Sexy in Six: Week 6

Good Morning Sexy Sixers,

We are in the home stretch; our last week before Thanksgiving. I hope this challenge has helped everyone lose a little or maintain. I have lost 4.2 pounds so far in this challenge. It was not as big as a percentage as we started out wanting, but I’m still very pleased about this progress. My goal for next weeks weigh in will be to lose one pound. This will bring me under 200 for the first time in a long time and put me at a 5 pound loss for this challenge. I think as long as we aren’t gaining that is really good news.

Below you will find the week 4 Stats from everyone. Use it to update, unless you can find one that is more recent, I didn’t see one.

Old crew:
Cathy (Chipper) START W:217.2 ----CURR W: 214.0 GOAL LOSS 10/12----PROGRESS -3.2
Amy (pdxmomof2) SW 195...CW 195........GW 183.......PROGRESS 0.0
Cass (cassangelidy) ---- SW: 189.8---CW: 186.0---PROGRESS: -3.8lbs .
Rhiannon (PedalHound) ---- SW: 181lbs---CW 178.2 lbs---PROGRESS: -2.8lbs
Deb (DebLaf) SW:204.4 CW: 200.2 GW: 199--PROGRESS this week -0.8
Katy (KatyK)--- SW:198--- GW: 186--- CW:191.8 --- PROGRESS -6.2lbs
Robin (Pettmybunny) SW: 191.5~~~ GOAL LOSS: 10~~~ PROGRESS: -3.5
Kristin (kistinbee) SW 161.5, GW 155.5, CW 162 Goal to lose 6 pounds.

New additions:
Lauryn (Lauryn1981)
START: 167, CURRENT: 164, GOAL LOSS:6 -- PROGRESS: -3.0lbs
Connie (Connieq288)Start 273, Current 275, Goal Loss 12 lbs--- Progress + 2 lbs
Amy (Amylou24) ---START: 160, Current 158.4, GOAL LOSS: 10, PROGRESS - 1.6lbs
Shanell (Nellienell12) ---START: 213.5, GOAL LOSS: 12, PROGRESS: -3.5 lbs
Tammara (drtamm) ---START 232, CURRENT 230, GOAL 8lbs,PROGRESS -2lbs
Tan (tjones7) Start 298, Current 297, Goal 20 pounds Progress is -1 pound

Have a great Week :happy: :happy: :happy:


  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Good Morning Sexy Sixers,

    We are in the home stretch; our last week before Thanksgiving. I hope this challenge has helped everyone lose a little or maintain. I have lost 4.2 pounds so far in this challenge. It was not as big as a percentage as we started out wanting, but I’m still very pleased about this progress. My goal for next weeks weigh in will be to lose one pound. This will bring me under 200 for the first time in a long time and put me at a 5 pound loss for this challenge. I think as long as we aren’t gaining that is really good news.

    Below you will find the week 4 Stats from everyone. Use it to update, unless you can find one that is more recent, I didn’t see one.

    Old crew:
    Cathy (Chipper) START W:217.2 ----CURR W: 214.0 GOAL LOSS 10/12----PROGRESS -3.2
    Amy (pdxmomof2) SW 195...CW 195........GW 183.......PROGRESS 0.0
    Cass (cassangelidy) ---- SW: 189.8---CW: 186.0---PROGRESS: -3.8lbs .
    Rhiannon (PedalHound) ---- SW: 181lbs---CW 178.2 lbs---PROGRESS: -2.8lbs
    Deb (DebLaf) SW:204.4 CW: 200.2 GW: 199--PROGRESS this week -0.8
    Katy (KatyK)--- SW:198--- GW: 186--- CW:191.8 --- PROGRESS -6.2lbs
    Robin (Pettmybunny) SW: 191.5~~~ GOAL LOSS: 10~~~ PROGRESS: -3.5
    Kristin (kistinbee) SW 161.5, GW 155.5, CW 162 Goal to lose 6 pounds.

    New additions:
    Lauryn (Lauryn1981)
    START: 167, CURRENT: 164, GOAL LOSS:6 -- PROGRESS: -3.0lbs
    Connie (Connieq288)Start 273, Current 275, Goal Loss 12 lbs--- Progress + 2 lbs
    Amy (Amylou24) ---START: 160, Current 158.4, GOAL LOSS: 10, PROGRESS - 1.6lbs
    Shanell (Nellienell12) ---START: 213.5, GOAL LOSS: 12, PROGRESS: -3.5 lbs
    Tammara (drtamm) ---START 232, CURRENT 230, GOAL 8lbs,PROGRESS -2lbs
    Tan (tjones7) Start 298, Current 297, Goal 20 pounds Progress is -1 pound

    Have a great Week :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hey ladies!

