Any Women Who are 5'6??



  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    I'm 5'5.5", and I'm aiming for 140-145 pounds here.
  • minburke
    minburke Posts: 241 Member
    I'm 5'6" or 5'51 rounded up according to google, 168cm.
    I'm currently 69.7kg (153.6lb). My current goal is to 65kg (143lb) but I wouldn't mind trying for 60kg (132lb) that would make my BMI 21.3 which would be great. See how I go!
  • minburke
    minburke Posts: 241 Member
    I'm in Australia, so I've had my converter open while I've been reading all these posts. :huh:

    I'm 5'5 (165cm) and when I got married in June 2009 I was 110lbs (50kg), since then with medication changes I went up to 138 (63kg)

    Now I'm happy to be aiming at 121 (55kg) because I wanted to get more definition to my (little) muscles.

    AND can I say, it seems crazy to me that in Aus we tend to talk about losing 5kg, and that's a big accomplishment - in lbs that's like 11lbs, and so much more of an amazing sounding result.
    Dress sizes are awesome too - in Aus we usually start from a size 6. At 110lbs I was a good size 8. So seeing you ladies reaching a size 4etc is crazy confusing to me... :smile:

    I know! I think a US6 is about an AU12.. Or something similar so a 4 is a 10 and so on..
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Hi! I'm 5"6' and have been maintaining since last summer at around 121... but consider my maintenance range from 121-124.
  • shellyxxxxx
    shellyxxxxx Posts: 143
    im 5"6 i would love to get down to at least 135 but unfortunatley my chest weighs at least 14 pounds lol any lower than that and i would keep falling over i think lol x im currently 171 and so desperate to reach my goal but nothing seems to be working at the moment x
  • operadiva222
    I am also 5'6". I weight 135-136 now. I tend to yo-yo a LOT. I would love to be (a healthy) 120. We'll see how it goes! Good luck all!
  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
    Wow how interesting. It sounds like most people are aiming from anywhere from 110 - 160 pounds. There is no perfect weight for everyone. It's whatever our body types allow. Personally I have a pear, soon to be hourglass shape so I carry alot of weight in my hips and thighs. I currently am 152 and my first goal is 140. I will see how I feel and keep taking it down another 5 pounds until I am satisfied and my body is able to maintain that weight. The lowest I ever got was when I was 14, I got to 125 after being sick and my ribs and hip bones stuck out quite far. Considering the fact that now I am 23, have C cups and am taller than I was at 14, I think 135-140 is probably more my ideal weight. Again, I won't know as it has been years since I have even seen the 150s! To me 125 sounds rather perfect, but I also don't want to get obsessed with my weight again.
  • micki59
    micki59 Posts: 25

    I am new here too. I'm about 5'6" maybe and a 1/2". I'm 51 and the heaviest I've ever been in my whole life. I would be happy to be back to 170 but would love to see 150 or 140. I can't wrap my head around losing that much weight. It is hard to do the older you get. I love seeing pics of women/people as they lose. I know besides health reasons, appearance is great motivation and the variety of people here is great. I wish you all the luck and perseverance and hope i can hang in there and lose with everyone!
  • flipyourcoin
    Currently 145
    Goal 130-135

    I think it is important to be toned and strong, so if I look good and still weigh more than my goal weight, I will still be satisfied. Keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat. If you're not sure if your weight is due to muscle or fat, a good idea would be to keep track of body circumference measurements from your waist, hips, and thighs. But only measure about once a week. Daily you may fluctuate in measurements due to bloating and the amount of water you drink.
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    I'm 5' 6.5" (used to be 5' 7" waah!), and I currently weigh 131 lbs (15% body fat)., which is a little more than I'd like to weigh. Once I get close to 127, I'll re-evaluate. I'm trying to get healthy and lean, not be a stick figure.

    It's hard once you get close to your goal, b/c there is a fine line b/t eating too much (and gaining weight) to not eating enough (and losing muscle). I'm working that out now.
  • tummymummy
    Hi, Im nearer to 5'5 and my goal was 147 but when I got there I thought I could lose some more so trying for 135 but tbh I dont think I would suit any less than that, There can definitely be a huge variance in weights for the same height,
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member

    I am new here too. I'm about 5'6" maybe and a 1/2". I'm 51 and the heaviest I've ever been in my whole life. I would be happy to be back to 170 but would love to see 150 or 140. I can't wrap my head around losing that much weight. It is hard to do the older you get. I love seeing pics of women/people as they lose. I know besides health reasons, appearance is great motivation and the variety of people here is great. I wish you all the luck and perseverance and hope i can hang in there and lose with everyone!
    You can do it! I joined here a couple of months before my 49th birthday. I'm 50 years old and about 30 pounds lighter now, and it's the smallest I've been in about 30 years. It's never too late. :heart:
  • JPRobocker
    JPRobocker Posts: 74 Member
    I'm 5'6"
    My goal weight is 125-130
    I am at 135 now

    I don't mind 130-135 so long as I get toned. It really isn't all about just height and weight. It's also about body frame and build. Maybe next time you go in for a physical you can talk to your doctor about a good percent body fat goal. That is what I'm doing on Friday.
  • schninie82
    schninie82 Posts: 502 Member
    I am 5ft 6", goal weight 148 by october...i was 163 at the last count, so hope to get to 148 early... (fingers crossed)
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I am 5ft 5.3, and my goal weight is 125. I am weighing 150 atm (150 in profile picture)
  • Mandi1968
    Mandi1968 Posts: 30 Member
    I am 5'6", my goal is 131.5.
  • Alison_84
    Alison_84 Posts: 86
    I'm 5'6" and my goal weight is 140... However I would be happy at 145 if I am toned and, most importantly, fit into the jeans that have been hanging out in my closet gathering dust for the past couple of years!!

    The lowest weight I can remember being (after puberty!) is 137.. I was quite thin then (though still didn't think so), still could've toned up though, so I guess I could potentially be 135 but definitely not lower than that.

    My current weight is around 150, body fat is at 27% (down from 159, 29%)
  • carolinenp
    carolinenp Posts: 125 Member
    I'm 5'6 and I started at 276! I would like to get to 175. And mayyyybe 150ish. We will see when I hit 175! The weekends are soooo hard!
  • solsburyhill
    i'm 5'7" and my goal is 150. i was anorexic for a point in my life, and my lowest weight was still only 135lbs. i looked sick and bony, even though i wasn't the traditional 95lb girl you see displayed for eating disorder posters, and it's because i am tall, and have a large frame and heavy bone mass. currently, i am 174lbs.
  • Lorijo50
    Lorijo50 Posts: 20
    I am 5' 6'' and weigh 175, lost 7 pounds since I started here. My goal is 145. I got down to that a few years ago and thought it looked pretty good.