think i need to get something going for dinner and see what his plans are. if he is staying here or i need to take him home.

    back later. cathy
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Oh wow, big hugs out to everyone!!! This is a tough time. I'm glad we have this place where we can gain and offer support!!
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Wow, hello ladies..

    Seems like things are just happening to everyone..this time of year always gets crazy when so many unexpected things can happen..

    Dont let stress get the upper hand..We are all strong, healthy wonderful women and we can get through this successfully :wink:

    Cass- I hope you are able to get things back together for you and your daughter soon, you two are in my thoughts and if you need to talk, just let me know!:flowerforyou:

    Cathy- That is rough what your son is going through, and I cant believe the real estate lady said that..but that does pull her commission out as well so Im not surprised that she suggested goingt through with it. I hope your son can find something soon and things work out for the best :flowerforyou:

    So not much time for other personals- I will do that later on! Im at my sisters and it has been run run run - we were looking for shoes to go with my dress today, as well as a new bra, some SPANX(victoria secret version) and a shawl, type things to go over it. Found shoes a and bra, and spanx. Still need shawl type thing, and shoes for my daughter! I have yet to exercise since Monday :grumble: I havent been eating bad, but still feel lazy and guilty for not exercising. We are about to go eat with her FIL (he has adopted me and my daughter as DIL and grandchild as well lol). Not sure where we will eat. I will try to be healthy! My sister has an elliptical, but with a 6 yr old, 4 yr old and 3 yr old (our kids combined) it is hard to find the time in the evening to actually workout!!!! Well, Im off here and going to go change into jeans- found some brand new at a consignment store ($8)- size 14!!- to replace my size 18 black cargo pants Ive been safety pinning to fit me !! :laugh:

    Hope everyone has a great evening!!

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    hey ladies.....
    well woke to rain, off/on all morning. already up and out the door and back again until big lots opens. our eletric company has a yearly voting for officers. today was the voting. they give away a large prize for doing this. there is also drawings for one of their trucks (89 f150) a few other things. most people go for the big prize you will get that. this year was a 5qt roaster. one year was a george forman grill. it always depends on what it is if i go. the traffic is real heavy for this thing. our county is one of largest is the state. so many people come, it's free and will be a Christmas gift for someone. i will keep mine it will be perfect size for me and DH, and if son has to move back home. poor kid his microwave just went this morning, and the landlord has been shutting off his water to find a leak. :noway: what no that can't be going on. son doesn't even pay water, it's included with rent, and it's staying off for hours.

    well, today i heard a great saying ""live in the present tense, NOT in the past tense."" yea, so yesterdays eating is past and i now live in the present, nothing i can about the past, no extra exercise or cutting cals. whats done is done move on.

    My tip for today....fill your plate with veggies and leave very little room for the not so good stuff.

    well, off to read my book on the roaster.

    back later. cathy
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Well, lucky for me the hotel has a guest computer in the lobby, so I can get a quick MFP fix this morning before the meet. I had an ok breakfast, 2 hard boiled eggs, some fruit cocktail (no fresh fruit on the bar :grumble: ), and what I thought was a bran muffin but what turned out to be an apple cinnamon one with big oats on the top. I am trying to be proactive today towards food, we packed a snack bag and a cooler before leaving last night. I've got a fiber one bar in there, a light yogurt, blueberries, bananas, apples, peanut butter, light caramel dip, triscuit crisps, weight watchers cheddar cheese, carrots, hummus, protein bars.. I don't want to be tempted to hit the concession stand for cookies and stuff! Also in the bag, but hopefully not in my belly later, doritos, crunch bar, granola bars, pretzels, pop tarts. We're set for a VERY long day! And for kids to come hang out. We always pack an air mattress so we can get comfy, and it's not long before there's a ton of kids on it, munching and playing games. Anyways, I hope you gals all have a good day, will check in later tonight, if I'm not exhausted. Why is it that sitting around and doing nothing wears you out so bad?
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Good morning..

    Already did some weights and 21 min on elliptical this morning. About to go jog/walk for a few minutes!

    Breakfast was fiber one cereal and most of a banana. I dug around in my sisters cupboards til I found the fiber one lol.

    Not sure what lunch will be- I will probably go home today before or shortly after lunch. Well, I just hope not to GAIN any for our next check in.

    I will check in later everyone!!

    Have a great weekend!

  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Good morning everyone!!

    Just got done with my workout C25K Week 1: Day 3. I had planned on doing day 3 yesterday but it didn't happen. I went a few extra minutes today because it was going so well, so that made me happy. A lot I want to get done today but we'll see how much actually gets done. I also want to put up Christmas decorations and clean before i leave for Thanksgiving Break next Friday (my university gets the whole week of Thanksgiving off) that way it will all be beautiful and clean when I get back and I can at least enjoy the decor for a couple weeks before Christmas break starts. haha. :laugh:

    Heading to a football watch party tonight as our team has an away game today. It is sponsored by the graduate professional council and there is supposed to be refreshments so I'm thinking I might eat a little healthy something before I go there at 5:30 so I don't get stuck eating unhealthy bar food for dinner. Although it will be tempting!!

    So, meals for today:

    B: multi grain cheerios, skim milk
    L: ground turkey breast tacos, with carb balance tortilla and kraft mexican four cheese
    S: Jello or pudding maybe
    D: not exactly sure. maybe some of the taco meat from lunch with some fiesta vegetables I have in the freezer. :)
    S: maybe one drink during the game. :drinker: :happy:

    Have a fabulous Saturday ladies!! It is pretty chilly here so I am looking forward to getting cleaned up and snuggling up on my couch to do some schoolwork!!
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hi Ladies,

    The stress is getting to me and I am having a hard time dealing with it this weekend . I have to admit I went out to dinner last night and did not make wise choices. Actually, I didn't get to go where I wanted and the place we went did not have anything that looked healthy or salads that looked interesting. It is gloomy here today the rain finally changed to snow. DH & son are gone til next week, so I will be shoveling (good exercise, but stressful because of lack of time) Checking in here is always a nice break though.

    Cass, Stay safe.

    Pedal, I notice how tone your arms look too. Wowy.

    Katy, It's nice to see your words of encouragement to our group who seems to be struggling right now.

    Have a great day ladies:flowerforyou:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Wow... I've had SUCH a bad week nutritionally! Each day has started out really well then by the end of the day I've totally blown it and let the stress take over. I feel like I have found my good groove again today though which is a huge relief! My little guy is asking for bed so I'm going to CBL!