    So I'm kind of starting off the morning pretty bummed. My midweek loss is long gone and so I'm technically up this week. But I was kind of expecting it because there were a few questionable "cheats" this week.

    Plan of attack for today is the Shred DVD and mealwise:
    B: multi grain cheerios, skim milk
    L: Campbells soup at hand
    S: Jello sugar free fat free snack cup - strawberry
    D: Chicken breast, brown rice, mixed veggies.

    Might get the skinny cinnamon dolce latte from Starbucks for 130 cals but not sure yet.

    I'm disappointed, but at the same time I know that doing this challenge has prepared me for the holidays and has helped me get started. I'm hoping this week just to get back under 157 which is where I was at for a long time before hitting the 160 mark. It's not much this week, just 0.8 lbs. but I will take it and am going to work hard for it!!

    Old crew:
    Cathy (Chipper) START W:217.2 ----CURR W: 214.0 GOAL LOSS 10/12----PROGRESS -3.2
    Amy (pdxmomof2) SW 195...CW 195........GW 183.......PROGRESS 0.0
    Cass (cassangelidy) ---- SW: 189.8---CW: 186.0---PROGRESS: -3.8lbs .
    Rhiannon (PedalHound) ---- SW: 181lbs---CW 178.2 lbs---PROGRESS: -2.8lbs
    Deb (DebLaf) SW:204.4 CW: 200.2 GW: 199--PROGRESS this week -0.8
    Katy (KatyK)--- SW:198--- GW: 186--- CW:191.8 --- PROGRESS -6.2lbs
    Robin (Pettmybunny) SW: 191.5~~~ GOAL LOSS: 10~~~ PROGRESS: -3.5
    Kristin (kistinbee) SW 161.5, GW 155.5, CW 162 Goal to lose 6 pounds.

    New additions:
    Lauryn (Lauryn1981)
    START: 167, CURRENT: 164, GOAL LOSS:6 -- PROGRESS: -3.0lbs
    Connie (Connieq288)Start 273, Current 275, Goal Loss 12 lbs--- Progress + 2 lbs
    Amy (Amylou24) ---START: 160, Current 157.8, GOAL LOSS: 10, PROGRESS - 2.2 lbs
    Shanell (Nellienell12) ---START: 213.5, GOAL LOSS: 12, PROGRESS: -3.5 lbs
    Tammara (drtamm) ---START 232, CURRENT 230, GOAL 8lbs,PROGRESS -2lbs
    Tan (tjones7) Start 298, Current 297, Goal 20 pounds Progress is -1 pound
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    mornin sixers....
    medication is leaving my system....iam down 1.8 i am thrilled to no end. i thought there might be a gain, because of the eating did this past weekend. but, keeping on the go helps me so much.
    already did workout. getting time for a short nap. not use to this 5 am wake up. glad sons plant is closed all next week. gives him a chance to find a car and a job and a place to live, besides my house. we already had a run in with each other last night at dinner. i understand his problems, but, please show me some respect it's my house. it also put me out also. it's just been me and hubby for a year. i will be putting my foot down from now on....

    Old crew:
    Cathy (Chipper) START W:217.2 ----CURR W: 213.2 GOAL LOSS 10/12----PROGRESS -4
    Amy (pdxmomof2) SW 195...CW 195........GW 183.......PROGRESS 0.0
    Cass (cassangelidy) ---- SW: 189.8---CW: 186.0---PROGRESS: -3.8lbs .
    Rhiannon (PedalHound) ---- SW: 181lbs---CW 178.2 lbs---PROGRESS: -2.8lbs
    Deb (DebLaf) SW:204.4 CW: 200.2 GW: 199--PROGRESS this week -0.8
    Katy (KatyK)--- SW:198--- GW: 186--- CW:191.8 --- PROGRESS -6.2lbs
    Robin (Pettmybunny) SW: 191.5~~~ GOAL LOSS: 10~~~ PROGRESS: -3.5
    Kristin (kistinbee) SW 161.5, GW 155.5, CW 162 Goal to lose 6 pounds.

