30 Day Shred - April 19 to May 18



  • chryciw
    chryciw Posts: 124 Member
    L1D8 done!
  • ak248902
    ak248902 Posts: 141 Member
    Ok... I am finally back on track! I did L1D2 yesterday and then L1D3 this morning. I do have a lot more energy at work this morning and I love the way it makes me feel. I still stuggle through some of the exercises, but they are getting easier.

    Have a great Monday!
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 560 Member
    L1D4 complete
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Ok... I am finally back on track! I did L1D2 yesterday and then L1D3 this morning. I do have a lot more energy at work this morning and I love the way it makes me feel. I still stuggle through some of the exercises, but they are getting easier.

    Awesome to hear that you have more energy at work :) I swear working out is an instant energy burst for me, I always feel so full of life after any workout.

    I completed Level 1 Day #7 today!! Wohoooo only 3 more of this level to go than on to level 2 *nervous*
  • sparkle327
    I had an awful stomach bug over the weekend. I was able to get the Shred in on Friday but not Saturday or Sunday. I plan to get back on it this evening.

    Looks like everyone is doing a great job!
  • sparkle327
    Day 10 L2 Complete!! Moving on to L3 tomorrow!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Day 10 L2 Complete!! Moving on to L3 tomorrow!

    Did u start on Level 2? or are you just rotating thru them? Since you've already done level 2 - how do u like that one?

    I completed Level 1 Day #8 today.. wohoo!! The end of Level 1 is near.

    Where is everyone?? There were lots more people who expressed interest at the beginning. Maybe ppl are just sticking with it and not posting??
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    I have gained about 3 pounds and am only on day 6!! Well, TOM is right around the corner, so I am sure that has something to do with it, but still....

    In fact, I was so frustrated with the whole thing yesterday that I didn't do my 30 DS OR my C25K!!! I was totally miffed off and didn't care!!! Had a tiny meltdown with my husband after kiddos went to bed. UG!!! Rough day!!!

    But thankfully today is a new day and we just need to keep on rollin'!!!

    I am determined to do day 6 today and keep right on working towards that 30 day goal! On a brighter note, it has been getting a bit easier and I do feel stronger!

    Great JOb fellow shredders! I am super thankful for all you guys! We CAN do this and Thanks for being there to support and motivate!
  • jsonnett02
    jsonnett02 Posts: 110
    I just started 30 Day Shred yesterday....finally found my motivation but thought I would join on here to help me stay more accountable! D1L1 completed 4/25!! Did that after 3 days of running in a row and my quads are spent!! But I will carry on and work it out!!! YEAH!!! I love Jillian :)
  • sparkle327
    I started with L1. But it took me forever to finish it I was not very consistent. I am not even sure I made it to 10 days. So I moved on to L2 and have been determined to do 10 days. I really liked L2. It starts right out with ‘walking pushups’, ugh. But surprisingly they get easier. I had to modify on a few of the exercises but overall I really enjoyed L2. I also started to use a heavier weight on some of the exercises in Days 5-10 of L2.

    I am not sure where everyone is. But I have to post. Otherwise I will not try to do it every day. That is what happened to me on Level 1. I just did not stick with it.

    Stick with it!! Just stay committed thru the the gains, losses. It will all level out in the end.

    Welcome and good luck!!! Happy shredding!

    Have a good day!
  • mauck1975
    mauck1975 Posts: 77 Member
    I did L1d3 and L1d4 but I have been sick with something nasty:sick: so I have not done day 5 or 6. I will do twice a day to catch up:mad:
    Keep up the great work everyone!!!!
  • sexyhicksy
    Started My 30 day shred yesterday and its safe to say i am UNFIT!!!! I was breathless after a set of jumping jacks!!!


    but am determined to see it through

  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 560 Member
    Level 1 Day 5 complete... I too am getting tired of level 1. I had been doing it once or twice a week for a few months before we started this so I am to the point that I have memorized everything that Jillian says (and hear it in my head all day... ugh!.... "up and squeeze.... up and squeeze")

    Welcome sexyhicksy. Don't worry... Jillian doesn't lie when she says "your body will change in no time" (there it is in my head again)... it gets much easier much sooner than you think it will
  • sexyhicksy
    Just completed day 2 level 1 - felt a little fitter already! found myself not stopping half as much

    made me feel much more motivated yay!!!

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • hyper_stitch
    hyper_stitch Posts: 180 Member
    Ok I'm back :bigsmile: Day 5 Lvl 1 done, missed Sunday and yesterday in favour of other workouts, I am getting bored too but determined to stick with it this time and not progress too fast!

    Hope everyone's doing well and feeling stronger x
  • chryciw
    chryciw Posts: 124 Member
    Did L1D9 this morning... Ready to move onto Level 2, but I'm going to do one more day of 1. The jump rope in the beginning still kills me and the side lunges at the end. Looking forward to a change!

    I found that the first 6 days I gained 1 1/2 pounds, but now in the last 3 days I've lost 2 1/2 pounds. I'm wondering if something similar will happen when I move up to Level 2... (Hopefully it'll just keep going down)

    Keep it up everyone!! :)
  • sparkle327
    Day 1 L3....OMG!! All I am going to say is jumping jacks with weights, what the what!!! I spent a lot of time following Anita on the modification moves :flowerforyou:
  • mauck1975
    mauck1975 Posts: 77 Member
    L1D5 done:happy:

    we got this!!!:bigsmile:
  • chryciw
    chryciw Posts: 124 Member
    Finished off Level 1 this morning, on to Level 2 tomorrow.... Yikes!!
  • ak248902
    ak248902 Posts: 141 Member
    I completed Level 1 Day 4 this morning! Feeling great :)

    I even got my sister to start shredding!