40+ Club: Spring Fitness Challenge



  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Alf: You can join us in trying to stow away in Sing's luggage, c'mon there's room.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    You gals better lose some SERIOUS weight before stowing away in my luggage!!! :laugh: Schlepping suitcases on Deutsche Bahn trains is a pain!!! Anyway, you can come along if you are quiet and don't snore too much.....

    I had a good upper body workout followed by a hike up the mountain (followed by a hike back down said mountain). It's a 2 mile, 1000 vertical foot climb to the top of the mountain, which I can do in just over 30 mins. It was a bit hazy & cloudy, so the views were not great, but the fresh air was!

    Stiring, I hope you can get to Germany soon! It's been a while, hasn't it?

    Alf, we go to Germany-Austria every other year. When we retire it will be every year. Right now I am looking at some great old inns within the walled old part of the town.

    Have a great day!
  • KimA1
    KimA1 Posts: 47
    Thanks for letting me join in. :)

    I'm 47 years old. Just started working out again and really using My Fitness Pal properly. I am trying to lose 20 lbs right now. I have a surgery scheduled for the end of May and won't be able to work out for a while. Just hoping I can maintain that with using the website during that time and watching my calorie intake.

    I LOVE Zumba. I have been doing that 3x a week and walking some other day. I've had great results with it in the past.

    Have a great day! Off to work.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning. I am dissapointed the food log is not working right now. I was really working on saving time today. :grumble: Great leg/abs workout, wonderful wholesome breakfast. Need to get ready for PT and then work...teaching tonight of course.

    Sing, I am working on being really light to get in your suitcase. :laugh: :laugh: I really miss Germany but my husband says "being there done that" :grumble:

    KimA1, I am also 47!! Nov 11. I am a Zumba instructor, I am glad you love it!!! You go girl!!! Zumba Love!!!! Find me on facebook so you can see pics and videos Zumba Annette Logging in your foods and watching your caloric intake will help you out. Also eating as clean as possible avoiding processed foods, saturated fats, high sodium and white flour etc. Hang in there, you can do it!! :drinker:

    Gotta go!!! Have a great day everyone!!! :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    singfree, it has been nearly five years since we left Germany. Luckily, unlike alf's husband, my husband would love to go back and live there. I don't know if we ever will or not. I'd kind of like to stay in the US for a little while, especially since our parents are getting up in years and I like being closer to them. But we'll see what happens when my husband retires from the Air Force in a couple/few years. I don't know that we have much of a chance of getting back to Germany, but England holds a stronger possibility. I prefer Germany but enjoyed living in England as well. But.....we'll see. Part of me also would like to buy a house, settle down and stop moving!

    Robin, I think your body will probably like the slight increase in calories. Sounds like your workouts are really having a positive impact right now.

    zebras, great job at the gym! And good job at putting those young men in their place. Like alf, I don't understand younger people and exercise sometimes. I figure if I can do something, than somebody 20+ years younger than me can do it as well. But that isn't always the case (sadly).

    alf, great to see you here so much the past few days!

    KimA1, like alf said, you won't gain weight post-surgery if you watch what you eat. Using MFP should really help out with that. Those last 10-20 pounds can be really tough to lose. Looks like you are doing great!

    Not much new to report here. I'm finishing my fourth week of the first month of my Insanity rotation. And, of course, I start my third month of P90X on Sunday. I must have been crazy when I dreamed up this rotation. Maybe that explains the whole 'Asylum' thing. Speaking of Asylum, it looks like a very tough system. Definitely not for everybody. I'm anxious to try it, but it looks tougher to me than Insanity, and that says something. Today is my 21st wedding anniversary, and my husband is currently on a plane heading back from Germany. At least I'll be able to see him--jet-lagged and all--today. But, obviously, nothing special planned for today. We'll probably try to get out for a nice dinner on Saturday.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Happy Happy Anniversary Stiring! 21 years is amazing.