    New additions:
    Lauryn (Lauryn1981)
    START: 167, CURRENT: 164, GOAL LOSS:6 -- PROGRESS: -3.0lbs
    Connie (Connieq288)Start 273, Current 275, Goal Loss 12 lbs--- Progress + 2 lbs
    Amy (Amylou24) ---START: 160, Current 158.4, GOAL LOSS: 10, PROGRESS - 1.6lbs
    Shanell (Nellienell12) ---START: 213.5, GOAL LOSS: 12, PROGRESS: -3.5 lbs
    Tammara (drtamm) ---START 232, CURRENT 230, GOAL 8lbs,PROGRESS -2lbs
    Tan (tjones7) Start 298, Current 297, Goal 20 pounds Progress is -1 pound

    congrats to all "LOSERS" we want to be losers. come on gainers, new week, **kicking bottoms back on the wagon**. it's almost like we are all on the same wagon. when one slips we all have a rough time. we seem to always be on track together too. just was thinking that.
    rambling, tired, sorry, nap time
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning ladies. Brand new week! AND the last one for this challenge!!!! Here are my stats:

    Week 1: 161.5 pounds
    Week 2: ???
    Week 3: 162.0 pounds
    Week 4: 161.5 pounds
    Week 5: 161.0 pounds
    Week 6: 161.0 pounds:grumble:

    Original Goal: 155.5 pounds
    Original Remaining: 5.5 pounds

    Revised Goal: Anywhere in the 150s
    Revised Remaining: 2.0 pounds

    This is kind of disappointing to me because I know I am really down in weight, but yesterday was a heavy day and I even feel bloated this morning. My check in on Thursday was 159.5 which was FABULOUS! And up until this morning (I weighed a LOT this week) I was at 160.0. So, I know I'm down and was SO looking forward to sharing that with all you wonderful ladies! Oh well.

    Old crew:
    Cathy (Chipper) START W:217.2 ----CURR W: 213.2 GOAL LOSS 10/12----PROGRESS -4
    Amy (pdxmomof2) SW 195...CW 195........GW 183.......PROGRESS 0.0
    Cass (cassangelidy) ---- SW: 189.8---CW: 186.0---PROGRESS: -3.8lbs .
    Rhiannon (PedalHound) ---- SW: 181lbs---CW 178.2 lbs---PROGRESS: -2.8lbs
    Deb (DebLaf) SW:204.4 CW: 200.2 GW: 199--PROGRESS this week -0.8
    Katy (KatyK)--- SW:198--- GW: 186--- CW:191.8 --- PROGRESS -6.2lbs
    Robin (Pettmybunny) SW: 191.5~~~ GOAL LOSS: 10~~~ PROGRESS: -3.5
    Kristin (kistinbee) SW 161.5, GW 159, CW 161 Progress...-0.5 pounds

    New additions:
    Lauryn (Lauryn1981)
    START: 167, CURRENT: 164, GOAL LOSS:6 -- PROGRESS: -3.0lbs
    Connie (Connieq288)Start 273, Current 275, Goal Loss 12 lbs--- Progress + 2 lbs
    Amy (Amylou24) ---START: 160, Current 158.4, GOAL LOSS: 10, PROGRESS - 1.6lbs
    Shanell (Nellienell12) ---START: 213.5, GOAL LOSS: 12, PROGRESS: -3.5 lbs
    Tammara (drtamm) ---START 232, CURRENT 230, GOAL 8lbs,PROGRESS -2lbs
    Tan (tjones7) Start 298, Current 297, Goal 20 pounds Progress is -1 pound

    I would like to quickly look at my challenges this week:
    1. My brothers birthday dinner on Saturday...I think we are doing Chinese. But I will go to Spinning that morning and eat light for the rest of the day. I will also drink PLENTY of water...all the sodium!
    That's the only challenge I know of for this week.

