Easter Bunnies Support Group!!!!



  • Kera885
    Kera885 Posts: 59
    Just weighed this morning and I'm at 170.8lbs, not sure if the little extra is from Easter (I tried to be good lol) or my upcoming TOM but hopefully I'll drop before next Monday :)
  • misssimone08
    As of right now my weight is 198lbs.
    44” breasts
    35” waist
    41” hips
    28” thighs
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    My weight: 254.3 (almost TOM so I'm going to worry more about measurements)

    Breast: 49 3/4
    Waist: 49
    Hips: 58 1/2
    thigh: 26 1/4
    calf: 17
    upper arm: 16
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    looks like we're really getting a little group going here :-)

    when do you guys weigh yourselves? i weigh myself before i've had breakfast and after i've exercised, so i am the lightest it would be humanly possible for me to be.... i find that the lower number on the scale really pushes me to work harder (so that i look forward to seeing it at the end of the day when i've eaten and am all plumped up!).
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Just got back from a long walk in the state park. trails and lots of hills, I feel it in my legs and honestly right now it feels great!! Everyone seems so ready to go, I love it!

    I also weigh first thing in morning, (after trip to the bathroom of course) I usually don't work out in the morning, I work rotating shifts so I'm either starting work, or getting off work at 6 am. So, I'm an afternoon worker outer. But so far at least I'm getting it done :)

    Hope everyone is having a great day, don't forget to drink and log your water all!
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    I weigh in the morning as well. I worked hard outdoors today, but I also completed my push-ups and stationary bike cardio. I have no idea how many calories I burned, I just know I shoveled sand, toted bricks, and mowed the lawn!
  • Hodgeypodgy
    So i'm just back from the gym, did 5k in 30 mins but would really like to get under that by the end of the week. I didn't manage to get swimming yesterday but hopefully will today.

    I weigh every time I go to the gym which is usually in the early hours of the morning, so I have had a full day of eating and drinking by then. So for my proper weekly weigh in I go as soon as I have woken up which is about 1430 in the afternoon.

    Have a good day everyone. x
  • KayleesTryin
    KayleesTryin Posts: 37 Member
    Hi everyone! I am in too! I am 29 (next week) with a fantastic hubby and a 22 month old little girl who is my world. I work the night shift so my contributions will probably be later than everyone else's but I promise I am here!

    Stats as of today, 04/25/11

    Height - 5'4"

    Start weight - 170.2
    R Bicep - 11.5"
    Bust - 40"
    Underbust - 37"
    Waist - 37"
    Hips - 44.5"
    R Thigh - 25"

    I am so hopeful to see these inches melt away! My goals for this week are upping my water intake to 8 glasses a day, and 30 minutes of cardio (at least!) everyday. I am so terrible with water that I think this one is going to be hard for me but I am COMMITTED!

    Good luck everyone, I look forward to taking this journey with you!
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    i'm already starting to wane with the diet!!! tell me the ice block in the freezer isn't calling my name- if i eat it, it will put me over my cals for the day......... unless i hop on the elliptical thingy for a bit. but todays meant to be a rest day!!! choices, choices!

    and welcome everyone!
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    Hey Guys!!!

    Sorry for the late post!


    Goal for this challenge: 145.0 (well ideally 143.0... but we'll see)

    I will have my measurements on the 28th (my measurement day)

    I am starting the 30DS on May 1... so we will see how that goes....

    As we ALL know, swimsuit season is just around the corner, so i really hope to do pilates and yoga to get all firm and toned...

    Lets rock this ladies!!!!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Morning everyone! I see e have some night workers here. I also rotate month of days, month of nights. So you all wont' be alone with your late night postings.
    I am not going to be aable to get my exercise today. Work this morning and 6 hr car ride this afternoon. (round trip). So I have to be strong with my food choices.
    Joni, did you stay away from your ice box? Wish I would have been online at that time, I would have talked louder for you to stay away, especially late at night.

    All have a great day, don't forget the water!!
  • sweetnic
    sweetnic Posts: 66 Member
    Good morning! I didn't get a chance to post my weight and measurements yesterday. I took the kids to a botanical garden in Richmond yesterday and they RAN for almost 3 hours straight! I got some good exercise chasing after them! It was nice and hot out yesterday, which made me not want to eat much - YAY!!! - I needed that, especially coming off the horrible, terrible weekend of eating Easter candy.