    So, in addition to a full hour of cardio last night I walked to and from the gym! Not a huge walk. Probably takes the same amount of time as the car, considering the time it takes to get in the car start it up, fuss around finding a parking space at the other end. Won't do it in the rain, and when winter comes around again, I won't do it in the dark, the drivers around here aren't careful enough. I will only walk to stores that are on the same side of Route 1 as I am, because you can't trust them to stop for pedestrians in cross walks.

    Alf, wish I lived near you to go to your Zumba class!

    Kim/Alf I'm a few months away from 47, so we're all around the same age. 29 again!

    Sing: Congrats on the climb up the mountain!
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Sing, I'm TOTALLY jealous that you're 1) going back to Germany and Austria so quickly and 2)staying in Rothenburg ODT!!! We lived about 60KM from there, in Kitzingen, for nearly 7 years! I made many trips there.........loved it and the wonderful little finds on back streets. I can still see the look on my dad's face when we found and toured the Torture Museum!! Especially some of the 'chastity" devices they had there...........yikes!! :laugh: Made me very glad to live in modern, enlightened times!!!

    Still struggling with the neck/shoulder/upper back issues...........::frown: :frown: This is getting old..........and tiring. :cry: I'm waiting on the state Dept of Labor to schedule an ergonomic study of my work area - maybe they can find something that I can't so I can stop hurting. Hurting a lot this week because of a massive project with tons of keyboard work, plus the stress of waiting on other people to get their part done and to me so I can pull it all together!:grumble: I get so frustrated - sometimes I swear that the more degrees a person has and the more letters there are behind their name, the less common sense they have and the more they forget that other people depend on them to meet timelines too! :explode: :explode:
    Sorry for the venting - No offense to any of you who may have multiple degrees - kudos to you...........just don't forget the people who do administrative support for you!!! Can you tell I'm a WEE bit frustrated today????? :blushing: :blushing:

    Gotta get back to the spreadsheet entry...............so few minutes to do so much entry!!!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    My brother and his family left today to go to disneyland. They decided they are gonna do this every year on the babies birthday to remember him. My sister in law went for a job interview today at the hospital and they hired her. He just has to get a formal application and talk to a couple of other people but he said he can get her started in June which gives them time to start selling their house, pack, and move up. While she was in her interview my brother got a call from the casino wanting him to fill out an application there... Pretty weird how everything is just falling into place so quickly.

    I did get some exercise in while they were in. I went on the treadmill a few times and took them to Yosemite and did some light hiking. I actually jogged 1 mile straight!!! I was so excited. I have walked/power walked for miles but never actually jogged that far.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning! Check in time. It has been a great week of healthy eating and accomplished all my exercise goals. Yesterday a coworker brought cupcakes and I didnt even look at them. I even thought about bringing one to my son but then thought he doesnt need it either. Of course I gave up alcohol and sweets for Lent and Easter is this Sunday so who knows what will happen now...but to tell you the truth I really want to continue this same pattern. I feel great, have no cravings for sweets, alcohol doesnt even cross my mind, so I will keep this up for as long as I can.

    Tron, I am so happy for your brother and family. I am glad everything is turning out so well for them. I am sure you will be happy to have them closer. Congrats on the jog in Yosemite. That is a place I would love to visit someday.

    Mk, no apologies for venting, I completely agree. :wink: I am sorry to hear you are still having physical problems. Take it easy girl! I also went to that torture museum in Rothenburg. LOL I only went there once, when my parents came over to stay with us for 6 wks. It is such a beautiful city!!

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!! HAPPY EASTER!! :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    mk, I'm sorry to hear about the continued pain. I hope that you can come up with some solution soon. When does your husband leave? I'm sure that is causing some stress as well! Take care and vent away when you need to!!!

    tron, I'm happy to hear things are going all right for your brother and his family. It sounds like things are working out for them. I hope they enjoy their trip to Disneyland. I think that's an excellent idea for remembering their little one.

    alf, good job with the eating! I have no doubt you'll be able to carry on with it past Easter.