    So, here is my meal plan for today:
    One A Day - Womens Multi Vitamin, 1 tablet 0 calories
    Multi Grain Cheerios & Banana, 1 meal 255 calories
    Old Orchard - Healthy Balance Pomegranate Cranberry, 8 FL OZ 29 calories
    284 total breakfast calories

    AM snacks
    Coffee - ground, 2 cup 0 calories
    Nestle Coffee Mate - Coffee Creamer (Sugar Free Vanilla Caramel), 2 tbsp 30 calories
    Kashi Tlc - Soft Baked Cereal Bar-Blackberry Graham, 1 bar (35g) 110 calories
    140 total AM snack calories

    HomeMade - Cabbage Soup, 2 cup 110 calories
    Harvest Crisps - Snack Crackers - Wheat Thins Garden Vegetable, 15 crackers 130 calories
    Diet Coke - Soft Drink, 12 fl. oz. 0 calories
    Ae Yo-Lite Yogurt - Yogurt, 6 oz 80 calories
    320 total lunch calories

    Afternoon snacks
    Apples - Raw, with skin, 1 medium (2-3/4" dia) (approx 3 per lb) 72 calories
    Kashi - Tlc Crunchy Granola Bars - Pumpkin Spice Flax, 2 bars 180 calories
    252 total afternoon snack calories

    Tilapia - Fish, 4 oz. (1 filet) 98 calories
    Home made basic salad with spritzer dressing, 1 meal 83 calories
    Potatoes - Red, flesh and skin, baked, 1 potato medium (2-1/4" to 3-1/4" dia) 154 calories
    335 total dinner calories

    PM snacks
    Probably some air popped pop corn!

    The workout plan is 45 minute step class...we will see how it feels. I don't think I'm going to put the 15 minute Ab workout back in yet as that really works the core which is the area that I hurt...maybe next week.

    Okay...another topic for continued discussion: our new challenge name. I think we are going to need to see what everyone likes...I'd like to keep everyone happy. So, maybe everyone could copy and add a challenge name, or copy one that you like next to your name. These were the names we've come up with so far:

    1. Holiday Throw Down
    2. Holiday Hotties Challenge
    3. Twenty Something Holiday Challenge
    4. Skinny Santa Challenge
    5.Sixers Holiday Challenge

    So, if you would please, copy the list below and add the name/names you like next to your name. (Katy...I added your favorites that you mentioned yesterday. If changed, you can edit!)

    Katy...Twenty Something Holiday Challenge, Sixers Holiday Challenge

    Well ladies, it's off to do some work for me. Have a FABULOUS morning and I'll check back a little later!
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Old crew:
    Cathy (Chipper) START W:217.2 ----CURR W: 214.0 GOAL LOSS 10/12----PROGRESS -3.2
    Amy (pdxmomof2) SW 195...CW 195........GW 183.......PROGRESS 0.0
    Cass (cassangelidy) ---- SW: 189.8---CW: 186.0---PROGRESS: -3.8lbs .
    Rhiannon (PedalHound) ---- SW: 181lbs---CW 178.2 lbs---PROGRESS: -2.8lbs
    Deb (DebLaf) SW:204.4 CW: 200.2 GW: 199--PROGRESS this week -0.8
    Katy (KatyK)--- SW:198--- GW: 186--- CW:191.8 --- PROGRESS -6.2lbs
    Robin (Pettmybunny) SW: 191.5~~~ GOAL LOSS: 10~~~ PROGRESS: -3.5
    Kristin (kistinbee) SW 161.5, GW 155.5, CW 162 Goal to lose 6 pounds.

    New additions:
    Lauryn (Lauryn1981)
    START: 167, CURRENT: 164, GOAL LOSS:6 -- PROGRESS: -3.0lbs
    Connie (Connieq288)Start 273, Current 267, Goal Loss -12 -- PROGRESS: 6 lbs
    Amy (Amylou24) ---START: 160, Current 158.4, GOAL LOSS: 10, PROGRESS - 1.6lbs
    Shanell (Nellienell12) ---START: 213.5, GOAL LOSS: 12, PROGRESS: -3.5 lbs
    Tammara (drtamm) ---START 232, CURRENT 230, GOAL 8lbs,PROGRESS -2lbs
    Tan (tjones7) Start 298, Current 297, Goal 20 pounds Progress is -1 pound

    I can tell you that I definately will not make my goal but at least I did lose.

  • pdxmomof2
    Good mornng!

    Well, I am not weighing in officially until my Thursday Weight Watcher meeting. I am not down now but am not giving up.

    This challenge has not brought me the weight loss that I wanted however I do love you ladies to death and that is not going to make me run. I still need the support and want to be there to offer support to those who need it!