    Weight - 177
    Upper arm - 16.5
    Waist - 38
    Hips - 44
    Thigh - 25

    Oh - my goal this week, as silly as it sounds, is too not get sucked into buying Easter candy on clearance. I have to go to Target today and grocery shopping tomorrow and I ALWAYS buy holiday candy when it is 1/2 off.
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    Hi Bunnies,

    I need help. Please tell me how to break this plateau. Is my cardio ineffective? I usually walk, but I injured my heel and had to lay off and went to stationary bike. Do you think that is it? HELP! Please review my diary if you have time. Thanks in advance
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Hi all, my weight on Monday was 219lbs. Will post measurements later :)
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Hi Bunnies,

    I need help. Please tell me how to break this plateau. Is my cardio ineffective? I usually walk, but I injured my heel and had to lay off and went to stationary bike. Do you think that is it? HELP! Please review my diary if you have time. Thanks in advance

    Hey Tammy, switching to bike might have something to do with it. I can feel for you with the heel pain, nothing on earth like it. Maybe you want to try to take in a few less carbs for a couple days, I know that always helps me. Carbs make me gain, period. otherwise, just hang tough and don't give up, it'll kick in again. Sometimes just takes time.
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    I didn't get my exercise in today, but I knew that I wasn't so I tried really hard to have a good food day. I think I did, I stayed under cals and ate healthy food. Tomorrow back on the treadmill. Unless it stops raining then I'm gonna get outside for a long, fast walk and some yard work. Stay strong all. We can do this.
  • Hodgeypodgy
    I managed another run today (well technically yesterday as it was just before midnight) but didn't manage my swim. For some reason the knee injury I got the other day is fine running but the twistng sideways action of swimming hurts like hell. So will have to rest up on the swiming until it is better. I managed 5k in 30 mins and 5 secs though so just a little bit faster and I will be sub 30 mins.

    Foodwise I am eating pretty much the same day in day out as I work on a base where it is all provided for you. Chicken and salad is the healthiest option by far. I am going to try and mix it up a bit though so I don't get bored. I have become addicted to the Quakers Chewy Peanut Butter Granola bars and have two with a cup of tea at midnight. I might have to reassess this though if my weight loss stalls. The other thing I'm worried about is that I eat my meals backwards because of working nights. So when I get up I have my largest meal (chicken salad), then around 2230 I have a chicken wrap, then snacks of fruit and cereal bars until my breakfast of Special K, literally just before I go to bed. I don't know if this will affect my weight loss in time?? I also need to make sure I get in three meals, as sometimes because of lack of time, I don't.

    I am getting plenty of water down my neck though and a constanly on the toilet!!

    Hope everyone has a good day !
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Hi Bunnies,

    I need help. Please tell me how to break this plateau. Is my cardio ineffective? I usually walk, but I injured my heel and had to lay off and went to stationary bike. Do you think that is it? HELP! Please review my diary if you have time. Thanks in advance

    hi tammy.
    i don't know. i think swimming may be a good one for you to do if you can. i agree with pp tho, and suggest just for a few days to drop the carbs abit to see if that can nudge you.

    AFM, i did stay away from the freezer the other night... but i really struggle with the whole snacking at night thing.

    i went for a run today- got up at 530am to go before work. i ran for 15 minutes, and just couldn't seem to go anymore. my legs were ok, i wasn't too much out of puff. i just psyched myself out. i'm totally doubting myself now, which is crap considering i bought the 1/2 marathon ticket the other day (for oct). it just seems like such a big hill to climb.
    but tomorrow i'll get back on it.

    tell me, when you're training at it says 'run for 1hr', do you think that's non-stop?

    and hodgey- i know what you mean about being on the loo- me too! at least you've got something to keep you awake at night though!!

    i don't work nights, but i am in new zealand and i do work shifts. so i'll be posting at the same time as you night shifters. i worked nights for ages (i'm a nurse) and i don't miss them at all! i'd put on soooooo much weight. pancakes at 3am ain't that good for you apparantly!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Morning all!
    Working nights I also eat my biggest meal at night. But if you think about it, it is actually morning for us. I try to stop eating about 3 or 4 hours before I know I am going to bed, whatever time that may be. Obviously I don't know if this is going to work, since I've only been doing it since beginning of april. And my weight loss is slow compared to some of yours. 1 to 1.25 a week. But it's steady and that's good for me.

    I'm gonna get the kids to school, and get on my treadmill. Since I missed yesterday I'm going to try for an hour today. Outside that is ieasy, inside on the treadmill I get bored. But it's raining :frown: so I'm stuck. Be strong all, drink water!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Bojour & Hodgey, great job on the running, keep it up. You can be ready for anything!