    Friday check-in....I finished Month 1 of Insanity this morning. Of course, I turn around and start Month 3 of P90X on Sunday, but at least I have a week off from Insanity next week so that should help me ease back in to the heavier weights of P90X. I'm happy with my fitness right now. My eating....not so much. But I know I'm just going through a stage, and I'm not gaining weight....so I'm just going to let it run its course. Like alf mentioned the other day, no doubt the more intense exercise is making me want to eat more. I just wish I was eating more healthy stuff and less of the unhealthier stuff, but I'll continue to work on that. I'll have to pay more attention to it if I'm going to get through three weeks of P90X AND Month 2 of Insanity starting here in a week. I think proper nutrition is going to be key to my success there.

    Hope you all enjoy your weekend. Happy Easter!
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Hi, everyone! Happy Holy Week, Good Friday and (almost) Easter for those who celebrate.

    I seem to be doing well without my IV nutrition so far (1 week down, 2 weeks to go before the "big decision" about me continuing or getting free). The vomiting and nausea that I was having before when I was malnourished is not happening at all. I'm able to drink down 2-3 protein shakes per day, which is great. It's more along the lines of vitamins or medication that food or nutrition--at least that's how I think of it.

    I'm feeling pretty energetic, but I still need to exercise more and drink more water.

    My dog is shooting me dirty looks for not going out in the freezing wet weather right now. :laugh:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Stiring.... Which do you like better, the P90X or Insanity? They seem basically the same when you watch the infomercial.

    Alf... Great job with your eating. I've been trying to keep the sweets out of my house but with all the company I have had lately that's a losing battle. I'm just glad I was never a huge sweets fan. My downfall is the salty stuff.

    I finally got to go shopping today. My car isn't in proper working order right now and I don't want it to be a major problem so I'm not driving it until my husband gets some time to look at it. That may be months down the road the way he's been lately. So my daughter picked me up and I tagged along on her shopping trip. Great to finally get the staples back in the house....
  • Well well....people over 40!!! I didn't know this group was here! May I join in? -giggles-

    What is the Spring fitness challenge...or what are the guidelines?

    Same here! :)
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,445 Member
    Hi everyone....Haven't read everyones post but...I miss you guys. Everything is going ok.....Lots of running around. I am walking everyday on the beach and eating pretty good.

    Be well and hopefully my life will be back in order in a week when we return home:)
  • Marlabe
    Marlabe Posts: 6
    Can I join you?
    Also...those of you with fantastic losses...how did you do it? Are you just counting calories or doing something else?
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!! Getting ready to take my son to baseball. Tonight we are taking him to watch Toy Story 3 Disney on Ice show. I havent told him yet. LOL I just hope there are no screaming kids near him. He really doesnt tolerate that too well.

    Tron, Stiring can tell you more about Insanity since I've never done it. But from what I've heard they are two totally different programs. Insanity is more like a hard core cardio program. P90X is more of a strength training program but also includes a yoga dvd and some cardio.

    Lady Persia, good to hear from you. I am glad you are well. And VictoriousOne, great to hear from you as well. Had not heard from you in a while.

    Newcomers, welcome!!! Of course you can join us!! Most of us are losing weight by eating healthy, as clean as possible, and exercising to include cardio, strength training and flexibility exercises. Some go to the gym and have personal trainers others work out on their own with DVD's at home, etc. Some of us have already reached our weight goal and are focusing on maintaining. What we offer the most is support for each other. The challenge? It is whatever you set for yourself according to your goals and we all chip in and help out with ideas and support. This is a group that started about 2 yrs ago for people over 40 yrs of age because other groups out there include people of all ages and young people dont have the same struggles that people over 40 have. Stiring, Sing, you can add more to this. So Marlabe and twentysixpoint, tell us more about yourselves, your goals, so we can get to know you better.