    1. Holiday Throw Down
    2. Holiday Hotties Challenge
    3. Twenty Something Holiday Challenge
    4. Skinny Santa Challenge
    5.Sixers Holiday Challenge

    So, if you would please, copy the list below and add the name/names you like next to your name. (Katy...I added your favorites that you mentioned yesterday. If changed, you can edit!)

    Amy... Sixers Holiday Challenge
    Katy...Twenty Something Holiday Challenge, Sixers Holiday Challenge

    Congrats to the those who lost this week! Keep trying hard to those who didnt(me included). Today is a new day....
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    :grumble: Well of COURSE it came back to bite me...

    Week 1: 181
    Week 2: 178.4lbs (2.6 lb loss)
    Week 3: 178.2lbs (0.2 lb loss)
    Week 4: 180.0lbs (1.8lb GAIN)
    Week 5: 176.2lbs (3.8 lb loss)
    Week 6: 178.2lbs (2 lbs GAIN)
    Goal weight: 169lbs (unofficial) 173.2lbs (official)
    Lbs to go: 9.2 (unofficial) 5.0lbs (official)

    Right. Well, on with it. I kicked the heck out of my week before my FIL's emergency and I can do it again. I've got lots of dates with the gym lined up for myself and I can do it! I don't know about 5 lbs, but I just want to get under my lowest weigh-in of 176.2 for next week. That means getting down 2.1lbs or more but I know I can do it.

    Congrats to all the losers and maintainers!! Remember, as much as we all have challenge-specific goals, training ourselves and weeding out the issues that will hold us back has also been part of this challenge. I think we've all had a lot of opportunity to do so and that, too, is a success. Now let's sprint our last week and show what we can do!
    1. Holiday Throw Down
    2. Holiday Hotties Challenge
    3. Twenty Something Holiday Challenge
    4. Skinny Santa Challenge
    5.Sixers Holiday Challenge

    So, if you would please, copy the list below and add the name/names you like next to your name. (Katy...I added your favorites that you mentioned yesterday. If changed, you can edit!)

    Amy... Sixers Holiday Challenge
    Rhiannon... Sixers Holiday Challenge
    Katy...Twenty Something Holiday Challenge, Sixers Holiday Challenge

    BBL with meals - haven't planned them yet. :flowerforyou:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Hi again :bigsmile: I also meant to say, remember that we get to re-do our measurements at the end of this week? We may see unexpected progress there too.

    Here are my meals for the day:

    1: homemade rice & steel-cut oat multi grain porridge w/ 1/4 cup skim milk & 1 banana
    2: 1 apple, 1 hard-boiled egg
    3: 1/2 sprouted grain bagel w/ 1.5 tbsp almond butter
    4: 1 homemade porridge muffin w/ 1 tbsp homemade apple butter & choc protein shake
    5: 16 baby carrots & 2 smoked salmon nuggets
    6: lentil vegetable chicken curry w/ 1 slice Ezekiel sodium-free bread, 1.5 tbsp hummus & 1/4 cup alfalfa sprouts

    Work out will be a step & pump class at the gym (it's cool: the whole 55 mins is 5 mins cardio then 5 mins weights. It's a great interval class!)

    Well, today is busy. I have to run some errands for Ava's birthday party next Monday, bake muffins, make a fruit tray, set the kiddos up to make a craft for Grandpa, start sewing undecorated felt puppets (for Ava's b-day. The kids are going to make felt puppets as the main craft)... and all before 4pm so I can make my class! Busy day indeed!

    Kristin, thanks for taking the time to be so organized about the name for the next challenge!

    Cathy, sorry things are tense at your place. I hope your son finds some solutions soon.

    Amy, don't worry about things. You'll hit your stride :flowerforyou:!

    Cass, still sending you love. Let us know how you and your daughter are doing!

    Deb, you're right - progress is progress! It's good to be reminded of that from time to time!

    Lauryn, glad to see you're still lurking. How are you feeling??

    Hi everyone else.. sorry about the scattered personals these days. I've been so distracted. Well, on with my wild day!

  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Pedal - you are so right! I had almost forgotten about measuring so crossing my fingers for some good changes there next week too!!

    I know i suggested one but I changed my mind so....

