New Round of P90X starts Feb 28th! Join me! Cont'd....



  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    question for my P90x friends - today is the last day of week 3 phase 2 (or day 49) - however, this past week, I missed tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (or days 45, 46, 47, and 48) workouts. I did Kenpo X tonight just because I wanted to try out my HRM.

    So my question - should I do this week over so tomorrow is day 1 of week3 phase 2 (or day 43) or should I just go into recovery week and finish out the program?

    Thanks in advance!

    I would do the workouts you missed before moving on.
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    Yesterday was YogaX for me. I find it hard to put in 90 minutes workout with the children around so I put them to bed, went to the basement and dimmed out the light. Yoga is supposed to be relaxing so dimming out the light helped with the mood and i wasn't afraid to be interrupted. It really helped me calm down and by the time I was done I was ready to go to bed.

    Once, I tried yoga with the heater on. I heard bikhram yoga is done in an overheated room so I tried that. The heat is supposed to help with flexibility and it did help me. However, I sweat enought during YogaX so I have not repeated that. :)
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    It sounds like you missed 2 strength workouts... I personally would do the week over. I am always ok missing the cardio workouts ... but I try very hard to get in the strength workouts! :)

    And now Yoga ... I have found a love/hate/love relationship with Yoga! Its like a mountain that I try to climb!

    yes - I missed 2 strength workouts - and that is what I was thinking, I should do the week over, but then again, I also feel like pushing on, I plan on doing another round of P90x (and another and another...hehehehe)

    I don't know what I am going to do, but I know I am not stopping!

    If you are trying to stay on a schedule, then move on. If you got some time to work with, I would do the week over to get those strength workouts the long run, it won't make too much difference, especially if you plan on doing multiple rounds.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Happy Easter evening!

    Back in the hotel :(

    Heading into week two of Phase 3 and I will need to shake up the week to account for my travel day on Friday. I want to have Cardio-X on Friday due to it being a short work out and I need to knock it out around 4:30am. I am looking at the following schedule (let me know if any of you see any issues with doing it this way):
    Monday: Chest, Shoulders and Triceps plus ARX
    Tuesday: Kenpo-X (usually Cardio-X)
    Wednesday: Back and Biceps + ARX
    Thursday: Yoga-X
    Friday: Cardio-X (usually Core-Syn)
    Saturday: Core Synergistics (usually Kenpo-X)
    Sunday: X-Stretch

    No strength routines back to back, Core-Syn is pushed back to allow a little more muscle repair and no back to back cardio either and I get the short work out in on Friday morning. I think it will work.

    @Soccermum...don't think I would like the increased heat with Yoga-X, I sweat enough...but I may dim the lights. I do everything now by sound anyway. I may try that this Thursday...

    @MAK_01 Your are so close! Are you planning another round or are you doing something else?

    Enjoy the new week, all!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    As it turns out i was right, with all the Easter festivities today I didn't have time for yoga so I wrappped up day 89 with cardio X. Tomorrow is day 90!! I'll post pics and measurements probably later in the day tomorrow.

    As for what's next. I'm going to take a couple days off :) then I'm going to start a new program but not p90x. I'll still work some of the DVD's in during the week. Over this summer I'm going to try doing my workout in the morning (and I honestly don't think I can get up an hour early to do the p90x DVD's). In the evenings I run agility with my dog so between that and all the other stuff I have to do after work I'm not sure I can work an hour in for p90x.
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    P90X is over. :sad:

    Insanity Day 1 is set for tonight or tomorrow. :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Goodluck to the rest of ya!

  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    Is anyone else getting "bored" with the workouts? I am in week 9 of the Lean Program (Shoulders & Arms today). I love the way I feel and how my body is changing, but I am ready to move onto something new, maybe it's just my ADD acting up, lol
  • ravdaddy
    ravdaddy Posts: 1
    Great to know their are P90xer's on here! I finished day 11 today of the Lean. (Legs and Back) Totally loving it! Haven't seen the weight loss I would like but I know it will happen. Has anyone calculated how many grams of protein are required for a Level 3 Phase 1 diet on P90x? Feeling a little bonked from lots of protein and little fat and carbs.
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Has anyone calculated how many grams of protein are required for a Level 3 Phase 1 diet on P90x? Feeling a little bonked from lots of protein and little fat and carbs.

    That depends on your body weight. Set your nutrition guide to custom and put in the percentages P90X recommends for Phase 3. There ya go.
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    Is anyone else getting "bored" with the workouts? I am in week 9 of the Lean Program (Shoulders & Arms today). I love the way I feel and how my body is changing, but I am ready to move onto something new, maybe it's just my ADD acting up, lol

    I am not getting bored, but I am taking zumba 2x a week in place of yoga and cardio - but otherwise, I like the fact that I recognize the workouts and know what to expect and I look forward to improving with each go around...
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    P90X is over. :sad:

    Insanity Day 1 is set for tonight or tomorrow. :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Goodluck to the rest of ya!