    Have a wonderful Saturday!!! :flowerforyou:
  • gbryant
    gbryant Posts: 24 Member
    Good evening everyone, I have read alot of the new posts, just dont have a lot of time to spend on here tongiht, but I hope all is well and everyone is having a great weekend. Ours is soaked with about 3 inches of rain so far. More rain to come tonight and tomorrow. :ohwell:
    I did run my first 5k this morning, after a 2 hr delay. After the first delay I decided to eat a power bar. Big mistake, I bought lost it during the race.
    My new shoes that I absolute love is about as wet as wet can get. :grumble:
    A guy I went to school with was running the 10k, got to talk with him for a bit, he told me what a way to start my first 5k, in a pouring, thunder, lightning storm. At least I got to run it. I was really slow, 34.13 min. Bad part about that is, I was following some kid and he took about 40 of us in the wrong directions, blind leading the blind kind of thing :sad: , so we ended up running a little further than we were suppose to, lol.
    I kinda failed at making it through the whole race running, I was about half way done when I realised that I should have not had the power bar, walked for about a minute just to keep my stomack from exploding. I told my school friend, running this first 5k in 50 degree rain means that my other 5k races this year should a piece of cake, also learned why everyone there had on shorts and not sweat pants. I had on yoga pants because I was cold, by the time I got done with my race, I think they weighed about 10lbs. I am going to go buy me some biker shorst before my next run. :blushing:
    I did not weigh my self this week, I have not been good enough and I dont want to see the scale go up. It makes me discouraged. I will weigh my self this coming Friday no matter how I do this week, just to keep me on track.
    Hope everyone is doing well, and welcome to all the new comers. Its great to have all the support we can.:bigsmile:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I hope everyone has a great Easter Sunday. :flowerforyou:

    Gbryant, congrats on running your first 5K. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: That is fantastic. But wow, what a crazy first experience!!! I am also sure your next races will be much easier. I love 5Ks!!! I really miss running. :cry: I dont think your time was bad especially when you ran farther than you had to. Be proud of yourself!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Happy Easter everyone!

    Busy week and weekend. Daughter's car broke down, work was insane, and lots of family activities. Finally a quiet evening tonight, Easter. :)
    I did lose 1lb. Back to pre vacation weight. YAY!!
    Saw my rehab/pain doctor on Friday. I have been having increased lower back pain and increased neuropathy in my left lower extremity. Have had issues since after my surgery, but its getting worse, especially after exercising.:grumble:
    He suggested a special trainer/physical therapist who works with lower back injuries and post surgery to really work on my exercise routine and tweak it. Im hoping this helps. He also said no exercising till I see them. I can water walk or walk pup... BUMMER!:frown:
    SO Im trying to be extra diligent on my eating and will water walk and walk my pup till I see the specialist.

    I haven't had time to read all the posts but I hope everyone is well.

  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Happy Easter To All!

    I hope everyone's had a wonderful Easter weekend. It was great for us, but very busy for a Church musician. We had our Pastor & his wife over for dinner this evening. I know I'll be eating a LOT of ham this week!

    I need to get back to working out and eating right this week, as we leave for Utah on Saturday. I've done pretty well on a lower carb diet, so that's the plan for the week.

    I'm glad that I'm stirring up some memories for some of you from your military days in Germany. MK, I found a nice little inn just outside the wall in Rothenburg called the Hotel Hornburg. It's an old estate mansion dating back to 1903. The rooms look great. I assume that you are referring to the "Criminal Museum" when talking about the medieval torture stuff. Strange but fascinating place. Stiring, I hope you are able to at least visit the old country some day. I know how much you love it! Alf, if hubby doesn't want to go, you can stow away with us.

    Nothing else to report from here. Back at work now...4 more nights until vacation!!!

    Have a good night!
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