    Amy... Sixers Holiday Challenge
    Rhiannon... Sixers Holiday Challenge
    Katy...Twenty Something Holiday Challenge, Sixers Holiday Challenge
    AmyLou... Sixers Holiday Challenge

    Otherwise doing well so far today, just getting ready for some soup for lunch since it is pretty chilly here. I ended up not working at school very long though so I am back home and might make scrambled eggs instead since I will be way under cals if I only have soup. Great job to our losers so far and everyone else hang in there, week 6 should be our best one yet, and if nothing else, we know we are better prepared for the holidays by doing this Sexy in 6 challenge.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    So far it's looking like people are liking "Sixers Holiday Challenge" which is good because it is another "six" week challenge. But let's see from everyone else before we decide.

    I'm just on lunch still. Ended up having a tootsie pop also (60 cal). Still should be within calories for the day.

    Have a good one ladies!
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Good afternoon ladies!!

    I am down 3lbs from last week! Amazing, I was just hoping I wouldnt GAIN anything from my absence from exercise last week!! :noway: I was shocked this morning when I stepped on the scale, first it read 183.2 (which would have been a 3.8lb loss) and I COULD NOT believe it lol So I apprehensively stepped on it again..and it was 184.0! I weighed *3* more times just to make sure it was right..and 184.0 all 3 other times!!

    Week 1: 198
    Week 2: 195
    Week 3: 191.8
    Week 4: 189.6
    Week 5: 187.0
    Week 6: 184.0

    14lbs lost out of goal of 12lbs(approx. 20%) to lose.

    Kristin- Its probably just excess water you are holding that has you as the same weight last week, so I wouldnt worry about it!! Plus, maybe Tuesdays are a heavy day for you!! Thanks for adding my choices in the next challenge name choice!!

    Cathy- Im so happy for you :) Congrats on the loss! I hope things workout with your son..Im sure it can be frustrating for both you and your son!!!

    Pedal- Maybe you are retaining a little water too? Or maybe today is a heavy day for you?? Check again tomorrow and see if there is a difference!!

    Deb- I agree with you, progress however small, is still progress!!

    Amy (PDX)- This IS a great, supportive group of ladies isnt it??? I feel the same way and am soo happy I signed up here in July! I dont know if I could have made sooo much progress without you guys :)

    AmyLou- You have such a positive attitude :bigsmile: Its contagious lol! You are working hard, and I bet you will for sure see a difference in inches!!

    Thats all the personals I can remember lol, if I forgot anyone I am soooo sorry!!

    Old crew:
    Cathy (Chipper) START W:217.2 ----CURR W: 214.0 GOAL LOSS 10/12----PROGRESS -3.2
    Amy (pdxmomof2) SW 195...CW 195........GW 183.......PROGRESS 0.0
    Cass (cassangelidy) ---- SW: 189.8---CW: 186.0---PROGRESS: -3.8lbs .
    Rhiannon (PedalHound) ---- SW: 181lbs---CW 178.2 lbs---PROGRESS: -2.8lbs
    Deb (DebLaf) SW:204.4 CW: 200.2 GW: 199--PROGRESS this week -0.8
    Katy (KatyK)--- SW:198--- GW: 186--- CW:184.0 --- PROGRESS -14lbs
    Robin (Pettmybunny) SW: 191.5~~~ GOAL LOSS: 10~~~ PROGRESS: -3.5
    Kristin (kistinbee) SW 161.5, GW 155.5, CW 162 Goal to lose 6 pounds.

    New additions:
    Lauryn (Lauryn1981)
    START: 167, CURRENT: 164, GOAL LOSS:6 -- PROGRESS: -3.0lbs
    Connie (Connieq288)Start 273, Current 275, Goal Loss 12 lbs--- Progress + 2 lbs
    Amy (Amylou24) ---START: 160, Current 158.4, GOAL LOSS: 10, PROGRESS - 1.6lbs
    Shanell (Nellienell12) ---START: 213.5, GOAL LOSS: 12, PROGRESS: -3.5 lbs
    Tammara (drtamm) ---START 232, CURRENT 230, GOAL 8lbs,PROGRESS -2lbs
    Tan (tjones7) Start 298, Current 297, Goal 20 pounds Progress is -1 pound

    This is what Ive ate so far today..
    1. fiber one cereal, almond milk, banana
    2.protein bar
    3. 8 pieces of sushi (california rolls)

    Later I will probly eat:
    4. strawberries, chz stick, salsa and hint of lime chips
    5. Spaghetti and meatballs

    Exercise today... Already went on a vigorous 45 minute walk with some friends, it was up and down hill walking. May go get on the treadmill later, or go the park and jog a little.

