Is it me or do I see slim ppl wanting to lose weight



  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    My profile picture is a picture of me and what I use to keeps me focused!!

    Mine too.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Oh, and my profile pic is exactly how I look right now!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    Mines real, taken about a week or so ago.
  • monkeybuttsmommy
    monkeybuttsmommy Posts: 343 Member
    I have seen anorexic girls on here (mainly teens) who were emaciated and looked like they came out of a concentration camp. They had ridiculous weight loss goals and even more ridiculous food diaries. A couple of girls were consuming only 500 calories a day and exercising enough to burn 500!! I said something to one of them in a private message voicing my concern and she immediately shot me down. I just leave them alone and focus on myself. I think they do it for attention.

    I have seen this too. MFP doesn't have an eating disorder filter or a self asteem filter. It deosn't screen for those just looking to do a fad diet or to lose the weight by any means necessary. I feel sorry for those that don't get that its a lifestyle change and I worry about the younger ones who would rather die then way more than 120 pounds!

    Also, to each his own. What works for one person won't work for another and judging purely by a profile pic is erronious. You won't have all the facts.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    My After picture....My legs are so thin yes?
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    I do get rather fed up with the "I weigh 115 and want to be 110" people. Especially if they are more than about 5'4".

    This would be me. I am trying to lose another 10 pounds of fat. sure im a healthy weight. But I want the flat tummy and am getting it.

    i see nothing wrong with slim girls looking to lose a few more lbs in their trouble areas.
  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
    Uh yeah, I agree! There's a LOT of anorexia running around on this site.....Body dismorphic disorder at it's finest!! Sad really.....

    Not a lot - if you seek you will find. There are a lot of legitimate goals on here - like many have said they are here for maintenance, support, sharing ideas etc. Some want to tone some want to shed - whatever the motivation it is no one's place to judge.

    Beauty and Fitness is truly in the eye of the beholder, often we look at others and think "too thin" or "too fat" how often do we actually look and think "just right". The same goes for our thoughts when we look in the mirror.

    If you don't agree with someone's size or goals don't friend them - don't criticize.

    Most are here for support, so if you can - provide it :)
    Uh OK.....Just to be honest....I HAVE body dismorphic disorder and I wouldn't wish it on any one. And, I don't go around "looking" for other people with ED's. You don't know anything about me or why I'm here. All my friends tell me that I am very good at motivating others! I was not criticizing anyone, because I AM that someone. You are rude, don't criticize, till you know ALL the facts.
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    My After picture....My legs are so thin yes?

    Totally jealous.
  • amandalc980
    amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member
    I see where you are coming from though. There are some people that you see their goals and wonder if you should mention something. Unfortunatly, this is a digital world, we don't really know the whole story for these people. Plus, one persons idea of a healthy weight could differ from another persons doctors idea of a healthy weight.

    I see that you are coming from a good place though. Plus if you see someone who is 140 and they are saying they want to lose 100 pounds you should probably say something. :flowerforyou:
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    I stopped reading all the replies, but to the OP:

    I do want to lose another 35 pounds and my profile picture is me...but it is me before I got pregnant and had a baby! So it is my motivation since I know I looked like that before! I know a lot of my friends on here do the same thing!
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    eating disorders are NOT for attention! I have been there and done that and still struggle with it from time to time! They are no fun! And not everybody is trying to lose weight, I have seen some who are trying to GAIN weight so they can be healthy. I carry most of my weight in my bottom half as well. None of my friends believe that I weigh as much as I say I do. A picture is a picture. I take face shots once a week now because my face is losing its chubbiness and is getting thinner every day. so are my fingers and my knees.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    This site (Thank Frickin' God!!) is open to everyone. skinny, fat, anorexic, black, blonde, whatever. And that's just the way we like it.

    I hate (that's right I said HATE) the way some on this thread got their self-righteous panties in a wad because they feel they have some jusitification to make comments about people and issues they have no clue about nor any reason to be speaking out loud.

    Then others who feel that they should jump on the trashing band wagon too, what is up with you!!

    I hate what you are doing in this thead but damn you all I have to defend your right to say it even if you are each and everyone a loathsome peice of human trash that get's your chuckles at other people's expense.

    You make me frackin' sick...
  • Tristis
    Tristis Posts: 288 Member
    Yeah, I have noticed that too. Also noticed some really young people on here wanting to lose weight when they are half nekkid in their profile pics with inverted bellies talking about only eating 500 calories a day. It sad when some people use this site to support their eating disorders! :( The intent of this site is to be HEALTHY.
  • dmisom79
    dmisom79 Posts: 112
    Mine looks exactly like me.

  • aliciadpo
    aliciadpo Posts: 69 Member
    Uh yeah, I agree! There's a LOT of anorexia running around on this site.....Body dismorphic disorder at it's finest!! Sad really.....

    A lot of pictures are old or when people were at the weight they want to reach. For instance, some people may look at me and say, "well, she's slim". I don't deny that I am not overweight but I do want to lose weight to be in the lower end of a healthy BMI. It's not sad.
    I wanted to join WW but I was actually itimidated to go because I didn't want people to judge me for not being "overweight". I told my mom this and she says, "well, you know....this one girl in there is so skinny, she doesn't need to be in there, it's ridiculous!!" < how do you know she's not in maintenance?? I couldn't have been happier to have found this site and see other women with similar goals. It is hard to lose just 10-15 lbs when you're already in the 140 range.
    Plus, if someone is really short, they're 110 or 105 lbs could actually be a healthy weight. idk, maybe I haven't seen a lot of girls who are "anorexic" or "body dismorphic at it's finest" but if I did see someone who was in the 110-115 range want to lose 15-20lbs, maybe you could send a kind message about self esteem, they don't deserve to be judged anymore than an overweight person does.
  • Kolohe71
    Kolohe71 Posts: 613 Member
    MFP and calorie counting are NOT just for those that are looking to LOSE weight. Over eating is as much an ED as eating too little, and if this program can work for one, why not the other? Just maybe some of those "Slim People" are struggling to get to and maintian a healthy weight like the rest of us. They just happen to have a starting point at the opposite end of the spectrum.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    many people are probably near their goals, but are working towards perfection... It may seem over the top to me ( a chubba) but i commend them on their dedication, and i guess it's better to be addicted to healthy eating and fitness than crack and gambling for example...

    i couldn't have a go at people if they are just trying to be healthy and fit. every step closer i get to my goal, the goal goes down.

    originally i wanted to get to pre-pregnancy, now i'm only 6kg from that weight, and i'm setting my sights higher, to 10kg more, back to when i was single, and wearing a bikini. i used to think it was unattainable, but i know it is attainable with hard work. so why shouldn't we aim for the best we can be.
  • unhinge
    unhinge Posts: 318 Member
    Mine looks exactly like me.

    LMAO, I wish!
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    being slim, being healthy, being toned are all different

    a slim person may just want to tone up, they may want to target a specific "problem" area. I don't think it's for attention. We all have issues with our bodies ...

    Just because your skinny doesn't mean your fit (athletically fit)

    Thats why I love this site...theres people from all fitness levels.
  • Clonekuh
    Clonekuh Posts: 92 Member
    At first I was a little sad to see people so concerned over being their current size when they already accomplished great things and looked amazing, but then I had to remind myself that's not really what this site is for. Still, would be nice to see people celebrating their awesomeness more, no? Those threads make me happy when they pop up.
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