    Are you going to post results for us?
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    I finished day 44 (again) today - doing week 3 of phase 2 over - did Zumba and used the HRM - I burned 688 calories - cool, I have previously only been logging between 400-500 (just guessing) so I am happy!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Is anyone else getting "bored" with the workouts? I am in week 9 of the Lean Program (Shoulders & Arms today). I love the way I feel and how my body is changing, but I am ready to move onto something new, maybe it's just my ADD acting up, lol

    Im kinda a dork ... I actually prefer knowing what we will happening. There are a couple of videos though I wish he would stop talking and get to the moves... but no otherwise I am quite happy with P90X right now! :)
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    With that... I have finished P90X!! And now for the good stuff :)
    Weight - start: 200.5 - finish: 178.5
    Chest - start: 44 - finish: 39.5 = Loss 4.5 inches
    Waist - start: 41.5 - finish: 37 = Loss 4.5 inches
    Hips - start: 47 - finish: 41.5 = Loss 5.5 inches
    R Thigh - start: 28 - finish: 26.5 = Loss 1.5 inches
    L Thigh - start: 28.5 - finish: 26 = Loss 2.5 inches
    R Arm - start: 16 - finish: 14 = Loss 2 inches
    L Arm - start: 15 - finish: 14 = Loss 1 inch

    And finally the pics... <gulp> I'm hoping these work.
    Day 1:
    Day 90:
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    With that... I have finished P90X!! And now for the good stuff :)
    Weight - start: 200.5 - finish: 178.5
    Chest - start: 44 - finish: 39.5 = Loss 4.5 inches
    Waist - start: 41.5 - finish: 37 = Loss 4.5 inches
    Hips - start: 47 - finish: 41.5 = Loss 5.5 inches
    R. Thigh - start: 28 - finish: 26.5 = Loss 1.5 inches
    L. Thigh - start: 28.5 - finish: 26 = Loss 2.5 inches
    R Arm - start: 16 - finish: 14 = Loss 2 inches
    L arm - start: 15 - finish: 14 = Loss 1 inch

    And finally the pics... <gulp> I'm hoping these work.
    Day 1:
    Day 90:

    Great Job Mak! But the pictures are so little, I can't really see them...fabulous weight loss and inches lost!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    removing duplicate.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Great Job Mak! But the pictures are so little, I can't really see them...fabulous weight loss and inches lost!

    Thank you so much!!
    Yeah I'm still working on the pics ! Trying not to put giant one's on the site :smile:
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    With that... I have finished P90X!! And now for the good stuff :)
    Weight - start: 200.5 - finish: 178.5
    Chest - start: 44 - finish: 39.5 = Loss 4.5 inches
    Waist - start: 41.5 - finish: 37 = Loss 4.5 inches
    Hips - start: 47 - finish: 41.5 = Loss 5.5 inches
    R Thigh - start: 28 - finish: 26.5 = Loss 1.5 inches
    L Thigh - start: 28.5 - finish: 26 = Loss 2.5 inches
    R Arm - start: 16 - finish: 14 = Loss 2 inches
    L Arm - start: 15 - finish: 14 = Loss 1 inch

    And finally the pics... <gulp> I'm hoping these work.
    Day 1:
    Day 90:

    Awesome work, girl! I am proud of you!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Awesome work, girl! I am proud of you!

    Thank you so much! I couldn't have done it without my fellow P90X'ers :smile:
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Happy Monday, P90X Peeps!

    Killed Chest Shoulder and Triceps today...upped the weights and failed pretty much where I wanted to. I kept off of my knees a lot further in to the routine than normal and upped my pushup count. I can really feel it in my shoulders and chest right now which means I will REALLY feel it tomorrow.

    Saved best for last...ALL 349 moves of Ab Ripper X CONQUERED...Did those damn Mason Twists with a couple of fumes left in the tank at the end of the bonus reps. It is now time to go out and hunt and kill a weighted vest (I don't shop, I hunt and kill merchandise). I need something to make it harder now and BRING IT! a little bit more. I still can't see those damn abdominal muscles, but I know that they are there waiting to poke out like Puxatawny Phil. Gotta get that fat percentage down...

    Doing Kenpo-X tomorrow instead of Cardio-X (saving Cardio-X for the travel day) and plan on using the 3# dumb bells...makes a huge difference in the calorie burn, all and really works the shoulders, forearms, and obliques when you sling those weights.

    Huge props to Adam and MAK_01 for completing P90X...congratulations on the dedication and progress! In four weeks, I will be where you guys are!

    Past my bed time, gang. Goodnight!
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