    Well, Im going to do some HW! Ill check back ladies!! Have a great afternoon!!


    Created by - Easy Calorie Counting
  • cassangelidy

    Thanks Rhiannon!! I'm feeling the love. :happy:
    Things are going....okay....DD and I are doing good, we are safe and happy together...trying to get in some resemblence of a routine....We are back in our home..."he" is out, living with a friend. So we have our stuff and our surroundings and that has seemed to help a lot.

    I got on the scale this morning, telling myself if I only gained 3 pounds I'd be happy...well...I only gained .2 pounds over the last couple weeks. So officially I'm at 186.2. I'm pretty darn happy about that considering that I will go one day with eating hardly anything and then the next eating a package of cookies. I'm going to give myself a goal of 2 pounds by next week. I will have missed my original goal of 8 pounds during this challenge, but if I can end up under 185, I'll be super happy.

    It is just really hard for me to get motivated...and stay on track when I'm not in the mood to eat. Today...I've had coffee, a banana and a yogart...and its 12:30.

    I'll try to get going here!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey hey ladies. Quick check in again from me!

    Cass!!!! (**Squeals with excitement!**) I'm SO happy to hear from you and that you are doing well! You can totally get back on track here...I have faith in you, my friend!

    Alrighty ladies...let's stay on track for this last week! WE CAN DO IT!!!!!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I hit 160 today. :noway:
    I started at 167. :noway:
    Omgosh, I am pee-in-my-pants happy!!!!!!
    Amy... Sixers Holiday Challenge
    Rhiannon... Sixers Holiday Challenge
    Katy...Twenty Something Holiday Challenge, Sixers Holiday Challenge
    Lauryn... Sixers Holiday Challenge
    AmyLou... Sixers Holiday Challenge
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Hello everyone. I am in such a bad mood, due to TOM is due this week. UGH!!!:grumble:
    But, as of this morning, I did lose 1/2 a lb. this week though.

    Good luck to everyone for this last final week.:flowerforyou:

    Old crew:
    Cathy (Chipper) START W:217.2 ----CURR W: 214.0 GOAL LOSS 10/12----PROGRESS -3.2
    Amy (pdxmomof2) SW 195...CW 195........GW 183.......PROGRESS 0.0
    Cass (cassangelidy) ---- SW: 189.8---CW: 186.0---PROGRESS: -3.8lbs .
    Rhiannon (PedalHound) ---- SW: 181lbs---CW 178.2 lbs---PROGRESS: -2.8lbs
    Deb (DebLaf) SW:204.4 CW: 200.2 GW: 199--PROGRESS this week -0.8
    Katy (KatyK)--- SW:198--- GW: 186--- CW:184.0 --- PROGRESS -14lbs
    Robin (Pettmybunny) SW: 191.5~~~ GOAL LOSS: 10~~~ PROGRESS: -3.5
    Kristin (kistinbee) SW 161.5, GW 155.5, CW 162 Goal to lose 6 pounds.

    New additions:
    Lauryn (Lauryn1981)
    START: 167, CURRENT: 164, GOAL LOSS:6 -- PROGRESS: -3.0lbs
    Connie (Connieq288)Start 273, Current 275, Goal Loss 12 lbs--- Progress + 2 lbs
    Amy (Amylou24) ---START: 160, Current 158.4, GOAL LOSS: 10, PROGRESS - 1.6lbs
    Shanell (Nellienell12) ---START: 213.5, GOAL LOSS: 12, PROGRESS: -4.5 lbs
    Tammara (drtamm) ---START 232, CURRENT 230, GOAL 8lbs,PROGRESS -2lbs
    Tan (tjones7) Start 298, Current 297, Goal 20 pounds Progress is -1 pound

    Amy... Sixers Holiday Challenge
    Rhiannon... Sixers Holiday Challenge
    Katy...Twenty Something Holiday Challenge, Sixers Holiday Challenge
    Lauryn... Sixers Holiday Challenge
    AmyLou... Sixers Holiday Challenge
    Shanell... Sixers Holiday Challenge
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Cass my dear!!! I'm so glad to hear a happier tone from you - sounds like a positive direction :heart: :flowerforyou: :happy: Good for you for taking care of yourself!

    Lauryn, wahoooo!!! Good on ya girlfriend :happy: Very positive!

    Well, it seems like my total and utter lack of discretion this past week has refreshed a sugar addiction in my body. :angry: But if I'm aware I'm able to kick it. I made the ridiculous choice of buying some cookies at the store and had... a few... so I decided to take action. I got my step out (the perks of being a trainer include having a TON of equipment here at home ...step, hand weights, exercise ball.....) put on some dance music and choreographed myself some step work, worked out for 40 mins to the music, and burned 400 cals :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I'll have my interval class tonight and may also have time for my C25K week 3 day 2 but either way I've made up for the cookies (the bakery was baking while I was there and it was just too much for my poor weak self to take today. NO MORE EXCUSES. It was just a really bad call.) and that feels REALLY good. It was a great "step class" too - I would love to teach again. hehe
    Well, I just had to come confess and I'm so glad I did - great to see you guys Cass and Lauryn!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Old crew:
    Cathy (Chipper) START W:217.2 ----CURR W: 214.0 GOAL LOSS 10/12----PROGRESS -3.2
    Amy (pdxmomof2) SW 195...CW 195........GW 183.......PROGRESS 0.0
    Cass (cassangelidy) ---- SW: 189.8---CW: 186.0---PROGRESS: -3.8lbs .
    Rhiannon (PedalHound) ---- SW: 181lbs---CW 178.2 lbs---PROGRESS: -2.8lbs
    Deb (DebLaf) SW:204.4 CW: 200.2 GW: 199--PROGRESS this week -0.8
    Katy (KatyK)--- SW:198--- GW: 186--- CW:184.0 --- PROGRESS -14lbs
    Robin (Pettmybunny) SW: 191.5~~~ GOAL LOSS: 10~~~ PROGRESS: -3.5
    Kristin (kistinbee) SW 161.5, GW 155.5, CW 162 Goal to lose 6 pounds.

    New additions:
    Lauryn (Lauryn1981)
    START: 167, CURRENT: 160, GOAL LOSS:6 -- PROGRESS: -7.0lbs
    Connie (Connieq288)Start 273, Current 275, Goal Loss 12 lbs--- Progress + 2 lbs
    Amy (Amylou24) ---START: 160, Current 158.4, GOAL LOSS: 10, PROGRESS - 1.6lbs
    Shanell (Nellienell12) ---START: 213.5, GOAL LOSS: 12, PROGRESS: -4.5 lbs
    Tammara (drtamm) ---START 232, CURRENT 230, GOAL 8lbs,PROGRESS -2lbs
    Tan (tjones7) Start 298, Current 297, Goal 20 pounds Progress is -1 pound
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    WOW KATY, LOOKIT YOU GO!! :noway:
    :bigsmile: :wink: :laugh: :bigsmile: :wink: :laugh: :bigsmile: :wink: :laugh: :bigsmile: :wink: :laugh: :bigsmile: :wink: :laugh:
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Cass - good for you!! I'm glad to hear that you are doing okay! :smile:

    Katy - oh my goodness girl! How ever do you do it? Rock on!!

    Lauryn - woohooo!!!!!!!! So excited for you! :bigsmile:

    Pedal - I would have done the same thinking with the cookies, good for you getting out the step and working it off!!

    Nellie - 1/2 a pound is STILL 1/2 a pound!!!!

    Just checking in, keep up the good work today ladies!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey hey AGAIN! Man...I am getting bad again! :laugh: Oh well. AWESOME to choreograph some stuff. My dream is to get certified to teach some fitness classes. I would LOVE to teach BodyPump and Step...LOVE those classes. But I am still far from that...just something I would love to do someday.

    Lauryn...OMG!!!! How AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: WTG girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Shanell...nice job this week! 1/2 pound is great! Keep it up! I know you can get through the dreaded TOM!!!!

    I am SO excited about going to Step class tonight but a little nervous as it will be my first time back since hurting my back...I SO hope that it goes well! I am SO excited for the next challenge also...I have a few ideas of goals for us to make...I'll share them when we start the new challenge. I'm really thinking we will be going with Sixers Holiday Challenge...but still waiting on the remaining gals to cast their votes!

    Well, have a FABULOUS evening girls and if I don't get back on tonight (probably not with the dreaded dial up at home) then I will check in in the morning!